#include "spark.h"
#include "brender/brender.h"
#include "car.h"
#include "depth.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "globvars.h"
#include "globvrkm.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "harness/hooks.h"
#include "harness/trace.h"
#include "loading.h"
#include "opponent.h"
#include "piping.h"
#include "replay.h"
#include "trig.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "world.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int gNext_spark;
int gSpark_flags;
int gNext_shrapnel;
int gShrapnel_flags;
br_model* gShrapnel_model[2];
int gSmoke_flags;
int gSmoke_num;
int gOffset = 0;
int gColumn_flags;
int gNext_column;
br_pixelmap* gBlack_smoke_shade_table;
br_pixelmap* gDark_smoke_shade_table;
br_pixelmap* gGrey_smoke_shade_table;
int gSmoke_on = 1;
int gNum_splash_types;
int gIt_type;
br_pixelmap* gIt_shade_table;
br_pixelmap** gDust_table = &gShade_list[8];
br_pixelmap* gFlame_map[20];
tBRender_smoke* gBR_smoke_pointers[30];
tSplash gSplash[32];
br_material* gSplash_material[20];
tBRender_smoke gBR_smoke_structs[30];
tSmoke_column gSmoke_column[25];
br_matrix4 gCameraToScreen;
tSpark gSparks[32];
br_pixelmap* gShade_list[16];
int gN_BR_smoke_structs;
tSmoke gSmoke[25];
tU32 gSplash_flags;
tU32 gNext_splash;
br_model* gLollipop_model;
int gNum_dust_tables;
br_model* gSplash_model;
int gDust_rotate;
br_camera* gSpark_cam;
br_material* gBlack_material;
tShrapnel gShrapnel[15];
// gSmoke_column has 25 elements but all the code just checks the first 5 elements
// Bugfix: At higher FPS, flame animation runs too quickly, so introduce a new frame timer
// Bugfix: At higher FPS, `CreatePuffOfSmoke` is called too often and causes smoke cirlces to be recycled too quickly so assume around 25fps
// IDA: void __cdecl DrawDot(br_scalar z, tU8 *scr_ptr, tU16 *depth_ptr, tU8 *shade_ptr)
void DrawDot(br_scalar z, tU8* scr_ptr, tU16* depth_ptr, tU8* shade_ptr) {
LOG_TRACE("(%f, %p, %p, %p)", z, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr);
if (*depth_ptr > (1.0 - z) * 32768.0f) {
*depth_ptr = (1.0 - z) * 32768.0f;
*scr_ptr = shade_ptr[*scr_ptr];
// IDA: void __usercall SetWorldToScreen(br_pixelmap *pScreen@<EAX>)
void SetWorldToScreen(br_pixelmap* pScreen) {
br_matrix4 mat;
br_matrix4 mat2;
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pScreen);
BrMatrix4Perspective(&mat, gSpark_cam->field_of_view, gSpark_cam->aspect, -gSpark_cam->hither_z, -gSpark_cam->yon_z);
BrMatrix4Scale(&mat2, pScreen->width / 2, pScreen->height / 2, 1.0f);
BrMatrix4Mul(&gCameraToScreen, &mat, &mat2);
// IDA: void __usercall DrawLine3DThroughBRender(br_vector3 *pStart@<EAX>, br_vector3 *pEnd@<EDX>)
void DrawLine3DThroughBRender(br_vector3* pStart, br_vector3* pEnd) {
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p)", pStart, pEnd);
// IDA: int __usercall DrawLine3D@<EAX>(br_vector3 *start@<EAX>, br_vector3 *end@<EDX>, br_pixelmap *pScreen@<EBX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<ECX>, br_pixelmap *shade_table)
int DrawLine3D(br_vector3* start, br_vector3* end, br_pixelmap* pScreen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_pixelmap* shade_table) {
br_vector3 o;
br_vector3 p;
//br_vector3 tv; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_vector4 o2;
br_vector4 p2;
br_scalar ts;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %p)", start, end, pScreen, pDepth_buffer, shade_table);
o = *start;
p = *end;
if (-gSpark_cam->hither_z < o.v[2] || -gSpark_cam->hither_z < p.v[2]) {
if (-gSpark_cam->hither_z < o.v[2] && -gSpark_cam->hither_z < p.v[2]) {
return 0;
ts = (p.v[2] + gSpark_cam->hither_z) / (p.v[2] - o.v[2]);
if (-gSpark_cam->hither_z < o.v[2]) {
o.v[0] = p.v[0] - (p.v[0] - o.v[0]) * ts;
o.v[1] = p.v[1] - (p.v[1] - o.v[1]) * ts;
o.v[2] = -gSpark_cam->hither_z;
if (-gSpark_cam->hither_z < p.v[2]) {
p.v[0] = p.v[0] - (p.v[0] - o.v[0]) * ts;
p.v[1] = p.v[1] - (p.v[1] - o.v[1]) * ts;
p.v[2] = -gSpark_cam->hither_z;
BrMatrix4ApplyP(&o2, &o, &gCameraToScreen);
BrMatrix4ApplyP(&p2, &p, &gCameraToScreen);
o.v[0] = o2.v[0] / o2.v[3];
o.v[1] = o2.v[1] / o2.v[3];
o.v[2] = o2.v[2] / o2.v[3];
p.v[0] = p2.v[0] / p2.v[3];
p.v[1] = p2.v[1] / p2.v[3];
p.v[2] = p2.v[2] / p2.v[3];
return DrawLine2D(&o, &p, pScreen, pDepth_buffer, 1.0, shade_table);
// IDA: int __usercall DrawLine2D@<EAX>(br_vector3 *o@<EAX>, br_vector3 *p@<EDX>, br_pixelmap *pScreen@<EBX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<ECX>, br_scalar brightness, br_pixelmap *shade_table)
int DrawLine2D(br_vector3* o, br_vector3* p, br_pixelmap* pScreen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_scalar brightness, br_pixelmap* shade_table) {
tU8* scr_ptr;
tU16* depth_ptr;
tU8* shade_ptr;
int x1;
int x2;
int y1;
int y2;
int d;
int dx;
int dy;
int ax;
int sx;
int ay;
int sy;
int x;
int y;
br_scalar zbuff;
br_scalar zbuff_inc;
int darken_count;
int darken_init;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %f, %p)", o, p, pScreen, pDepth_buffer, brightness, shade_table);
scr_ptr = (tU8*)pScreen->pixels + pScreen->base_x + pScreen->base_y * pScreen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr = (tU16*)pDepth_buffer->pixels;
shade_ptr = (tU8*)shade_table->pixels + shade_table->base_y * shade_table->row_bytes;
x1 = pScreen->width / 2 + o->v[0];
x2 = pScreen->width / 2 + p->v[0];
y1 = pScreen->height / 2 - o->v[1];
y2 = pScreen->height / 2 - p->v[1];
if (brightness < 0.001 || brightness > 1.0) {
return 0;
if (x1 < 0 || x2 < 0) {
if (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) {
return 0;
if (x1 >= 0) {
y2 = y1 - x1 * (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2);
p->v[2] = o->v[2] - (o->v[2] - p->v[2]) * (float)x1 / (float)(x1 - x2);
x2 = 0;
} else {
y1 = y2 - x2 * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
o->v[2] = p->v[2] - (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * (float)x2 / (float)(x2 - x1);
x1 = 0;
if (pScreen->width <= x1 || pScreen->width <= x2) {
if (pScreen->width <= x1 && pScreen->width <= x2) {
return 0;
if (pScreen->width > x1) {
y2 = y1 - (y1 - y2) * (x1 - (pScreen->width - 1)) / (x1 - x2);
p->v[2] = o->v[2] - (o->v[2] - p->v[2]) * (x1 - (float)(pScreen->width - 1)) / (float)(x1 - x2);
x2 = pScreen->width - 1;
} else {
y1 = y2 - (y2 - y1) * (x2 - (pScreen->width - 1)) / (x2 - x1);
o->v[2] = p->v[2] - (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * (x2 - (float)(pScreen->width - 1)) / (float)(x2 - x1);
x1 = pScreen->width - 1;
if (y1 < 0 || y2 < 0) {
if (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) {
return 0;
if (y1 >= 0) {
x2 = x1 - y1 * (x1 - x2) / (y1 - y2);
p->v[2] = o->v[2] - (o->v[2] - p->v[2]) * (float)y1 / (float)(y1 - y2);
y2 = 0;
} else {
x1 = x2 - y2 * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1);
o->v[2] = p->v[2] - (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * (float)y2 / (float)(y2 - y1);
y1 = 0;
if (pScreen->height <= y1 || pScreen->height <= y2) {
if (pScreen->height <= y1 && pScreen->height <= y2) {
return 0;
if (pScreen->height > y1) {
x2 = x1 - (x1 - x2) * (y1 - (pScreen->height - 1)) / (y1 - y2);
p->v[2] = o->v[2] - (o->v[2] - p->v[2]) * (float)(y1 - (pScreen->height - 1)) / (float)(y1 - y2);
y2 = pScreen->height - 1;
} else {
x1 = x2 - (x2 - x1) * (y2 - (pScreen->height - 1)) / (y2 - y1);
o->v[2] = p->v[2] - (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * (float)(y2 - (pScreen->height - 1)) / (float)(y2 - y1);
y1 = pScreen->height - 1;
zbuff = o->v[2];
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
if (x2 - x1 < 0) {
sx = -1;
} else {
sx = 1;
if (dy < 0) {
sy = -1;
} else {
sy = 1;
x = x1;
y = y1;
scr_ptr += x1 + y1 * pScreen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr += x1 + y1 * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2);
darken_init = (brightness - 0.001) * (float)shade_table->height;
if (ay >= ax) {
d = ax - ay / 2;
darken_init = 500 * ay / darken_init;
darken_count = darken_init;
zbuff_inc = (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * 2.0 / (float)ay;
while (1) {
DrawDot(zbuff, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr);
if (y == y2) {
if (d >= 0) {
scr_ptr += sx;
depth_ptr += sx;
d -= ay;
y += sy;
d += ax;
scr_ptr += sy * pScreen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr += sy * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2);
zbuff = zbuff_inc + zbuff;
darken_count -= 1000;
while (darken_count <= 0) {
darken_count += darken_init;
shade_ptr += shade_table->row_bytes;
} else {
d = ay - ax / 2;
darken_init = 500 * ax / darken_init;
darken_count = darken_init;
zbuff_inc = (p->v[2] - o->v[2]) * 2.0 / (float)ax;
while (1) {
DrawDot(zbuff, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr);
if (x == x2) {
if (d >= 0) {
scr_ptr += sy * pScreen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr += sy * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2);
d -= ax;
x += sx;
scr_ptr += sx;
depth_ptr += sx;
d += ay;
zbuff = zbuff_inc + zbuff;
darken_count -= 1000;
while (darken_count <= 0) {
darken_count += darken_init;
shade_ptr += shade_table->row_bytes;
return 1;
// IDA: void __usercall SetLineModelCols(tU8 pCol@<EAX>)
void SetLineModelCols(tU8 pCol) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pCol);
// IDA: void __usercall ReplaySparks(br_pixelmap *pRender_screen@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<EDX>, br_actor *pCamera@<EBX>, tU32 pTime@<ECX>)
void ReplaySparks(br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_actor* pCamera, tU32 pTime) {
int i;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 o;
br_vector3 p;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 new_pos;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %d)", pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera, pTime);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSparks); i++) {
if (gSpark_flags & (1 << i)) {
if (gSparks[i].car == NULL) {
BrVector3Copy(&pos, &gSparks[i].pos);
} else {
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&tv, &o, &gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Copy(&o, &tv);
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&pos, &gSparks[i].pos, &gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Add(&o, &pos, &gSparks[i].length);
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &pos, (br_vector3*)gCamera_to_world.m[3]);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&new_pos, &tv, &gCamera_to_world);
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &o, (br_vector3*)gCamera_to_world.m[3]);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&p, &tv, &gCamera_to_world);
if (gSparks[i].colour) {
DrawLine3D(&p, &new_pos, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gFog_shade_table);
} else {
DrawLine3D(&p, &new_pos, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gAcid_shade_table);
