SDLPoP, a port/conversion of the DOS game Prince of Persia.
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Dávid Nagy
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The authors of this program may be contacted at http://forum.princed.org
#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
# include <SDL2/SDL.h>
# include <SDL2_image/SDL_image.h>
# ifdef USE_MIXER
# include <SDL2_mixer/SDL_mixer.h>
# endif
# include <SDL.h>
# include <SDL_image.h>
# ifdef USE_MIXER
# include <SDL_mixer.h>
# endif
#error This program is not (yet) prepared for big endian CPUs, please contact the author.
// This macro is from SDL_types.h / SDL_stdinc.h .
// It used to be #undefined at the end of that file, but since some time in 2006 it's kept available.
// And SDL's definition changed in SDL 2.0.6, which caused a warning at this redefinition.
// So we should just use the macro from SDL and not define our own.
/* Make sure the types really have the right sizes */
#define SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(name, x) \
typedef int SDL_dummy_ ## name[(x) * 2 - 1]
// "far" and "near" makes sense only for 16-bit
#define far
#define near
#define __pascal
#define malloc_near malloc
#define malloc_far malloc
#define free_near free
#define free_far free
#define memset_near memset
#define memset_far memset
#define memcpy_near memcpy
#define memcpy_far memcpy
typedef Uint8 byte;
typedef Sint8 sbyte;
typedef Uint16 word;
typedef Uint32 dword;
typedef struct rect_type {
short top,left,bottom,right;
} rect_type;
typedef struct piece {
byte base_id;
byte floor_left;
sbyte base_y;
byte right_id;
byte floor_right;
sbyte right_y;
byte stripe_id;
byte topright_id;
byte bottom_id;
byte fore_id;
byte fore_x;
sbyte fore_y;
} piece;
typedef struct tile_and_mod {
byte tiletype;
byte modifier;
} tile_and_mod;
typedef int __pascal far (*add_table_type)(short chtab_id, int id, sbyte xh, sbyte xl, int ybottom, byte blit, byte peel);
typedef struct back_table_type {
sbyte xh;
sbyte xl;
short y;
byte chtab_id;
byte id;
byte blit;
} back_table_type;
typedef struct midtable_type {
sbyte xh;
sbyte xl;
short y;
byte chtab_id;
byte id;
byte peel;
rect_type clip;
byte blit;
} midtable_type;
typedef struct wipetable_type {
short left;
short bottom;
sbyte height;
short width;
sbyte color;
sbyte layer;
} wipetable_type;
enum soundflags { sfDigi=1, sfMidi=2, soundflags_4=4, sfLoop=0x80 };
enum tiles {
tiles_0_empty = 0,
tiles_1_floor = 1,
tiles_2_spike = 2,
tiles_3_pillar = 3,
tiles_4_gate = 4,
tiles_5_stuck = 5,
tiles_6_closer = 6, // a.k.a. drop button
tiles_7_doortop_with_floor = 7, // a.k.a. tapestry
tiles_8_bigpillar_bottom = 8,
tiles_9_bigpillar_top = 9,
tiles_10_potion = 10,
tiles_11_loose = 11,
tiles_12_doortop = 12, // a.k.a. tapestry top
tiles_13_mirror = 13,
tiles_14_debris = 14, // a.k.a. broken floor
tiles_15_opener = 15, // a.k.a. raise button
tiles_16_level_door_left = 16, // a.k.a. exit door
tiles_17_level_door_right = 17,
tiles_18_chomper = 18,
tiles_19_torch = 19,
tiles_20_wall = 20,
tiles_21_skeleton = 21,
tiles_22_sword = 22,
tiles_23_balcony_left = 23,
tiles_24_balcony_right = 24,
tiles_25_lattice_pillar = 25,
tiles_26_lattice_down = 26, // a.k.a. lattice support
tiles_27_lattice_small = 27,
tiles_28_lattice_left = 28,
tiles_29_lattice_right = 29,
tiles_30_torch_with_debris = 30
enum chtabs {
id_chtab_0_sword = 0,
id_chtab_1_flameswordpotion = 1,
id_chtab_2_kid = 2,
id_chtab_3_princessinstory = 3,
id_chtab_4_jaffarinstory_princessincutscenes = 4,
id_chtab_5_guard = 5,
id_chtab_6_environment = 6,
id_chtab_7_environmentwall = 7,
id_chtab_8_princessroom = 8,
id_chtab_9_princessbed = 9
enum blitters {
blitters_0_no_transp = 0,
// It seems to me that the "or" blitter can be safely replaced with the "transparent" blitter.
