SDLPoP, a port/conversion of the DOS game Prince of Persia.
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Dávid Nagy
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The authors of this program may be contacted at http://forum.princed.org
#include "common.h"
// seg007:0000
void __pascal far process_trobs() {
word need_delete;
word index;
word new_index;
need_delete = 0;
if (trobs_count == 0) return;
for (index = 0; index < trobs_count; ++index) {
trob = trobs[index];
trobs[index].type = trob.type;
if (trob.type < 0) {
need_delete = 1;
if (need_delete) {
for (index = new_index = 0; index < trobs_count; ++index) {
if (trobs[index].type >= 0) {
trobs[new_index++] = trobs[index];
trobs_count = new_index;
// seg007:00AF
void __pascal far animate_tile() {
switch (get_curr_tile(trob.tilepos)) {
case tiles_19_torch:
case tiles_30_torch_with_debris:
case tiles_6_closer:
case tiles_15_opener:
case tiles_2_spike:
case tiles_11_loose:
case tiles_0_empty:
case tiles_18_chomper:
case tiles_4_gate:
case tiles_16_level_door_left:
case tiles_10_potion:
case tiles_22_sword:
trob.type = -1;
curr_room_modif[trob.tilepos] = curr_modifier;
// seg007:0166
short __pascal far is_trob_in_drawn_room() {
if (trob.room != drawn_room) {
trob.type = -1;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
// seg007:017E
void __pascal far set_redraw_anim_right() {
set_redraw_anim(get_trob_right_pos_in_drawn_room(), 1);
// seg007:018C
void __pascal far set_redraw_anim_curr() {
set_redraw_anim(get_trob_pos_in_drawn_room(), 1);
// seg007:019A
void __pascal far redraw_at_trob() {
word tilepos;
redraw_height = 63;
tilepos = get_trob_pos_in_drawn_room();
set_redraw_full(tilepos, 1);
set_wipe(tilepos, 1);
// seg007:01C5
void __pascal far redraw_21h() {
redraw_height = 0x21;
// seg007:01D0
void __pascal far redraw_11h() {
redraw_height = 0x11;
// seg007:01DB
void __pascal far redraw_20h() {
redraw_height = 0x20;
// seg007:01E6
void __pascal far draw_trob() {
word var_2;
var_2 = get_trob_right_pos_in_drawn_room();
set_redraw_anim(var_2, 1);
set_redraw_fore(var_2, 1);
set_redraw_anim(get_trob_right_above_pos_in_drawn_room(), 1);
// seg007:0218
void __pascal far redraw_tile_height() {
short tilepos;
tilepos = get_trob_pos_in_drawn_room();
set_redraw_full(tilepos, 1);
set_wipe(tilepos, 1);
tilepos = get_trob_right_pos_in_drawn_room();
set_redraw_full(tilepos, 1);
set_wipe(tilepos, 1);
// seg007:0258
short __pascal far get_trob_pos_in_drawn_room() {
short tilepos;
tilepos = trob.tilepos;
if (trob.room == room_A) {
if (tilepos >= 20 && tilepos < 30) {
// 20..29 -> -1..-10
tilepos = 19 - tilepos;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else {
if (trob.room != drawn_room) {
tilepos = 30;
return tilepos;
// seg007:029D
short __pascal far get_trob_right_pos_in_drawn_room() {
word tilepos;
tilepos = trob.tilepos;
if (trob.room == drawn_room) {
if (tilepos % 10 != 9) {
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_L) {
if (tilepos % 10 == 9) {
tilepos -= 9;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_A) {
if (tilepos >= 20 && tilepos < 29) {
// 20..28 -> -2..-10