// IDA: void __usercall RenderSparks(br_pixelmap *pRender_screen@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<EDX>, br_actor *pCamera@<EBX>, br_matrix34 *pCamera_to_world@<ECX>, tU32 pTime)
void RenderSparks(br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_actor* pCamera, br_matrix34* pCamera_to_world, tU32 pTime) {
int i;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 o;
br_vector3 p;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 new_pos;
br_scalar ts;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %d)", pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera, pCamera_to_world, pTime);
gSpark_cam = pCamera->type_data;
if (!gSpark_flags) {
if (gAction_replay_mode) {
ReplaySparks(pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera, pTime);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSparks); i++) {
if (((1u << i) & gSpark_flags) == 0) {
if (gSparks[i].count <= 0) {
gSparks[i].count = 0;
gSpark_flags &= ~(1u << i);
ts = BrVector3Dot(&gSparks[i].normal, &gSparks[i].v);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &gSparks[i].normal, ts);
BrVector3Sub(&gSparks[i].v, &gSparks[i].v, &tv);
if (gSparks[i].time_sync) {
BrVector3Scale(&o, &gSparks[i].v, gSparks[i].time_sync / 1000.0);
gSparks[i].count = gSparks[i].time_sync + gSparks[i].count - pTime;
gSparks[i].time_sync = 0;
} else {
BrVector3Scale(&o, &gSparks[i].v, pTime / 1000.0);
gSparks[i].count -= pTime;
BrVector3Accumulate(&gSparks[i].pos, &o);
time = 1000 - gSparks
if (gSparks[i].colour) {
ts = ts / 2.0;
BrVector3Scale(&gSparks[i].length, &gSparks[i].v, ts);
ts = pTime * 10.0 / 6900.0;
if (gSparks[i].car) {
BrMatrix34ApplyV(&tv, &gSparks[i].length, &gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[i].length, &tv);
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&pos, &gSparks[i].pos, &gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
o = tv;
gSparks[i].v.v[0] = gSparks[i].v.v[0] - gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[0][1] * ts;
gSparks[i].v.v[1] = gSparks[i].v.v[1] - gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[1][1] * ts;
gSparks[i].v.v[2] = gSparks[i].v.v[2] - gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[2][1] * ts;
} else {
BrVector3Copy(&pos, &gSparks[i].pos);
gSparks[i].v.v[1] = gSparks[i].v.v[1] - ts;
AddSparkToPipingSession(i + (gSparks[i].colour << 8), &pos, &gSparks[i].length);
BrVector3Add(&o, &gSparks[i].length, &pos);
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &pos, (br_vector3*)gCamera_to_world.m[3]);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&new_pos, &tv, &gCamera_to_world);
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &o, (br_vector3*)gCamera_to_world.m[3]);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&p, &tv, &gCamera_to_world);
BrVector3SetFloat(&tv, FRandomBetween(-0.1f, 0.1f), FRandomBetween(-0.1f, 0.1f), FRandomBetween(-0.1f, 0.1f));
BrVector3Accumulate(&gSparks[i].v, &tv);
ts = 1.0f - BrVector3Length(&gSparks[i].v) / 1.4f * pTime / 1000.0f;
if (ts < 0.1f) {
ts = 0.1f;
BrVector3Scale(&gSparks[i].v, &gSparks[i].v, ts);
if (gSparks[i].colour) {
DrawLine3D(&p, &new_pos, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gFog_shade_table);
} else {
DrawLine3D(&p, &new_pos, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gAcid_shade_table);
// IDA: void __usercall CreateSingleSpark(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, br_vector3 *pPos@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pVel@<EBX>)
void CreateSingleSpark(tCar_spec* pCar, br_vector3* pPos, br_vector3* pVel) {
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)", pCar, pPos, pVel);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].pos, pPos);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSparks[gNext_spark].normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].v, pVel);
gSparks[gNext_spark].count = 500;
gSparks[gNext_spark].car = pCar;
gSpark_flags |= 1u << gNext_spark;
gSparks[gNext_spark].time_sync = 1;
gSparks[gNext_spark].colour = 1;
if (gNext_spark >= COUNT_OF(gSparks)) {
gNext_spark = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall CreateSparks(br_vector3 *pos@<EAX>, br_vector3 *v@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pForce@<EBX>, br_scalar sparkiness, tCar_spec *pCar)
void CreateSparks(br_vector3* pos, br_vector3* v, br_vector3* pForce, br_scalar sparkiness, tCar_spec* pCar) {
br_vector3 norm;
br_vector3 normal;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 tv2;
br_vector3 pos2;
br_scalar ts;
br_scalar ts2;
int num;
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %f, %p)", pos, v, pForce, sparkiness, pCar);
ts = BrVector3Length(pForce);
BrVector3InvScale(&normal, pForce, ts);
ts2 = BrVector3Dot(pForce, v);
if (ts2 >= 0) {
ts2 = 1.f / (10.f * ts);
} else {
ts2 = 1.f / (10.f * ts) - ts2 / (ts * ts);
BrVector3Scale(&norm, pForce, ts2);
BrVector3Accumulate(v, &norm);
num = FRandomBetween(0.f, BrVector3Length(v) / 2.f + 0.7f) * sparkiness;
if (num > 10) {
num = 10;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].pos, pos);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].normal, &normal);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].v, v);
gSparks[gNext_spark].v.v[0] *= FRandomBetween(.5f, .9f);
gSparks[gNext_spark].v.v[1] *= FRandomBetween(.5f, .9f);
gSparks[gNext_spark].v.v[2] *= FRandomBetween(.5f, .9f);
gSparks[gNext_spark].count = 1000;
gSparks[gNext_spark].car = NULL;
gSpark_flags |= 1u << gNext_spark;
gSparks[gNext_spark].time_sync = gMechanics_time_sync;
gSparks[gNext_spark].colour = 0;
if (gNext_spark >= COUNT_OF(gSparks)) {
gNext_spark = 0;
if ((ts * sparkiness) >= 10.f) {
tv.v[0] = pos->v[0] - pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[0] / WORLD_SCALE;
tv.v[1] = pos->v[1] - pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[1] / WORLD_SCALE;
tv.v[2] = pos->v[2] - pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[2] / WORLD_SCALE;
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&pos2, &tv, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&norm, &normal, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &norm, .1f);
BrVector3Accumulate(&pos2, &tv);
num = (ts * sparkiness / 10.f) + 3;
if (num > 10) {
num = 10;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].pos, &pos2);
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].normal, &norm);
BrVector3SetFloat(&tv, FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-.2f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f));
ts2 = BrVector3Dot(&norm, &tv);
BrVector3Scale(&tv2, &norm, ts2);
BrVector3Sub(&gSparks[gNext_spark].v, &tv, &tv2);
gSparks[gNext_spark].count = 1000;
gSparks[gNext_spark].car = pCar;
gSpark_flags |= 1u << gNext_spark;
gSparks[gNext_spark].time_sync = gMechanics_time_sync;
gSparks[gNext_spark].colour = 0;
if (gNext_spark >= COUNT_OF(gSparks)) {
gNext_spark = 0;
CreateShrapnelShower(pos, v, &normal, ts, pCar, pCar);
// IDA: void __usercall CreateSparkShower(br_vector3 *pos@<EAX>, br_vector3 *v@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pForce@<EBX>, tCar_spec *pCar1@<ECX>, tCar_spec *pCar2)
void CreateSparkShower(br_vector3* pos, br_vector3* v, br_vector3* pForce, tCar_spec* pCar1, tCar_spec* pCar2) {
br_scalar ts;
br_scalar ts2;
int num;
int i;
tCar_spec* c;
br_vector3 tv;
//br_vector3 tv2; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_vector3 normal;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %p)", pos, v, pForce, pCar1, pCar2);
ts = BrVector3Length(pForce);
if (pCar1->driver == eDriver_local_human) {
c = pCar1;
} else {
c = pCar2;
BrVector3InvScale(&tv, pForce, ts);
if (ts < 10.f) {
CreateShrapnelShower(pos, v, &tv, ts, pCar1, pCar2);
ts2 = BrVector3Dot(pForce, v) / (ts * ts);
BrVector3Scale(v, pForce, ts2);
normal.v[0] = pos->v[0] - c->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[0] / WORLD_SCALE;
normal.v[1] = pos->v[1] - c->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[1] / WORLD_SCALE;
normal.v[2] = pos->v[2] - c->car_master_actor->t.t.translate.t.v[2] / WORLD_SCALE;
BrMatrix34TApplyV(pos, &normal, &c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&normal, pForce, &c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
num = (ts / 10.f) + 3;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
BrVector3Copy(&gSparks[gNext_spark].pos, pos);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSparks[gNext_spark].normal, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&normal, FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-.2f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f));
ts2 = BrVector3LengthSquared(&normal) / (ts * ts);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &normal, ts2);
BrVector3Sub(&gSparks[gNext_spark].v, &normal, &tv);
BrVector3Accumulate(&gSparks[gNext_spark].v, v);
gSparks[gNext_spark].count = 1000;
gSparks[gNext_spark].car = c;
gSpark_flags |= 1u << gNext_spark;
gSparks[gNext_spark].time_sync = gMechanics_time_sync;
gSparks[gNext_spark].colour = 0;
if (gNext_spark >= COUNT_OF(gSparks)) {
gNext_spark = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall AdjustSpark(int pSpark_num@<EAX>, br_vector3 *pos@<EDX>, br_vector3 *length@<EBX>)
void AdjustSpark(int pSpark_num, br_vector3* pos, br_vector3* length) {
br_vector3 tv;
br_matrix34* mat;
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %p, %p)", pSpark_num, pos, length);
i = pSpark_num & 0xff;
gSpark_flags |= 1u << pSpark_num;
if (gSparks[i].car != NULL) {
mat = &gSparks[i].car->car_master_actor->t.t.mat;
tv.v[0] = pos->v[0] - mat->m[3][0];
tv.v[1] = pos->v[0] - mat->m[3][1];
tv.v[2] = pos->v[0] - mat->m[3][2];
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&gSparks[i].pos, &tv, mat);
} else {
gSparks[i].pos.v[0] = pos->v[0];
gSparks[i].pos.v[1] = pos->v[1];
gSparks[i].pos.v[2] = pos->v[2];
gSparks[i].length.v[0] = length->v[0];
gSparks[i].length.v[1] = length->v[1];
gSparks[i].length.v[2] = length->v[2];
gSparks[i].colour = pSpark_num >> 8;
// IDA: void __usercall AdjustShrapnel(int pShrapnel_num@<EAX>, br_vector3 *pos@<EDX>, tU16 pAge@<EBX>, br_material *pMaterial@<ECX>)
void AdjustShrapnel(int pShrapnel_num, br_vector3* pos, tU16 pAge, br_material* pMaterial) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %p, %d, %p)", pShrapnel_num, pos, pAge, pMaterial);
i = pShrapnel_num & 0x7fff;
if (!(gShrapnel_flags & (1u << i))) {
BrActorAdd(gNon_track_actor, gShrapnel[i].actor);
gShrapnel_flags |= 1u << i;
gShrapnel[i].actor->t.t.translate.t.v[0] = pos->v[0];
gShrapnel[i].actor->t.t.translate.t.v[1] = pos->v[1];
gShrapnel[i].actor->t.t.translate.t.v[2] = pos->v[2];
if (pShrapnel_num & 0x8000) {
gShrapnel[i].age = pAge;
gShrapnel[i].actor->material = pMaterial;
// IDA: void __cdecl ResetSparks()
void ResetSparks(void) {
gSpark_flags = 0;
// IDA: void __cdecl ResetShrapnel()
void ResetShrapnel(void) {
int i;
