SDLPoP, a port/conversion of the DOS game Prince of Persia.
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Dávid Nagy
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The authors of this program may be contacted at http://forum.princed.org
#include "common.h"
// data:432F
sbyte bump_col_left_of_wall;
// data:436E
sbyte bump_col_right_of_wall;
// data:4C0A
sbyte right_checked_col;
// data:408A
sbyte left_checked_col;
// data:4C0C
short coll_tile_left_xpos;
// These two arrays are indexed with the return value of wall_type.
// data:24BA
const sbyte wall_dist_from_left[] = {0, 10, 0, -1, 0, 0};
// data:24C0
const sbyte wall_dist_from_right[] = {0, 0, 10, 13, 0, 0};
// seg004:0004
void __pascal far check_collisions() {
short column;
bump_col_left_of_wall = bump_col_right_of_wall = -1;
if (Char.action == actions_7_turn) return;
collision_row = Char.curr_row;
prev_collision_row = collision_row;
right_checked_col = MIN(get_tile_div_mod_m7(char_x_right_coll) + 2, 11);
left_checked_col = get_tile_div_mod_m7(char_x_left_coll) - 1;
get_row_collision_data(collision_row , curr_row_coll_room, curr_row_coll_flags);
get_row_collision_data(collision_row + 1, below_row_coll_room, below_row_coll_flags);
get_row_collision_data(collision_row - 1, above_row_coll_room, above_row_coll_flags);
for (column = 9; column >= 0; --column) {
if (curr_row_coll_room[column] >= 0 &&
prev_coll_room[column] == curr_row_coll_room[column]
) {
// char bumps into left of wall
if (
(prev_coll_flags[column] & 0x0F) == 0 &&
(curr_row_coll_flags[column] & 0x0F) != 0
) {
bump_col_left_of_wall = column;
// char bumps into right of wall
if (
(prev_coll_flags[column] & 0xF0) == 0 &&
(curr_row_coll_flags[column] & 0xF0) != 0
) {
bump_col_right_of_wall = column;
// seg004:00DF
void __pascal far move_coll_to_prev() {
sbyte* row_coll_room_ptr;
byte* row_coll_flags_ptr;
short column;
if (collision_row == prev_collision_row ||
collision_row + 3 == prev_collision_row ||
collision_row - 3 == prev_collision_row
) {
row_coll_room_ptr = curr_row_coll_room;
row_coll_flags_ptr = curr_row_coll_flags;
} else if (
collision_row + 1 == prev_collision_row ||
collision_row - 2 == prev_collision_row
) {
row_coll_room_ptr = above_row_coll_room;
row_coll_flags_ptr = above_row_coll_flags;
} else {
row_coll_room_ptr = below_row_coll_room;
row_coll_flags_ptr = below_row_coll_flags;
for (column = 0; column < 10; ++column) {
prev_coll_room[column] = row_coll_room_ptr[column];
prev_coll_flags[column] = row_coll_flags_ptr[column];
below_row_coll_room[column] = -1;
above_row_coll_room[column] = -1;
curr_row_coll_room[column] = -1;
// bugfix:
curr_row_coll_flags[column] = 0;
below_row_coll_flags[column] = 0;
above_row_coll_flags[column] = 0;
// seg004:0185
void __pascal far get_row_collision_data(short row, sbyte *row_coll_room_ptr, byte *row_coll_flags_ptr) {
short right_wall_xpos;
byte curr_flags;
short room;
short column;
short left_wall_xpos;
room = Char.room;
coll_tile_left_xpos = x_bump[left_checked_col + 5] + 7;
for (column = left_checked_col; column <= right_checked_col; ++column) {
left_wall_xpos = get_left_wall_xpos(room, column, row);
right_wall_xpos = get_right_wall_xpos(room, column, row);
// char bumps into left of wall
curr_flags = (left_wall_xpos < char_x_right_coll) * 0x0F;
// char bumps into right of wall
curr_flags |= (right_wall_xpos > char_x_left_coll) * 0xF0;
row_coll_flags_ptr[tile_col] = curr_flags;
row_coll_room_ptr[tile_col] = curr_room;
coll_tile_left_xpos += 14;