tilepos = 18 - tilepos;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_AL && tilepos == 29) {
tilepos = -1;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
return tilepos;
// seg007:032C
short __pascal far get_trob_right_above_pos_in_drawn_room() {
word tilepos;
tilepos = trob.tilepos;
if (trob.room == drawn_room) {
if (tilepos % 10 != 9) {
if (tilepos < 10) {
// 0..8 -> -2..-10
tilepos = -(tilepos + 2);
} else {
tilepos -= 9;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_L) {
if (tilepos == 9) {
tilepos = -1;
} else {
if (tilepos % 10 == 9) {
tilepos -= 19;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_B) {
if (tilepos < 9) {
tilepos += 21;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
} else if (trob.room == room_BL && tilepos == 9) {
tilepos = 20;
} else {
tilepos = 30;
return tilepos;
// seg007:03CF
void __pascal far animate_torch() {
if (is_trob_in_drawn_room()) {
curr_modifier = get_torch_frame(curr_modifier);
// seg007:03E9
void __pascal far animate_potion() {
word type;
if (trob.type >= 0 && is_trob_in_drawn_room()) {
type = curr_modifier & 0xF8;
curr_modifier = bubble_next_frame(curr_modifier & 0x07) | type;
// seg007:0425
void __pascal far animate_sword() {
if (is_trob_in_drawn_room()) {
if (curr_modifier == 0) {
curr_modifier = (prandom(255) & 0x3F) + 0x28;
// seg007:0448
void __pascal far animate_chomper() {
word blood;
word frame;
if (trob.type >= 0) {
blood = curr_modifier & 0x80;
frame = (curr_modifier & 0x7F) + 1;
if (frame > 15) {
frame = 1;
curr_modifier = blood | frame;
if (frame == 2) {
play_sound(sound_47_chomper); // chomper
// If either:
// - Kid left this room
// - Kid left this row
// - Kid died but not in this chomper
// and chomper is past frame 6
// then stop.
if ((trob.room != drawn_room || trob.tilepos / 10 != Kid.curr_row ||
(Kid.alive >= 0 && blood == 0)) && (curr_modifier & 0x7F) >= 6
) {
trob.type = -1;
if ((curr_modifier & 0x7F) < 6) {
// seg007:04D3
void __pascal far animate_spike() {
if (trob.type >= 0) {
// 0xFF means a disabled spike.
if (curr_modifier == 0xFF) return;
if (curr_modifier & 0x80) {
if (curr_modifier & 0x7F) return;
curr_modifier = 6;
} else {
if (curr_modifier == 5) {
curr_modifier = 0x8F;
} else if (curr_modifier == 9) {
curr_modifier = 0;
trob.type = -1;
// data:27B2
const byte gate_close_speeds[] = {0, 0, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120};
// data:27C0
const byte door_delta[] = {-1, 4, 4};
// seg007:0522
void __pascal far animate_door() {
Possible values of anim_type:
0: closing
1: open
2: permanent open
3,4,5,6,7,8: fast closing with speeds 20,40,60,80,100,120 /4 pixel/frame
sbyte anim_type;
anim_type = trob.type;
if (anim_type >= 0) {
if (anim_type >= 3) {
// closing fast
if (anim_type < 8) {
trob.type = anim_type;
short new_mod = curr_modifier - gate_close_speeds[anim_type];
curr_modifier = new_mod;
//if ((sbyte)curr_modifier < 0) {
if (new_mod < 0) {
//if ((curr_modifier -= gate_close_speeds[anim_type]) < 0) {
curr_modifier = 0;
trob.type = -1;
play_sound(sound_6_gate_closing_fast); // gate closing fast
} else {
if (curr_modifier != 0xFF) {
// 0xFF means permanently open.