if (gShrapnel_flags == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel); i++) {
if (gShrapnel_flags & (1u << i)) {
gShrapnel_flags = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall CreateShrapnelShower(br_vector3 *pos@<EAX>, br_vector3 *v@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pNormal@<EBX>, br_scalar pForce, tCar_spec *c1, tCar_spec *c2)
void CreateShrapnelShower(br_vector3* pos, br_vector3* v, br_vector3* pNormal, br_scalar pForce, tCar_spec* c1, tCar_spec* c2) {
br_scalar ts;
br_scalar ts2;
br_scalar rnd;
int num;
int i;
tCar_spec* c;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 tv2;
br_vector3 vel;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %f, %p, %p)", pos, v, pNormal, pForce, c1, c2);
if (pForce < 10.f) {
ts = .3f;
if (v->v[1] < 0.f) {
ts = .3f - v->v[1];
ts2 = pNormal->v[1] * ts;
tv.v[0] = v->v[0] - ts2 * pNormal->v[0];
tv.v[1] = v->v[1] + ts - pNormal->v[1] * ts2;
tv.v[2] = v->v[2] - pNormal->v[2] * ts2;
num = (pForce / 10.f) * 3;
rnd = ((pForce + 20.f) * 3.f) / 200.f;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if ((gShrapnel_flags & (1u << gNext_shrapnel)) == 0) {
BrActorAdd(gNon_track_actor, gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].actor);
gShrapnel_flags |= 1u << gNext_shrapnel;
BrVector3Copy(&gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].actor->t.t.translate.t, pos);
BrVector3SetFloat(&vel, FRandomBetween(-rnd, rnd), FRandomBetween(0.3f - tv.v[1], rnd), FRandomBetween(-rnd, rnd));
ts2 = BrVector3Dot(pNormal, &vel);
BrVector3Scale(&tv2, pNormal, ts2);
BrVector3Sub(&gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].v, &vel, &tv2);
BrVector3Accumulate(&gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].v, &tv);
gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].time_sync = gMechanics_time_sync;
gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].age = 0;
if (IRandomBetween(0, 2) != 0) {
c = (IRandomBetween(0, 1) != 0) ? c1 : c2;
gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].actor->material = c->shrapnel_material[IRandomBetween(0, c->max_shrapnel_material - 1)];
} else {
gShrapnel[gNext_shrapnel].actor->material = gBlack_material;
if (gNext_shrapnel >= COUNT_OF(gShrapnel)) {
gNext_shrapnel = 0;
// IDA: void __cdecl InitShrapnel()
void InitShrapnel(void) {
int i;
//int j; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel); i++) {
gShrapnel[i].actor = BrActorAllocate(BR_ACTOR_MODEL, NULL);
gShrapnel[i].actor->parent = NULL;
gShrapnel[i].actor->model = gShrapnel_model[1];
gShrapnel[i].actor->render_style = BR_RSTYLE_DEFAULT;
gShrapnel[i].actor->t.type = BR_TRANSFORM_MATRIX34;
gShrapnel[i].actor->material = BrMaterialFind("DEBRIS.MAT");
gShrapnel[i].age = 0;
gShrapnel[i].shear1 = FRandomBetween(-2.f, 2.f);
gShrapnel[i].shear2 = FRandomBetween(-2.f, 2.f);
FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f), FRandomBetween(-1.f, 1.f));
BrVector3Normalise(&gShrapnel[i].axis, &gShrapnel[i].axis);
// IDA: void __cdecl LoadInShrapnel()
void LoadInShrapnel(void) {
gShrapnel_model[0] = LoadModel("FRAG4.DAT");
gShrapnel_model[1] = LoadModel("FRAG5.DAT");
gBlack_material = BrMaterialFind("M14.MAT");
// IDA: void __usercall KillShrapnel(int i@<EAX>)
void KillShrapnel(int i) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", i);
gShrapnel_flags &= ~(1u << i);
// IDA: void __cdecl DisposeShrapnel()
void DisposeShrapnel(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel); i++) {
if (gShrapnel_flags & (1u << i)) {
gShrapnel_flags = 0;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel_model); i++) {
// IDA: void __usercall ReplayShrapnel(tU32 pTime@<EAX>)
void ReplayShrapnel(tU32 pTime) {
int i;
br_matrix34* mat;
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pTime);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel); i++) {
mat = &gShrapnel[i].actor->t.t.mat;
if (gShrapnel_flags & (1 << i)) {
gShrapnel[i].age += GetReplayRate() * pTime;
DrMatrix34Rotate(mat, gShrapnel[i].age * BrDegreeToAngle(1), &gShrapnel[i].axis);
BrMatrix34PreShearX(mat, gShrapnel[i].shear1, gShrapnel[i].shear2);
// IDA: void __usercall MungeShrapnel(tU32 pTime@<EAX>)
void MungeShrapnel(tU32 pTime) {
br_vector3 disp;
int i;
br_matrix34* mat;
br_scalar ts;
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pTime);
if (gAction_replay_mode) {
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gShrapnel); i++) {
mat = &gShrapnel[i].actor->t.t.mat;
if (((1u << i) & gShrapnel_flags) == 0) {
if (gShrapnel[i].age == -1) {
} else {
if (gShrapnel[i].time_sync) {
BrVector3Scale(&disp, &gShrapnel[i].v, gShrapnel[i].time_sync / 1000.0f);
gShrapnel[i].time_sync = 0;
} else {
BrVector3Scale(&disp, &gShrapnel[i].v, pTime / 1000.0f);
gShrapnel[i].age += pTime;
mat->m[3][0] = mat->m[3][0] + disp.v[0];
mat->m[3][1] = mat->m[3][1] + disp.v[1];
mat->m[3][2] = mat->m[3][2] + disp.v[2];
gShrapnel[i].v.v[1] -= (10 * pTime) * 0.00014492753f;
DrMatrix34Rotate(mat, 182 * gShrapnel[i].age, &gShrapnel[i].axis);
BrMatrix34PreShearX(mat, gShrapnel[i].shear1, gShrapnel[i].shear2);
// bug: should this be using "&gShrapnel[i].v"??
ts = 1.0 - BrVector3Length(&gSparks[i].v) / 1.4 * pTime / 1000.0;
if (ts < 0.1) {
ts = (br_scalar) 0.1; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
BrVector3Scale(&gShrapnel[i].v, &gShrapnel[i].v, ts);
AddShrapnelToPipingSession(i + ((gShrapnel[i].age > 1000 || gShrapnel[i].age < pTime) << 15), (br_vector3*)mat->m[3], gShrapnel[i].age - pTime, gShrapnel[i].actor->material);
if (gShrapnel[i].age > 1000) {
gShrapnel[i].age = -1;
// IDA: void __usercall DrMatrix34Rotate(br_matrix34 *mat@<EAX>, br_angle r@<EDX>, br_vector3 *a@<EBX>)
void DrMatrix34Rotate(br_matrix34* mat, br_angle r, br_vector3* a) {
br_scalar t;
br_scalar s;
br_scalar c;
br_scalar txy;
br_scalar txz;
br_scalar tyz;
br_scalar sx;
br_scalar sy;
br_scalar sz;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d, %p)", mat, r, a);
s = FastScalarSinAngle(r);
c = FastScalarCosAngle(r);
t = 1.0f - c;
txy = t * a->v[0] * a->v[1];
txz = t * a->v[0] * a->v[2];
tyz = t * a->v[1] * a->v[2];
sx = a->v[0] * s;
sy = a->v[1] * s;
sz = a->v[2] * s;
mat->m[0][0] = a->v[0] * a->v[0] * t + c;
mat->m[0][1] = sz + txy;
mat->m[0][2] = txz - sy;
mat->m[1][0] = txy - sz;
mat->m[1][1] = a->v[1] * a->v[1] * t + c;
mat->m[1][2] = sx + tyz;
mat->m[2][0] = sy + txz;
mat->m[2][1] = tyz - sx;
mat->m[2][2] = a->v[2] * a->v[2] * t + c;
// IDA: void __usercall SmokeLine(int l@<EAX>, int x@<EDX>, br_scalar zbuff, int r_squared, tU8 *scr_ptr, tU16 *depth_ptr, tU8 *shade_ptr, br_scalar r_multiplier, br_scalar z_multiplier, br_scalar shade_offset)
void SmokeLine(int l, int x, br_scalar zbuff, int r_squared, tU8* scr_ptr, tU16* depth_ptr, tU8* shade_ptr, br_scalar r_multiplier, br_scalar z_multiplier, br_scalar shade_offset) {
int i;
int offset; /* Added by dethrace. */
int r_multiplier_int;
int shade_offset_int;
tU16 z;
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %d, %f, %d, %p, %p, %p, %f, %f, %f)", l, x, zbuff, r_squared, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
scr_ptr += gOffset;
if (gProgram_state.cockpit_on) {
depth_ptr += gOffset;
z = (1.f - zbuff) * 32768.0f;
r_multiplier_int = r_multiplier * 65536.0f;
shade_offset_int = shade_offset * 65536.0f;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (*depth_ptr > z) {
offset = ((shade_offset_int - r_squared * r_multiplier_int) >> 8) & 0xffffff00;
#if defined(DETHRACE_FIX_BUGS)
/* Prevent buffer underflows by capping negative offsets. */
offset = MAX(0, offset);
*scr_ptr = shade_ptr[*scr_ptr + offset];
r_multiplier = x + r_squared;
r_squared = x + r_multiplier;
// IDA: void __usercall SmokeCircle(br_vector3 *o@<EAX>, br_scalar r, br_scalar extra_z, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pAspect, br_pixelmap *pRender_screen, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer, br_pixelmap *pShade_table)
void SmokeCircle(br_vector3* o, br_scalar r, br_scalar extra_z, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pAspect, br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_pixelmap* pShade_table) {
tU8* scr_ptr;
tU16* depth_ptr;
tU8* shade_ptr;
tU8* osp;
tU16* odp;
int ox;
int oy;
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
int r_squared;
int max_r_squared;
int l;
int l2;
int x;
int x2;
//int sx; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
int y;
int inc;
int y_limit;
int max_x;
int min_x;
br_scalar shade_offset;
br_scalar r_multiplier;
br_scalar ry;
br_scalar z_multiplier;
br_scalar zbuff;
br_scalar aspect_squared;
void (*line)(int, int, br_scalar, int, tU8*, tU16*, tU8*, br_scalar, br_scalar, br_scalar);
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %f, %f, %f, %f, %p, %p, %p)", o, r, extra_z, strength, pAspect, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pShade_table);
line = SmokeLine;
ox = pRender_screen->width / 2 + o->v[0];
oy = pRender_screen->height / 2 + o->v[1];
max_r_squared = r * r;
zbuff = o->v[2];
aspect_squared = pAspect * pAspect;
if (pRender_screen->width / 4 <= r
|| pRender_screen->width <= ox - r
|| ox + r < 0.0f) {
shade_ptr = (tU8*)pShade_table->pixels + pShade_table->row_bytes * (pShade_table->base_y + 1);
shade_offset = strength * 14.99f;
r_multiplier = shade_offset / (double)max_r_squared;
z_multiplier = extra_z / (double)max_r_squared;
max_x = pRender_screen->width - ox - 1;
min_x = -ox;
ry = r / pAspect;
l = pRender_screen->height - oy - 1;
scr_ptr = pRender_screen->pixels;
scr_ptr += pRender_screen->base_x + pRender_screen->base_y * pRender_screen->row_bytes + ox + l * pRender_screen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr = (tU16*)pDepth_buffer->pixels + ox + l * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2);
osp = scr_ptr;
odp = depth_ptr;
if (pRender_screen->height > oy && oy + ry >= 0.0) {
r_squared = r * r;
inc = -r;
y = 0;
y_limit = ry;
if (oy < 0) {
y = -oy;
r_squared = (y * y) * aspect_squared;
scr_ptr += oy * pRender_screen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr += oy * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2);
inc = -sqrtf(max_r_squared - r_squared);
r_squared += inc * inc;
if (pRender_screen->height < oy + ry) {
y_limit = pRender_screen->height - oy - 1;
l = -2 * inc;
scr_ptr += inc;
depth_ptr += inc;
gOffset = 0;
while (1) {
x = inc + gOffset;
if (min_x <= inc + gOffset && l + x - 1 <= max_x) {
line(l, inc, zbuff, r_squared, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
} else {
if (max_x < x || l + x < min_x) {
x2 = l;
if (l + x - 1 - max_x > 0) {
x2 = max_x - (x - 1);
if (min_x - x <= 0) {
line(x2, inc, zbuff, r_squared, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
} else {
line(x2 - (min_x - x), min_x - x + inc, zbuff, y * y + (min_x - x + inc) * (min_x - x + inc), &scr_ptr[min_x - x], &depth_ptr[min_x - x], shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
if (y_limit <= y) {
