#include "brender.h"
#include "harness/win95_polyfill_defs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
} tRenderer_flush_type;
// Platform implementation functions
typedef struct tHarness_platform {
// Render a fullscreen quad using the specified pixel data
void (*Renderer_Present)(br_pixelmap* src);
// Set the 256 color palette to use (BGRA format)
void (*Renderer_SetPalette)(PALETTEENTRY_* palette);
// Create a window. Return a handle to the window
void* (*CreateWindowAndRenderer)(char* title, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight);
// Get mouse button state
int (*GetMouseButtons)(int* button_1, int* button_2);
// Get mouse position
int (*GetMousePosition)(int* pX, int* pY);
// Close specified window
void (*DestroyWindow)(void* window);
// Process window messages, return any WM_QUIT message
int (*ProcessWindowMessages)(MSG_* msg);
// Set position of a window
int (*SetWindowPos)(void* hWnd, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight);
// Show/hide the cursor
int (*ShowCursor)(int show);
// Get keyboard state. Expected to be in DirectInput key codes
void (*GetKeyboardState)(unsigned int count, uint8_t* buffer);
// Sleep
void (*Sleep)(uint32_t dwMilliseconds);
// Get ticks
uint32_t (*GetTicks)(void);
// Show error message
int (*ShowErrorMessage)(void* window, char* text, char* caption);
} tHarness_platform;
extern tHarness_platform gHarness_platform;
void Harness_Init(int* argc, char* argv[]);
// Hooks are called from original game code.
// Filesystem hooks
FILE* Harness_Hook_fopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode);