#ifndef DR_TYPES_H
#define DR_TYPES_H
#include "constants.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "brender.h"
#include "s3/s3.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char tU8;
typedef signed char tS8;
typedef uint16_t tU16;
typedef int16_t tS16;
typedef uint32_t tU32;
typedef int32_t tS32;
typedef double tF64;
typedef int16_t tX88;
typedef int32_t tX1616;
typedef tU8 tNet_message_type;
typedef struct tCar_spec_struct tCar_spec;
typedef struct tCar_spec_struct2 tCar_spec2;
typedef struct tPath_node_struct tPath_node;
typedef struct tPath_section_struct tPath_section;
typedef tU32 tPlayer_ID;
typedef void tPipe_reset_proc(void);
typedef struct tPowerup tPowerup;
// FIXME? hardcoding pc-win95 here
#include "pc-win95/win95net_types.h"
typedef int tGot_proc(tPowerup*, tCar_spec*);
typedef void tLose_proc(tPowerup*, tCar_spec*);
typedef void tPeriodic_proc(tPowerup*, tU32);
typedef int* tGot_proc(tPowerup*, tCar_spec*);
typedef void* tLose_proc(tPowerup*, tCar_spec*);
typedef void* tPeriodic_proc(tPowerup*, tU32);
typedef char tPath_name[256];
typedef struct tFlic_descriptor* tFlic_descriptor_ptr;
typedef struct exception_struct* tException_list;
typedef struct exception_struct tException_node;
typedef int tKey_array[123];
typedef tS32 tJoy_array[8];
typedef void* tPMFM2CB(br_material*);
typedef struct v11face DR_FACE;
typedef struct fmt_vertex DR_VERTEX;
typedef enum tDriver {
eDriver_non_car_unused_slot = 0,
eDriver_non_car = 1,
eDriver_oppo = 2,
eDriver_net_human = 3,
eDriver_local_human = 4
} tDriver;
typedef enum tBounds_type {
eUndefined = 0,
eBounds_ws = 1,
eBounds_cs = 2
} tBounds_type;
typedef enum tImpact_location {
eImpact_top = 0,
eImpact_bottom = 1,
eImpact_left = 2,
eImpact_right = 3,
eImpact_front = 4,
eImpact_back = 5,
eImpact_location_count = 6,
eImpact_unknown = 7
} tImpact_location;
typedef enum tAxis_comp {
eAxis_x = 0,
eAxis_y = 1,
eAxis_z = 2
} tAxis_comp;
typedef enum tCondition_operator {
eCondition_less_than = 0,
eCondition_greater_than = 1
} tCondition_operator;
typedef enum tDamage_type {
eDamage_engine = 0,
eDamage_transmission = 1,
eDamage_driver = 2,
eDamage_steering = 3,
eDamage_lf_brake = 4,
eDamage_rf_brake = 5,
eDamage_lr_brake = 6,
eDamage_rr_brake = 7,
eDamage_lf_wheel = 8,
eDamage_rf_wheel = 9,
eDamage_lr_wheel = 10,
eDamage_rr_wheel = 11,
eDamage_type_count = 12
} tDamage_type;
typedef enum tJustification {
eJust_left = 0,
eJust_right = 1,
eJust_centre = 2
} tJustification;
typedef enum tOpponent_objective_type {
eOOT_none = 0,
eOOT_complete_race = 1,
eOOT_pursue_and_twat = 2,
eOOT_run_away = 3,
eOOT_get_near_player = 4,
eOOT_levitate = 5,
eOOT_knackered_and_freewheeling = 6,
eOOT_frozen = 7,
eOOT_wait_for_some_hapless_sod = 8,
eOOT_rematerialise = 9,
eOOT_return_to_start = 10
} tOpponent_objective_type;
typedef enum tFollow_path_result {
eFPR_OK = 0,
eFPR_end_of_path = 1,
eFPR_given_up = 2
} tFollow_path_result;
typedef enum tPath_section_type_enum {
ePST_normal = 0,
ePST_race_path = 1,
ePST_cheat_only = 2,
ePST_count = 3
} tPath_section_type_enum;
typedef enum tPursue_car_state {
ePCS_what_now = 0,
ePCS_following_trail = 1,
ePCS_following_line_of_sight = 2,
ePCS_backing_up = 3
} tPursue_car_state;
typedef enum tProcess_objective_command {
ePOC_start = 0,
ePOC_run = 1,
ePOC_die = 2
} tProcess_objective_command;
typedef enum tParts_category {
eParts_armour = 0,
eParts_power = 1,
eParts_offensive = 2,
eParts_count = 3
} tParts_category;
typedef enum tRace_over_reason {
eRace_not_over_yet = -1,
eRace_over_laps = 0,
eRace_over_peds = 1,
eRace_over_opponents = 2,
eRace_over_abandoned = 3,
eRace_over_out_of_time = 4,
eRace_over_demo = 5,
eRace_over_network_victory = 6,
eRace_over_network_loss = 7,
eRace_over_count = 8
} tRace_over_reason;
typedef enum tNet_mode {
eNet_mode_none = 0,
eNet_mode_thinking_about_it = 1,
eNet_mode_host = 2,
eNet_mode_client = 3
} tNet_mode;
typedef enum tPlayer_status {
ePlayer_status_unknown = 0,
ePlayer_status_ready = 1,
ePlayer_status_loading = 2,
ePlayer_status_wrecks_gallery = 3,
ePlayer_status_summary = 4,
ePlayer_status_not_responding = 5,
ePlayer_status_racing = 6,
ePlayer_status_main_menu = 7,
ePlayer_status_recovering = 8,
ePlayer_status_action_replay = 9
} tPlayer_status;
typedef enum tNet_game_type {
eNet_game_type_fight_to_death = 0,
eNet_game_type_car_crusher = 1,
eNet_game_type_carnage = 2,
eNet_game_type_checkpoint = 3,
eNet_game_type_sudden_death = 4,
eNet_game_type_tag = 5,
eNet_game_type_foxy = 6,
eNet_game_type_count = 7
} tNet_game_type;
typedef enum tNet_game_stage {
eNet_game_starting = 0,
eNet_game_ready = 1,
eNet_game_playing = 2,
eNet_game_status_count = 3
} tNet_game_stage;
typedef enum tCar_choice {
eNet_car_frankie = 0,
eNet_car_annie = 1,
eNet_car_both = 2,
eNet_car_all = 3
} tCar_choice;
typedef enum tNet_sequence_type {
eNet_sequence_sequential = 0,
eNet_sequence_random = 1
} tNet_sequence_type;
typedef enum tPowerup_event {
ePowerup_gained = 0,
ePowerup_ongoing = 1,
ePowerup_lost = 2
} tPowerup_event;
typedef enum tNet_gameplay_mess {
eNet_gameplay_checkpoint = 0,
eNet_gameplay_wrong_checkpoint = 1,
eNet_gameplay_suddenly_death = 2,
eNet_gameplay_suicide = 3,
eNet_gameplay_go_for_it = 4,
eNet_gameplay_host_paused = 5,
eNet_gameplay_host_unpaused = 6,
eNet_gameplay_earn_credits = 7
} tNet_gameplay_mess;
typedef enum tCar_detail_ownership {
eCar_owner_none = 0,
eCar_owner_someone = 1,
eCar_owner_self = 2,
eCar_owner_not_allowed = 3
} tCar_detail_ownership;
typedef enum tPowerup_type {
ePowerup_dummy = 0,
ePowerup_instantaneous = 1,
ePowerup_timed = 2,
ePowerup_whole_race = 3
} tPowerup_type;
typedef enum tNet_powerup_type {
eNet_powerup_local = 0,
eNet_powerup_global = 1,
eNet_powerup_inappropriate = 2
} tNet_powerup_type;
typedef enum tVehicle_type {
eVehicle_self = 0,
eVehicle_net_player = 1,
eVehicle_opponent = 2,
eVehicle_rozzer = 3,
eVehicle_drone = 4,
eVehicle_not_really = 5
} tVehicle_type;
typedef enum tDepth_effect_type {
eDepth_effect_none = -1,
eDepth_effect_darkness = 0,
eDepth_effect_fog = 1
} tDepth_effect_type;
typedef enum tPlane_type {
ePlane_pos_x = 0,
ePlane_neg_x = 1,
ePlane_pos_y = 2,
ePlane_neg_y = 3,
ePlane_pos_z = 4,
ePlane_neg_z = 5,
ePlane_general = 6
} tPlane_type;
typedef enum tNet_avail {
eNet_avail_never = 0,
eNet_avail_eagle = 1,
eNet_avail_hawk = 2,
eNet_avail_all = 3
} tNet_avail;
typedef enum tProg_status {
eProg_intro = 0,
eProg_opening = 1,
eProg_idling = 2,
eProg_demo = 3,
eProg_game_starting = 4,
eProg_game_ongoing = 5,
eProg_quit = 6
} tProg_status;
typedef enum tMM_result {
eMM_none = 0,
eMM_continue = 1,
eMM_end_game = 2,
eMM_1_start = 3,
eMM_n_start = 4,
eMM_loaded = 5,
eMM_save = 6,
eMM_options = 7,
eMM_quit = 8,
eMM_timeout = 9,
eMM_recover = 10,
eMM_abort_race = 11
} tMM_result;
typedef enum tSO_result {
eSO_main_menu_invoked = 0,
eSO_game_over = 1,
eSO_game_completed = 2,
eSO_continue = 3
} tSO_result;
typedef enum tRace_result {
eRace_game_abandonned = 0,
eRace_aborted = 1,
eRace_timed_out = 2,
eRace_completed = 3
} tRace_result;
typedef enum tFrank_anne {
eFrankie = 0,
eAnnie = 1
} tFrank_anne;
typedef enum tRace_sel_view_type {
eVT_Scene = 0,
eVT_Info = 1,
eVT_Opponents = 2
} tRace_sel_view_type;
typedef enum tAuto_parts_reply {
eAP_auto = 0,
eAP_manual = 1,
eAP_piss_off = 2
} tAuto_parts_reply;
typedef enum tWhich_view {
eView_undefined = 0,
eView_left = 1,
eView_forward = 2,
eView_right = 3
} tWhich_view;
typedef enum tRolling_type {
eRT_alpha = 0,
eRT_numeric = 1,
eRT_looping_random = 2,
eRT_looping_single = 3
} tRolling_type;
typedef enum tCar_texturing_level {
eCTL_none = 0,
eCTL_transparent = 1,
eCTL_full = 2,
eCTL_count = 3
} tCar_texturing_level;
typedef enum tRoad_texturing_level {
eRTL_none = 0,
eRTL_full = 1,
eRTL_count = 2
} tRoad_texturing_level;
typedef enum tWall_texturing_level {
eWTL_none = 0,
eWTL_linear = 1,
eWTL_full = 2,
eWTL_count = 3
} tWall_texturing_level;
typedef enum tAdd_to_storage_result {
eStorage_not_enough_room = 0,
eStorage_duplicate = 1,
eStorage_allocated = 2
} tAdd_to_storage_result;
typedef enum tLollipop_mode {
eLollipop_none = -1,
eLollipop_x_match = 0,
eLollipop_y_match = 1,
eLollipop_z_match = 2
} tLollipop_mode;
typedef enum tSmear_type {
eSmear_oil = 0,
eSmear_blood = 1,
eSmear_count = 2
} tSmear_type;
// Make gcc happy
typedef struct exception_ {
int type;
char* name;
double arg1;
double arg2;
double retval;
} exception_;
typedef struct tTrack_spec {
tU8 ncolumns_x;
tU8 ncolumns_z;
br_scalar column_size_x;
br_scalar column_size_z;
br_scalar origin_x;
br_scalar origin_z;
br_actor* the_actor;
br_actor*** columns;
br_actor*** lollipops;
br_actor*** blends;
int ampersand_digits;
br_actor** non_car_list;
} tTrack_spec;
typedef struct tCrush_neighbour {
br_uint_8 vertex_index;
br_uint_8 factor;
} tCrush_neighbour;
typedef struct tCrush_point_spec {
br_uint_16 vertex_index;
br_uint_16 number_of_neighbours;
br_vector3 limits_neg;
br_vector3 limits_pos;
br_vector3 softness_neg;
br_vector3 softness_pos;
tCrush_neighbour* neighbours;
} tCrush_point_spec;
typedef struct tCrush_data {
int number_of_crush_points;
float softness_factor;
float min_fold_factor;
float max_fold_factor;
float wibble_factor;
float limit_deviant;
float split_chance;
br_scalar min_y_fold_down;
tCrush_point_spec* crush_points;
} tCrush_data;
typedef struct tSpecial_volume {
br_matrix34 mat;
br_matrix34 inv_mat;
br_bounds bounds;
br_scalar gravity_multiplier;
br_scalar viscosity_multiplier;
float car_damage_per_ms;
float ped_damage_per_ms;
int no_mat;
int camera_special_effect_index;
int sky_col;
int entry_noise;
int exit_noise;
int engine_noise_index;
br_material* screen_material;
int material_modifier_index;
} tSpecial_volume;
typedef struct tReduced_matrix {
br_vector3 row1;
br_vector3 row2;
br_vector3 translation;
} tReduced_matrix;
typedef struct tCar_controls { // size: 0x4
int joystick_acc : 8;
int joystick_dec : 8;
unsigned int left : 1; // 0x10000 bit 17
unsigned int right : 1; // 0x20000 bit 18
unsigned int acc : 1; // 0x40000 bit 19
unsigned int dec : 1; // 0x80000 bit 20
unsigned int brake : 1; // 0x100000 bit 21
unsigned int up : 1; // 0x200000 bit 22