curr_modifier += door_delta[anim_type];
if (anim_type == 0) {
// closing
if (curr_modifier != 0) {
if (curr_modifier < 188) {
if ((curr_modifier & 3) == 3) {
play_door_sound_if_visible(sound_4_gate_closing); // gate closing
} else {
} else {
// opening
if (curr_modifier < 188) {
if ((curr_modifier & 7) == 0) {
play_sound(sound_5_gate_opening); // gate opening
} else {
// stop
if (anim_type < 2) {
// after regular open
curr_modifier = 238;
trob.type = 0; // closing
play_sound(sound_7_gate_stop); // gate stop (after opening)
} else {
// after permanent open
curr_modifier = 0xFF; // keep open
} else {
// seg007:05E3
void __pascal far gate_stop() {
trob.type = -1;
play_door_sound_if_visible(sound_7_gate_stop); // gate stop (after closing)
// data:27B8
const byte leveldoor_close_speeds[] = {0, 5, 17, 99, 0};
// seg007:05F1
void __pascal far animate_leveldoor() {
Possible values of trob_type:
0: open
1: open (with button)
2: open
3,4,5,6: fast closing with speeds 0,5,17,99 pixel/frame
word trob_type;
trob_type = trob.type;
if (trob.type >= 0) {
if (trob_type >= 3) {
// closing
curr_modifier -= leveldoor_close_speeds[trob.type - 3];
if ((sbyte)curr_modifier < 0) {
curr_modifier = 0;
trob.type = -1;
play_sound(sound_14_leveldoor_closing); // level door closing
} else {
if (trob.type == 4 &&
(sound_flags & sfDigi)
) {
sound_interruptible[sound_15_leveldoor_sliding] = 1;
play_sound(sound_15_leveldoor_sliding); // level door sliding (closing)
} else {
// opening
if (curr_modifier >= 43) {
trob.type = -1;
if (!(fix_feather_interrupted_by_leveldoor && is_feather_fall))
if (leveldoor_open == 0 || leveldoor_open == 2) {
leveldoor_open = 1;
if (current_level == 4) {
// Special event: place mirror
get_tile(4, 4, 0);
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_13_mirror;
} else {
sound_interruptible[15] = 0;
play_sound(sound_15_leveldoor_sliding); // level door sliding (opening)
// seg007:06AD
short __pascal far bubble_next_frame(short curr) {
short next;
next = curr + 1;
if (next >= 8) next = 1;
return next;
// seg007:06CD
short __pascal far get_torch_frame(short curr) {
short next;
next = prandom(255);
if (next != curr) {
if (next < 9) {
return next;
} else {
next = curr;
if (next >= 9) next = 0;
return next;
// seg007:070A
void __pascal far set_redraw_anim(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30) {
if (tilepos < 0) {
redraw_frames_above[-tilepos] = frames;
// or simply: ~tilepos
} else {
redraw_frames_anim[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:0738
void __pascal far set_redraw2(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30) {
if (tilepos < 0) {
// trying to draw a mob at a negative tilepos, in the range -1 .. -10
// used e.g. when the kid is climbing up to the room above
// however, loose tiles falling out of the room end up with a negative tilepos {-2 .. -11} !
tilepos = (-tilepos) - 1;
if (tilepos > 9) tilepos = 9; // prevent array index out of bounds!
redraw_frames_above[tilepos] = frames;
} else {
redraw_frames2[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:0766
void __pascal far set_redraw_floor_overlay(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30) {
if (tilepos < 0) {
redraw_frames_above[-tilepos] = frames;
// or simply: ~tilepos
} else {
redraw_frames_floor_overlay[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:0794
void __pascal far set_redraw_full(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30) {
if (tilepos < 0) {
redraw_frames_above[-tilepos] = frames;
// or simply: ~tilepos
} else {
redraw_frames_full[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:07C2
void __pascal far set_redraw_fore(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30 && tilepos >= 0) {
redraw_frames_fore[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:07DF
void __pascal far set_wipe(short tilepos, byte frames) {
if (tilepos < 30 && tilepos >= 0) {
if (wipe_frames[tilepos] != 0) {
redraw_height = MAX(wipe_heights[tilepos], redraw_height);
wipe_heights[tilepos] = redraw_height;
wipe_frames[tilepos] = frames;
// seg007:081E
void __pascal far start_anim_torch(short room,short tilepos) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = prandom(8);
add_trob(room, tilepos, 1);
// seg007:0847
void __pascal far start_anim_potion(short room,short tilepos) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] &= 0xF8;
curr_room_modif[tilepos] |= prandom(6) + 1;
add_trob(room, tilepos, 1);
// seg007:087C
void __pascal far start_anim_sword(short room,short tilepos) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = prandom(0xFF) & 0x1F;
add_trob(room, tilepos, 1);
// seg007:08A7
void __pascal far start_anim_chomper(short room,short tilepos, byte modifier) {
short old_modifier;
old_modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
if (old_modifier == 0 || old_modifier >= 6) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = modifier;
add_trob(room, tilepos, 1);
// seg007:08E3
void __pascal far start_anim_spike(short room,short tilepos) {
sbyte old_modifier;
old_modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
if (old_modifier <= 0) {
if (old_modifier == 0) {
add_trob(room, tilepos, 1);
play_sound(sound_49_spikes); // spikes
} else {
// 0xFF means a disabled spike.
if (old_modifier != (sbyte)0xFF) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = 0x8F;
// seg007:092C
short __pascal far trigger_gate(short room,short tilepos,short button_type) {
byte modifier;
modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
if (button_type == tiles_15_opener) {
// If the gate is permanently open, don't to anything.
if (modifier == 0xFF) return -1;
if (modifier >= 188) { // if it's already open
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = 238; // keep it open for a while
return -1;
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = (modifier + 3) & 0xFC;
return 1; // regular open
} else if (button_type == tiles_14_debris) {
// If it's not fully open:
if (modifier < 188) return 2; // permanent open
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = 0xFF; // keep open
return -1;
} else {
if (modifier != 0) {
return 3; // close fast
} else {
// already closed
return -1;
// seg007:0999
short __pascal far trigger_1(short target_type,short room,short tilepos,short button_type) {
short result;
result = -1;
if (target_type == tiles_4_gate) {
result = trigger_gate(room, tilepos, button_type);
} else if (target_type == tiles_16_level_door_left) {
if (curr_room_modif[tilepos] != 0) {
result = -1;
} else {
result = 1;
} else if (allow_triggering_any_tile) { //allow_triggering_any_tile hack
result = 1;
return result;
// seg007:09E5
void __pascal far do_trigger_list(short index,short button_type) {
word room;
word tilepos;
byte target_type;
sbyte trigger_result;
// while (doorlink1_ad[index] != -1) { // these can't be equal!
while (1) { // Same as the above but just a little faster and no compiler warning.
room = get_doorlink_room(index);
tilepos = get_doorlink_tile(index);
target_type = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
trigger_result = trigger_1(target_type, room, tilepos, button_type);
if (trigger_result >= 0) {
add_trob(room, tilepos, trigger_result);
if (get_doorlink_next(index++) == 0) break;
// seg007:0A5A
void __pascal far add_trob(byte room,byte tilepos,sbyte type) {
short found;
if (trobs_count >= 30) {
show_dialog("Trobs Overflow");
return /*0*/; // added
trob.room = room;
trob.tilepos = tilepos;
trob.type = type;
found = find_trob();
if (found == -1) {
// add new
if (trobs_count == 30) return;
trobs[trobs_count++] = trob;
} else {
// change existing
trobs[found].type = trob.type;
// seg007:0ACA
short __pascal far find_trob() {
short index;
for (index = 0; index < trobs_count; ++index) {
if (trobs[index].tilepos == trob.tilepos &&
trobs[index].room == trob.room) return index;
return -1;
// seg007:0B0A
void __pascal far clear_tile_wipes() {
memset_near(redraw_frames_full, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames_full));
memset_near(wipe_frames, 0, sizeof(wipe_frames));
memset_near(wipe_heights, 0, sizeof(wipe_heights));
memset_near(redraw_frames_anim, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames_anim));
memset_near(redraw_frames_fore, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames_fore));
memset_near(redraw_frames2, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames2));
memset_near(redraw_frames_floor_overlay, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames_floor_overlay));
memset_near(tile_object_redraw, 0, sizeof(tile_object_redraw));
memset_near(redraw_frames_above, 0, sizeof(redraw_frames_above));
// seg007:0BB6
short __pascal far get_doorlink_timer(short index) {
return doorlink2_ad[index] & 0x1F;
// seg007:0BCD
short __pascal far set_doorlink_timer(short index,byte value) {
doorlink2_ad[index] &= 0xE0;
doorlink2_ad[index] |= value & 0x1F;
return doorlink2_ad[index];
// seg007:0BF2
short __pascal far get_doorlink_tile(short index) {
return doorlink1_ad[index] & 0x1F;
// seg007:0C09
short __pascal far get_doorlink_next(short index) {
return !(doorlink1_ad[index] & 0x80);
// seg007:0C26
short __pascal far get_doorlink_room(short index) {
((doorlink1_ad[index] & 0x60) >> 5) +
((doorlink2_ad[index] & 0xE0) >> 3);
// seg007:0C53
void __pascal far trigger_button(int playsound,int button_type,int modifier) {
sbyte link_timer;
if (button_type == 0) {
// 0 means currently selected
button_type = curr_tile;
if (modifier == -1) {
// -1 means currently selected
modifier = curr_modifier;
link_timer = get_doorlink_timer(modifier);
// is the event jammed?