blitters_2_or = 2,
blitters_3_xor = 3, // used for the shadow
blitters_9_black = 9,
blitters_10h_transp = 0x10,
/* 0x40..0x4F will draw a monochrome image with color 0..15 */
blitters_40h_mono = 0x40,
blitters_46h_mono_6 = 0x46, // used for palace wall patterns
blitters_4Ch_mono_12 = 0x4C // used for chomper blood
enum grmodes {
gmCga = 1,
gmHgaHerc = 2,
gmEga = 3,
gmTga = 4,
gmMcgaVga = 5
enum sound_modes {
smAuto = 0,
smAdlib = 1,
smGblast = 2,
smSblast = 3,
smCovox = 4,
smIbmg = 5,
smTandy = 6
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct link_type {
byte left,right,up,down;
} link_type;
typedef struct level_type {
byte fg[720];
byte bg[720];
byte doorlinks1[256];
byte doorlinks2[256];
link_type roomlinks[24];
byte used_rooms;
byte roomxs[24];
byte roomys[24];
byte fill_1[15];
byte start_room;
byte start_pos;
sbyte start_dir;
byte fill_2[4];
byte guards_tile[24];
byte guards_dir[24];
byte guards_x[24];
byte guards_seq_lo[24];
byte guards_skill[24];
byte guards_seq_hi[24];
byte guards_color[24];
byte fill_3[18];
} level_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(level_size, sizeof(level_type) == 2305);
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef SDL_Surface surface_type;
typedef SDL_Surface image_type;
typedef struct peel_type {
SDL_Surface* peel;
rect_type rect;
} peel_type;
typedef struct chtab_type {
word n_images;
word chtab_palette_bits;
word has_palette_bits;
// This is a variable-size array, with n_images elements.
image_type* far images[0];
} chtab_type;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct rgb_type {
byte r,g,b;
} rgb_type;
typedef struct dat_pal_type {
word row_bits;
byte n_colors;
rgb_type vga[16];
byte cga[16];
byte ega[32];
} dat_pal_type;
typedef struct dat_shpl_type {
byte n_images;
dat_pal_type palette;
} dat_shpl_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(dat_shpl_size, sizeof(dat_shpl_type) == 100);
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct char_type {
byte frame;
byte x;
byte y;
sbyte direction;
sbyte curr_col;
sbyte curr_row;
byte action;
sbyte fall_x;
sbyte fall_y;
byte room;
byte repeat;
byte charid;
byte sword;
sbyte alive;
word curr_seq;
} char_type;
enum charids {
charid_0_kid = 0,
charid_1_shadow = 1,
charid_2_guard = 2,
charid_3 = 3,
charid_4_skeleton = 4,
charid_5_princess = 5,
charid_6_vizier = 6,
charid_24_mouse = 0x18
enum sword_status {
sword_0_sheathed = 0,
sword_2_drawn = 2
typedef struct auto_move_type {
short time,move;
} auto_move_type;
/* obj_type:
0 = Kid, princess, vizier
1 = shadow
2 = Guard
3 = sword
4 = mirror image
5 = hurt splash
0x80 = loose floor
typedef struct objtable_type {
sbyte xh;
sbyte xl;
short y;
byte chtab_id;
byte id;
sbyte direction;
byte obj_type;
rect_type clip;
byte tilepos;
} objtable_type;
typedef struct frame_type {
byte image;
// 0x3F: sword image
// 0xC0: chtab
byte sword;
sbyte dx;
sbyte dy;
// 0x1F: weight x
// 0x20: thin
// 0x40: needs floor
// 0x80: even/odd pixel
byte flags;
} frame_type;
enum frame_flags {
FRAME_THIN = 0x20,
typedef struct trob_type {
byte tilepos;
byte room;
sbyte type;
} trob_type;
typedef struct mob_type {
byte xh;
byte y;
byte room;
sbyte speed;
byte type;
byte row;
} mob_type;
enum directions {
dir_0_right = 0x00,
dir_56_none = 0x56,
dir_FF_left = -1
enum actions {
actions_0_stand = 0,
actions_1_run_jump = 1,
actions_2_hang_climb = 2,
actions_3_in_midair = 3,
actions_4_in_freefall = 4,
actions_5_bumped = 5,
actions_6_hang_straight = 6,
actions_7_turn = 7,
actions_99_hurt = 99,
typedef struct sword_table_type {
byte id;
sbyte x;
sbyte y;
} sword_table_type;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct dat_header_type {
Uint32 table_offset;
Uint16 table_size;
} dat_header_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(dat_header_size, sizeof(dat_header_type) == 6);
typedef struct dat_res_type {
Uint16 id;
Uint32 offset;
Uint16 size;
} dat_res_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(dat_res_size, sizeof(dat_res_type) == 8);
typedef struct dat_table_type {
Uint16 res_count;
dat_res_type entries[0];
} dat_table_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(dat_table_size, sizeof(dat_table_type) == 2);
typedef struct image_data_type {
Uint16 height;
Uint16 width;
Uint16 flags;
byte data[0];
} image_data_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(image_data_size, sizeof(image_data_type) == 6);
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct dat_type {
struct dat_type* next_dat;
FILE* handle;
char filename[POP_MAX_PATH];
dat_table_type* dat_table;
// handle and dat_table are NULL if the DAT is a directory.