unsigned int down : 1; // 0x400000 bit 23
unsigned int holdw : 1; // 0x800000 bit 24
unsigned int backwards : 1; // 0x1000000 bit 25
unsigned int change_up : 1; // 0x2000000 bit 26
unsigned int change_down : 1; // 0x4000000 bit 27
unsigned int horn : 1; // 0x8000000 bit 28
} tCar_controls;
typedef struct tNet_message_mechanics_info { // size: 0x84
tU8 contents_size; // @0x0
tNet_message_type type; // @0x1
tU32 ID; // @0x4
tU32 time; // @0x8
tReduced_matrix mat; // @0xc
br_vector3 v; // @0x30
br_vector3 omega; // @0x3c
tU8 d[4]; // @0x48
tCar_controls keys; // @0x4c
tU32 cc_coll_time; // @0x50
tS16 curvature; // @0x54
tU16 revs; // @0x56
br_scalar front; // @0x58
br_scalar back; // @0x5c
tU32 repair_time; // @0x60
tU8 damage[12]; // @0x64
tU16 powerups; // @0x70
br_scalar wheel_dam_offset[4]; // @0x74
} tNet_message_mechanics_info;
typedef struct tDamage_unit {
int x_coord;
int y_coord;
int damage_level;
int last_level;
int smoke_last_level;
int periods[5];
br_pixelmap* images;
} tDamage_unit;
typedef struct tDamage_condition {
tAxis_comp axis_comp;
tCondition_operator condition_operator;
float comparitor;
} tDamage_condition;
typedef struct tDamage_effect {
tDamage_type type;
float weakness_factor;
} tDamage_effect;
typedef struct tDamage_clause {
tDamage_condition conditions[2];
int effect_count;
int condition_count;
tDamage_effect effects[4];
} tDamage_clause;
typedef struct tDamage_program {
int clause_count;
tDamage_clause* clauses;
} tDamage_program;
typedef struct tHeadup_slot {
int x;
int y;
int colour;
int cockpit_anchored;
int dimmed_background;
int dim_left;
int dim_top;
int dim_right;
int dim_bottom;
tJustification justification;
} tHeadup_slot;
typedef struct tPart_info {
char part_name[14];
tU8* data_ptr;
tU32 data_length;
int rank_required;
int prices[3];
} tPart_info;
typedef struct tParts_spec {
int number_of_parts;
tPart_info info[6];
} tParts_spec;
typedef struct tCar_actor {
br_actor* actor;
br_scalar min_distance_squared;
tCrush_data crush_data;
br_vertex* undamaged_vertices;
} tCar_actor;
typedef struct tJoystick {
tS32 left;
tS32 right;
tS32 acc;
tS32 dec;
} tJoystick;
typedef struct tPursuee_trail {
br_vector3 trail_nodes[25];
br_vector3 base_heading;
tU32 time_of_next_recording;
tU32 end_of_deviation;
tU8 number_of_nodes;
tU8 has_deviated_recently;
tU8 nodes_shifted_this_frame;
} tPursuee_trail;
typedef struct tCar_spec_struct { // size: 0x1a9c
int index; // @0x0
int disabled; // @0x4
tDriver driver; // @0x8
br_actor* car_master_actor; // @0xc
br_scalar min_torque_squared; // @0x10
br_scalar break_off_radians_squared; // @0x14
br_vector3 v; // @0x18
br_vector3 old_v; // @0x24
br_vector3 velocity_car_space; // @0x30
br_matrix34 oldmat; // @0x3c
br_matrix34 old_frame_mat; // @0x6c
br_vector3 pos; // @0x9c
br_vector3 omega; // @0xa8
br_vector3 oldomega; // @0xb4
br_scalar M; // @0xc0
int infinite_mass; // @0xc4
br_vector3 I; // @0xc8
br_vector3 cmpos; // @0xd4
int extra_point_num; // @0xe0
br_bounds bounds[3]; // @0xe4
br_bounds max_bounds[2]; // @0x12c
br_vector3 extra_points[6]; // @0x15c
br_scalar original_extra_points_z[6]; // @0x1a4
br_vector3 old_point; // @0x1bc
br_vector3 old_norm; // @0x1c8
int box_face_start; // @0x1d4
int box_face_end; // @0x1d8
int box_face_ref; // @0x1dc
br_matrix34 last_box_inv_mat; // @0x1e0
br_bounds last_box; // @0x210
int doing_nothing_flag; // @0x228
tSpecial_volume* last_special_volume; // @0x22c
tSpecial_volume* auto_special_volume; // @0x230
int frame_collision_flag; // @0x234
int collision_flag; // @0x238
int max_shrapnel_material; // @0x23c
br_vector3 direction; // @0x240
float speed; // @0x24c
tU16 car_ID; // @0x250
br_material* shrapnel_material[3]; // @0x254
br_bounds bounds_world_space; // @0x260
tBounds_type bounds_ws_type; // @0x278
tU16 fire_vertex[12]; // @0x27c
tU16 num_smoke_columns; // @0x294
br_vector3 water_normal; // @0x298
br_scalar water_d; // @0x2a4
br_scalar water_depth_factor; // @0x2a8
tNet_message_mechanics_info message; // @0x2ac
tU32 last_car_car_collision; // @0x330
br_scalar dt; // @0x334
tCar_spec* who_last_hit_me; // @0x338
char name[32]; // @0x33c
char driver_name[32]; // @0x35c
char grid_icon_names[3][14]; // @0x37c
tS8* cockpit_images[3]; // @0x3a8
br_pixelmap* prat_cam_left; // @0x3b4
br_pixelmap* prat_cam_top; // @0x3b8
br_pixelmap* prat_cam_right; // @0x3bc
br_pixelmap* prat_cam_bottom; // @0x3c0
br_pixelmap* prat_cam_dummy; // @0x3c4
br_pixelmap* speedo_image[2]; // @0x3c8
br_pixelmap* tacho_image[2]; // @0x3d0
br_pixelmap* damage_background; // @0x3d8
br_pixelmap* lhands_images[7]; // @0x3dc
br_pixelmap* rhands_images[7]; // @0x3f8
br_pixelmap* grid_icon_image; // @0x414
br_pixelmap* gears_image; // @0x418
int fg_index; // @0x41c
int underwater_ability; // @0x420
int invulnerable; // @0x424
int wall_climber_mode; // @0x428
int can_be_stolen; // @0x42c
int has_been_stolen; // @0x430
int active; // @0x434
int knackered; // @0x438
int pre_car_col_knackered; // @0x43c
int render_left[3]; // @0x440
int render_top[3]; // @0x44c
int render_right[3]; // @0x458
int render_bottom[3]; // @0x464
int mirror_left; // @0x470
int mirror_top; // @0x474
int mirror_right; // @0x478
int mirror_bottom; // @0x47c
int prat_left; // @0x480
int prat_top; // @0x484
int prat_right; // @0x488
int prat_bottom; // @0x48c
int speedo_x[2]; // @0x490
int speedo_y[2]; // @0x498
int speedo_centre_x[2]; // @0x4a0
int speedo_centre_y[2]; // @0x4a8
int speedo_x_pitch[2]; // @0x4b0
int speedo_y_pitch[2]; // @0x4b8
int speedo_radius_1[2]; // @0x4c0
int speedo_radius_2[2]; // @0x4c8
int speedo_start_angle[2]; // @0x4d0
int speedo_end_angle[2]; // @0x4d8
int speedo_needle_colour[2]; // @0x4e0
int tacho_x[2]; // @0x4e8
int tacho_y[2]; // @0x4f0
int tacho_centre_x[2]; // @0x4f8
int tacho_centre_y[2]; // @0x500
int tacho_x_pitch[2]; // @0x508
int tacho_y_pitch[2]; // @0x510
int tacho_radius_1[2]; // @0x518
int tacho_radius_2[2]; // @0x520
int tacho_start_angle[2]; // @0x528
int tacho_end_angle[2]; // @0x530
int tacho_needle_colour[2]; // @0x538
int gear_x[2]; // @0x540
int gear_y[2]; // @0x548
int red_line; // @0x550
int lhands_x[7]; // @0x554
int lhands_y[7]; // @0x570
int rhands_x[7]; // @0x58c
int rhands_y[7]; // @0x5a8
int number_of_hands_images; // @0x5c4
int max_speed; // @0x5c8
int damage_x_offset; // @0x5cc
int damage_y_offset; // @0x5d0
int damage_background_x; // @0x5d4
int damage_background_y; // @0x5d8
int dim_count[2]; // @0x5dc
int dim_left[2][4]; // @0x5e4
int dim_top[2][4]; // @0x604
int dim_right[2][4]; // @0x624
int dim_bottom[2][4]; // @0x644
int car_actor_count; // @0x664
int current_car_actor; // @0x668
int principal_car_actor; // @0x66c
int car_model_variable; // @0x670
int number_of_steerable_wheels; // @0x674
int steering_ref[6]; // @0x678
int lf_sus_ref[4]; // @0x690
int rf_sus_ref[4]; // @0x6a0
int lr_sus_ref[2]; // @0x6b0
int rr_sus_ref[2]; // @0x6b8
int driven_wheels_spin_ref_1; // @0x6c0
int driven_wheels_spin_ref_2; // @0x6c4
int driven_wheels_spin_ref_3; // @0x6c8
int driven_wheels_spin_ref_4; // @0x6cc
int non_driven_wheels_spin_ref_1; // @0x6d0
int non_driven_wheels_spin_ref_2; // @0x6d4
int non_driven_wheels_spin_ref_3; // @0x6d8
int non_driven_wheels_spin_ref_4; // @0x6dc
int engine_noises[3]; // @0x6e0
float driver_x_offset; // @0x6ec
float driver_y_offset; // @0x6f0
float driver_z_offset; // @0x6f4
float mirror_x_offset; // @0x6f8
float mirror_y_offset; // @0x6fc
float mirror_z_offset; // @0x700
float rearview_camera_angle; // @0x704
float head_left_angle; // @0x708
float head_right_angle; // @0x70c
float steering_angle; // @0x710
float speedo_speed; // @0x714
float lf_sus_position; // @0x718
float rf_sus_position; // @0x71c
float lr_sus_position; // @0x720
float rr_sus_position; // @0x724
float driven_wheels_circum; // @0x728
float non_driven_wheels_circum; // @0x72c
float bounce_rate; // @0x730
float bounce_amount; // @0x734
float collision_mass_multiplier; // @0x738
float damage_multiplier; // @0x73c
float grip_multiplier; // @0x740
float engine_power_multiplier; // @0x744
tDamage_unit damage_units[12]; // @0x748
tU8 frame_start_damage[12]; // @0x958
tImpact_location last_impact_location; // @0x964
tDamage_program damage_programs[6]; // @0x968
tHeadup_slot headup_slots[2][20]; // @0x998
tParts_spec power_ups[3]; // @0xfd8
int car_actor_pipe_ref; // @0x12b4
tCar_actor car_model_actors[5]; // @0x12b8
br_material* screen_material; // @0x13a8
br_material* screen_material_source; // @0x13ac
br_matrix34 last_safe_positions[5]; // @0x13b0
int wheel_slip; // @0x14a0
br_scalar damping; // @0x14a4
br_scalar sk[2]; // @0x14a8
br_scalar sb[2]; // @0x14b0
br_scalar susp_give[2]; // @0x14b8
br_scalar susp_height[2]; // @0x14c0
br_scalar ride_height; // @0x14c8
br_vector3 wpos[4]; // @0x14cc
br_scalar curvature; // @0x14fc
br_scalar maxcurve; // @0x1500
br_scalar turn_speed; // @0x1504
br_scalar oldd[4]; // @0x1508
int material_index[4]; // @0x1518
int dust_time[4]; // @0x1528
br_scalar mu[3]; // @0x1538
br_scalar friction_elipticity; // @0x1544
br_scalar down_force_speed; // @0x1548
int down_force_flag; // @0x154c
br_scalar initial_brake; // @0x1550
br_scalar brake_increase; // @0x1554
br_scalar freduction; // @0x1558
br_scalar acc_force; // @0x155c
br_scalar torque; // @0x1560
br_scalar brake_force; // @0x1564
int traction_control; // @0x1568
br_scalar rolling_r_front; // @0x156c
br_scalar rolling_r_back; // @0x1570
tCar_controls keys; // @0x1574
tJoystick joystick; // @0x1578
int pedals_xy; // @0x1588
int number_of_wheels_on_ground; // @0x158c
br_actor* wheel_actors[6]; // @0x1590
float wheel_rot_pos[4]; // @0x15a8
br_scalar wheel_dam_offset[4]; // @0x15b8
br_scalar damage_magnitude_accumulator; // @0x15c8
br_scalar revs; // @0x15cc
br_scalar target_revs; // @0x15d0
br_vector3 road_normal; // @0x15d4
br_scalar max_force_front; // @0x15e0
br_scalar max_force_rear; // @0x15e4
int gear; // @0x15e8
int just_changed_gear; // @0x15ec
int max_gear; // @0x15f0
br_scalar speed_revs_ratio; // @0x15f4
br_scalar force_torque_ratio; // @0x15f8
tS3_sound_source_ptr sound_source; // @0x15fc
br_matrix34 pre_car_col_mat; // @0x1600