if (link_timer != 0x1F) {
set_doorlink_timer(modifier, 5);
if (link_timer < 2) {
add_trob(curr_room, curr_tilepos, 1);
is_guard_notice = 1;
if (playsound) {
play_sound(sound_3_button_pressed); // button pressed
do_trigger_list(modifier, button_type);
// seg007:0CD9
void __pascal far died_on_button() {
word button_type;
word modifier;
button_type = get_curr_tile(curr_tilepos);
modifier = curr_modifier;
if (curr_tile == tiles_15_opener) {
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_1_floor;
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] = 0;
button_type = tiles_14_debris; // force permanent open
} else {
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_5_stuck;
trigger_button(1, button_type, modifier);
// seg007:0D3A
void __pascal far animate_button() {
word var_2;
if (trob.type >= 0) {
set_doorlink_timer(curr_modifier, var_2 = get_doorlink_timer(curr_modifier) - 1);
if (var_2 < 2) {
trob.type = -1;
// seg007:0D72
void __pascal far start_level_door(short room,short tilepos) {
curr_room_modif[tilepos] = 43; // start fully open
add_trob(room, tilepos, 3);
// seg007:0D93
void __pascal far animate_empty() {
trob.type = -1;
// data:2284
const word y_loose_land[] = {2, 65, 128, 191, 254};
// seg007:0D9D
void __pascal far animate_loose() {
word room;
word row;
word tilepos;
short anim_type;
anim_type = trob.type;
if (anim_type >= 0) {
if (curr_modifier & 0x80) {
// just shaking
// don't shake on level 13
if (current_level == 13) return;
if (curr_modifier >= 0x84) {
curr_modifier = 0;
trob.type = -1;
} else {
// something is on the floor
// should it fall already?
if (curr_modifier >= 11) {
curr_modifier = remove_loose(room = trob.room, tilepos = trob.tilepos);
trob.type = -1;
curmob.xh = (tilepos % 10) << 2;
row = tilepos / 10;
curmob.y = y_loose_land[row + 1];
curmob.room = room;
curmob.speed = 0;
curmob.type = 0;
curmob.row = row;
} else {
// data:2734
const byte loose_sound[] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0};
// seg007:0E55
void __pascal far loose_shake(int arg_0) {
word sound_id;
if (arg_0 || loose_sound[curr_modifier & 0x7F]) {
do {
// Sounds 20,21,22: loose floor shaking
sound_id = prandom(2) + sound_20_loose_shake_1;
} while(sound_id == last_loose_sound);
if (sound_flags & sfDigi) {
last_loose_sound = sound_id;
// random sample rate (10500..11500)
//sound_pointers[sound_id]->samplerate = prandom(1000) + 10500;
// seg007:0EB8
int __pascal far remove_loose(int room, int tilepos) {
curr_room_tiles[tilepos] = tiles_0_empty;
// note: the level type is used to determine the modifier of the empty space left behind
return tbl_level_type[current_level];
// seg007:0ED5
void __pascal far make_loose_fall(byte modifier) {
// is it a "solid" loose floor?