scr_ptr -= pRender_screen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr -= pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2;
for (r_squared += (2 * y - 1) * aspect_squared; max_r_squared < r_squared && inc < 0; r_squared += 2 * inc - 1) {
l -= 2;
gOffset += IRandomBetween(-1, 1);
if (gOffset > r / 5.f) {
gOffset = r / 5.f;
if (gOffset < -(r / 5.f)) {
gOffset = -(r / 5.f);
if (pAspect < 1.0) {
aspect_squared = 9.f;
ry = r / 3.f;
if (oy > 0 && oy <= pRender_screen->height + ry - 2.f) {
r_squared = (r * r);
inc = -r;
y = 0;
scr_ptr = osp;
depth_ptr = odp;
y_limit = ry;
if (pRender_screen->height < oy) {
l2 = oy - pRender_screen->height;
y = pRender_screen->height - oy;
r_squared = y * y * aspect_squared;
scr_ptr = &osp[l2 * pRender_screen->row_bytes];
depth_ptr = &odp[l2 * (pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2)];
inc = -sqrtf(max_r_squared - r_squared);
r_squared += inc * inc;
if (oy - ry < 0.f) {
y_limit = oy;
l = -2 * inc;
scr_ptr += inc;
depth_ptr += inc;
gOffset = 0;
do {
scr_ptr += pRender_screen->row_bytes;
depth_ptr += pDepth_buffer->row_bytes / 2;
for (r_squared -= (2 * y - 1) * aspect_squared; max_r_squared < r_squared && inc < 0; r_squared += 2 * inc - 1) {
l -= 2;
x = inc + gOffset;
if (min_x <= inc + gOffset && l + x - 1 <= max_x) {
line(l, inc, zbuff, r_squared, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
} else {
if (max_x < x || l + x < min_x) {
x2 = l;
if (l + x - 1 - max_x > 0) {
x2 = max_x - (x - 1);
if (min_x - x <= 0) {
line(x2, inc, zbuff, r_squared, scr_ptr, depth_ptr, shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
} else {
line(x2 - (min_x - x), min_x - x + inc, zbuff, y * y + (min_x - x + inc) * (min_x - x + inc), &scr_ptr[min_x - x], &depth_ptr[min_x - x], shade_ptr, r_multiplier, z_multiplier, shade_offset);
gOffset += IRandomBetween(-1, 1);
if (gOffset > r / 5.0) {
gOffset = r / 5.0;
if (gOffset < -(r / 5.0)) {
gOffset = -r / 5.0;
} while (-y < y_limit);
// IDA: int __cdecl CmpSmokeZ(void *p1, void *p2)
int CmpSmokeZ(void* p1, void* p2) {
//tBRender_smoke** a; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tBRender_smoke** b; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p)", p1, p2);
// IDA: void __cdecl RenderRecordedSmokeCircles()
void RenderRecordedSmokeCircles(void) {
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tBRender_smoke* smoke; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tU8 red; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tU8 grn; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tU8 blu; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
// IDA: void __usercall RecordSmokeCircle(br_vector3 *pCent@<EAX>, br_scalar pR, br_scalar pStrength, br_pixelmap *pShade, br_scalar pAspect)
void RecordSmokeCircle(br_vector3* pCent, br_scalar pR, br_scalar pStrength, br_pixelmap* pShade, br_scalar pAspect) {
//tU8 shade_index; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_colour shade_rgb; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %f, %f, %p, %f)", pCent, pR, pStrength, pShade, pAspect);
// IDA: void __usercall SmokeCircle3D(br_vector3 *o@<EAX>, br_scalar r, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pAspect, br_pixelmap *pRender_screen, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer, br_pixelmap *pShade_table, br_actor *pCam)
void SmokeCircle3D(br_vector3* o, br_scalar r, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pAspect, br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_pixelmap* pShade_table, br_actor* pCam) {
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 p;
br_vector4 o2;
br_camera* cam;
int scaled_r;
br_scalar extra_z;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %f, %f, %f, %p, %p, %p, %p)", o, r, strength, pAspect, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pShade_table, pCam);
cam = pCam->type_data;
[2] * 16777216.0f + o
[1] * 65536.0f + o
[0] * 256.0f + r
BrVector3Sub(&tv, o, (br_vector3*)gCamera_to_world.m[3]);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&p, &tv, &gCamera_to_world);
if (-p.v[2] >= cam->hither_z && -p.v[2] <= cam->yon_z) {
scaled_r = gCameraToScreen.m[0][0] * r / -p.v[2];
extra_z = gCameraToScreen.m[3][2] * r / (p.v[2] * p.v[2]);
BrMatrix4ApplyP(&o2, &p, &gCameraToScreen);
BrVector3InvScale(&p, &o2, o2.v[3]);
SmokeCircle(&p, (br_scalar)scaled_r, extra_z, strength, pAspect, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pShade_table);
// IDA: void __usercall ReplaySmoke(br_pixelmap *pRender_screen@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<EDX>, br_actor *pCamera@<EBX>)
void ReplaySmoke(br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_actor* pCamera) {
br_scalar aspect;
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)", pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column); i++) {
if (gSmoke_flags & (1 << i)) {
aspect = 1.f + (gSmoke[i].radius - .05f) / .25f * .5f;
if (gSmoke[i].type & 0x10) {
SmokeCircle3D(&gSmoke[i].pos, gSmoke[i].radius / aspect, gSmoke[i].strength, 1.f,
pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gShade_list[gSmoke[i].type & 0xf], pCamera);
} else {
SmokeCircle3D(&gSmoke[i].pos, gSmoke[i].radius, gSmoke[i].strength, aspect,
pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gShade_list[gSmoke[i].type & 0xf], pCamera);
// IDA: void __usercall GenerateContinuousSmoke(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, int wheel@<EDX>, tU32 pTime@<EBX>)
void GenerateContinuousSmoke(tCar_spec* pCar, int wheel, tU32 pTime) {
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 v;
br_vector3 vcs;
br_vector3 tv;
br_scalar decay_factor;
br_scalar ts;
br_scalar alpha;
br_scalar beta;
int colour;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d, %d)", pCar, wheel, pTime);
if (pCar->dust_time[wheel] > (int) pTime) { // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
pCar->dust_time[wheel] -= pTime;
pCar->dust_time[wheel] += IRandomBetween(200, 400) - pTime;
if (pCar->dust_time[wheel] < 0) {
pCar->dust_time[wheel] = 0;
BrVector3Cross(&tv, &pCar->omega, &pCar->wpos[wheel]);
BrVector3Scale(&vcs, &pCar->velocity_car_space, WORLD_SCALE * 1000.0f);
BrVector3Accumulate(&vcs, &tv);
ts = BrVector3LengthSquared(&vcs);
if (ts < 25.0f) {
decay_factor = sqrtf(ts) / 25.0f;
if (decay_factor > 1.0f) {
decay_factor = 1.0f;
BrVector3InvScale(&tv, &pCar->wpos[wheel], WORLD_SCALE);
tv.v[1] -= pCar->oldd[wheel] / WORLD_SCALE;
alpha = -1000.0f;
if (vcs.v[2] > 0.0f) {
alpha = (pCar->bounds[0].min.v[2] - tv.v[2]) / vcs.v[2];
} else if (vcs.v[2] < 0.0f) {
alpha = (pCar->bounds[0].max.v[2] - tv.v[2]) / vcs.v[2];
beta = -1000.0f;
if (vcs.v[0] > 0.0f) {
beta = (pCar->bounds[0].min.v[0] - tv.v[0]) / vcs.v[0];
} else if (vcs.v[0] < 0.0f) {
beta = (pCar->bounds[0].max.v[0] - tv.v[0]) / vcs.v[0];
ts = MAX(alpha, beta);
BrVector3Scale(&pos, &vcs, ts);
BrVector3Accumulate(&tv, &pos);
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&pos, &tv, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrMatrix34ApplyV(&v, &vcs, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
colour = gDust_rotate + gCurrent_race.material_modifiers[pCar->material_index[wheel]].smoke_type - 2;
while (colour >= gNum_dust_tables) {
colour -= gNum_dust_tables;
CreatePuffOfSmoke(&pos, &v, decay_factor, decay_factor * 2, colour + 8, pCar);
// IDA: void __cdecl DustRotate()
void DustRotate(void) {
// IDA: void __usercall RenderSmoke(br_pixelmap *pRender_screen@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<EDX>, br_actor *pCamera@<EBX>, br_matrix34 *pCamera_to_world@<ECX>, tU32 pTime)
void RenderSmoke(br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_actor* pCamera, br_matrix34* pCamera_to_world, tU32 pTime) {
int i;
int j;
br_vector3 tv;
br_scalar aspect;
br_scalar ts;
tU32 seed;
tU32 not_lonely;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %d)", pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera, pCamera_to_world, pTime);
not_lonely = 0;
DrawTheGlow(pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera);
if (gSmoke_flags != 0) {
if (gAction_replay_mode) {
ReplaySmoke(pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSmoke); i++) {
if ((gSmoke_flags & (1u << i)) != 0) {
if (gSmoke[i].strength > 0.0) {
if (gSmoke[i].time_sync) {
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &gSmoke[i].v, gSmoke[i].time_sync / 1000.0);
gSmoke[i].time_sync = 0;
} else {
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &gSmoke[i].v, pTime / 1000.0);
BrVector3Accumulate(&gSmoke[i].pos, &tv);
} else {
gSmoke_flags &= ~(1u << i);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSmoke); i++) {
if ((gSmoke_flags & (1u << i)) != 0) {
if ((gSmoke[i].type & 0xf) == 7) {
not_lonely |= 1u << i;
} else if ((not_lonely & (1u << i)) == 0) {
for (j = i + 1; j < COUNT_OF(gSmoke); j++) {
if ((gSmoke_flags & (1u << j)) != 0) {
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &gSmoke[i].pos, &gSmoke[i].pos);
ts = BrVector3LengthSquared(&tv);
if ((gSmoke[i].radius + gSmoke[j].radius) * (gSmoke[i].radius + gSmoke[j].radius) > ts) {
not_lonely |= (1u << j) | (1u << i);
if (((1u << i) & not_lonely) == 0) {
gSmoke[i].strength = gSmoke[i].strength / 2.0;
aspect = (gSmoke[i].radius - 0.05f) / 0.25f * 0.5f + 1.0f;
if ((gSmoke[i].type & 0x10) != 0) {
SmokeCircle3D(&gSmoke[i].pos, gSmoke[i].radius / aspect, gSmoke[i].strength, 1.0, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gShade_list[gSmoke[i].type & 0xf], pCamera);
} else {
SmokeCircle3D(&gSmoke[i].pos, gSmoke[i].radius, gSmoke[i].strength, aspect, pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gShade_list[gSmoke[i].type & 0xf], pCamera);
if (gSmoke[i].pipe_me) {
AddSmokeToPipingSession(i, gSmoke[i].type, &gSmoke[i].pos, gSmoke[i].radius, gSmoke[i].strength);
gSmoke[i].radius = (double)pTime / 1000.0 * gSmoke[i].strength * 0.5 + gSmoke[i].radius;
gSmoke[i].strength = gSmoke[i].strength - (double)pTime * gSmoke[i].decay_factor / 1000.0;
if (gSmoke[i].radius > 0.3f) {
gSmoke[i].radius = 0.3f;
if (gSmoke[i].strength > 0.0) {
ts = 1.0f - (double)pTime * 0.002f;
if (ts < 0.5f) {
ts = 0.5f;
BrVector3Scale(&gSmoke[i].v, &gSmoke[i].v, ts);
if (fabs(gSmoke
v[1]) < 0.43478259f && (gSmoke
type & 0xFu
) < 7) {
if (gSmoke[i].v.v[1] >= 0.0) {
gSmoke[i].v.v[1] = 0.43478259f;
} else {
gSmoke[i].v.v[1] += 0.43478259f;
} else {
gSmoke_flags &= ~(1u << i);
// IDA: void __usercall CreatePuffOfSmoke(br_vector3 *pos@<EAX>, br_vector3 *v@<EDX>, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pDecay_factor, int pType, tCar_spec *pC)
void CreatePuffOfSmoke(br_vector3* pos, br_vector3* v, br_scalar strength, br_scalar pDecay_factor, int pType, tCar_spec* pC) {
br_vector3 tv;
//int pipe_me; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %f, %f, %d, %p)", pos, v, strength, pDecay_factor, pType, pC);
if (!gSmoke_on) {
// if we are too far away from the current car...