// seg004:0226
int __pascal far get_left_wall_xpos(int room,int column,int row) {
short type;
type = wall_type(get_tile(room, column, row));
if (type) {
return wall_dist_from_left[type] + coll_tile_left_xpos;
} else {
return 0xFF;
// seg004:025F
int __pascal far get_right_wall_xpos(int room,int column,int row) {
short type;
type = wall_type(get_tile(room, column, row));
if (type) {
return coll_tile_left_xpos - wall_dist_from_right[type] + 13;
} else {
return 0;
// seg004:029D
void __pascal far check_bumped() {
if (
Char.action != actions_2_hang_climb &&
Char.action != actions_6_hang_straight &&
// frames 135..149: climb up
(Char.frame < frame_135_climbing_1 || Char.frame >= 149)
) {
if (bump_col_left_of_wall >= 0) {
if (!fix_two_coll_bug) return; // check for the left-oriented collision only with the fix enabled
if (bump_col_right_of_wall >= 0) {
if (bump_col_left_of_wall >= 0) {
if (bump_col_right_of_wall >= 0) {
#endif // FIX_TWO_COLL_BUG
// seg004:02D2
void __pascal far check_bumped_look_left() {
if ((Char.sword == sword_2_drawn || Char.direction < dir_0_right) && // looking left
) {
bumped(get_right_wall_xpos(curr_room, tile_col, tile_row) - char_x_left_coll, dir_0_right);
// seg004:030A
void __pascal far check_bumped_look_right() {
if ((Char.sword == sword_2_drawn || Char.direction == dir_0_right) && // looking right
) {
bumped(get_left_wall_xpos(curr_room, tile_col, tile_row) - char_x_right_coll, dir_FF_left);
// seg004:0343
int __pascal far is_obstacle_at_col(int tile_col) {
short tile_row;
tile_row = Char.curr_row;
if (tile_row < 0) {
tile_row += 3;
if (tile_row >= 3) {
tile_row -= 3;
get_tile(curr_row_coll_room[tile_col], tile_col, tile_row);
return is_obstacle();
// seg004:037E
int __pascal far is_obstacle() {
if (curr_tile2 == tiles_10_potion) {
return 0;
} else if (curr_tile2 == tiles_4_gate) {
if (! can_bump_into_gate()) return 0;
} else if (curr_tile2 == tiles_18_chomper) {
// is the chomper closed?
if (curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] != 2) return 0;
} else if (
curr_tile2 == tiles_13_mirror &&
Char.charid == charid_0_kid &&
Char.frame >= frame_39_start_run_jump_6 && Char.frame < frame_44_running_jump_5 && // run-jump
Char.direction < dir_0_right // right-to-left only
) {
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] = 0x56; // broken mirror or what?
jumped_through_mirror = -1;
return 0;
coll_tile_left_xpos = xpos_in_drawn_room(x_bump[tile_col + 5]) + 7;
return 1;
// seg004:0405
int __pascal far xpos_in_drawn_room(int xpos) {
if (curr_room != drawn_room) {
if (curr_room == room_L || curr_room == room_BL) {
xpos -= 140;
} else if (curr_room == room_R || curr_room == room_BR) {
xpos += 140;
return xpos;
// seg004:0448
void __pascal far bumped(sbyte delta_x,sbyte push_direction) {
// frame 177: spiked
if (Char.alive < 0 && Char.frame != frame_177_spiked) {
Char.x += delta_x;
if (push_direction < dir_0_right) {
// pushing left
if (curr_tile2 == tiles_20_wall) {
get_tile(curr_room, --tile_col, tile_row);
} else {
// pushing right
if (curr_tile2 == tiles_12_doortop ||
curr_tile2 == tiles_7_doortop_with_floor ||
curr_tile2 == tiles_20_wall
) {
if (curr_room == 0 && tile_col == 10) {
curr_room = Char.room;
tile_col = 0;
get_tile(curr_room, tile_col, tile_row);
if (tile_is_floor(curr_tile2)) {
} else {
// seg004:04E4
void __pascal far bumped_fall() {
short action;
action = Char.action;
Char.x = char_dx_forward(-4);
if (action == actions_4_in_freefall) {
Char.fall_x = 0;