if ((curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] & 0x20) == 0) {
if ((sbyte)curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] <= 0) {
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] = modifier;
add_trob(curr_room, curr_tilepos, 0);
// seg007:0F13
void __pascal far start_chompers() {
short timing;
short modifier;
short tilepos;
short column;
timing = 15;
if ((byte)Char.curr_row < 3) {
for (column = 0, tilepos = tbl_line[Char.curr_row];
column < 10; ++column, ++tilepos
if (get_curr_tile(tilepos) == tiles_18_chomper) {
modifier = curr_modifier & 0x7F;
if (modifier == 0 || modifier >= 6) {
start_anim_chomper(Char.room, tilepos, timing | (curr_modifier & 0x80));
timing = next_chomper_timing(timing);
// seg007:0F9A
int __pascal far next_chomper_timing(byte timing) {
// 15,12,9,6,13,10,7,14,11,8,repeat
timing -= 3;
if (timing < 6) {
timing += 10;
return timing;
// seg007:0FB4
void __pascal far loose_make_shake() {
if (curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] == 0 && current_level != 13) {
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] = 0x80;
add_trob(curr_room, curr_tilepos, 1);
// seg007:0FE0
void __pascal far do_knock(int room,int tile_row) {
short tile_col;
for (tile_col = 0; tile_col < 10; ++tile_col) {
if (get_tile(room, tile_col, tile_row) == tiles_11_loose) {
// seg007:1010
void __pascal far add_mob() {
if (mobs_count >= 14) {
show_dialog("Mobs Overflow");
return /*0*/; // added
mobs[mobs_count++] = curmob;
// seg007:1041
short __pascal far get_curr_tile(short tilepos) {
curr_modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
return curr_tile = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
// data:43DC
word curmob_index;
// seg007:1063
void __pascal far do_mobs() {
short n_mobs;
short index;
short new_index;
n_mobs = mobs_count;
for (curmob_index = 0; n_mobs > curmob_index; ++curmob_index) {
curmob = mobs[curmob_index];
mobs[curmob_index] = curmob;
new_index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < mobs_count; ++index) {
if (mobs[index].speed != -1) {
mobs[new_index++] = mobs[index];
mobs_count = new_index;
// seg007:110F
void __pascal far move_mob() {
if (curmob.type == 0) {
if (curmob.speed <= 0) {
// data:227A
const short y_something[] = {-1, 62, 125, 188, 25};
// data:594A
word curr_tile_temp;
// seg007:1126
void __pascal far move_loose() {
if (curmob.speed < 0) return;
if (curmob.speed < 29) curmob.speed += 3;
curmob.y += curmob.speed;
if (curmob.room == 0) {
if (curmob.y < 210) {
} else {
curmob.speed = -2;
if (curmob.y < 226 && y_something[curmob.row + 1] <= curmob.y) {
// fell into a different row
curr_tile_temp = get_tile(curmob.room, curmob.xh >> 2, curmob.row);
if (curr_tile_temp == tiles_11_loose) {
if (curr_tile_temp == tiles_0_empty ||
curr_tile_temp == tiles_11_loose
) {
play_sound(sound_2_tile_crashing); // tile crashing
do_knock(curmob.room, curmob.row);
curmob.y = y_something[curmob.row + 1];
curmob.speed = -2;
// seg007:11E8
void __pascal far loose_land() {
short button_type;
short tiletype;
button_type = 0;
tiletype = get_tile(curmob.room, curmob.xh >> 2, curmob.row);
switch (tiletype) {
case tiles_15_opener:
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_14_debris;
button_type = tiles_14_debris;
// fallthrough!
case tiles_6_closer:
trigger_button(1, button_type, -1);
tiletype = get_tile(curmob.room, curmob.xh >> 2, curmob.row);
// fallthrough!
case tiles_1_floor:
case tiles_2_spike:
case tiles_10_potion:
case tiles_19_torch:
case tiles_30_torch_with_debris:
if (tiletype == tiles_19_torch ||
tiletype == tiles_30_torch_with_debris
) {
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_30_torch_with_debris;
} else {
curr_room_tiles[curr_tilepos] = tiles_14_debris;
if (tile_col != 0) {
set_redraw_full(curr_tilepos - 1, 1);
// seg007:12CB
void __pascal far loose_fall() {
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] = remove_loose(curr_room, curr_tilepos);
curmob.speed >>= 1;
mobs[curmob_index] = curmob;
curmob.y += 6;
curmob = mobs[curmob_index];
// seg007:132C
void __pascal far redraw_at_cur_mob() {
if (curmob.room == drawn_room) {
redraw_height = 0x20;
set_redraw_full(curr_tilepos, 1);
set_wipe(curr_tilepos, 1);
// Redraw tile to the right only if it's in the same room.