} dat_type;
typedef void __pascal far (*cutscene_ptr_type)();
#ifdef USE_FADE
typedef struct palette_fade_type {
word which_rows;
word wait_time;
word fade_pos;
rgb_type original_pal[256];
rgb_type faded_pal[256];
int __pascal far (*proc_fade_frame)(struct palette_fade_type far *palette_buffer);
void __pascal far (*proc_restore_free)(struct palette_fade_type far *palette_buffer);
} palette_fade_type;
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
#ifdef USE_TEXT
typedef struct font_type {
byte first_char;
byte last_char;
short height_above_baseline;
short height_below_baseline;
short space_between_lines;
short space_between_chars;
chtab_type* chtab;
} font_type;
typedef struct textstate_type {
short current_x;
short current_y;
short textblit;
short textcolor;
font_type* ptr_font;
} textstate_type;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct rawfont_type {
byte first_char;
byte last_char;
short height_above_baseline;
short height_below_baseline;
short space_between_lines;
short space_between_chars;
word offsets[0];
} rawfont_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(rawfont_type, sizeof(rawfont_type) == 10);
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef enum data_location {
data_none = 0,
data_DAT = 1,
data_directory = 2
} data_location;
enum sound_type {
#ifdef USE_MIXER
sound_chunk = 3,
sound_music = 4,
sound_speaker = 0,
sound_digi = 1,
sound_midi = 2
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct note_type {
word frequency; // 0x00 or 0x01 = rest, 0x12 = end
byte length;
} note_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(note_type, sizeof(note_type) == 3);
typedef struct speaker_type { // IBM
word tempo;
note_type notes[0];
} speaker_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(speaker_type, sizeof(speaker_type) == 2);
typedef struct digi_type { // wave in 1.0 and 1.1
word sample_rate;
word sample_count;
word unknown;
byte sample_size; // =8
byte samples[0];
} digi_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(digi_type, sizeof(digi_type) == 7);
typedef struct digi_new_type { // wave in 1.3 and 1.4 (and PoP2)
word sample_rate;
byte sample_size; // =8
word sample_count;
word unknown;
word unknown2;
byte samples[0];
} digi_new_type;
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(digi_new_type, sizeof(digi_new_type) == 9);
typedef struct midi_type {
byte data[0];
} midi_type;
typedef struct sound_buffer_type {
byte type;
union {
speaker_type speaker;
digi_type digi;
digi_new_type digi_new;
midi_type midi;
#ifdef USE_MIXER
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
Mix_Music *music;
} sound_buffer_type;
#ifdef USE_MIXER
typedef struct WAV_header_type {
Uint32 ChunkID; // fourcc
Uint32 ChunkSize;
Uint32 Format; // fourcc
Uint32 Subchunk1ID; // fourcc
Uint32 Subchunk1Size;
Uint16 AudioFormat;
Uint16 NumChannels;
Uint32 SampleRate;
Uint32 ByteRate;
Uint16 BlockAlign;
Uint16 BitsPerSample;
Uint32 Subchunk2ID; // fourcc
Uint32 Subchunk2Size;
byte Data[0];
} WAV_header_type;