br_scalar pre_car_col_speed; // @0x1630
br_vector3 pre_car_col_direction; // @0x1634
br_vector3 pre_car_col_velocity; // @0x1640
br_vector3 pre_car_col_velocity_car_space; // @0x164c
br_vector3 velocity_bu_per_sec; // @0x1658
float last_col_prop_x; // @0x1664
float last_col_prop_y; // @0x1668
float last_col_prop_z; // @0x166c
tU32 time_last_hit; // @0x1670
tU32 time_last_victim; // @0x1674
struct tCar_spec_struct* last_hit_by; // @0x1678
struct tCar_spec_struct* last_culprit; // @0x167c
int no_of_processes_recording_my_trail; // @0x1680
tPursuee_trail my_trail; // @0x1684
unsigned int grudge_raised_recently : 1; // @0x17c8 // 0x1
unsigned int big_bang : 1; // @0x17c8 // 0x2
unsigned int scary_bang : 1; // @0x17c8 // 0x4
tU32 last_collision_time; // @0x17cc
tU32 last_time_we_touched_a_player; // @0x17d0
tU32 end_steering_damage_effect; // @0x17d4
tU32 end_trans_damage_effect; // @0x17d8
int false_key_left; // @0x17dc
int false_key_right; // @0x17e0
tCar_spec* last_person_to_hit_us; // @0x17e4
tCar_spec* last_person_we_hit; // @0x17e8
br_vector3 engine_pos; // @0x17ec
br_model* last_wheel_models[4]; // @0x17f8
int last_wheel_faces[4]; // @0x1808
tU32 shadow_intersection_flags; // @0x1818
tU32 last_bounce; // @0x181c
unsigned int new_skidding; // @0x1820
unsigned int old_skidding; // @0x1824
tU16 old_skid[4]; // @0x1828
br_vector3 prev_skid_pos[4]; // @0x1830
br_vector3 skid_line_start[4]; // @0x1860
br_vector3 skid_line_end[4]; // @0x1890
br_vector3 nor[4]; // @0x18c0
br_vector3 prev_nor[4]; // @0x18f0
br_vector3 special_start[4]; // @0x1920
br_scalar oil_remaining[4]; // @0x1950
br_scalar blood_remaining[4]; // @0x1960
br_scalar total_length[4]; // @0x1970
float proxy_ray_distance; // @0x1980
tS32 powerups[64]; // @0x1984
tU32 time_to_recover; // @0x1a84
tU32 repair_time; // @0x1a88
int power_up_levels[3]; // @0x1a8c
tS3_sound_tag horn_sound_tag; // @0x1a98
} tCar_spec;
typedef struct tOppo_psyche {
tU8 grudge_against_player;
} tOppo_psyche;
typedef struct tComplete_race_data {
tU8 finished_calcing_race_route;
tU8 found_race_section;
} tComplete_race_data;
typedef struct tReturn_to_start_data {
br_vector3 nearest_path_point;
tS16 section_no;
tU8 waiting_near_start;
} tReturn_to_start_data;
typedef struct tPath_node_struct {
br_vector3 p;
tS16 sections[8];
tU8 number_of_sections;
} tPath_node;
typedef struct tPath_section_struct { // size: 0x14
tS16 node_indices[2]; // @0x0
tU8 min_speed[2]; // @0x4
tU8 max_speed[2]; // @0x6
br_scalar width; // @0x8
br_scalar length; // @0xc
tU8 type; // @0x10
tU8 one_way; // @0x11
} tPath_section;
typedef struct tPursue_car_data { // size: 0x70
tCar_spec* pursuee; // @0x0
tU32 time_of_next_visibility_check; // @0x4
tU32 start_backup_time; // @0x8
tU32 time_last_twatted_em; // @0xc
tU32 time_pursuee_last_visible; // @0x10
tU32 time_last_away_from_pursuee; // @0x14
tPath_node direct_line_nodes[2]; // @0x18
tPath_section direct_line_section; // @0x58
tU8 state; // @0x6c
} tPursue_car_data;
typedef struct tFollow_path_data { // size: 0x58
tU32 struggle_time; // @0x0
tU32 last_finished_struggle_time; // @0x4
tU32 toggle_time; // @0x8
tU32 borrowed_time_start; // @0xc
br_scalar prev_acc; // @0x10
br_scalar prev_acc_error; // @0x14
br_scalar desired_speed; // @0x18
br_scalar last_distance; // @0x1c
br_vector3 cheaty_intersect; // @0x20
tS16 section_no; // @0x2c
tS16 first_section_no; // @0x2e
tS16 last_struggle_section; // @0x30
unsigned int number_of_struggles : 8; // @0x34
unsigned int has_moved_during_this_task : 1; // @0x34 // 0x100
unsigned int made_it : 1; // @0x34 // 0x200
unsigned int cheating : 1; // @0x34 // 0x400
unsigned int cornering : 1; // @0x34 // 0x800
unsigned int left_not_right : 1; // @0x34 // 0x1000
unsigned int off_path_toggle; // @0x38
unsigned int moving_to_intersect; // @0x3c
br_vector2 turning_cent; // @0x40
br_scalar turning_radius; // @0x48
br_scalar corner_size; // @0x4c
br_scalar corner_width; // @0x50
int section_after; // @0x54
} tFollow_path_data;
typedef struct tLevitate_data {
br_scalar initial_y;
tU32 time_started;
unsigned int waiting_to_levitate : 1;
} tLevitate_data;
typedef struct tRun_away_data {
tU32 time_to_stop;
} tRun_away_data;
typedef struct tRoute_section { // size: 0x4
tS16 section_no; // @0x0
tU8 direction; // @0x2
} tRoute_section;
typedef struct tOpponent_spec { // size: 0x190
int index; // @0x0
tOpponent_objective_type current_objective; // @0x4
tCar_spec* car_spec; // @0x8
float nastiness; // @0xc
br_scalar distance_to_camera; // @0x10
br_scalar distance_from_home; // @0x14
br_scalar player_to_oppo_d; // @0x18
br_vector3 start_pos; // @0x1c
br_vector3 start_direction; // @0x28
br_vector3 pos_last_frame; // @0x34
br_vector3 player_to_oppo_v; // @0x40
tU32 next_out_of_world_check; // @0x4c
tU32 stun_time_ends; // @0x50
tU32 next_player_visibility_check; // @0x54
tU32 last_moved_ok; // @0x58
tU32 last_in_view; // @0x5c
tU32 time_last_processed; // @0x60
tU32 time_this_objective_started; // @0x64
tU32 time_for_this_objective_to_finish; // @0x68
tU32 cunting_buttfuck_timer; // @0x6c
tS16 players_section_when_last_calced_full_path; // @0x70
int nnext_sections; // @0x74
tRoute_section next_sections[10]; // @0x78
unsigned int new_objective_required : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x1
unsigned int finished_for_this_race : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x2
unsigned int knackeredness_detected : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x4
unsigned int physics_me : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x8
unsigned int pursue_from_start : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x10
unsigned int cheating : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x20
unsigned int last_cheating_value : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x40
unsigned int pursuing_player_before_freeze : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x80
unsigned int has_moved_at_some_point : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x100
unsigned int player_in_view_now : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x200
unsigned int acknowledged_piv : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x400
unsigned int murder_reported : 1; // @0xa0 // 0x800
tComplete_race_data complete_race_data; // @0xa4
tFollow_path_data follow_path_data; // @0xa8
tPursue_car_data pursue_car_data; // @0x100
tLevitate_data levitate_data; // @0x170
tRun_away_data run_away_data; // @0x17c
tReturn_to_start_data return_to_start_data; // @0x180
} tOpponent_spec;
typedef struct tIntelligent_vehicles {
int number_of_opponents;
int number_of_cops;
int number_of_path_nodes;
int number_of_path_sections;
br_vector3 cop_start_points[10];
br_vector3 cop_start_vectors[10];
tOpponent_spec opponents[5];
tOpponent_spec cops[10];
tPath_node* path_nodes;
tPath_section* path_sections;
} tIntelligent_vehicles;
typedef struct tBounds {
br_matrix34* mat;
br_bounds original_bounds;
br_vector3 box_centre;
br_scalar radius;
br_bounds real_bounds;
} tBounds;
typedef struct tFace_ref {
br_material* material;
br_vector3 v[3];
br_vector2* map[3];
br_vector3 normal;
int flags;
br_scalar d;
} tFace_ref;
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct tNet_game_player_info { // size: 0xc0
tPD_net_player_info pd_net_info; // @0x0
tU32 this_players_time_stamp; // @0x10
tU32 last_heard_from_him; // @0x14
tU32 reposition_time; // @0x18
tU32 last_waste_message; // @0x1c
int host; // @0x20
tPlayer_ID ID; // @0x24
char player_name[32]; // @0x28
tPlayer_status player_status; // @0x48
int car_index; // @0x4c
int grid_index; // @0x50
int grid_position_set; // @0x54
int opponent_list_index; // @0x58
int awaiting_confirmation; // @0x5c
int score; // @0x60
int credits; // @0x64
int wasted; // @0x68
int wasteage_attributed; // @0x6c
int name_not_clipped; // @0x70
int race_stuff_initialised; // @0x74
int played; // @0x78
int won; // @0x7c
int next_car_index; // @0x80
int games_score; // @0x84
int last_score_index; // @0x88
br_matrix34 initial_position; // @0x8c
tCar_spec* car; // @0xbc
} tNet_game_player_info;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct tNet_game_options { // size: 0x30
int show_players_on_map; // @0x0
int show_peds_on_map; // @0x4
int enable_text_messages; // @0x8
int show_powerups_on_map; // @0xc
int powerup_respawn; // @0x10
int open_game; // @0x14
int starting_money_index; // @0x18
int grid_start; // @0x1c
int race_end_target; // @0x20
int random_car_choice; // @0x24
tNet_sequence_type race_sequence_type; // @0x28
tCar_choice car_choice; // @0x2c
} tNet_game_options;
typedef struct tNet_game_status { // size: 0x4
tNet_game_stage stage; // @0x0
} tNet_game_status;
typedef struct tNet_game_details { // size: 0x78
tPD_net_player_info pd_net_info; // @0x0
char host_name[32]; // @0x10
tPlayer_ID host_ID; // @0x30
int num_players; // @0x34
int start_race; // @0x38
int no_races_yet; // @0x3c
tNet_game_status status; // @0x40
tNet_game_options options; // @0x44
tNet_game_type type; // @0x74
} tNet_game_details;
typedef struct tNet_message_send_me_details {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
} tNet_message_send_me_details;
typedef struct tNet_message_my_details {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tNet_game_details details;
} tNet_message_my_details;
typedef struct tNet_message_join {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tNet_game_player_info player_info;
} tNet_message_join;
typedef struct tNet_message_leave {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
} tNet_message_leave;
typedef struct tNet_message_host_pissing_off {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
} tNet_message_host_pissing_off;
typedef struct tNet_message_new_player_list {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int number_of_players;
int this_index;
int batch_number;
tNet_game_player_info player;
} tNet_message_new_player_list;
typedef struct tNet_message_race_over {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tRace_over_reason reason;
} tNet_message_race_over;
typedef struct tNet_message_status_report {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_status status;
