* src/e_box.c
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 BigOrno (bigorno@bigorno.net). All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are contained in the file
* named README, which can be found in the root of this distribution. By
* using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
* terms of this license.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
#include "system.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "ents.h"
#include "e_box.h"
#include "e_bullet.h"
#include "e_bomb.h"
#include "e_rick.h"
#include "maps.h"
#include "util.h"
* FIXME this is because the same structure is used
* for all entities. Need to replace this w/ an inheritance
* solution.
#define cnt c1
* Constants
#define SEQ_INIT 0x0A
* Prototypes
static void explode (U8);
* Entity action
* ASM 245A
void e_box_action (U8 e)
static U8 sp[] = {0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28}; /* explosion sprites sequence */
if (ent_ents[e].n & ENT_LETHAL)
* box is lethal i.e. exploding
* play sprites sequence then stop
ent_ents[e].sprite = sp[ent_ents[e].cnt >> 1];
if (--ent_ents[e].cnt == 0)
ent_ents[e].n = 0;
map_marks[ent_ents[e].mark].ent |= MAP_MARK_NACT;
* not lethal: check to see if triggered
if (e_rick_boxtest (e))
/* rick: collect bombs or bullets and stop */
syssnd_play (WAV_BOX, 1);
if (ent_ents[e].n == 0x10)
game_bombs = GAME_BOMBS_INIT;
else /* 0x11 */
game_bullets = GAME_BULLETS_INIT;
ent_ents[e].n = 0;
map_marks[ent_ents[e].mark].ent |= MAP_MARK_NACT;
else if (E_RICK_STTST (E_RICK_STSTOP) && u_fboxtest (e, e_rick_stop_x, e_rick_stop_y))
explode (e); // rick's stick: explode
else if (E_BULLET_ENT.n && u_fboxtest(e, e_bullet_xc, e_bullet_yc))
/* bullet: explode (and stop bullet) */
explode (e);
else if (e_bomb_lethal && e_bomb_hit (e))
explode (e); // bomb: explode
* Explode when
static void explode (U8 e)
ent_ents[e].cnt = SEQ_INIT;
ent_ents[e].n |= ENT_LETHAL;
syssnd_play (WAV_EXPLODE, 1);