if ((curr_tilepos % 10) + 1 < 10) { // changed
set_redraw_full(curr_tilepos + 1, 1);
set_wipe(curr_tilepos + 1, 1);
// seg007:1387
void __pascal far mob_down_a_row() {
if (curmob.row >= 3) {
curmob.y -= 192;
curmob.row = 0;
curmob.room = level.roomlinks[curmob.room - 1].down;
// seg007:13AE
void __pascal far draw_mobs() {
short index;
for (index = 0; index < mobs_count; ++index) {
curmob = mobs[index];
// seg007:13E5
void __pascal far draw_mob() {
short tile_row;
short ypos;
short top_row;
short tilepos;
short tile_col;
ypos = curmob.y;
if (curmob.room == drawn_room) {
if (curmob.y >= 210) return;
} else if (curmob.room == room_B) {
if (ABS(ypos) >= 18) return;
curmob.y += 192;
ypos = curmob.y;
} else if (curmob.room == room_A) {
if (curmob.y < 174) return;
ypos = curmob.y - 189;
} else {
tile_col = curmob.xh >> 2;
tile_row = y_to_row_mod4(ypos);
obj_tilepos = get_tilepos_nominus(tile_col, tile_row);
tilepos = get_tilepos(tile_col, tile_row);
set_redraw2(tilepos, 1);
set_redraw_fore(tilepos, 1);
top_row = y_to_row_mod4(ypos - 18);
if (top_row != tile_row) {
tilepos = get_tilepos(tile_col, top_row);
set_redraw2(tilepos, 1);
set_redraw_fore(tilepos, 1);
// seg007:14DE
void __pascal far add_mob_to_objtable(int ypos) {
word index;
objtable_type* curr_obj;
index = objtable_count++;
curr_obj = &objtable[index];
curr_obj->obj_type = curmob.type | 0x80;
curr_obj->xh = curmob.xh;
curr_obj->xl = 0;
curr_obj->y = ypos;
curr_obj->chtab_id = id_chtab_6_environment;
curr_obj->id = 10;
curr_obj->clip.top = 0;
curr_obj->clip.left = 0;
curr_obj->clip.right = 40;
// seg007:153E
void __pascal far sub_9A8E() {
// This function is not used.
method_1_blit_rect(onscreen_surface_, offscreen_surface, &rect_top, &rect_top, 0);
// seg007:1556
int __pascal far is_spike_harmful() {
sbyte modifier;
modifier = curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos];
if (modifier == 0 || modifier == -1) {
return 0;
} else if (modifier < 0) {
return 1;
} else if (modifier < 5) {
return 2;
} else {
return 0;
// seg007:1591
void __pascal far check_loose_fall_on_kid() {
if (Char.room == curmob.room &&
Char.curr_col == curmob.xh >> 2 &&
curmob.y < Char.y &&
Char.y - 30 < curmob.y
) {
// seg007:15D3
void __pascal far fell_on_your_head() {
short frame;
short action;
frame = Char.frame;
action = Char.action;
// loose floors hurt you in frames 5..14 (running) only on level 13
if (
(current_level == 13 || (frame < frame_5_start_run || frame >= 15)) &&
(action < actions_2_hang_climb || action == actions_7_turn)
) {
Char.y = y_land[Char.curr_row + 1];
if (take_hp(1)) {
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_22_crushed); // dead (because of loose floor)
if (frame == frame_177_spiked) { // spiked
Char.x = char_dx_forward(-12);
} else {
if (frame != frame_109_crouch) { // crouching
if (get_tile_behind_char() == 0) {
Char.x = char_dx_forward(-2);
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_52_loose_floor_fell_on_kid); // loose floor fell on Kid
// seg007:1669
void __pascal far play_door_sound_if_visible(int sound_id) {
word has_sound;
word tilepos;
word gate_room;
tilepos = trob.tilepos;
gate_room = trob.room;
has_sound = 0;
sbyte has_sound_condition;
if (fix_gate_sounds)
has_sound_condition = (gate_room == room_L && tilepos % 10 == 9) ||
(gate_room == drawn_room && tilepos % 10 != 9);
has_sound_condition = gate_room == room_L ? tilepos % 10 == 9 :
(gate_room == drawn_room && tilepos % 10 != 9);
#define GATE_SOUND_CONDITION has_sound_condition
#define GATE_SOUND_CONDITION gate_room == room_L ? tilepos % 10 == 9 : \
(gate_room == drawn_room && tilepos % 10 != 9)
// Special event: sound of closing gates
if ((current_level == 3 && gate_room == 2) || GATE_SOUND_CONDITION) {
has_sound = 1;
if (has_sound) {