struct dialog_type; // (declaration only)
typedef struct dialog_settings_type {
void (* method_1) (struct dialog_type *dialog);
void (* method_2_frame) (struct dialog_type *dialog);
short top_border;
short left_border;
short bottom_border;
short right_border;
short shadow_bottom;
short shadow_right;
short outer_border;
} dialog_settings_type;
typedef struct dialog_type {
dialog_settings_type* settings;
rect_type text_rect;
rect_type peel_rect;
word has_peel;
peel_type* peel;
} dialog_type;
#pragma pack(pop)
enum soundids {
sound_0_fell_to_death = 0,
sound_1_falling = 1,
sound_2_tile_crashing = 2,
sound_3_button_pressed = 3,
sound_4_gate_closing = 4,
sound_5_gate_opening = 5,
sound_6_gate_closing_fast = 6,
sound_7_gate_stop = 7,
sound_8_bumped = 8,
sound_9_grab = 9,
sound_10_sword_vs_sword = 10,
sound_11_sword_moving = 11,
sound_12_guard_hurt = 12,
sound_13_kid_hurt = 13,
sound_14_leveldoor_closing = 14,
sound_15_leveldoor_sliding = 15,
sound_16_medium_land = 16,
sound_17_soft_land = 17,
sound_18_drink = 18,
sound_19_draw_sword = 19,
sound_20_loose_shake_1 = 20,
sound_21_loose_shake_2 = 21,
sound_22_loose_shake_3 = 22,
sound_23_footstep = 23,
sound_24_death_regular = 24,
sound_25_presentation = 25,
sound_26_embrace = 26,
sound_27_cutscene_2_4_6_12 = 27,
sound_28_death_in_fight = 28,
sound_29_meet_Jaffar = 29,
sound_30_big_potion = 30,
//sound_31 = 31,
sound_32_shadow_music = 32,
sound_33_small_potion = 33,
//sound_34 = 34,
sound_35_cutscene_8_9 = 35,
sound_36_out_of_time = 36,
sound_37_victory = 37,
sound_38_blink = 38,
sound_39_low_weight = 39,
sound_40_cutscene_12_short_time = 40,
sound_41_end_level_music = 41,
//sound_42 = 42,
sound_43_victory_Jaffar = 43,
sound_44_skel_alive = 44,
sound_45_jump_through_mirror = 45,
sound_46_chomped = 46,
sound_47_chomper = 47,
sound_48_spiked = 48,
sound_49_spikes = 49,
sound_50_story_2_princess = 50,
sound_51_princess_door_opening = 51,
sound_52_story_4_Jaffar_leaves = 52,
sound_53_story_3_Jaffar_comes = 53,
sound_54_intro_music = 54,
sound_55_story_1_absence = 55,
sound_56_ending_music = 56,
enum timerids {
timer_0 = 0,
timer_1 = 1,
enum frameids {
frame_0 = 0,
frame_1_start_run = 1,
frame_2_start_run = 2,
frame_3_start_run = 3,
frame_4_start_run = 4,
frame_5_start_run = 5,
frame_6_start_run = 6,
frame_7_run = 7,
frame_8_run = 8,
frame_9_run = 9,
frame_10_run = 10,
frame_11_run = 11,
frame_12_run = 12,
frame_13_run = 13,
frame_14_run = 14,
frame_15_stand = 15,
frame_16_standing_jump_1 = 16,
frame_17_standing_jump_2 = 17,
frame_18_standing_jump_3 = 18,
frame_19_standing_jump_4 = 19,
frame_20_standing_jump_5 = 20,
frame_21_standing_jump_6 = 21,
frame_22_standing_jump_7 = 22,
frame_23_standing_jump_8 = 23,
frame_24_standing_jump_9 = 24,
frame_25_standing_jump_10 = 25,
frame_26_standing_jump_11 = 26,
frame_27_standing_jump_12 = 27,
frame_28_standing_jump_13 = 28,
frame_29_standing_jump_14 = 29,
frame_30_standing_jump_15 = 30,
frame_31_standing_jump_16 = 31,
frame_32_standing_jump_17 = 32,
frame_33_standing_jump_18 = 33,