} tNet_message_status_report;
typedef struct tGrid_spec {
int index;
int next_car_index;
br_matrix34 mat;
} tGrid_spec;
typedef struct tNet_message_start_race {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int car_count;
int racing;
int next_race;
tGrid_spec car_list[6];
} tNet_message_start_race;
typedef struct tNet_message_guarantee_reply {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tU32 guarantee_number;
} tNet_message_guarantee_reply;
typedef struct tNet_message_headup {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
char text[128];
} tNet_message_headup;
typedef struct tNet_message_host_query {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
} tNet_message_host_query;
typedef struct tNet_message_host_reply {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int race_has_started;
int race_index;
int pending_race;
} tNet_message_host_reply;
typedef struct tNet_message_cop_info {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tU32 ID;
tU32 time;
tReduced_matrix mat;
br_vector3 v;
br_vector3 omega;
br_scalar curvature;
br_scalar d[4];
tU8 damage[12];
} tNet_message_cop_info;
typedef struct tNet_message_non_car_info {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tU32 ID;
tU32 time;
tReduced_matrix mat;
br_vector3 v;
br_vector3 omega;
tU32 cc_coll_time;
tU16 flags;
} tNet_message_non_car_info;
typedef struct tNet_message_non_car_position {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tU32 ID;
br_matrix34 mat;
tU16 flags;
} tNet_message_non_car_position;
typedef struct tNet_message_time_sync {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int race_start_time;
} tNet_message_time_sync;
typedef struct tNet_message_players_confirm {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID player;
} tNet_message_players_confirm;
typedef struct tNet_message_disable_car {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID player;
} tNet_message_disable_car;
typedef struct tNet_message_enable_car {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID player;
} tNet_message_enable_car;
typedef struct tNet_message_powerup {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID player;
int powerup_index;
tU32 time_left;
tPowerup_event event;
} tNet_message_powerup;
typedef struct tNet_message_recover {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tU32 ID;
int time_to_recover;
} tNet_message_recover;
typedef struct tNet_message_scores {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int general_score;
int scores[6];
} tNet_message_scores;
typedef struct tNet_message_wasted {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID victim;
tPlayer_ID culprit;
} tNet_message_wasted;
typedef struct tNet_message_gameplay {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tNet_gameplay_mess mess;
tU32 param_1;
tU32 param_2;
tU32 param_3;
tU32 param_4;
} tNet_message_gameplay;
typedef struct tNet_message_pedestrian {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tS8 action_instruction;
tS8 flags;
tS16 index;
br_vector3 pos;
br_scalar speed;
br_vector3 to_pos;
br_vector3 offset;
tPlayer_ID murderer;
tU32 respawn_time_or_spin_period;
tS8 frame;
} tNet_message_pedestrian;
typedef struct tNet_message_car_details_req {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
} tNet_message_car_details_req;
typedef struct tCar_details {
int car_index;
char owner[16];
} tCar_details;
typedef struct tNet_message_car_details {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
int count;
tCar_details details[6];
} tNet_message_car_details;
typedef struct tGame_scores {
int played;
int won;
int score;
} tGame_scores;
typedef struct tNet_message_game_scores {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tGame_scores scores[6];
} tNet_message_game_scores;
typedef struct tNet_message_oil_spill {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID player;
br_scalar full_size;
br_scalar grow_rate;
br_scalar current_size;
} tNet_message_oil_spill;
typedef struct tNet_message_crush_point {
tU8 contents_size;
tNet_message_type type;
tPlayer_ID id;
tU16 vertex;
br_vector3 energy_vector;
} tNet_message_crush_point;
typedef union tNet_contents { // size: 0x160
struct { // size: 0x2
tU8 contents_size; // @0x0
tNet_message_type type; // @0x1
} header; // @0x0
union { // size: 0x160
tNet_message_send_me_details send_details; // @0x0
tNet_message_my_details details; // @0x0
tNet_message_join join; // @0x0
tNet_message_leave leave; // @0x0
tNet_message_host_pissing_off hosticide; // @0x0
tNet_message_new_player_list player_list; // @0x0
tNet_message_race_over race_over; // @0x0
tNet_message_status_report report; // @0x0
tNet_message_start_race start_race; // @0x0
tNet_message_guarantee_reply reply; // @0x0
tNet_message_headup headup; // @0x0
tNet_message_host_query where_we_at; // @0x0
tNet_message_host_reply heres_where_we_at; // @0x0
tNet_message_mechanics_info mech; // @0x0
tNet_message_non_car_info non_car; // @0x0
tNet_message_time_sync time_sync; // @0x0
tNet_message_players_confirm confirm; // @0x0
tNet_message_disable_car disable_car; // @0x0
tNet_message_enable_car enabled_car; // @0x0
tNet_message_powerup powerup; // @0x0
tNet_message_recover recover; // @0x0
tNet_message_scores scores; // @0x0
tNet_message_wasted wasted; // @0x0
tNet_message_pedestrian pedestrian; // @0x0
tNet_message_gameplay gameplay; // @0x0
tNet_message_non_car_position non_car_position; // @0x0
tNet_message_cop_info cop_info; // @0x0
tNet_message_car_details_req car_details_req; // @0x0
tNet_message_car_details car_details; // @0x0
tNet_message_game_scores game_scores; // @0x0
tNet_message_oil_spill oil_spill; // @0x0
tNet_message_crush_point crush; // @0x0
} data; // @0x0
} tNet_contents;
typedef struct tNet_message { // size: 0x17c
tU32 pd_stuff_so_DO_NOT_USE; // @0x0
tU32 magic_number; // @0x4
tU32 guarantee_number; // @0x8
tPlayer_ID sender; // @0xc
int version; // @0x10
tU32 senders_time_stamp; // @0x14
tU16 num_contents; // @0x18
tU16 overall_size; // @0x1a
tNet_contents contents; // @0x1c
} tNet_message;
typedef struct tCar_detail_info {
tCar_detail_ownership ownership;
char name[16];
} tCar_detail_info;
typedef struct tWav_header {
char quote_RIFF[4];
tU32 format_length;
tU8 wave[4];
tU8 fmt[4];
tU32 wave_format_length;
tU16 format_tag;
tU16 channels;
tU32 samples_per_sec;
tU32 avg_bytes_per_sec;
tU16 block_align;
tU16 bits_per_sample;
tU8 data[4];
tU32 data_length;
} tWav_header;
typedef struct tPowerup {
tPowerup_type type;
tU32 got_time;
tU32 duration;
tU32 lose_time;
tU16 group_inclusion;
br_pixelmap* icon;
int fizzle_type;
int number_of_float_params;
int number_of_integer_params;
int* integer_params;
int current_value;
int prat_cam_event;
tNet_powerup_type net_type;
tGot_proc* got_proc;
tLose_proc* lose_proc;
tPeriodic_proc* periodic_proc;
float* float_params;
tCar_spec* car;
char message[64];
} tPowerup;
typedef struct tDepth_effect {
tDepth_effect_type type;
int start;
int end;
br_pixelmap* sky_texture;
} tDepth_effect;
typedef struct tPlane_spec {
tPlane_type plane_type;
br_fvector3 n;
br_scalar d;
} tPlane_spec;
typedef struct tMaterial_modifiers {
br_scalar car_wall_friction;
br_scalar tyre_road_friction;
br_scalar down_force;
br_scalar bumpiness;
int tyre_noise_index;
int crash_noise_index;
int scrape_noise_index;
br_scalar sparkiness;
int smoke_type;
br_material* skid_mark_material;
} tMaterial_modifiers;
typedef struct tSpecial_screen {
br_material* material;
br_scalar min_x;
br_scalar min_z;
br_scalar max_x;
br_scalar max_z;
} tSpecial_screen;
typedef struct tRace_list_spec {
char name[32];
int rank_required;
int best_rank;
int suggested_rank;
int been_there_done_that;
} tRace_list_spec;
typedef struct tRace_save_info {
tU32 been_there_done_that;
} tRace_save_info;
typedef struct tGraf_spec {
int depth_bits;
int depth_bytes;
int doubled;
int total_width;
int total_height;
long black_value;
int colour_index;
char* data_dir_name;
char* gfx_init_string;
int row_bytes;
int phys_width;
int phys_height;
void* base_addr;
} tGraf_spec;
typedef struct tCollision_info { // size: 0x33c
int index; // @0x0
int disabled; // @0x4
tDriver driver; // @0x8
br_actor* car_master_actor; // @0xc
br_scalar min_torque_squared; // @0x10
br_scalar break_off_radians_squared; // @0x14
br_vector3 v; // @0x18
br_vector3 old_v; // @0x24
br_vector3 velocity_car_space; // @0x30
br_matrix34 oldmat; // @0x3c
br_matrix34 old_frame_mat; // @0x6c
br_vector3 pos; // @0x9c
br_vector3 omega; // @0xa8
br_vector3 oldomega; // @0xb4
br_scalar M; // @0xc0
int infinite_mass; // @0xc4
br_vector3 I; // @0xc8
br_vector3 cmpos; // @0xd4
int extra_point_num; // @0xe0
br_bounds bounds[3]; // @0xe4
br_bounds max_bounds[2]; // @0x12c
br_vector3 extra_points[6]; // @0x15c
br_scalar original_extra_points_z[6]; // @0x1a4
br_vector3 old_point; // @0x1bc
br_vector3 old_norm; // @0x1c8
int box_face_start; // @0x1d4
int box_face_end; // @0x1d8
int box_face_ref; // @0x1dc
br_matrix34 last_box_inv_mat; // @0x1e0
br_bounds last_box; // @0x210
int doing_nothing_flag; // @0x228
tSpecial_volume* last_special_volume; // @0x22c
tSpecial_volume* auto_special_volume; // @0x230
int frame_collision_flag; // @0x234
int collision_flag; // @0x238
int max_shrapnel_material; // @0x23c
br_vector3 direction; // @0x240
float speed; // @0x24c
tU16 car_ID; // @0x250
br_material* shrapnel_material[3]; // @0x254
br_bounds bounds_world_space; // @0x260
tBounds_type bounds_ws_type; // @0x278
tU16 fire_vertex[12]; // @0x27c
tU16 num_smoke_columns; // @0x294
br_vector3 water_normal; // @0x298
br_scalar water_d; // @0x2a4
br_scalar water_depth_factor; // @0x2a8
tNet_message_mechanics_info message; // @0x2ac
tU32 last_car_car_collision; // @0x330
br_scalar dt; // @0x334
tCar_spec* who_last_hit_me; // @0x338
} tCollision_info;
typedef struct tNon_car_spec { // size: 0x370
tCollision_info collision_info; // @0x0
br_scalar free_mass; // @0x33c
br_scalar attached_mass; // @0x340
br_vector3 free_cmpos; // @0x344
br_vector3 attached_cmpos; // @0x350
br_scalar min_torque_squared; // @0x35c
br_scalar snap_off_cosine; // @0x360