BrVector3Sub(&tv, pos, &gProgram_state.current_car.pos);
if (BrVector3LengthSquared(&tv) > 625.0) {
// check the distance from the car we are viewing and if it is too far away also, just return
BrVector3Sub(&tv, pos, &gCar_to_view->pos);
if (&gProgram_state.current_car != gCar_to_view && BrVector3LengthSquared(&tv) > 625.0) {
BrVector3InvScale(&gSmoke[gSmoke_num].v, v, WORLD_SCALE);
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].v.v[1] += (1.0f / WORLD_SCALE);
BrVector3Copy(&gSmoke[gSmoke_num].pos, pos);
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].radius = 0.05f;
if ((pType & 0xF) == 7) {
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].radius *= 2.0f;
} else {
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].pos.v[1] += (br_scalar) 0.04; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].pos.v[1] += (br_scalar) 0.04; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
if (strength > 1.0) {
strength = 1.0;
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].strength = strength;
gSmoke_flags |= 1u << gSmoke_num;
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].time_sync = gMechanics_time_sync;
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].type = pType;
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].decay_factor = pDecay_factor;
gSmoke[gSmoke_num].pipe_me = 1;
if (gSmoke_num >= COUNT_OF(gSmoke)) {
gSmoke_num = 0;
// IDA: void __cdecl ResetSmoke()
void ResetSmoke(void) {
gSmoke_flags = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall AdjustSmoke(int pIndex@<EAX>, tU8 pType@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pPos@<EBX>, br_scalar pRadius, br_scalar pStrength)
void AdjustSmoke(int pIndex, tU8 pType, br_vector3* pPos, br_scalar pRadius, br_scalar pStrength) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %d, %p, %f, %f)", pIndex, pType, pPos, pRadius, pStrength);
gSmoke[pIndex].type = pType;
gSmoke[pIndex].radius = pRadius;
gSmoke[pIndex].strength = pStrength;
BrVector3Copy(&gSmoke[pIndex].pos, pPos);
gSmoke_flags |= 1 << pIndex;
// IDA: void __cdecl ActorError()
void ActorError(void) {
// IDA: void __usercall AdjustSmokeColumn(int pIndex@<EAX>, tCar_spec *pCar@<EDX>, int pVertex@<EBX>, int pColour@<ECX>)
void AdjustSmokeColumn(int pIndex, tCar_spec* pCar, int pVertex, int pColour) {
int i;
//br_actor* actor; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %p, %d, %d)", pIndex, pCar, pVertex, pColour);
gColumn_flags ^= 1 << pIndex;
gSmoke_column[pIndex].car = pCar;
gSmoke_column[pIndex].vertex_index = pVertex;
gSmoke_column[pIndex].colour = pColour;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column->frame_count); i++) {
gSmoke_column[pIndex].frame_count[i] = 100;
if (pColour == 0) {
if ((gColumn_flags & (1 << pIndex)) != 0) {
if (gSmoke_column[pIndex].flame_actor->depth != 0) {
BrActorAdd(gNon_track_actor, gSmoke_column[pIndex].flame_actor);
} else {
if (gSmoke_column[pIndex].flame_actor->depth == 0) {
// IDA: void __usercall CreateSmokeColumn(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, int pColour@<EDX>, int pVertex_index@<EBX>, tU32 pLifetime@<ECX>)
void CreateSmokeColumn(tCar_spec* pCar, int pColour, int pVertex_index, tU32 pLifetime) {
int i;
br_actor* actor;
tSmoke_column* col;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d, %d, %d)", pCar, pColour, pVertex_index, pLifetime);
col = &gSmoke_column[gNext_column];
if (pCar->last_special_volume != NULL && pCar->last_special_volume->gravity_multiplier < 1.0f) {
SmudgeCar(pCar, pVertex_index);
if (pCar->knackered) {
SmudgeCar(pCar, pCar->fire_vertex[IRandomBetween(0, 11)]);
if (!gSmoke_on) {
if (((1u << gNext_column) & gColumn_flags) != 0) {
if (gSmoke_column[gNext_column].car != NULL) {
AddSmokeColumnToPipingSession(gNext_column, gSmoke_column[gNext_column].car, gSmoke_column[gNext_column].vertex_index, gSmoke_column[gNext_column].colour);
if (gSmoke_column[gNext_column].colour == 0) {
actor = col->flame_actor->children;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (actor->type == BR_ACTOR_MODEL) {
AddFlameToPipingSession(i + 16 * gNext_column, col->frame_count[i], col->scale_x[i], col->scale_y[i], col->offset_x[i], col->offset_z[i]);
actor->type = BR_ACTOR_NONE;
actor = actor->next;
if (pColour == 0 && (((1u << gNext_column) & gColumn_flags) == 0 || gSmoke_column[gNext_column].colour != 0)) {
BrActorAdd(gNon_track_actor, gSmoke_column[gNext_column].flame_actor);
if (pColour != 0 && ((1u << gNext_column) & gColumn_flags) != 0 && gSmoke_column[gNext_column].colour == 0) {
AddSmokeColumnToPipingSession(gNext_column, pCar, pVertex_index, pColour);
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].car = pCar;
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].colour = pColour;
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].lifetime = pLifetime;
time = 0;
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].smudge_timer = 1000;
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].vertex_index = pVertex_index;
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].upright = 1;
gColumn_flags |= 1u << gNext_column;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column[gNext_column].frame_count); i++) {
gSmoke_column[gNext_column].frame_count[i] = 100;
if (gNext_column >= MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS) {
gNext_column = 0;
// IDA: void __cdecl GenerateSmokeShades()
void GenerateSmokeShades(void) {
static int rb = 0x00;
static int gb = 0x00;
static int bb = 0x00;
static int rd = 0x40;
static int gd = 0x40;
static int bd = 0x40;
static int rg = 0x80;
static int gg = 0x80;
static int bg = 0x80;
gBlack_smoke_shade_table = GenerateShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, rb, gb, bb, .25f, .6f, .9f);
gDark_smoke_shade_table = GenerateShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, rd, gd, bd, .25f, .6f, .9f);
gGrey_smoke_shade_table = GenerateShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, rg, gg, bg, .25f, .6f, .9f);
gIt_shade_table = GenerateDarkenedShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, 0, 255, 254, .25f, .5f, .75f, .6f);
gShade_list[0] = gBlack_smoke_shade_table;
gShade_list[1] = gDark_smoke_shade_table;
gShade_list[2] = gGrey_smoke_shade_table;
gShade_list[3] = gFog_shade_table;
gShade_list[4] = gFog_shade_table;
gShade_list[7] = gAcid_shade_table;
// IDA: void __cdecl GenerateItFoxShadeTable()
void GenerateItFoxShadeTable(void) {
if (gIt_shade_table == NULL) {
gIt_shade_table = GenerateDarkenedShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, 0, 255, 254, .25f, .5f, .75f, .6f);
// IDA: void __usercall AdjustFlame(int pIndex@<EAX>, int pFrame_count@<EDX>, br_scalar pScale_x, br_scalar pScale_y, br_scalar pOffset_x, br_scalar pOffset_z)
void AdjustFlame(int pIndex, int pFrame_count, br_scalar pScale_x, br_scalar pScale_y, br_scalar pOffset_x, br_scalar pOffset_z) {
int i;
int j;
tSmoke_column* col;
//br_actor* actor; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f)", pIndex, pFrame_count, pScale_x, pScale_y, pOffset_x, pOffset_z);
i = pIndex >> 4;
j = pIndex & 0xf;
col = &gSmoke_column[i];
col->frame_count[j] = pFrame_count;
col->scale_x[j] = pScale_x;
col->scale_y[j] = pScale_y;
col->offset_x[j] = pOffset_x;
col->offset_z[j] = pOffset_z;
// IDA: void __usercall ReplayFlame(tSmoke_column *col@<EAX>, br_actor *actor@<EDX>)
void ReplayFlame(tSmoke_column* col, br_actor* actor) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p)", col, actor);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(col->frame_count); i++, actor = actor->next) {
col->frame_count[i] += GetReplayRate();
if (col->frame_count[i] < 0 || col->frame_count[i] >= COUNT_OF(gFlame_map)) {
actor->type = BR_ACTOR_NONE;
} else {
actor->type = BR_ACTOR_MODEL;
actor->material->colour_map = gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]];
BrMaterialUpdate(actor->material, BR_MATU_ALL);
col->scale_x[i] * gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]]->width,
col->scale_y[i] * gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]]->height,
actor->t.t.translate.t.v[0] = col->offset_x[i];
actor->t.t.translate.t.v[2] = col->offset_z[i];
// IDA: void __usercall FlameAnimate(int c@<EAX>, br_vector3 *pPos@<EDX>, tU32 pTime@<EBX>)
void FlameAnimate(int c, br_vector3* pPos, tU32 pTime) {
tSmoke_column* col;
br_actor* actor;
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %p, %d)", c, pPos, pTime);
col = &gSmoke_column[c];
actor = col->flame_actor;
DRMatrix34RotateY(&actor->t.t.mat, FastScalarArcTan2Angle(gCamera_to_world.m[2][0], gCamera_to_world.m[2][2]));
actor->t.t.translate.t = *pPos;
actor = actor->children;
if (gAction_replay_mode) {
ReplayFlame(col, actor);
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(col->frame_count); i++) {
col->frame_time[i] += pTime;
if (col->frame_time[i] > FLAME_ANIMATION_FRAME_INTERVAL) {
col->frame_time[i] = 0;
if (col->frame_count[i] >= COUNT_OF(gFlame_map)) {
AddFlameToPipingSession(i + 16 * c, col->frame_count[i] + 1, col->scale_x[i], col->scale_y[i], col->offset_x[i], col->offset_z[i]);
col->frame_count[i] = IRandomBetween(-5, -1);
col->scale_x[i] = (2 * IRandomBetween(0, 1) - 1) * SRandomBetween(1.0f, 1.5f) * 0.003f;
col->scale_y[i] = SRandomBetween(0.5f, 1.0f) * 0.003f;
col->offset_x[i] = SRandomPosNeg(0.03f);
col->offset_z[i] = SRandomBetween(-0.03f, 0.0);
actor->type = BR_ACTOR_NONE;
if (col->frame_count[i] == 0) {
if (BrVector3LengthSquared(&col->car->v) >= 80.0f || col->lifetime <= 30 * pTime) {
col->frame_count[i] = -5;
} else {
actor->type = BR_ACTOR_MODEL;
AddFlameToPipingSession(i + 16 * c, col->frame_count[i] - 1, col->scale_x[i], col->scale_y[i], col->offset_x[i], col->offset_z[i]);
if (col->frame_count[i] >= 0) {
actor->material->colour_map = gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]];
BrMaterialUpdate(actor->material, BR_MATU_ALL);
BrMatrix34Scale(&actor->t.t.mat, gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]]->width * col->scale_x[i], gFlame_map[col->frame_count[i]]->height * col->scale_y[i], 1.0);
actor->t.t.mat.m[3][0] = col->offset_x[i];
actor->t.t.mat.m[3][2] = col->offset_z[i];
actor = actor->next;
// IDA: void __usercall DoSmokeColumn(int i@<EAX>, tU32 pTime@<EDX>, br_vector3 *pRet_car_pos@<EBX>)
void DoSmokeColumn(int i, tU32 pTime, br_vector3* pRet_car_pos) {
tCar_spec* c;
br_actor* actor;
br_actor* bonny;
//int group; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%d, %d, %p)", i, pTime, pRet_car_pos);
c = gSmoke_column[i].car;
if (c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[1][1] > 0.1f) {
gSmoke_column[i].upright = 1;
if (c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[1][1] < -0.1f) {
gSmoke_column[i].upright = 0;
actor = c->car_model_actors[c->principal_car_actor].actor;
bonny = c->car_model_actors[c->car_actor_count - 1].actor;
BrVector3Add(pRet_car_pos, &V11MODEL(actor->model)->groups->vertices[gSmoke_column[i].vertex_index].p, &actor->t.t.translate.t);
if (gProgram_state.cockpit_on && c->driver == eDriver_local_human) {
if (c->driver_z_offset + 0.2f <= pRet_car_pos->v[2]) {
pRet_car_pos->v[1] -= -0.07f;
} else {
BrMatrix34ApplyP(pRet_car_pos, &V11MODEL(actor->model)->groups->vertices[gSmoke_column[i].vertex_index].p, &bonny->t.t.mat);
if (!gSmoke_column[i].upright) {
pRet_car_pos->v[1] = c->bounds[1].min.v[1] / WORLD_SCALE;
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&gSmoke_column[i].pos, pRet_car_pos, &c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[1] -= 0.03f;
// IDA: void __usercall ReplaySmokeColumn(tU32 pTime@<EAX>)
void ReplaySmokeColumn(tU32 pTime) {
int i;
br_vector3 dummy;
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pTime);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if ((gColumn_flags & (1 << i)) != 0) {
DoSmokeColumn(i, pTime, &dummy);
if (gSmoke_column[i].colour == 0) {
FlameAnimate(i, &gSmoke_column[i].pos, pTime);
// IDA: void __usercall MungeSmokeColumn(tU32 pTime@<EAX>)
void MungeSmokeColumn(tU32 pTime) {
int i;
int plane;
//br_actor* actor; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_actor* bonny; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_vector3 car_pos;
br_vector3 pos;
br_vector3 v;
//br_vector3 up; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_vector3 start; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_vector3 end; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_scalar ts; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_scalar decay_factor;
tCar_spec* c;
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pTime);
if (gColumn_flags == 0) {
if (gAction_replay_mode) {
gMechanics_time_sync = 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (((1u << i) & gColumn_flags) == 0) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].lifetime >= pTime) {
gSmoke_column[i].lifetime -= pTime;
c = gSmoke_column[i].car;
DoSmokeColumn(i, pTime, &car_pos);
if (gSmoke_column[i].colour == 0) {
FlameAnimate(i, &gSmoke_column[i].pos, pTime);
if (gSmoke_column[i].smudge_timer >= pTime) {
gSmoke_column[i].smudge_timer -= pTime;
} else {
gSmoke_column[i].smudge_timer += 2000;
SmudgeCar(gSmoke_column[i].car, gSmoke_column[i].vertex_index);
if (gSmoke_column[i].car->knackered) {
plane = IRandomBetween(0, COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column[i].car->fire_vertex) - 1);
SmudgeCar(gSmoke_column[i].car, gSmoke_column[i].car->fire_vertex[plane]);
time += pTime
if (gSmoke_column
time > 200) {
time -= fmaxf
, pTime
time -= pTime
BrVector3Cross(&v, &c->omega, &car_pos);
BrMatrix34ApplyV(&car_pos, &v, &c->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Add(&v, &c->v, &car_pos);
v.v[1] = v.v[1] + 2.898550724637681f; // 100 / 34.5 ?