frame_34_start_run_jump_1 = 34,
frame_35_start_run_jump_2 = 35,
frame_36_start_run_jump_3 = 36,
frame_37_start_run_jump_4 = 37,
frame_38_start_run_jump_5 = 38,
frame_39_start_run_jump_6 = 39,
frame_40_running_jump_1 = 40,
frame_41_running_jump_2 = 41,
frame_42_running_jump_3 = 42,
frame_43_running_jump_4 = 43,
frame_44_running_jump_5 = 44,
frame_45_turn = 45,
frame_46_turn = 46,
frame_47_turn = 47,
frame_48_turn = 48,
frame_49_turn = 49,
frame_50_turn = 50,
frame_51_turn = 51,
frame_52_turn = 52,
frame_53_runturn = 53,
frame_54_runturn = 54,
frame_55_runturn = 55,
frame_56_runturn = 56,
frame_57_runturn = 57,
frame_58_runturn = 58,
frame_59_runturn = 59,
frame_60_runturn = 60,
frame_61_runturn = 61,
frame_62_runturn = 62,
frame_63_runturn = 63,
frame_64_runturn = 64,
frame_65_runturn = 65,
frame_67_start_jump_up_1 = 67,
frame_68_start_jump_up_2 = 68,
frame_69_start_jump_up_3 = 69,
frame_70_jumphang = 70,
frame_71_jumphang = 71,
frame_72_jumphang = 72,
frame_73_jumphang = 73,
frame_74_jumphang = 74,
frame_75_jumphang = 75,
frame_76_jumphang = 76,
frame_77_jumphang = 77,
frame_78_jumphang = 78,
frame_79_jumphang = 79,
frame_80_jumphang = 80,
frame_81_hangdrop_1 = 81,
frame_82_hangdrop_2 = 82,
frame_83_hangdrop_3 = 83,
frame_84_hangdrop_4 = 84,
frame_85_hangdrop_5 = 85,
frame_86_test_foot = 86,
frame_87_hanging_1 = 87,
frame_88_hanging_2 = 88,
frame_89_hanging_3 = 89,
frame_90_hanging_4 = 90,
frame_91_hanging_5 = 91,
frame_92_hanging_6 = 92,
frame_93_hanging_7 = 93,
frame_94_hanging_8 = 94,
frame_95_hanging_9 = 95,
frame_96_hanging_10 = 96,
frame_97_hanging_11 = 97,
frame_98_hanging_12 = 98,
frame_99_hanging_13 = 99,
frame_102_start_fall_1 = 102,
frame_103_start_fall_2 = 103,
frame_104_start_fall_3 = 104,
frame_105_start_fall_4 = 105,
frame_106_fall = 106,
frame_107_fall_land_1 = 107,
frame_108_fall_land_2 = 108,
frame_109_crouch = 109,
frame_110_stand_up_from_crouch_1 = 110,
frame_111_stand_up_from_crouch_2 = 111,
frame_112_stand_up_from_crouch_3 = 112,
frame_113_stand_up_from_crouch_4 = 113,
frame_114_stand_up_from_crouch_5 = 114,
frame_115_stand_up_from_crouch_6 = 115,
frame_116_stand_up_from_crouch_7 = 116,
frame_117_stand_up_from_crouch_8 = 117,
frame_118_stand_up_from_crouch_9 = 118,
frame_119_stand_up_from_crouch_10 = 119,
frame_121_stepping_1 = 121,
frame_122_stepping_2 = 122,
frame_123_stepping_3 = 123,
frame_124_stepping_4 = 124,
frame_125_stepping_5 = 125,
frame_126_stepping_6 = 126,
frame_127_stepping_7 = 127,
frame_128_stepping_8 = 128,
frame_129_stepping_9 = 129,
frame_130_stepping_10 = 130,
frame_131_stepping_11 = 131,
frame_132_stepping_12 = 132,
frame_133_sheathe = 133,
frame_134_sheathe = 134,
frame_135_climbing_1 = 135,
frame_136_climbing_2 = 136,
frame_137_climbing_3 = 137,
frame_138_climbing_4 = 138,
frame_139_climbing_5 = 139,
frame_140_climbing_6 = 140,
frame_141_climbing_7 = 141,
frame_142_climbing_8 = 142,
frame_143_climbing_9 = 143,
frame_144_climbing_10 = 144,
frame_145_climbing_11 = 145,
frame_146_climbing_12 = 146,
frame_147_climbing_13 = 147,