br_vector3 I_over_M; // @0x364
} tNon_car_spec;
typedef struct tOpp_spec { // size: 0x10
int index; // @0x0
int ranking; // @0x4
int net_player_index; // @0x8
tCar_spec* car_spec; // @0xc
} tOpp_spec;
typedef struct tCheckpoint {
int time_value[3];
int quad_count;
br_vector3 vertices[4][4];
br_vector3 normal[4];
int map_left[2];
int map_top[2];
int map_right[2];
int map_bottom[2];
} tCheckpoint;
typedef struct tNet_starts {
br_vector3 pos;
br_scalar yaw;
} tNet_starts;
typedef struct tText_chunk {
int frame_cue;
int frame_end;
int x_coord;
int y_coord;
int line_count;
char* text[8];
} tText_chunk;
typedef struct tRace_info {
char name[32];
char track_file_name[14];
int rank_required;
int best_rank;
int suggested_rank;
int total_laps;
int check_point_count;
int initial_timer[3];
int bonus_score[8][3];
int number_of_racers;
int number_of_net_start_points;
int text_chunk_count;
tNet_starts net_starts[24];
tCheckpoint checkpoints[10];
tOpp_spec opponent_list[30];
tU8* scene_image_data;
tU8* map_image_data;
tU8* info_image_data;
tU32 scene_image_data_length;
tU32 map_image_data_length;
tU32 info_image_data_length;
br_vector3 initial_position;
br_scalar initial_yaw;
br_pixelmap* map_image;
br_matrix34 map_transformation;
tText_chunk* text_chunks;
tMaterial_modifiers material_modifiers[11];
} tRace_info;
typedef struct tOpponent_save_info {
tU32 dead;
} tOpponent_save_info;
typedef struct tOpponent {
char name[24];
char abbrev_name[24];
char mug_shot_name[14];
char car_file_name[14];
char stolen_car_flic_name[14];
tU8* mug_shot_image_data;
tU8* stolen_car_image_data;
tU32 mug_shot_image_data_length;
tU32 stolen_car_image_data_length;
int car_number;
int strength_rating;
int picked;
int dead;
int text_chunk_count;
tNet_avail network_availability;
br_pixelmap* grid_icon_image;
tOppo_psyche psyche;
tText_chunk* text_chunks;
} tOpponent;
typedef struct tProgram_state {
tS32 credits;
tS32 credits_earned;
tS32 credits_lost;
tU32 view_change_start;
tU32 pratcam_move_start;
int peds_killed;
int sausage_eater_mode;
int rank;
int loaded;
int last_slot;
int skill_level;
int parts_shop_visited;
int racing;
int cut_scene;
int saving;
int loading;
int dont_save_or_load;
int dont_load;
int mirror_on;
int prat_cam_on;
int cockpit_on;
int cockpit_image_index;
int current_render_left;
int current_render_top;
int current_render_right;
int current_render_bottom;
int frame_rate_headup;
int revs;
int music_volume;
int effects_volume;
int current_race_index;
int redo_race_index;
int credits_per_rank;
int game_completed;
int number_of_cars;
int current_car_index;
tWhich_view which_view;
tWhich_view new_view;
tWhich_view pending_view;
tWhich_view old_view;
tRace_sel_view_type view_type;
tProg_status prog_status;
tFrank_anne frank_or_anniness;
tAuto_parts_reply auto_parts_reply;
tCar_spec current_car;
char player_name[2][14];
char track_file_name[14];
char car_name[14];
int cars_available[60];
br_vector3 initial_position;
br_scalar initial_yaw;
tTrack_spec track_spec;
tDepth_effect default_depth_effect;
tDepth_effect current_depth_effect;
int special_volume_count;
tSpecial_volume* special_volumes;
br_material* standard_screen;
br_material* standard_screen_dark;
br_material* standard_screen_fog;
int special_screens_count;
tSpecial_screen* special_screens;
tIntelligent_vehicles AI_vehicles;
tNon_car_spec* non_cars;
int num_non_car_spaces;
} tProgram_state;
typedef struct tDR_font {
br_pixelmap* images;
int file_read_once;
int height;
int width;
int spacing;
int offset;
int num_entries;
int width_table[224];
} tDR_font;
typedef struct tGraf_data {
int width;
int height;
int rolling_letter_y_pitch;
int save_slot_y_offset;
int rolling_letter_x_pitch;
int save_slot_x_offset;
int save_slot_rank_x_offset;
int save_slot_credits_x_offset;
int save_slot_height;
int save_slot_letter_height;
int save_slot_table[41];
int player_name_y;
int player_name_x[2];
int enter_name_x[2];
int enter_name_y;
int frank_panel_left;
int frank_panel_top;
int frank_panel_right;
int frank_panel_bottom;
int anne_panel_left;
int anne_panel_top;
int anne_panel_right;
int anne_panel_bottom;
int cock_margin_x;
int cock_margin_y;
int total_cock_width;
int total_cock_height;
int dial__x[2];
int dial__y[2];
int dial__x_centre;
int dial__y_centre;
int start_race_panel_left;
int start_race_panel_top;
int start_race_panel_right;
int start_race_panel_bottom;
int start_race_panel_top_clip;
int start_race_panel_bottom_clip;
int choose_race_rank_right;
int choose_race_name_left;
int choose_race_bullet_left;
int choose_race_left;
int choose_race_right;
int choose_race_y_top;
int choose_race_y_bottom;
int choose_race_y_pitch;
int choose_race_curr_y;
int choose_race_box_left;
int choose_race_box_top;
int choose_race_line_y;
int choose_race_current_text_x;
int choose_race_current_text_y;
int choose_race_current_num_x;
int grid_x_pitch;
int grid_y_pitch;
int grid_x_stagger;
int grid_left_x;
int grid_top_y;
int grid_left_clip;
int grid_top_clip;
int grid_right_clip;
int grid_bottom_clip;
int grid_numbers_left;
int grid_numbers_top;
int grid_numbers_right;
int grid_marker_margin;
int grid_marker_x_len;
int dare_mugshot_left;
int dare_mugshot_top;
int dare_mugshot_width;
int dare_mugshot_height;
int dare_text_left;
int dare_text_width;
int dare_mug_left_margin;
int dare_mug_top_margin;
int dare_y_adjust;
int parts_image_x;
int parts_image_y;
int parts_image_width;
int parts_image_height;
int parts_cost_x;
int parts_cost_y;
int parts_total_x;
int parts_total_y;
int parts_net_x;
int parts_net_y;
int parts_numbers_x;
int parts_top_clip;
int parts_bottom_clip;
int parts_label_x;
int parts_label_y;
int summ1_credits_box_left;
int summ1_credits_left;
int summ1_credits_right;
int summ1_earned_top;
int summ1_earned_bottom;
int summ1_lost_top;
int summ1_lost_bottom;
int summ1_total_top;
int summ1_total_bottom;
int summ1_rank_x_pitch;
int summ1_rank_inc_l;
int summ1_rank_inc_c;
int summ1_rank_total_l;
int summ1_rank_total_c;
int summ1_rank_inc_left;
int summ1_rank_inc_right;
int summ1_rank_total_left;
int summ1_rank_total_right;
int summ1_rank_top;
int summ1_rank_bot;
int summ1_rank_y;
int wreck_name_left;
int wreck_name_right;
int wreck_name_top;
int wreck_name_bottom;
int wreck_name_base_line;
int wreck_render_x;
int wreck_render_y;
int wreck_render_w;
int wreck_render_h;
int power_up_icon_x;
int power_up_icon_countdown_x;
int power_up_icon_y;
int power_up_icon_y_pitch;
int power_up_icon_countdown_y_offset;
int change_car_text_y;
int change_car_line_left;
int change_car_line_y;
int change_car_line_right;
int change_car_panel_left;
int change_car_panel_top;
int change_car_panel_right;
int change_car_panel_bottom;
int change_car_panel_top_clip;
int change_car_panel_bottom_clip;
int map_timer_text_x;
int map_timer_text_y;
int map_timer_border_x;
int map_timer_border_y;
int action_replay_R_x;
int action_replay_R_y;
int action_replay_controls_x;
int action_replay_controls_y;
int action_replay_hilite_y;
int action_replay_rew_start_x;
int action_replay_rew_x;
int action_replay_rev_play_x;
int action_replay_pause_x;
int action_replay_play_x;
int action_replay_ffwd_x;
int action_replay_fwd_end_x;
int action_replay_camera_x;
int action_replay_cam_text_x;
int action_replay_cam_text_y;
int joinable_games_x_1;
int joinable_games_x_2;
int joinable_games_x_3;
int joinable_games_x_4;
int joinable_games_x_r;
int joinable_games_y;
int joinable_games_y_pitch;
int joinable_games_sel_left;
int joinable_games_sel_right;
int joinable_games_sel_top_marg;
int joinable_games_sel_bot_marg;
int net_player_name_x;
int net_player_name_y;
int error_box_left;
int error_box_top;
int error_box_right;
int error_box_bottom;
int start_synch_x_0;
int start_synch_x_1;
int start_synch_x_2;
int start_synch_x_r;
int start_synch_top;
int start_synch_y_pitch;
int start_synch_start_x;
int start_synch_start_y;
int key_assign_col_1;
int key_assign_col_1_a;
int key_assign_col_2;
int key_assign_col_2_a;
int key_assign_y_pitch;
int key_assign_y;
int key_assign_key_map_y;
int key_assign_flic_x;
int key_assign_flic_y;
int map_render_x_marg;
int map_render_y_marg;
int net_head_box_x;
int net_head_box_pitch;
int net_head_box_width;
int net_head_box_top;
int net_head_box_bot;
int net_head_name_x_marg;
int net_head_name_y;
int net_head_num_x;
int net_head_num_y;
int net_head_num_height;
int net_head_icon_x;
int net_head_icon_y;
int net_head_icon_height;
int net_head_score_x;
int net_head_score_y;
int armour_headup_y[2];
int power_headup_y[2];
int offense_headup_y[2];
int ps_dim_left;
int ps_dim_right;
int ps_dim_height;
int ps_name_left;
int ps_name_top_border;
int ps_bars_per_level;
int ps_x_pitch;
int ps_bar_top_border;
int ps_bar_left;
int ps_bar_height;
int net_choose_race_x;
int net_choose_race_y;
int net_descr_race_l;
int net_descr_race_r;
int net_descr_race_top;
int net_descr_race_bot;
int net_sum_x_1;
int net_sum_x_2;
int net_sum_x_3;
int net_sum_x_4;
int net_sum_x_5;
int net_sum_headings_y;
int net_sum_y_pitch;
int graph_opt_disable_x;
int graph_opt_disable_y;
int sound_opt_disable_x;
int sound_opt_disable_y;
int net_message_enter_x;
int net_message_enter_y;
int eval_x;
int eval_y;
} tGraf_data;
typedef struct tRolling_letter {
int letters[9];
int x_coord;
int y_coord;
int number_of_letters;
tRolling_type rolling_type;
float current_offset;
} tRolling_letter;
typedef struct tFlic_descriptor {
char* data;
char* data_start;
char file_name[32];
tU8* first_pixel;
tU32 bytes_remaining;
tU32 frame_period;
tU32 last_frame;
br_pixelmap* the_pixelmap;
int x_offset;
int y_offset;
int width;
int height;
int frames_left;
int current_frame;
int the_index;
int new_format;
int must_finish;
int bytes_still_to_be_read;
int bytes_in_buffer;
FILE* f;
tFlic_descriptor_ptr next;
} tFlic_descriptor;
typedef struct tBrender_storage {
int models_count;
int materials_count;
int shade_tables_count;
int pixelmaps_count;
int max_pixelmaps;
int max_shade_tables;
int max_materials;
int max_models;
br_model** models;
br_pixelmap** pixelmaps;
br_pixelmap** shade_tables;
br_material** materials;
br_pixelmap** saved_colour_maps;
} tBrender_storage;
typedef struct tSave_game {
char slot_name[16];