pos.v[0] = SRandomBetween(-0.03f, 0.03f) + gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[0];
pos.v[1] = (gSmoke_column[i].colour == 0) * 0.05f + gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[1];
pos.v[2] = SRandomBetween(-0.03f, 0.03f) + gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[2];
if ((gSmoke_column[i].whiter & 2) == 0 || IRandomBetween(0, 3)) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].whiter < 1) {
gSmoke_column[i].whiter = -1;
} else {
gSmoke_column[i].whiter = 2;
} else {
gSmoke_column[i].whiter &= 1;
decay_factor = ((gSmoke_column[i].whiter > 0) + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
if (gSmoke_column[i].lifetime < 4000) {
decay_factor = gSmoke_column[i].lifetime * decay_factor / 4000.0f;
CreatePuffOfSmoke(&pos, &v, decay_factor, decay_factor, gSmoke_column[i].colour + 16, c);
} else {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car != NULL) {
AddSmokeColumnToPipingSession(i, gSmoke_column[i].car, gSmoke_column[i].vertex_index, gSmoke_column[i].colour);
gColumn_flags &= ~(1u << i);
if (gSmoke_column[i].colour == 0) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car != NULL) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car->num_smoke_columns != 0) {
// IDA: void __cdecl DisposeFlame()
void DisposeFlame(void) {
int i;
int j;
br_actor* actor;
//br_material* material; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gFlame_map); i++) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if ((gColumn_flags & (1u << i)) && (gSmoke_column[i].colour == 0)) {
actor = gSmoke_column[i].flame_actor->children;
for (j = 0; j < COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column[0].frame_count); j++) {
actor = actor->next;
// IDA: void __cdecl InitFlame()
void InitFlame(void) {
int i;
int j;
int num;
char the_path[256];
br_actor* actor;
br_material* material;
gColumn_flags = 0;
gLollipop_model = BrModelAllocate("Lollipop", 4, 2);
PathCat(the_path, gApplication_path, "PIXELMAP");
PathCat(the_path, the_path, "FLAMES.PIX");
num = DRPixelmapLoadMany(the_path, gFlame_map, COUNT_OF(gFlame_map));
if (num != COUNT_OF(gFlame_map)) {
FatalError(kFatalError_LoadPixelmapFile_S, the_path);
BrMapAddMany(gFlame_map, COUNT_OF(gFlame_map));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
gSmoke_column[i].flame_actor = BrActorAllocate(BR_ACTOR_NONE, NULL);
for (j = 0; j < COUNT_OF(gSmoke_column[0].frame_count); j++) {
actor = BrActorAllocate(BR_ACTOR_MODEL, NULL);
material = BrMaterialAllocate(NULL);
BrActorAdd(gSmoke_column[i].flame_actor, actor);
actor->model = gLollipop_model;
actor->material = material;
material->flags &= ~BR_MATF_LIGHT;
material->flags |= BR_MATF_ALWAYS_VISIBLE;
material->colour_map = gFlame_map[0];
gSmoke_column[i].frame_count[j] = 100;
gLollipop_model->nvertices = 4;
BrVector3SetFloat(&gLollipop_model->vertices[0].p, -.5f, 0.f, .0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gLollipop_model->vertices[1].p, .5f, 0.f, .0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gLollipop_model->vertices[2].p, .5f, 1.f, .0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gLollipop_model->vertices[3].p, -.5f, 1.f, .0f);
gLollipop_model->vertices[0].map.v[0] = 0.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[0].map.v[1] = 1.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[1].map.v[0] = 1.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[1].map.v[1] = 1.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[2].map.v[0] = 1.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[2].map.v[1] = 0.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[3].map.v[0] = 0.f;
gLollipop_model->vertices[3].map.v[1] = 0.f;
gLollipop_model->nfaces = 2;
gLollipop_model->faces[0].vertices[0] = 0;
gLollipop_model->faces[0].vertices[1] = 1;
gLollipop_model->faces[0].vertices[2] = 2;
gLollipop_model->faces[1].vertices[0] = 0;
gLollipop_model->faces[1].vertices[1] = 2;
gLollipop_model->faces[1].vertices[2] = 3;
gLollipop_model->faces[0].smoothing = 1;
gLollipop_model->faces[1].smoothing = 1;
// IDA: void __usercall InitSplash(FILE *pF@<EAX>)
void InitSplash(FILE* pF) {
int i;
int num_files;
int num;
br_actor* actor;
char the_path[256];
char s[256];
br_pixelmap* splash_maps[20];
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pF);
gSplash_flags = 0;
gSplash_model = BrModelAllocate("Splash", 4, 2);
if (pF != NULL) {
num = GetAnInt(pF);
gNum_splash_types = 0;
for (i = 0; num > i; ++i) {
GetAString(pF, s);
PathCat(the_path, gApplication_path, "PIXELMAP");
PathCat(the_path, the_path, s);
num_files = DRPixelmapLoadMany(the_path, &splash_maps[gNum_splash_types], 20 - gNum_splash_types);
if (num_files == 0) {
FatalError(kFatalError_LoadPixelmapFile_S, the_path);
gNum_splash_types += num_files;
} else {
PathCat(the_path, gApplication_path, "PIXELMAP");
PathCat(the_path, the_path, "SPLSHBLU.PIX");
gNum_splash_types = DRPixelmapLoadMany(the_path, splash_maps, 0x14u);
BrMapAddMany(splash_maps, gNum_splash_types);
for (i = 0; i < gNum_splash_types; ++i) {
gSplash_material[i] = BrMaterialAllocate(0);
gSplash_material[i]->flags &= ~(BR_MATF_LIGHT | BR_MATF_PRELIT);
gSplash_material[i]->flags |= BR_MATF_ALWAYS_VISIBLE | BR_MATF_PERSPECTIVE;
gSplash_material[i]->index_blend = LoadSingleShadeTable(&gTrack_storage_space, "BLEND50.TAB");
gSplash_material[i]->colour_map = splash_maps[i];
gSplash_model->nvertices = 4;
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSplash_model->vertices[0].p, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSplash_model->vertices[1].p, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSplash_model->vertices[2].p, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
BrVector3SetFloat(&gSplash_model->vertices[3].p, -0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
gSplash_model->vertices[0].map.v[0] = 0.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[0].map.v[1] = 1.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[1].map.v[0] = 1.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[1].map.v[1] = 1.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[2].map.v[0] = 1.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[2].map.v[1] = 0.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[3].map.v[0] = 0.0f;
gSplash_model->vertices[3].map.v[1] = 0.0f;
gSplash_model->nfaces = 2;
gSplash_model->faces[0].vertices[0] = 0;
gSplash_model->faces[0].vertices[1] = 1;
gSplash_model->faces[0].vertices[2] = 2;
gSplash_model->faces[1].vertices[0] = 0;
gSplash_model->faces[1].vertices[1] = 2;
gSplash_model->faces[1].vertices[2] = 3;
gSplash_model->faces[0].smoothing = 1;
gSplash_model->faces[1].smoothing = 1;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSplash); i++) {
gSplash[i].actor = BrActorAllocate(BR_ACTOR_MODEL, NULL);
actor = gSplash[i].actor;
actor->model = gSplash_model;
if (gNum_splash_types != 0) {
actor->material = gSplash_material[IRandomBetween(0, gNum_splash_types - 1)];
} else {
actor->material = NULL;
gSplash[i].scale_x = SRandomBetween(0.9f, 1.1f) * (2 * IRandomBetween(0, 1) - 1);
// IDA: void __cdecl DisposeSplash()
void DisposeSplash(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gNum_splash_types; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSplash); i++) {
if (gSplash_flags & (1u << i)) {
// IDA: void __usercall DrawTheGlow(br_pixelmap *pRender_screen@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pDepth_buffer@<EDX>, br_actor *pCamera@<EBX>)
void DrawTheGlow(br_pixelmap* pRender_screen, br_pixelmap* pDepth_buffer, br_actor* pCamera) {
int i;
br_scalar strength;
br_vector3 tv;
tU32 seed;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p)", pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, pCamera);
if (gColumn_flags) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (((1u << i) & gColumn_flags) != 0 && gSmoke_column[i].colour <= 1) {
strength = 0.5f;
if (gSmoke_column[i].lifetime < 4000) {
strength = gSmoke_column[i].lifetime * 0.5f / 4000.f;
BrVector3Set(&tv, gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[0], gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[1] + 0.02f, gSmoke_column[i].pos.v[2]);
SmokeCircle3D(&tv, 0.07f, strength, SRandomBetween(0.5f, 0.99f), pRender_screen, pDepth_buffer, gAcid_shade_table, pCamera);
// IDA: void __usercall PipeInstantUnSmudge(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void PipeInstantUnSmudge(tCar_spec* pCar) {
br_model* model;
br_model* b_model;
br_actor* actor;
br_actor* bonny;
int j;
int n;
int v;
int group;
tSmudged_vertex data[1000];
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);
if (!gAction_replay_mode) {
actor = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->principal_car_actor].actor;
model = actor->model;
bonny = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->car_actor_count - 1].actor;
n = 0;
if ((model->flags & BR_MODF_KEEP_ORIGINAL) != 0 || (model->flags & BR_MODF_UPDATEABLE) != 0) {
j = 0;
for (group = 0; group < V11MODEL(model)->ngroups; group++) {
for (v = 0; v < V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].nvertices; v++) {
if ((V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[v] >> 24) != 0) {
data[n].vertex_index = j;
data[n].light_index = 0 -(V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[v] >> 24); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- prefixed 0 to silence signedness warning
n += 1;
V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[v] = 0;
if ((model->flags & 0x80) != 0) {
model->vertices[V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_user[v]].index = 0;
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
group = V11MODEL(model)->ngroups;
j += 1;
if (n != 0) {
AddSmudgeToPipingSession(pCar->car_ID, pCar->principal_car_actor, n, data);
if (bonny != actor) {
b_model = bonny->model;
n = 0;
j = 0;
for (group = 0; group < V11MODEL(model)->ngroups; group++) {
for (v = 0; v < V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].nvertices; v++) {
if ((V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[v] >> 24) != 0) {
data[n].vertex_index = j;
data[n].light_index = -V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].nvertices;
n += 1;
V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[v] = 0;
if ((b_model->flags & BR_MODF_UPDATEABLE) != 0) {
b_model->vertices[V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_user[v]].index = 0;
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
group = V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].nvertices;
j += 1;
if (n != 0) {
AddSmudgeToPipingSession(pCar->car_ID, pCar->car_actor_count - 1, n, data);