frame_148_climbing_14 = 148,
frame_149_climbing_15 = 149,
frame_150_parry = 150,
frame_151_strike_1 = 151,
frame_152_strike_2 = 152,
frame_153_strike_3 = 153,
frame_154_poking = 154,
frame_155_guy_7 = 155,
frame_156_guy_8 = 156,
frame_157_walk_with_sword = 157,
frame_158_stand_with_sword = 158,
frame_159_fighting = 159,
frame_160_fighting = 160,
frame_161_parry = 161,
frame_162_block_to_strike = 162,
frame_163_fighting = 163,
frame_164_fighting = 164,
frame_165_walk_with_sword = 165,
frame_166_stand_inactive = 166,
frame_167_blocked = 167,
frame_168_back = 168,
frame_169_begin_block = 169,
frame_170_stand_with_sword = 170,
frame_171_stand_with_sword = 171,
frame_172_jumpfall_2 = 172,
frame_173_jumpfall_3 = 173,
frame_174_jumpfall_4 = 174,
frame_175_jumpfall_5 = 175,
frame_177_spiked = 177,
frame_178_chomped = 178,
frame_179_collapse_1 = 179,
frame_180_collapse_2 = 180,
frame_181_collapse_3 = 181,
frame_182_collapse_4 = 182,
frame_183_collapse_5 = 183,
frame_185_dead = 185,
frame_186_mouse_1 = 186,
frame_187_mouse_2 = 187,
frame_188_mouse_stand = 188,
frame_191_drink = 191,
frame_192_drink = 192,
frame_193_drink = 193,
frame_194_drink = 194,
frame_195_drink = 195,
frame_196_drink = 196,
frame_197_drink = 197,
frame_198_drink = 198,
frame_199_drink = 199,
frame_200_drink = 200,
frame_201_drink = 201,
frame_202_drink = 202,
frame_203_drink = 203,
frame_204_drink = 204,
frame_205_drink = 205,
frame_207_draw_1 = 207,
frame_208_draw_2 = 208,
frame_209_draw_3 = 209,
frame_210_draw_4 = 210,
frame_217_exit_stairs_1 = 217,
frame_218_exit_stairs_2 = 218,
frame_219_exit_stairs_3 = 219,
frame_220_exit_stairs_4 = 220,
frame_221_exit_stairs_5 = 221,
frame_222_exit_stairs_6 = 222,
frame_223_exit_stairs_7 = 223,
frame_224_exit_stairs_8 = 224,
frame_225_exit_stairs_9 = 225,
frame_226_exit_stairs_10 = 226,
frame_227_exit_stairs_11 = 227,
frame_228_exit_stairs_12 = 228,
frame_229_found_sword = 229,
frame_230_sheathe = 230,
frame_231_sheathe = 231,
frame_232_sheathe = 232,
frame_233_sheathe = 233,
frame_234_sheathe = 234,
frame_235_sheathe = 235,
frame_236_sheathe = 236,
frame_237_sheathe = 237,
frame_238_sheathe = 238,
frame_239_sheathe = 239,
frame_240_sheathe = 240,
enum altset2ids {
alt2frame_54_Vstand = 54,
//... incomplete
enum seqids {
seq_1_start_run = 1,
seq_2_stand = 2,
seq_3_standing_jump = 3,
seq_4_run_jump = 4,
seq_5_turn = 5,
seq_6_run_turn = 6,
seq_7_fall = 7,
seq_8_jump_up_and_grab_straight = 8,
seq_10_climb_up = 10,
seq_11_release_ledge_and_land = 11,
seq_13_stop_run = 13,
seq_14_jump_up_into_ceiling = 14,
seq_15_grab_ledge_midair = 15,
seq_16_jump_up_and_grab = 16,
seq_17_soft_land = 17,
seq_18_fall_after_standing_jump = 18,
seq_19_fall = 19,
seq_20_medium_land = 20,
seq_21_fall_after_running_jump = 21,
seq_22_crushed = 22,
seq_23_release_ledge_and_fall = 23,
seq_24_jump_up_and_grab_forward = 24,
seq_25_hang_against_wall = 25,
seq_26_crouch_while_running = 26,
seq_28_jump_up_with_nothing_above = 28,
seq_29_safe_step_1 = 29,
seq_30_safe_step_2 = 30,