char car_name[16];
char player_name[2][14];
tRace_save_info race_info[100];
tOpponent_save_info opponent_info[48];
tU32 credits;
tU32 rank;
tU32 skill_level;
tU32 game_completed;
tU32 number_of_cars;
tU32 cars_available[60];
tU32 current_car_index;
tU32 current_race_index;
tU32 redo_race_index;
tU32 frank_or_annitude;
tU32 power_up_levels[3];
tU32 version;
tU32 checksum;
} tSave_game;
typedef struct tPed_subs {
int orig;
int subs;
} tPed_subs;
typedef struct tRadio_bastards {
int count;
int top;
int current_value;
int left[5];
} tRadio_bastards;
typedef struct exception_struct {
tException_list next;
char* name;
int flags;
} tException_node;
typedef struct tPixelmap_user_data {
tU16 orig_width;
tU16 orig_height;
} tPixelmap_user_data;
typedef struct tMatrix_and_actor {
br_matrix34* m;
br_actor* a;
} tMatrix_and_actor;
typedef tU16 tChunk_subject_index;
typedef enum tShadow_level {
eShadow_none = 0,
eShadow_us_only = 1,
eShadow_us_and_opponents = 2,
eShadow_everyone = 3
} tShadow_level;
typedef enum tPipe_chunk_type {
ePipe_chunk_actor_rstyle = 0,
ePipe_chunk_actor_translate = 1,
ePipe_chunk_actor_transform = 2,
ePipe_chunk_actor_create = 3,
ePipe_chunk_actor_destroy = 4,
ePipe_chunk_actor_relink = 5,
ePipe_chunk_actor_material = 6,
ePipe_chunk_face_material = 7,
ePipe_chunk_material_trans = 8,
ePipe_chunk_material_pixelmap = 9,
ePipe_chunk_model_geometry = 10,
ePipe_chunk_pedestrian = 11,
ePipe_chunk_frame_boundary = 12,
ePipe_chunk_car = 13,
ePipe_chunk_sound = 14,
ePipe_chunk_damage = 15,
ePipe_chunk_special = 16,
ePipe_chunk_ped_gib = 17,
ePipe_chunk_incident = 18,
ePipe_chunk_spark = 19,
ePipe_chunk_shrapnel = 20,
ePipe_chunk_screen_shake = 21,
ePipe_chunk_groove_stop = 22,
ePipe_chunk_non_car = 23,
ePipe_chunk_smoke = 24,
ePipe_chunk_oil_spill = 25,
ePipe_chunk_smoke_column = 26,
ePipe_chunk_flame = 27,
ePipe_chunk_smudge = 28,
ePipe_chunk_splash = 29,
ePipe_chunk_prox_ray = 30,
ePipe_chunk_skid_adjustment = 31,
ePipe_chunk_enum_count = 32
} tPipe_chunk_type;
typedef enum tSpecial_type {
ePipe_special_fade = 0,
ePipe_special_giant_ped_on = 1,
ePipe_special_giant_ped_off = 2,
ePipe_special_min_ped_on = 3,
ePipe_special_min_ped_off = 4
} tSpecial_type;
typedef enum tIncident_type {
eIncident_ped = 0,
eIncident_car = 1,
eIncident_wall = 2,
eNo_incident = 3
} tIncident_type;
typedef enum tAction_replay_camera_type {
eAction_replay_standard = 0,
eAction_replay_tv = 1,
eAction_replay_action = 2
} tAction_replay_camera_type;
typedef enum tKey_down_result {
tKey_down_no = 0,
tKey_down_yes = 1,
tKey_down_still = 2,
tKey_down_repeat = 3
} tKey_down_result;
typedef int dr_pick2d_cbfn(br_actor*, br_model*, br_material*, br_vector3*, br_vector3*, br_scalar, br_scalar, void*);
typedef struct tReduced_pos {
tS16 v[3];
} tReduced_pos;
typedef union tIncident_info { // size: 0x10
struct { // size: 0x10
tCar_spec* car; // @0x0
br_vector3 impact_point; // @0x4
} car_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x8
br_actor* ped_actor; // @0x0
br_actor* murderer_actor; // @0x4
} ped_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0xc
br_vector3 pos; // @0x0
} wall_info; // @0x0
} tIncident_info;
typedef struct tChanged_vertex {
tU16 vertex_index;
br_vector3 delta_coordinates;
} tChanged_vertex;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_rstyle_data {
tU8 new_rstyle;
} tPipe_actor_rstyle_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_translate_data {
br_vector3 new_translation;
} tPipe_actor_translate_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_transform_data {
br_matrix34 new_transformation;
} tPipe_actor_transform_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_create_data {
tU8 dummy;
} tPipe_actor_create_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_destroy_data {
tU8 dummy;
} tPipe_actor_destroy_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_relink_data {
tChunk_subject_index new_parent;
} tPipe_actor_relink_data;
typedef struct tPipe_actor_material_data {
tChunk_subject_index new_material;
} tPipe_actor_material_data;
typedef struct tPipe_face_material_data {
tU16 face_index;
tChunk_subject_index new_material;
} tPipe_face_material_data;
typedef struct tPipe_material_trans_data {
br_matrix23 new_transformation;
} tPipe_material_trans_data;
typedef struct tPipe_material_pixelmap_data {
tChunk_subject_index new_pixelmap;
} tPipe_material_pixelmap_data;
typedef struct tPipe_model_geometry_data {
tU16 vertex_count;
int model_index;
tChanged_vertex vertex_changes[1];
} tPipe_model_geometry_data;
typedef struct tSmudged_vertex {
tU16 vertex_index;
tU16 light_index;
} tSmudged_vertex;
typedef struct tPipe_smudge_data {
tU16 vertex_count;
int model_index;
tSmudged_vertex vertex_changes[1];
} tPipe_smudge_data;
typedef struct tPipe_pedestrian_data {
tU8 action_and_frame_index;
tS8 hit_points;
tU16 parent;
br_vector3 new_translation;
float spin_period;
br_actor* parent_actor;
br_vector3 offset;
br_scalar jump_magnitude;
} tPipe_pedestrian_data;
typedef struct tPipe_frame_boundary_data {
tU32 time;
} tPipe_frame_boundary_data;
typedef struct tPipe_car_data {
br_matrix34 transformation;
br_vector3 velocity;
tS16 speedo_speed;
tS16 steering_angle;
tU16 revs_and_gear;
tS8 lf_sus_position;
tS8 rf_sus_position;
tS8 lr_sus_position;
tS8 rr_sus_position;
} tPipe_car_data;
typedef struct tPipe_sound_data {
tS3_pitch pitch;
br_vector3 position;
tU16 outlet_index;
tU16 volume;
} tPipe_sound_data;
typedef struct tPipe_damage_data {
tS8 damage_delta[12];
} tPipe_damage_data;
typedef struct tPipe_special_data {
tU8 dummy;
tS8 padding;
} tPipe_special_data;
typedef struct tPipe_ped_gib_data {
tU16 ped_parent_index;
tU8 size;
tU8 gib_index;
br_matrix34 transform;
} tPipe_ped_gib_data;
typedef struct tPipe_incident_data { // size: 0x14
float severity; // @0x0
union { // size: 0x10
struct { // size: 0x10
tU16 car_ID; // @0x0
br_vector3 impact_point; // @0x4
} car_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x8
tU16 ped_index; // @0x0
br_actor* actor; // @0x4
} ped_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0xc
br_vector3 pos; // @0x0
} wall_info; // @0x0
} info; // @0x4
} tPipe_incident_data;
typedef struct tPipe_spark_data {
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 v;
} tPipe_spark_data;
typedef struct tPipe_shrapnel_data {
br_vector3 pos;
tU16 age;
br_material* material;
} tPipe_shrapnel_data;
typedef struct tPipe_screen_shake_data {
tS8 wobble_x;
tS8 wobble_y;
} tPipe_screen_shake_data;
typedef struct tPipe_non_car_data {
br_actor* actor;
br_matrix34 mat;
} tPipe_non_car_data;
typedef struct tPipe_smoke_data {
tReduced_pos pos;
tU16 radius;
tU8 strength;
tU8 type;
} tPipe_smoke_data;
typedef struct tPipe_smoke_column_data {
int car_ID;
tU16 vertex;
} tPipe_smoke_column_data;
typedef struct tPipe_flame_data {
tS16 frame_count;
br_scalar scale_x;
br_scalar scale_y;
br_scalar offset_x;
br_scalar offset_z;
} tPipe_flame_data;
typedef struct tPipe_splash_data {
br_scalar d;
br_vector3 normal;
} tPipe_splash_data;
typedef struct tPipe_prox_ray_data {
tU16 ped_index;
tU16 car_ID;
tU32 time;
} tPipe_prox_ray_data;
typedef struct tPipe_oil_spill_data {
br_matrix34 mat;
br_scalar full_size;
br_scalar grow_rate;
tU32 spill_time;
tU32 previous_stop_time;
tCar_spec* car;
br_vector3 original_pos;
br_pixelmap* pixelmap;
} tPipe_oil_spill_data;
typedef struct tPipe_groove_stop_data {
int path_interrupt;
int object_interrupt;
float path_resumption;
float object_resumption;
br_matrix34 matrix;
} tPipe_groove_stop_data;
typedef struct tPipe_skid_adjustment {
br_matrix34 matrix;
int material_index;
} tPipe_skid_adjustment;
typedef struct tPipe_chunk { // size: 0x58
tChunk_subject_index subject_index; // @0x0
int chunk_magic1;
union { // size: 0x54
tPipe_actor_rstyle_data actor_rstyle_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_translate_data actor_translate_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_transform_data actor_transform_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_create_data actor_create_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_destroy_data actor_destroy_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_relink_data actor_relink_data; // @0x0
tPipe_actor_material_data actor_material_data; // @0x0
tPipe_face_material_data face_material_data; // @0x0
tPipe_material_trans_data material_trans_data; // @0x0
tPipe_material_pixelmap_data material_pixelmap_data; // @0x0
tPipe_model_geometry_data model_geometry_data; // @0x0
tPipe_pedestrian_data pedestrian_data; // @0x0
tPipe_frame_boundary_data frame_boundary_data; // @0x0
tPipe_car_data car_data; // @0x0
tPipe_sound_data sound_data; // @0x0
tPipe_damage_data damage_data; // @0x0
tPipe_special_data special_data; // @0x0
tPipe_ped_gib_data ped_gib_data; // @0x0
tPipe_incident_data incident_data; // @0x0
tPipe_spark_data spark_data; // @0x0
tPipe_shrapnel_data shrapnel_data; // @0x0
tPipe_screen_shake_data screen_shake_data; // @0x0
tPipe_groove_stop_data groove_stop_data; // @0x0
tPipe_non_car_data non_car_data; // @0x0
tPipe_smoke_data smoke_data; // @0x0
tPipe_oil_spill_data oil_data; // @0x0
tPipe_smoke_column_data smoke_column_data; // @0x0
tPipe_flame_data flame_data; // @0x0
tPipe_smudge_data smudge_data; // @0x0
tPipe_splash_data splash_data; // @0x0
tPipe_prox_ray_data prox_ray_data; // @0x0
tPipe_skid_adjustment skid_adjustment; // @0x0
} chunk_data; // @0x4
} tPipe_chunk;
typedef struct tPipe_session {
tPipe_chunk_type chunk_type;
tU8 number_of_chunks;
int pipe_magic1;
tPipe_chunk chunks;
} tPipe_session;
typedef struct tCollison_data {
int ref;
tCollision_info* car;
} tCollison_data;
typedef struct tSave_camera {
int saved;
br_scalar zoom;
br_angle yaw;
} tSave_camera;
typedef void tEdit_func(void);
typedef void* tEdit_func(void);
typedef enum tEdit_mode {
eEdit_mode_cheat = 0,
eEdit_mode_acc = 1,
eEdit_mode_spec_vol = 2,
eEdit_mode_ped = 3,
eEdit_mode_opp = 4,
eEdit_mode_pratcam = 5,
eEdit_mode_depth = 6,
eEdit_mode_damage = 7,
eEdit_mode_bonnet = 8,
eEdit_mode_options = 9,
eEdit_mode_count = 10
} tEdit_mode;
typedef struct tToggle_element {
int key1;
int key2;
int in_game_only;