// IDA: void __usercall SmudgeCar(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, int fire_point@<EDX>)
void SmudgeCar(tCar_spec* pCar, int fire_point) {
int v;
int j;
int real_vertex_number;
br_model* model;
br_model* b_model;
br_actor* actor;
br_actor* bonny;
br_scalar ts;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 bonny_pos;
int group;
br_vector3 point;
tSmudged_vertex data[30];
int n;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d)", pCar, fire_point);
if (gAusterity_mode) {
v = fire_point;
group = 0;
actor = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->principal_car_actor].actor;
model = actor->model;
bonny = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->car_actor_count - 1].actor;
n = 0;
real_vertex_number = 0;
if ((model->flags & BR_MODF_KEEP_ORIGINAL) != 0 || (model->flags & BR_MODF_UPDATEABLE) != 0) {
point = V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertices[fire_point].p;
for (group = 0; group < V11MODEL(model)->ngroups; group++) {
for (j = 0; j < V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].nvertices; j++) {
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertices[j].p, &point);
ts = (.0144f - BrVector3LengthSquared(&tv) / SRandomBetween(.5f, 1.f)) / .0144f * 127.f;
if (ts > 0.f) {
ts += BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]);
if (ts > 255.f) {
ts = 255.f;
if (BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]) != (int)ts) {
data[n].vertex_index = real_vertex_number;
data[n].light_index = (int)ts - BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]);
V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j] = (int)ts << 24;
if ((model->flags & BR_MODF_UPDATEABLE) != 0) {
model->vertices[V11MODEL(model)->groups[group].vertex_user[j]].index = (int)ts;
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
if (n > 0) {
AddSmudgeToPipingSession(pCar->car_ID, pCar->principal_car_actor, n, data);
// Added by dethrace to update gpu-buffered vertices
n = 0;
real_vertex_number = 0;
if (actor != bonny) {
b_model = bonny->model;
BrVector3Add(&tv, &actor->t.t.translate.t, &point);
BrVector3Accumulate(&tv, &bonny->t.t.translate.t);
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&bonny_pos, &tv, &bonny->t.t.mat);
for (group = 0; group < V11MODEL(b_model)->ngroups; group++) {
j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].nvertices; j++) {
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertices[j].p, &bonny_pos);
ts = (.0144f - BrVector3LengthSquared(&tv) / SRandomBetween(.5f, 1.f)) / .0144f * 127.f;
if (ts > 0.f) {
ts += BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]);
if (ts > 255.f) {
ts = 255.f;
if (BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]) != (int)ts) {
data[n].vertex_index = real_vertex_number;
data[n].light_index = (int)ts - BR_ALPHA(V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j]);
V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertex_colours[j] = (int)ts << 24;
if ((b_model->flags & BR_MODF_UPDATEABLE) != 0) {
b_model->vertices[V11MODEL(b_model)->groups[group].vertex_user[j]].index = (int)ts;
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
if (n >= COUNT_OF(data)) {
if (n > 0) {
AddSmudgeToPipingSession(pCar->car_ID, pCar->car_actor_count - 1, n, data);
// Added by dethrace to update gpu-buffered vertices
// IDA: void __cdecl ResetSmokeColumns()
void ResetSmokeColumns(void) {
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
// IDA: void __usercall SetSmokeOn(int pSmoke_on@<EAX>)
void SetSmokeOn(int pSmoke_on) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pSmoke_on);
gSmoke_on = pSmoke_on;
// IDA: void __usercall ReallySetSmokeOn(int pSmoke_on@<EAX>)
void ReallySetSmokeOn(int pSmoke_on) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pSmoke_on);
// IDA: void __usercall SetSmoke(int pSmoke_on@<EAX>)
void SetSmoke(int pSmoke_on) {
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pSmoke_on);
// IDA: int __cdecl GetSmokeOn()
int GetSmokeOn(void) {
return gSmoke_on;
// IDA: void __usercall StopCarSmoking(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void StopCarSmoking(tCar_spec* pCar) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car == pCar && gSmoke_column[i].lifetime > 2000) {
gSmoke_column[i].lifetime = 2000;
// IDA: void __usercall StopCarSmokingInstantly(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void StopCarSmokingInstantly(tCar_spec* pCar) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car == pCar) {
gSmoke_column[i].lifetime = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall ConditionalSmokeColumn(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, int pDamage_index@<EDX>, int pColour@<EBX>)
void ConditionalSmokeColumn(tCar_spec* pCar, int pDamage_index, int pColour) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d, %d)", pCar, pDamage_index, pColour);
if (!pColour) {
pColour = pCar->driver < eDriver_net_human;
if (pCar->num_smoke_columns != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car == pCar) {
if (((1u << i) & gColumn_flags) != 0 && gSmoke_column[i].colour <= pColour && gSmoke_column[i].lifetime) {
gSmoke_column[i].lifetime = 2000;
CreateSmokeColumn(pCar, pColour, pCar->fire_vertex[pDamage_index], 10000000u);
// IDA: void __usercall SingleSplash(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, br_vector3 *sp@<EDX>, br_vector3 *normal@<EBX>, tU32 pTime@<ECX>)
void SingleSplash(tCar_spec* pCar, br_vector3* sp, br_vector3* normal, tU32 pTime) {
br_matrix34* mat;
br_matrix34* c_mat;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 vel;
br_scalar size;
br_scalar speed;
br_scalar ts;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %d)", pCar, sp, normal, pTime);
mat = &gSplash[gNext_splash].actor->t.t.mat;
c_mat = &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat;
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&gSplash[gNext_splash].actor->t.t.euler.t, sp, c_mat);
tv.v[0] = sp->v[2] * pCar->omega.v[1] - pCar->omega.v[2] * sp->v[1];
tv.v[1] = pCar->omega.v[2] * sp->v[0] - sp->v[2] * pCar->omega.v[0];
tv.v[2] = sp->v[1] * pCar->omega.v[0] - pCar->omega.v[1] * sp->v[0];
BrMatrix34ApplyV(&vel, &tv, c_mat);
BrVector3Accumulate(&vel, &pCar->v);
ts = BrVector3Length(&vel);
= (fabs(BrVector3Dot
, &vel
)) * 5.0 + ts
) / 150.0 + 0.047826085;
if (size > 0.5) {
size = 0.5;
if (BrVector3Dot(&pCar->velocity_car_space, sp) < 0.0) {
size = size / 2.0;
gSplash[gNext_splash].size = SRandomBetween(size / 2.0, size);
if (((1u << gNext_splash) & gSplash_flags) == 0) {
BrActorAdd(gDont_render_actor, gSplash[gNext_splash].actor);
gSplash_flags |= 1u << gNext_splash;
gSplash[gNext_splash].just_done = 1;
if ((double)pTime * 0.003 > SRandomBetween(0.0, 1.0) && !gAction_replay_mode) {
BrVector3InvScale(&vel, &vel, WORLD_SCALE);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &vel, 0.1f);
= sqrt(ts
/ 70.0) * 15.0;
if (speed > 15.0f) {
speed = 15.0f;
tv.v[1] += SRandomBetween(5.0, speed) / WORLD_SCALE;
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&vel, &tv, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrVector3Cross(&tv, &vel, &pCar->water_normal);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &tv, 0.5f);
if (BrVector3Dot(sp, &tv) <= 0.0) {
BrVector3Sub(&vel, &vel, &tv);
} else {
BrVector3Accumulate(&vel, &tv);
CreateSingleSpark(pCar, sp, &vel);
if (gNext_splash >= COUNT_OF(gSplash)) {
gNext_splash = 0;
// IDA: void __usercall CreateSplash(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>, tU32 pTime@<EDX>)
void CreateSplash(tCar_spec* pCar, tU32 pTime) {
br_vector3 normal_car_space;
br_vector3 pos2;
br_vector3 v_plane;
br_vector3 p;
br_vector3 tv;
br_vector3 tv2;
br_vector3 cm;
int i;
int j;
int mask;
int axis1;
int axis2;
int axis3;
//br_bounds bnds; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_scalar min;
br_scalar max;
br_scalar d;
//br_scalar d2; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_scalar dist;
br_scalar dist2;
br_scalar ts;
br_vector3 back_point[2];
br_scalar back_val[2];
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %d)", pCar, pTime);
back_val[0] = 0.0;
back_val[1] = 0.0;
BrVector3Set(&p, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (pCar->v.v[2] * pCar->v.v[2] + pCar->v.v[1] * pCar->v.v[1] + pCar->v.v[0] * pCar->v.v[0] >= 1.0) {
BrMatrix34TApplyV(&normal_car_space, &pCar->water_normal, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
BrMatrix34ApplyP(&tv, &pCar->bounds[0].min, &pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat);
min = BrVector3Dot(&pCar->water_normal, &tv) - pCar->water_d;
max = min;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (normal_car_space.v[i] <= 0.0) {
max = (pCar->bounds[0].max.v[i] - pCar->bounds[0].min.v[i]) * normal_car_space.v[i] + max;
} else {
min = (pCar->bounds[0].max.v[i] - pCar->bounds[0].min.v[i]) * normal_car_space.v[i] + min;
if (min * max <= 0.0) {
BrVector3InvScale(&back_point[0], &pCar->bounds[1].min, WORLD_SCALE);
BrVector3InvScale(&back_point[1], &pCar->bounds[1].max, WORLD_SCALE);
back_point[0].v[1] = (br_scalar) 0.01; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
ts = BrVector3Dot(&pCar->velocity_car_space, &normal_car_space);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &normal_car_space, ts);
BrVector3Sub(&v_plane, &pCar->velocity_car_space, &tv);
d = pCar->water_d
- (pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[3][1] * pCar->water_normal.v[1]
+ pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[3][2] * pCar->water_normal.v[2]
+ pCar->car_master_actor->t.t.mat.m[3][0] * pCar->water_normal.v[0]);
mask = IRandomBetween(0, 3);
axis2 = 2;
for (axis1 = 0; axis1 < 3; ++axis1) {
axis3 = 3 - axis1 - axis2;
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
i = j ^ mask;
if (((j ^ mask) & 1) != 0) {
tv2.v[axis3] = back_point[0].v[axis3];
} else {
tv2.v[axis3] = back_point[1].v[axis3];
if (((j ^ mask) & 1) != 0) {
tv2.v[axis2] = back_point[0].v[axis2];
} else {
tv2.v[axis2] = back_point[1].v[axis2];
ts = d - tv2.v[axis3] * normal_car_space.v[axis3] - tv2.v[axis2] * normal_car_space.v[axis2];
ts = ts / normal_car_space.v[axis1];
if (ts >= back_point[0].v[axis1] && back_point[1].v[axis1] >= ts) {
tv2.v[axis1] = ts;
ts = BrVector3Dot(&pCar->velocity_car_space, &tv2);
if (ts >= back_val[0]) {
if (back_val[1] <= ts) {
SingleSplash(pCar, &tv2, &normal_car_space, pTime);
} else {
if (back_val[1] < 0.0) {
SingleSplash(pCar, &pos2, &normal_car_space, pTime);
back_val[1] = ts;
pos2 = tv2;
} else {
if (back_val[1] < 0.0) {