} else {
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_45_bumpfall); // fall after bumped
// seg004:0520
void __pascal far bumped_floor(sbyte push_direction) {
short frame;
short seq_index;
if (Char.sword != sword_2_drawn && (word)(y_land[Char.curr_row + 1] - Char.y) >= (word)15) {
} else {
Char.y = y_land[Char.curr_row + 1];
if (Char.fall_y >= 22) {
Char.x = char_dx_forward(-5);
} else {
Char.fall_y = 0;
if (Char.alive) {
if (Char.sword == sword_2_drawn) {
if (push_direction == Char.direction) {
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_65_bump_forward_with_sword); // pushed forward with sword (Kid)
Char.x = char_dx_forward(1);
} else {
seq_index = seq_64_pushed_back_with_sword; // pushed back with sword
} else {
frame = Char.frame;
if (frame == 24 || frame == 25 ||
(frame >= 40 && frame < 43) ||
(frame >= frame_102_start_fall_1 && frame < 107)
) {
seq_index = seq_46_hardbump; // bump into wall after run-jump (crouch)
} else {
seq_index = seq_47_bump; // bump into wall
// seg004:05F1
void __pascal far bumped_sound() {
is_guard_notice = 1;
play_sound(sound_8_bumped); // touching a wall
// seg004:0601
void __pascal far clear_coll_rooms() {
memset_near(prev_coll_room, -1, sizeof(prev_coll_room));
memset_near(curr_row_coll_room, -1, sizeof(curr_row_coll_room));
memset_near(below_row_coll_room, -1, sizeof(below_row_coll_room));
memset_near(above_row_coll_room, -1, sizeof(above_row_coll_room));
// workaround
memset_near(prev_coll_flags, 0, sizeof(prev_coll_flags));
memset_near(curr_row_coll_flags, 0, sizeof(curr_row_coll_flags));
memset_near(below_row_coll_flags, 0, sizeof(below_row_coll_flags));
memset_near(above_row_coll_flags, 0, sizeof(above_row_coll_flags));
prev_collision_row = -1;
// seg004:0657
int __pascal far can_bump_into_gate() {
return (curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] >> 2) + 6 < char_height;
// seg004:067C
int __pascal far get_edge_distance() {
Possible results in edge_type:
0: closer/sword/potion
1: edge
2: floor (nothing near char)
short distance;
byte tiletype;
tiletype = get_tile_at_char();
if (wall_type(tiletype) != 0) {
tile_col = Char.curr_col;
distance = dist_from_wall_forward(tiletype);
if (distance >= 0) {
if (distance < 14) {
edge_type = 1;
} else {
edge_type = 2;
distance = 11;
} else {
goto loc_59E8;
} else {
tiletype = get_tile_infrontof_char();
if (tiletype == tiles_12_doortop && Char.direction >= dir_0_right) {
edge_type = 0;
distance = distance_to_edge_weight();
} else {
if (wall_type(tiletype) != 0) {
tile_col = infrontx;
distance = dist_from_wall_forward(tiletype);
if (distance >= 0) goto loc_59DD;
if (tiletype == tiles_11_loose) goto loc_59FB;
if (
tiletype == tiles_6_closer ||
tiletype == tiles_22_sword ||
tiletype == tiles_10_potion
) {
distance = distance_to_edge_weight();
if (distance != 0) {
edge_type = 0;
} else {
edge_type = 2;
distance = 11;
} else {
if (tile_is_floor(tiletype)) {
edge_type = 2;
distance = 11;
} else {
goto loc_59FB;
curr_tile2 = tiletype;
return distance;
// seg004:076B
void __pascal far check_chomped_kid() {
short tile_col;
short tile_row;
tile_row = Char.curr_row;
for (tile_col = 0; tile_col < 10; ++tile_col) {
if (curr_row_coll_flags[tile_col] == 0xFF &&
get_tile(curr_row_coll_room[tile_col], tile_col, tile_row) == tiles_18_chomper &&
(curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] & 0x7F) == 2 // closed chomper
) {
// seg004:07BF
void __pascal far chomped() {
if (!(fix_skeleton_chomper_blood && Char.charid == charid_4_skeleton))
curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] |= 0x80; // put blood
if (Char.frame != frame_178_chomped && Char.room == curr_room) {
Char.x = x_bump[tile_col + 5] + 7;
Char.x = char_dx_forward(7 - !Char.direction);
Char.y = y_land[Char.curr_row + 1];
play_sound(sound_46_chomped); // something chomped
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_54_chomped); // chomped
// seg004:0833
void __pascal far check_gate_push() {
// Closing gate pushes Kid
short frame;
short var_4;
frame = Char.frame;
if (Char.action == actions_7_turn ||
frame == frame_15_stand || // stand
(frame >= frame_108_fall_land_2 && frame < 111) // crouch
) {
var_4 = tile_col;
if ((curr_tile2 == tiles_4_gate ||
get_tile(curr_room, --tile_col, tile_row) == tiles_4_gate) &&
(curr_row_coll_flags[tile_col] & prev_coll_flags[tile_col]) == 0xFF &&
) {
// push Kid left if var_4 <= tile_col, gate at char's tile
// push Kid right if var_4 > tile_col, gate is left from char's tile
Char.x += 5 - (var_4 <= tile_col) * 10;
// seg004:08C3
void __pascal far check_guard_bumped() {
if (
Char.action == actions_1_run_jump &&
Char.alive < 0 &&
Char.sword >= sword_2_drawn
) {
if (
// Should also check for a wall BEHIND the guard, instead of only the current tile
(fix_push_guard_into_wall && get_tile_behind_char() == tiles_20_wall) ||
get_tile_at_char() == tiles_20_wall ||
curr_tile2 == tiles_7_doortop_with_floor ||
(curr_tile2 == tiles_4_gate && can_bump_into_gate()) ||
(Char.direction >= dir_0_right && (
get_tile(curr_room, --tile_col, tile_row) == tiles_7_doortop_with_floor ||
(curr_tile2 == tiles_4_gate && can_bump_into_gate())
) {
if (is_obstacle()) {
short delta_x;
delta_x = dist_from_wall_behind(curr_tile2);
if (delta_x < 0 && delta_x > -13) {
Char.x = char_dx_forward(-delta_x);
seqtbl_offset_char(seq_65_bump_forward_with_sword); // pushed to wall with sword (Guard)
// seg004:0989
void __pascal far check_chomped_guard() {
if ( ! check_chomped_here()) {
get_tile(curr_room, ++tile_col, tile_row);
// seg004:09B0
int __pascal far check_chomped_here() {
if (curr_tile2 == tiles_18_chomper &&
(curr_room_modif[curr_tilepos] & 0x7F) == 2
) {
coll_tile_left_xpos = x_bump[tile_col + 5] + 7;
if (get_left_wall_xpos(curr_room, tile_col, tile_row) < char_x_right_coll &&
get_right_wall_xpos(curr_room, tile_col, tile_row) > char_x_left_coll
) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
// seg004:0A10
int __pascal far dist_from_wall_forward(byte tiletype) {
short type;
if (tiletype == tiles_4_gate && ! can_bump_into_gate()) {
return -1;
} else {
coll_tile_left_xpos = x_bump[tile_col + 5] + 7;
type = wall_type(tiletype);
if (type == 0) return -1;
if (Char.direction < dir_0_right) {
// looking left
//return wall_dist_from_right[type] + char_x_left_coll - coll_tile_left_xpos - 13;
return char_x_left_coll - (coll_tile_left_xpos + 13 - wall_dist_from_right[type]);
} else {
// looking right
return wall_dist_from_left[type] + coll_tile_left_xpos - char_x_right_coll;
// seg004:0A7B
int __pascal far dist_from_wall_behind(byte tiletype) {
short type;
type = wall_type(tiletype);
if (type == 0) {
return 99;
} else {
if (Char.direction >= dir_0_right) {
// looking right
//return wall_dist_from_right[type] + char_x_left_coll - coll_tile_left_xpos - 13;
return char_x_left_coll - (coll_tile_left_xpos + 13 - wall_dist_from_right[type]);
} else {
// looking left
return wall_dist_from_left[type] + coll_tile_left_xpos - char_x_right_coll;