int exact_modifiers;
int on_last_time;
void (*action_proc)(void);
} tToggle_element;
typedef struct tCheat {
tU32 code;
tU32 code2;
void (*action_proc)(int);
int num;
} tCheat;
typedef enum tSpec_vol_depth_effect {
eSpec_dep_acid = 0,
eSpec_dep_water = 1,
eSpec_dep_slight_fog = 2,
eSpec_dep_med_fog = 3,
eSpec_dep_thick_fog = 4
} tSpec_vol_depth_effect;
typedef enum tSpec_vol_cam_effect {
eSpec_cam_wobble = 0
} tSpec_vol_cam_effect;
typedef enum tHeadup_type {
eHeadup_unused = 0,
eHeadup_text = 1,
eHeadup_coloured_text = 2,
eHeadup_image = 3,
eHeadup_fancy = 4,
eHeadup_box_text = 5
} tHeadup_type;
typedef enum tFancy_stage {
eFancy_stage_incoming = 0,
eFancy_stage_halting = 1,
eFancy_stage_waiting = 2,
eFancy_stage_readying = 3,
eFancy_stage_leaving = 4
} tFancy_stage;
typedef struct tHeadup { // size: 0x14c
tHeadup_type type; // @0x0
int x; // @0x4
int y; // @0x8
int original_x; // @0xc
int right_edge; // @0x10
int flash_period; // @0x14
int slot_index; // @0x18
int dimmed_background; // @0x1c
int dim_left; // @0x20
int dim_top; // @0x24
int dim_right; // @0x28
int dim_bottom; // @0x2c
int clever; // @0x30
int cockpit_anchored; // @0x34
int flash_state; // @0x38
tJustification justification; // @0x3c
tU32 end_time; // @0x40
tU32 last_flash; // @0x44
union { // size: 0x104
struct { // size: 0x104
char text[250]; // @0x0
int colour; // @0xfc
br_font* font; // @0x100
} text_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x100
char text[250]; // @0x0
tDR_font* coloured_font; // @0xfc
} coloured_text_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x4
br_pixelmap* image; // @0x0
} image_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x18
br_pixelmap* image; // @0x0
int offset; // @0x4
int shear_amount; // @0x8
int end_offset; // @0xc
tFancy_stage fancy_stage; // @0x10
tU32 start_time; // @0x14
} fancy_info; // @0x0
} data; // @0x48
} tHeadup;
typedef struct tQueued_headup {
int flash_rate;
int lifetime;
int font_index;
char text[256];
} tQueued_headup;
typedef struct tFlicette {
int flic_index;
int x[2];
int y[2];
} tFlicette;
typedef struct tMouse_area {
int left[2];
int top[2];
int right[2];
int bottom[2];
int new_choice;
int new_mode;
int available_when_typing;
int (*mouse_click)(int*, int*, int, int);
} tMouse_area;
typedef struct tRectile {
int left[2];
int top[2];
int right[2];
int bottom[2];
} tRectile;
typedef struct tInterface_spec {
int initial_imode;
int first_opening_flic;
int second_opening_flic;
int end_flic_go_ahead;
int end_flic_escaped;
int end_flic_otherwise;
int flic_bunch_to_load;
int move_left_new_mode[2];
int move_left_delta[2];
int move_left_min[2];
int move_left_max[2];
int (*move_left_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int move_right_new_mode[2];
int move_right_delta[2];
int move_right_min[2];
int move_right_max[2];
int (*move_right_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int move_up_new_mode[2];
int move_up_delta[2];
int move_up_min[2];
int move_up_max[2];
int (*move_up_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int move_down_new_mode[2];
int move_down_delta[2];
int move_down_min[2];
int move_down_max[2];
int (*move_down_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int go_ahead_allowed[2];
int (*go_ahead_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int escape_allowed[2];
int (*escape_proc[2])(int*, int*);
int (*exit_proc)(int*, int*);
void (*draw_proc)(int, int);
tU32 time_out;
void (*start_proc1)(void);
void (*start_proc2)(void);
int (*done_proc)(int, int, int, int, int);
int font_needed;
int typeable[2];
void (*get_original_string)(int, int, char*, int*);
int escape_code;
int dont_save_or_load;
int number_of_button_flics;
tFlicette* flicker_on_flics;
tFlicette* flicker_off_flics;
tFlicette* pushed_flics;
int number_of_mouse_areas;
tMouse_area* mouse_areas;
int number_of_recopy_areas;
tRectile* recopy_areas;
} tInterface_spec;
typedef int dr_modelpick2d_cbfn(br_model*, br_material*, br_vector3*, br_vector3*, br_scalar, int, int, int, br_vector3*, br_vector2*, void*);
typedef int dr_pick3d_cbfn(br_actor*, br_model*, br_material*, br_matrix34*, br_bounds*, void*);
typedef struct tFlic_spec {
char* file_name;
int interruptable;
int queued;
int frame_rate;
int repeat;
int x_offset;
int y_offset;
tS8* data_ptr;
tU32 the_size;
} tFlic_spec;
typedef struct tFlic_bunch {
char count;
int* indexes;
} tFlic_bunch;
typedef struct tTranslation_record {
int flic_index;
int x;
int y;
int font_index;
int global;
int every_frame;
tJustification justification;
char* text;
} tTranslation_record;
/* Changed due to conflict with tVehicle_type enum */
typedef enum tVehicle_category {
eVehiclecat_self = 0,
eVehiclecat_opponent = 1,
eVehiclecat_rozzer = 2,
eVehiclecat_drone = 3
} tVehicle_category;
typedef struct tTransient_bm {
br_pixelmap* pixmap;
int in_use;
int x_coord;
int y_coord;
int order_number;
int user_data;
} tTransient_bm;
typedef struct tCursor_giblet {
int current_giblet;
int sequence_index;
int landed;
int transient_index;
float x_speed;
float y_speed;
float x_coord;
float y_coord;
float the_speed;
tU32 last_giblet_change;
tU32 giblet_change_period;
tU32 e_t_a;
} tCursor_giblet;
typedef struct tWobble_spec {
float amplitude_x;
float amplitude_y;
float period;
int time_started;
} tWobble_spec;
typedef struct tConcussion {
int concussed;
br_matrix34 amplitudes;
br_matrix34 periods;
tU32 time_started;
} tConcussion;
typedef struct tSaved_table {
br_pixelmap* original;
br_pixelmap* copy;
} tSaved_table;
typedef struct tClip_details {
br_actor* clip;
br_scalar length;
} tClip_details;
typedef enum tNet_head_avail {
eNet_or_otherwise = 0,
eNet_only = 1,
eNot_net = 2,
eNot_ever_ever_ever = 3
} tNet_head_avail;
typedef struct tModel_pool {
br_model** model_array;
int model_count;
} tModel_pool;
typedef struct tHeadup_info {
char* name;
tNet_head_avail avail;
} tHeadup_info;
typedef enum tTime_bonus_state {
eTime_bonus_none = 0,
eTime_bonus_initial_pause = 1,
eTime_bonus_race_bonus = 2,
eTime_bonus_tb_up = 3,
eTime_bonus_tb_pause = 4,
eTime_bonus_tb_down = 5,
eTime_bonus_end_pause = 6
} tTime_bonus_state;
typedef enum tInfo_mode {
eInfo_regular = 0,
eInfo_pcam_car = 1,
eInfo_nearby_mat = 2,
eInfo_count = 3
} tInfo_mode;
typedef struct tHeadup_pair {
int player_index;
int score;
int out_of_game;
} tHeadup_pair;
typedef struct tMax_message {
// char buffer[516]; // 512 + sizeof(void*)
char buffer[520];
} tMax_message;
typedef struct tMid_message {
// char buffer[132]; // 128 + sizeof(void*)
char buffer[136];
} tMid_message;
typedef struct tMin_message {
// char buffer[36]; // 32 + sizeof(void*)
char buffer[40];
} tMin_message;
typedef struct tGuaranteed_message { // size: 0x2c
tNet_message* message; // @0x0
tU32 send_time; // @0x4
tU32 next_resend_time; // @0x8
tU32 resend_period; // @0xc
int recieved; // @0x10
tPD_net_player_info pd_address; // @0x14
int (*NotifyFail)(tU32, tNet_message*); // @0x24
tU32 guarantee_number; // @0x28
} tGuaranteed_message;
typedef enum tJoin_or_host_result {
eJoin_or_host_cancel = 0,
eJoin_or_host_join = 1,
eJoin_or_host_host = 2
} tJoin_or_host_result;
typedef struct tJoinable_game {
tNet_game_details* game;
tU32 time;
} tJoinable_game;
typedef struct tOil_spill_info {
br_actor* actor;
tCar_spec* car;
tU32 spill_time;
tU32 stop_time;
br_scalar full_size;
br_scalar current_size;
br_scalar grow_rate;
br_vector3 original_pos;
br_vector3 pos;
} tOil_spill_info;
typedef enum tJoy_calib_stage {
eJoy_calib_tl_1 = 0,
eJoy_calib_br_1 = 1,
eJoy_calib_cn_1 = 2,
eJoy_calib_tl_2 = 3,
eJoy_calib_br_2 = 4,
eJoy_calib_cn_2 = 5
} tJoy_calib_stage;
typedef enum tPed_instruc_type {
ePed_instruc_point = 0,
ePed_instruc_xpoint = 1,
ePed_instruc_bchoice = 2,
ePed_instruc_fchoice = 3,
ePed_instruc_dead = 4,
ePed_instruc_bmarker = 5,
ePed_instruc_fmarker = 6,
ePed_instruc_baction = 7,
ePed_instruc_faction = 8,
ePed_instruc_reverse = 9
} tPed_instruc_type;
typedef enum tPed_frame_rate_type {
ePed_frame_fixed = 0,
ePed_frame_speed = 1,
ePed_frame_variable = 2
} tPed_frame_rate_type;
typedef enum tPed_collide_type {
ePed_collide_none = -1,
ePed_collide_on = 0
} tPed_collide_type;
typedef enum tPed_hit_position {
ePed_hit_unknown = 0,
ePed_hit_front = 1,
ePed_hit_back = 2,
ePed_hit_rside = 3,
ePed_hit_lside = 4
} tPed_hit_position;
typedef struct tPed_choice {
tU16 danger_level;
tU8 percentage_chance;
tU8 marker_ref;
} tPed_choice;
typedef struct tPedestrian_instruction { // size: 0x14
tPed_instruc_type type; // @0x0
union { // size: 0x10
struct { // size: 0x10
br_vector3 position; // @0x0
int irreversable; // @0xc
} point_data; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0xc
int number_of_choices; // @0x0
tPed_choice choices[2]; // @0x4
} choice_data; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x4
int death_sequence; // @0x0
} death_data; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x4
int marker_ref; // @0x0
} marker_data; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x4
int action_index; // @0x0
} action_data; // @0x0
} data; // @0x4
} tPedestrian_instruction;
typedef struct tBearing_sequence {
int sequence_index;
float max_bearing;
} tBearing_sequence;
typedef struct tPedestrian_action {
float danger_level;
float percentage_chance;
int number_of_bearings;
int number_of_sounds;
int sounds[3];
tBearing_sequence sequences[7];
float initial_speed;
float looping_speed;
tU32 reaction_time;
} tPedestrian_action;
typedef struct tPed_frame_info {
br_vector2 offset;
int flipped;
br_pixelmap* pixelmap;
} tPed_frame_info;
typedef struct tPedestrian_sequence {
tPed_frame_rate_type frame_rate_type;
float frame_rate_factor1;
float frame_rate_factor2;
int number_of_frames;
int looping_frame_start;
tPed_frame_info frames[10];
} tPedestrian_sequence;
typedef struct tPedestrian_data {
int magic_number;
br_scalar height;
br_scalar jump_magnitude;
br_scalar car_to_ped;
br_scalar min_x;
br_scalar max_x;
int credits_value;
int hit_points;
int number_of_exploding_sounds;
int exploding_sounds[3];
int falling_sound;
int last_sound_action;
tU16 killers_ID;
br_scalar width;
br_scalar height2;
tCar_spec* fate;
br_actor* actor;