seq_31_safe_step_3 = 31,
seq_32_safe_step_4 = 32,
seq_33_safe_step_5 = 33,
seq_34_safe_step_6 = 34,
seq_35_safe_step_7 = 35,
seq_36_safe_step_8 = 36,
seq_37_safe_step_9 = 37,
seq_38_safe_step_10 = 38,
seq_39_safe_step_11 = 39,
seq_40_safe_step_12 = 40,
seq_41_safe_step_13 = 41,
seq_42_safe_step_14 = 42,
seq_43_start_run_after_turn = 43,
seq_44_step_on_edge = 44,
seq_45_bumpfall = 45,
seq_46_hardbump = 46,
seq_47_bump = 47,
seq_49_stand_up_from_crouch = 49,
seq_50_crouch = 50,
seq_51_spiked = 51,
seq_52_loose_floor_fell_on_kid = 52,
seq_54_chomped = 54,
seq_55_draw_sword = 55,
seq_56_guard_forward_with_sword = 56,
seq_57_back_with_sword = 57,
seq_58_guard_strike = 58,
seq_60_turn_with_sword = 60,
seq_61_parry_after_strike = 61,
seq_62_parry = 62,
seq_63_guard_stand_active = 63,
seq_64_pushed_back_with_sword = 64,
seq_65_bump_forward_with_sword = 65,
seq_66_strike_after_parry = 66,
seq_68_climb_down = 68,
seq_69_attack_was_parried = 69,
seq_70_go_up_on_level_door = 70,
seq_71_dying = 71,
seq_73_climb_up_to_closed_gate = 73,
seq_74_hit_by_sword = 74,
seq_75_strike = 75,
seq_77_guard_stand_inactive = 77,
seq_78_drink = 78,
seq_79_crouch_hop = 79,
seq_80_stand_flipped = 80,
seq_81_kid_pushed_off_ledge = 81,
seq_82_guard_pushed_off_ledge = 82,
seq_83_guard_fall = 83,
seq_84_run = 84,
seq_85_stabbed_to_death = 85,
seq_86_forward_with_sword = 86,
seq_87_guard_become_inactive = 87,
seq_88_skel_wake_up = 88,
seq_89_turn_draw_sword = 89,
seq_90_en_garde = 90,
seq_91_get_sword = 91,
seq_92_put_sword_away = 92,
seq_93_put_sword_away_fast = 93,
seq_94_princess_stand_PV1 = 94,
seq_95_Jaffar_stand_PV1 = 95,
seq_101_mouse_stands_up = 101,
seq_103_princess_lying_PV2 = 103,
seq_104_start_fall_in_front_of_wall = 104,
seq_105_mouse_forward = 105,
seq_106_mouse = 106,
seq_107_mouse_stand_up_and_go = 107,
seq_108_princess_turn_and_hug = 108,
seq_109_princess_stand_PV2 = 109,
seq_110_princess_crouching_PV2 = 110,
seq_111_princess_stand_up_PV2 = 111,
seq_112_princess_crouch_down_PV2 = 112,
seq_114_mouse_stand = 114,
enum seqtbl_instructions {
SEQ_DX = 0xFB,
SEQ_DY = 0xFA,
SEQ_UP = 0xFD,
SEQ_DIE = 0xF6,
enum seqtbl_sounds {
enum colorids {
color_0_black = 0,
color_1_blue = 1,
color_2_green = 2,
color_3_cyan = 3,
color_4_red = 4,
color_5_magenta = 5,
color_6_brown = 6,
color_7_lightgray = 7,
color_8_darkgray = 8,
color_9_brightblue = 9,
color_10_brightgreen = 10,
color_11_brightcyan = 11,
color_12_brightred = 12,
color_13_brightmagenta = 13,
color_14_brightyellow = 14,
color_15_brightwhite = 15,
enum replay_special_moves {
MOVE_RESTART_LEVEL = 1, // player pressed Ctrl+A
MOVE_EFFECT_END = 2, // music stops, causing the end of feather effect or level 1 crouch immobilization
enum replay_seek_targets {
replay_seek_0_next_room = 0,
replay_seek_1_next_level = 1,
replay_seek_2_end = 2,
#define COUNT(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
// These are or'ed with SDL_SCANCODE_* constants in last_key_scancode.
enum key_modifiers {
WITH_SHIFT = 0x8000,
WITH_CTRL = 0x4000,
WITH_ALT = 0x2000,