SingleSplash(pCar, &pos2, &normal_car_space, pTime);
back_val[1] = back_val[0];
back_val[0] = ts;
pos2 = p;
p = tv2;
axis2 = axis1;
if (back_val[1] >= 0.0) {
if (back_val[0] < 0.0) {
SingleSplash(pCar, &p, &normal_car_space, pTime);
} else {
tv.v[0] = pos2.v[0] - p.v[0];
tv.v[1] = pos2.v[1] - p.v[1];
tv.v[2] = pos2.v[2] - p.v[2];
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &pos2, &p);
ts = SRandomBetween((br_scalar) 0.4, (br_scalar) 0.6); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type casts
BrVector3Scale(&tv2, &tv, ts);
BrVector3Accumulate(&tv2, &p);
ts = SRandomBetween((br_scalar) 0.2, (br_scalar) 0.3); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type casts
BrVector3Scale(&cm, &tv, ts);
BrVector3Accumulate(&p, &cm);
ts = -SRandomBetween((br_scalar) 0.2, (br_scalar) 0.3); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type casts
BrVector3Scale(&cm, &tv, ts);
BrVector3Accumulate(&pos2, &cm);
ts = BrVector3Dot(&pCar->velocity_car_space, &normal_car_space);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &normal_car_space, -ts);
BrVector3Add(&v_plane, &pCar->velocity_car_space, &tv);
BrVector3Normalise(&tv, &v_plane);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &tv, -0.028985508f);
BrVector3Accumulate(&tv2, &tv);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &tv, 0.5f);
BrVector3Accumulate(&p, &tv);
BrVector3Accumulate(&pos2, &tv);
SingleSplash(pCar, &tv2, &normal_car_space, pTime);
SingleSplash(pCar, &p, &normal_car_space, pTime);
SingleSplash(pCar, &pos2, &normal_car_space, pTime);
d = d * WORLD_SCALE;
dist = d - BrVector3Dot(&pCar->cmpos, &normal_car_space);
for (i = 0; pCar->extra_point_num > i; ++i) {
dist2 = d
- (pCar->extra_points[i].v[1] * normal_car_space.v[1]
+ pCar->extra_points[i].v[2] * normal_car_space.v[2]
+ pCar->extra_points[i].v[0] * normal_car_space.v[0]);
if ((dist > 0.0) != (dist2 > 0.0)) {
ts = dist / (dist - dist2);
BrVector3Sub(&tv, &pCar->extra_points[i], &pCar->cmpos);
BrVector3Scale(&tv, &tv, ts);
BrVector3Accumulate(&tv, &pCar->cmpos);
if (pCar->bounds[1].max.v[1] - 0.028985508 > tv.v[1]
|| pCar->bounds[1].min.v[0] > tv.v[0]
|| pCar->bounds[1].max.v[0] < tv.v[1]
|| pCar->bounds[1].min.v[2] > tv.v[2]
|| pCar->bounds[1].max.v[2] < tv.v[2]) {
BrVector3InvScale(&tv, &tv, WORLD_SCALE);
SingleSplash(pCar, &tv, &normal_car_space, pTime);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
tv.v[0] = pCar->bounds[1].max.v[0];
} else {
tv.v[0] = pCar->bounds[1].min.v[0];
tv.v[1] = pCar->bounds[1].max.v[1];
tv.v[2] = pCar->wpos[i].v[2];
dist = d - BrVector3Dot(&tv, &normal_car_space);
dist2 = (pCar->bounds[1].max.v[1] - 0.01) * normal_car_space.v[1] + dist;
if ((dist > 0.0) != (dist2 > 0.0)) {
ts = dist / (dist - dist2);
tv.v[1] -= (pCar->bounds[1].max.v[1] - 0.01) * ts;
BrVector3InvScale(&tv, &tv, WORLD_SCALE);
SingleSplash(pCar, &tv, &normal_car_space, pTime);
} else {
min = min + 1.0;
// IDA: void __usercall MungeSplash(tU32 pTime@<EAX>)
void MungeSplash(tU32 pTime) {
int i;
//br_vector3 tv; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
br_scalar dt;
br_scalar ts;
tCar_spec* car;
tVehicle_type type;
LOG_TRACE("(%d)", pTime);
if (gNum_splash_types == 0) {
if (!gAction_replay_mode || GetReplayRate() == 0.0) {
if (!gAction_replay_mode) {
for (i = 0; i < gNum_cars_and_non_cars; i++) {
if (gActive_car_list[i]->water_d != 10000.0 && gActive_car_list[i]->driver != eDriver_local_human) {
CreateSplash(gActive_car_list[i], pTime);
if (gProgram_state.current_car.water_d != 10000.0) {
CreateSplash(&gProgram_state.current_car, 100);
} else {
for (type = eVehicle_net_player; type <= eVehicle_rozzer; type++) {
for (i = 0;; i++) {
if (i >= type ? GetCarCount(type) : 1) {
if (type) {
car = GetCarSpec(type, i);
} else {
car = &gProgram_state.current_car;
if (car->water_d != 10000.0 && car->driver != eDriver_local_human) {
CreateSplash(car, pTime);
if (gProgram_state.current_car.water_d != 10000.0) {
CreateSplash(&gProgram_state.current_car, 0x64u);
if (!gSplash_flags) {
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSplash); i++) {
if (((1u << i) & gSplash_flags) == 0) {
if (gSplash[i].just_done || (gAction_replay_mode && GetReplayRate() == 0.0f)) {
dt = gSplash[i].size * gSplash[i].scale_x;
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[0][0] = gCamera_to_world.m[0][0] * dt;
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[0][1] = gCamera_to_world.m[0][1] * dt;
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[0][2] = gCamera_to_world.m[0][2] * dt;
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[1][0] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[1][0];
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[1][1] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[1][1];
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[1][2] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[1][2];
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[2][0] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[2][0];
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[2][1] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[2][1];
gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat.m[2][2] = gSplash[i].size * gCamera_to_world.m[2][2];
if (gProgram_state.cockpit_on) {
= sqrt(gCamera_to_world.
m[0][2] * gCamera_to_world.
m[0][2] + gCamera_to_world.
m[0][0] * gCamera_to_world.
DRMatrix34PreRotateZ(&gSplash[i].actor->t.t.mat, -FastScalarArcTan2Angle(gCamera_to_world.m[0][1], ts));
gSplash[i].just_done = 0;
} else {
gSplash_flags &= ~(1u << i);
// IDA: void __cdecl RenderSplashes()
void RenderSplashes(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSplash); i++) {
if (gSplash_flags & (1u << i)) {
BrActorRelink(gNon_track_actor, gSplash[i].actor);
BrActorRelink(gDont_render_actor, gSplash[i].actor);
// IDA: void __usercall GetSmokeShadeTables(FILE *f@<EAX>)
void GetSmokeShadeTables(FILE* f) {
int i;
int red;
int green;
int blue;
br_scalar quarter;
br_scalar half;
br_scalar three_quarter;
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", f);
gNum_dust_tables = GetAnInt(f);
if (gNum_dust_tables > 8) {
gNum_dust_tables = 8;
for (i = 0; gNum_dust_tables > i; ++i) {
GetThreeInts(f, &red, &green, &blue);
GetThreeScalars(f, &quarter, &half, &three_quarter);
gDust_table[i] = GenerateShadeTable(16, gRender_palette, red, green, blue, quarter, half, three_quarter);
// IDA: void __cdecl FreeSmokeShadeTables()
void FreeSmokeShadeTables(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gNum_dust_tables; i++) {
// IDA: void __usercall LoadInKevStuff(FILE *pF@<EAX>)
void LoadInKevStuff(FILE* pF) {
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pF);
// IDA: void __cdecl DisposeKevStuff()
void DisposeKevStuff(void) {
// IDA: void __usercall DisposeKevStuffCar(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void DisposeKevStuffCar(tCar_spec* pCar) {
int i;
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMOKE_COLUMNS; i++) {
if (gSmoke_column[i].car == pCar) {
gSmoke_column[i].lifetime = 0;
gSmoke_column[i].car = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(gSparks); i++) {
if ((gSpark_flags & (1u << i)) && gSparks[i].car == pCar) {
gSparks[i].count = 0;
gSpark_flags &= ~(1u << i);
if (gCar_to_view == pCar) {
gCamera_yaw = 0;
gCar_to_view = &gProgram_state.current_car;
PositionExternalCamera(gCar_to_view, 200);
gCar_to_view = &gProgram_state.current_car;
// IDA: void __cdecl DoTrueColModelThing(br_actor *actor, br_model *pModel, br_material *material, void *render_data, br_uint_8 style, int on_screen)
void DoTrueColModelThing(br_actor* actor, br_model* pModel, br_material* material, void* render_data, br_uint_8 style, int on_screen) {
//int group; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int j; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int val; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %d, %d)", actor, pModel, material, render_data, style, on_screen);
// IDA: void __cdecl DoModelThing(br_actor *actor, br_model *pModel, br_material *material, void *render_data, br_uint_8 style, int on_screen)
void DoModelThing(br_actor* actor, br_model* pModel, br_material* material, void* render_data, br_uint_8 style, int on_screen) {
//int j; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int group; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//tU32 t; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int val; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p, %d, %d)", actor, pModel, material, render_data, style, on_screen);
// IDA: void __usercall SetModelShade(br_actor *pActor@<EAX>, br_pixelmap *pShade@<EDX>)
void SetModelShade(br_actor* pActor, br_pixelmap* pShade) {
int i;
br_material* material;
br_model* model;
LOG_TRACE("(%p, %p)", pActor, pShade);
model = pActor->model;
if (pActor->material != NULL && pActor->material->index_shade != pShade) {
pActor->material->index_shade = pShade;
BrMaterialUpdate(pActor->material, BR_MATU_ALL);
for (i = 0; i < model->nfaces; i++) {
material = model->faces[i].material;
if (material != NULL && material->index_shade != pShade) {
material->index_shade = pShade;
BrMaterialUpdate(material, BR_MATU_ALL);
// IDA: void __usercall MakeCarIt(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void MakeCarIt(tCar_spec* pCar) {
br_actor* actor;
br_actor* bonny;
br_pixelmap* shade[6];
static int shade_num = 0;
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);
shade[0] = gIt_shade_table;
shade[1] = gFog_shade_table;
shade[2] = gShade_list[0];
shade[3] = gShade_list[1];
shade[4] = gShade_list[2];
shade[5] = NULL;
actor = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->principal_car_actor].actor;
bonny = pCar->car_model_actors[pCar->car_actor_count - 1].actor;
if (((actor->model->flags & BR_MODF_CUSTOM) == 0) || actor->model->custom != DoTrueColModelThing) {
SetModelShade(actor, shade[shade_num]);
actor->model->user = DoTrueColModelThing;
actor->model->custom = DoTrueColModelThing;
actor->model->flags |= BR_MODF_CUSTOM;
if (bonny != actor) {
bonny->model->user = DoTrueColModelThing;
bonny->model->custom = DoTrueColModelThing;
bonny->model->flags |= BR_MODF_CUSTOM;
SetModelShade(bonny, shade[shade_num]);
// IDA: void __usercall StopCarBeingIt(tCar_spec *pCar@<EAX>)
void StopCarBeingIt(tCar_spec* pCar) {
//int i; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//int group; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_actor* actor; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
//br_actor* bonny; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- unused variable
LOG_TRACE("(%p)", pCar);