tPlayer_ID murderer;
tPedestrian_instruction* instruction_list;
tPedestrian_action* action_list;
tU8 ref_number;
tU8 active;
tU8 munged;
tU8 collided_last_time;
tU8 flipped;
tU8 reverse_frames;
tU8 sent_dead_message;
tS8 image_index;
tS8 number_of_actions;
tS8 number_of_instructions;
tS8 first_instruction;
tS8 current_instruction;
tS8 fatal_car_impact_action;
tS8 non_fatal_car_impact_action;
tS8 after_impact_action;
tS8 fatal_ground_impact_action;
tS8 non_fatal_ground_impact_action;
tS8 giblets_action;
tS8 current_sequence;
tS8 current_action;
tS8 current_action_mode;
tS8 current_frame;
tS8 number_of_sequences;
tS8 done_initial;
tS8 giblets_being_sat_upon;
tS8 mid_air;
tS8 instruction_direction;
tS8 irreversable;
tS8 frightened_of_us;
tS8 cloned;
float current_speed;
float acceleration;
float spin_period;
tU32 last_frame;
tU32 last_action_change;
tU32 last_sound_make;
tS32 respawn_time;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 direction;
br_vector3 from_pos;
br_vector3 to_pos;
br_vector3 offset;
float falling_speed;
tSpecial_volume* last_special_volume;
tPedestrian_sequence* sequences;
tS3_sound_tag last_sound;
br_pixelmap* colour_map;
} tPedestrian_data;
typedef struct tPed_gib {
br_actor* actor;
br_scalar x_speed;
br_scalar y_speed;
int size;
int last_frame;
int gib_index;
int parent_index;
tU32 start_time;
tU32 end_time;
tU32 flip_period;
} tPed_gib;
typedef struct tPed_gib_materials {
int count;
br_material* materials[5];
} tPed_gib_materials;
typedef struct tProximity_ray {
tCar_spec* car;
tPedestrian_data* ped;
tU32 start_time;
} tProximity_ray;
typedef struct tPiped_registration_snapshot {
int piped_actors_count;
int piped_models_count;
int piped_materials_count;
int piped_pixelmaps_count;
} tPiped_registration_snapshot;
typedef struct tHeadup_icon {
tPowerup* powerup;
int fizzle_stage;
int fizzle_direction;
tU32 fizzle_start;
} tHeadup_icon;
typedef struct tPrat_flic_spec {
char* data;
tU32 data_length;
} tPrat_flic_spec;
typedef struct tPrat_alternative {
int ref;
int chance;
int number_of_sounds;
int sound_ids[8];
int sound_chance;
} tPrat_alternative;
typedef struct tPrat_flic_chunk {
int number_of_alternatives;
tPrat_alternative alternatives[6];
} tPrat_flic_chunk;
typedef struct tPrat_sequence {
int number_of_chunks;
int precedence;
int repeat_chunk;
tPrat_flic_chunk chunks[6];
} tPrat_sequence;
typedef enum tGrid_draw {
eGrid_draw_none = 0,
eGrid_draw_icons_only = 1,
eGrid_draw_all = 2
} tGrid_draw;
typedef enum tNet_synch_mode {
eNet_synch_host_first = 0,
eNet_synch_host_subsequent = 1,
eNet_synch_client = 2
} tNet_synch_mode;
typedef struct tWreck_info {
br_actor* actor;
br_matrix34 rotation;
br_matrix34 original_matrix;
int customised;
int car_index;
float pos_x;
float pos_y;
tVehicle_type car_type;
br_scalar scaling_factor;
} tWreck_info;
typedef struct tRectangle {
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
} tRectangle;
typedef struct tSkid {
br_actor* actor;
br_vector3 normal;
br_vector3 pos;
} tSkid;
typedef struct tSpark {
int count;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 v;
br_vector3 length;
br_vector3 normal;
tU32 time_sync;
tCar_spec* car;
tU8 colour;
} tSpark;
typedef struct tShrapnel {
br_actor* actor;
br_vector3 v;
tU32 time_sync;
tU32 age;
br_scalar shear1;
br_scalar shear2;
br_vector3 axis;
} tShrapnel;
typedef struct tSmoke {
tU32 time_sync;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 v;
br_scalar radius;
br_scalar strength;
br_scalar decay_factor;
tU8 type;
tU8 pipe_me;
} tSmoke;
typedef struct tSmoke_column {
tCar_spec* car;
tU32 time;
tU32 lifetime;
tU32 count;
int colour;
int whiter;
br_actor* flame_actor;
int frame_count[3];
br_vector3 pos;
br_scalar scale_x[3];
br_scalar scale_y[3];
br_scalar offset_x[3];
br_scalar offset_z[3];
tU32 smudge_timer;
int vertex_index;
int upright;
// Flames textures are animated per frame. At higher FPS, this happens too quickly
br_scalar frame_time[3];
} tSmoke_column;
typedef struct tSplash {
br_actor* actor;
br_vector3 v;
int just_done;
br_scalar size;
br_scalar scale_x;
} tSplash;
typedef struct tBRender_smoke {
br_vector3 pos;
br_scalar r;
br_scalar strength;
br_colour col;
br_scalar aspect;
} tBRender_smoke;
typedef struct tRGB_colour {
int red;
int green;
int blue;
} tRGB_colour;
typedef br_material* tPMFMCB(br_model*, tU16);
typedef br_material** tPMFMCB(br_model*, tU16);
typedef enum tMatrix_mod_type {
eMatrix_mod_none = -1,
eMatrix_mod_spin = 0,
eMatrix_mod_rock = 1,
eMatrix_mod_throb = 2,
eMatrix_mod_slither = 3,
eMatrix_mod_roll = 4
} tMatrix_mod_type;
typedef enum tTexture_animation_type {
eTexture_animation_none = -1,
eTexture_animation_frames = 0,
eTexture_animation_flic = 1
} tTexture_animation_type;
typedef enum tMove_mode {
eMove_none = -1,
eMove_linear = 0,
eMove_harmonic = 1,
eMove_flash = 2,
eMove_controlled = 3,
eMove_absolute = 4,
eMove_continuous = 5
} tMove_mode;
typedef enum tFunk_trigger_mode {
eFunk_mode_constant = 0,
eFunk_mode_distance = 1,
eFunk_mode_last_lap_only = 2,
eFunk_mode_all_laps_but_last = 3
} tFunk_trigger_mode;
typedef enum tGroove_trigger_mode {
eGroove_mode_constant = 0,
eGroove_mode_distance = 1
} tGroove_trigger_mode;
typedef enum tGroove_path_mode {
eGroove_path_none = -1,
eGroove_path_straight = 0,
eGroove_path_circular = 1
} tGroove_path_mode;
typedef enum tGroove_object_mode {
eGroove_object_none = -1,
eGroove_object_spin = 0,
eGroove_object_rock = 1,
eGroove_object_throb = 2,
eGroove_object_shear = 3
} tGroove_object_mode;
typedef enum tGroove_axis_mode {
eGroove_axis_x = 0,
eGroove_axis_y = 1,
eGroove_axis_z = 2
} tGroove_axis_mode;
typedef enum tAnimation_time_mode {
eTime_mode_approximate = 0,
eTime_mode_accurate = 1
} tAnimation_time_mode;
typedef enum tInterrupt_status {
eInterrupt_none = 0,
eInterrupt_less_than = 1,
eInterrupt_greater_than = 2
} tInterrupt_status;
typedef enum tRotate_mode {
eRotate_mode_x = 0,
eRotate_mode_y = 1,
eRotate_mode_z = 2
} tRotate_mode;
typedef enum tScale_mode {
eScale_mode_all = 0,
eScale_mode_x = 1,
eScale_mode_y = 2,
eScale_mode_z = 3
} tScale_mode;
typedef struct tFunkotronic_spec { // size: 0xd8
int owner; // @0x0
br_material* material; // @0x4
tFunk_trigger_mode mode; // @0x8
tMatrix_mod_type matrix_mod_type; // @0xc
tMove_mode matrix_mode; // @0x10
union { // size: 0x18
struct { // size: 0x4
float period; // @0x0
} spin_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x10
float period; // @0x0
br_scalar x_centre; // @0x4
br_scalar y_centre; // @0x8
float rock_angle; // @0xc
} rock_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x18
float x_period; // @0x0
float y_period; // @0x4
br_scalar x_centre; // @0x8
br_scalar y_centre; // @0xc
float x_magnitude; // @0x10
float y_magnitude; // @0x14
} throb_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x10
float x_period; // @0x0
float y_period; // @0x4
float x_magnitude; // @0x8
float y_magnitude; // @0xc
} slither_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x8
float x_period; // @0x0
float y_period; // @0x4
} roll_info; // @0x0
} matrix_mod_data; // @0x14
tMove_mode lighting_animation_type; // @0x2c
float lighting_animation_period; // @0x30
float ambient_base; // @0x34
float ambient_delta; // @0x38
float direct_base; // @0x3c
float direct_delta; // @0x40
float specular_base; // @0x44
float specular_delta; // @0x48
tTexture_animation_type texture_animation_type; // @0x4c
tAnimation_time_mode time_mode; // @0x50
float last_frame; // @0x54
union { // size: 0x78
struct { // size: 0x30
tMove_mode mode; // @0x0
float period; // @0x4
int texture_count; // @0x8
int current_frame; // @0xc
br_pixelmap* textures[8]; // @0x10
} frames_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x78
tU8* flic_data; // @0x0
tU32 flic_data_length; // @0x4
tFlic_descriptor flic_descriptor; // @0x8
} flic_info; // @0x0
} texture_animation_data; // @0x58
int proximity_count; // @0xd0
br_vector3* proximity_array; // @0xd4
} tFunkotronic_spec;
typedef struct tGroovidelic_spec { // size: 0x80
int owner; // @0x0
int done_this_frame; // @0x4
br_actor* actor; // @0x8
tLollipop_mode lollipop_mode; // @0xc
tGroove_trigger_mode mode; // @0x10
tGroove_path_mode path_type; // @0x14
tMove_mode path_mode; // @0x18
tInterrupt_status path_interrupt_status; // @0x1c
float path_resumption_value; // @0x20
union { // size: 0x1c
struct { // size: 0x1c
float period; // @0x0
float x_delta; // @0x4
float y_delta; // @0x8
float z_delta; // @0xc
br_vector3 centre; // @0x10
} straight_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x18
float period; // @0x0
float radius; // @0x4
br_vector3 centre; // @0x8
tGroove_axis_mode axis; // @0x14
} circular_info; // @0x0
} path_data; // @0x24
br_vector3 object_centre; // @0x40
br_vector3 object_position; // @0x4c
tGroove_object_mode object_type; // @0x58
tMove_mode object_mode; // @0x5c
tInterrupt_status object_interrupt_status; // @0x60
float object_resumption_value; // @0x64
union { // size: 0x18
struct { // size: 0x8
float period; // @0x0
tGroove_axis_mode axis; // @0x4
} spin_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x10
float period; // @0x0
float max_angle; // @0x4
float current_angle; // @0x8
tGroove_axis_mode axis; // @0xc
} rock_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x18
float x_period; // @0x0
float y_period; // @0x4
float z_period; // @0x8
float x_magnitude; // @0xc
float y_magnitude; // @0x10
float z_magnitude; // @0x14
} throb_info; // @0x0
struct { // size: 0x18
float x_period; // @0x0
float y_period; // @0x4
float z_period; // @0x8
float x_magnitude; // @0xc
float y_magnitude; // @0x10
float z_magnitude; // @0x14
} shear_info; // @0x0
} object_data; // @0x68
} tGroovidelic_spec;
typedef struct tMem_info {
unsigned int largest_block_avail;
unsigned int max_unlocked_page;
unsigned int largest_lockable_page;
unsigned int lin_addr_space;
unsigned int num_free_pages_avail;
unsigned int num_physical_pages_free;
unsigned int total_physical_pages;
unsigned int free_lin_addr_space;
unsigned int size_of_page_file;
unsigned int reserved[3];
} tMem_info;
typedef struct tIPX_netnum {
unsigned char bNetwork[4];
} tIPX_netnum;