SDLPoP, a port/conversion of the DOS game Prince of Persia.
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Dávid Nagy
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The authors of this program may be contacted at http://forum.princed.org
#include "common.h"
// TODO: Use incrementing numbers and a separate folder, like DOSBox? Or allow custom filenames.
const char screenshot_filename[] = "screenshot.png";
#define EVENT_OFFSET 0 // Add this number to displayed event numbers. Use 1 for Apoplexy compatibility.
#define NUMBER_OF_ROOMS 24
// Save a screenshot.
void save_screenshot() {
IMG_SavePNG(onscreen_surface_, screenshot_filename);
printf("Saved screenshot to \"%s\".\n", screenshot_filename
// Switch to the given room and draw it.
void switch_to_room(int room) {
drawn_room = room;
if (tbl_level_type[current_level]) {
// for guards
Guard.direction = dir_56_none;
guardhp_curr = 0; // otherwise guard HPs stay on screen
draw_guard_hp(0, 10); // otherwise guard HPs still stay on screen if some guards have extra HP
enter_guard(); // otherwise the guard won't show up
check_shadow(); // otherwise the shadow won't appear on level 6
// for potion bubbles
for (int tilepos=0;tilepos<30;tilepos++) {
int tile_type = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
if (tile_type == tiles_10_potion) {
int modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
if ((modifier & 7) == 0) curr_room_modif[tilepos]++;
bool event_used[256] = {false};
bool has_trigger_potion = false;
// delta vectors for room links
const int dx[4] = {-1, +1, 0, 0};
const int dy[4] = { 0, 0, -1, +1};
int xpos[NUMBER_OF_ROOMS+1] = {0};
int ypos[NUMBER_OF_ROOMS+1] = {0};
// Show annotations for non-visible things, like: room bounds, room numbers, door events, loose floors, potion types, special events, ...
// (this will make the function even more like a cheat)
// TODO: guard HPs, skill? fake tiles?
void draw_extras() {
// ambiguous tiles
// The editor branch has something similar...
for (int tilepos=0;tilepos<30;tilepos++) {
int tile_type = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
int modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
int row = tilepos/10;
int col = tilepos%10;
int y = row * 63 + 3;
int x = col * 32;
// special floors
rect_type floor_rect = {y+60-3, x, y+63-3, x+32};
// loose floors
if (tile_type == tiles_11_loose) {
int color = color_15_brightwhite;
if (curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x20) color = color_13_brightmagenta; // stable loose floor
show_text_with_color(&floor_rect, 0, -1, "~~~~", color);
// buttons
if (tile_type == tiles_15_opener) {
show_text_with_color(&floor_rect, 0, -1, "^^^^", color_10_brightgreen);
if (tile_type == tiles_6_closer) {
//show_text_with_color(&floor_rect, 0, -1, "XXXX", color_12_brightred);
floor_rect.top -= 2;
show_text_with_color(&floor_rect, 0, -1, "xxxx", color_12_brightred); // Only the top half is visible, looks like an inverted "^" or a tiny "v".
bool is_trob_here = false;
for (int index = 0; index < trobs_count; ++index) {
trob = trobs[index];
if (trob.room == drawn_room && trob.tilepos == tilepos) {
is_trob_here = true;
if (!is_trob_here) { // It's not stuck if it's currently animated.
// harmless spikes
if (tile_type == tiles_2_spike) {
if (modifier >= 5) { // harmless
rect_type spike_rect = {y+50, x, y+60, x+32};
show_text_with_color(&spike_rect, 0, -1, "safe", color_10_brightgreen);
// stuck chompers
if (tile_type == tiles_18_chomper) {
int frame = (modifier & 0x7F);
if (frame != 0) {
rect_type chomper_rect = {y, x-10, y+60, x+32+10};
int color = color_10_brightgreen;
if (frame == 2) color = color_12_brightred;
show_text_with_color(&chomper_rect, 0, 0, "stuck", color);
// potion types
if (tile_type == tiles_10_potion) {
struct pot_type {
int color;
const char* text;
} pot_types[7] = {
{color_7_lightgray, "x"}, // empty
{color_12_brightred, "+1"}, // heal
{color_12_brightred, "+++"}, // life
{color_10_brightgreen, "slow\nfall"}, // slow fall
{color_10_brightgreen, "flip"}, // upside down
{color_9_brightblue, "-1"}, // hurt
{color_9_brightblue, "trig"}, // open
int potion_type = modifier >> 3;
int color;
const char* text;
char temp_text[4];
if (potion_type >= 0 && potion_type < 7) {
color = pot_types[potion_type].color;
text = pot_types[potion_type].text;
} else {
color = color_15_brightwhite;
, sizeof(temp_text
), "%d", potion_type
text = temp_text;
rect_type pot_rect = {y+40, x, y+60, x+32};
show_text_with_color(&pot_rect, 0, -1, text, color);
// triggered door events
if (tile_type == tiles_6_closer || tile_type == tiles_15_opener
// These tiles are triggered even if they are not buttons!
|| (current_level == 1 && drawn_room == 5 && tilepos == 2) // triggered at start
|| (current_level == 13 && drawn_room == 24 && tilepos == 0) // triggered when player enters any room from the right after Jaffar died
|| (has_trigger_potion && drawn_room == 8 && tilepos == 0) // triggered when player drinks an open potion
) {
int first_event = modifier;
int last_event = modifier;
while (last_event<256 && get_doorlink_next(last_event)) last_event++;
char events[10];
if (modifier==last_event) {
snprintf(events, sizeof(events), "%d", first_event+EVENT_OFFSET);
} else { // from-to
snprintf(events, sizeof(events), "%d:%d", first_event+EVENT_OFFSET, last_event+EVENT_OFFSET);
char events[256*4] = ""; // More than enough space to list all the numbers from 0 to 255.
int events_pos = 0;
for (int event=first_event; event<=last_event && events_pos<sizeof(events); event++) {
int len
= snprintf(events
, sizeof(events
, "%d ", event
if (len < 0) break; // snprintf might return -1 if the buffer is too small.
events_pos += len;
if (events_pos>0 && events_pos<sizeof(events)) events[events_pos]='\0'; // trim trailing space
rect_type buttonmod_rect = {y/*+50-3*/, x, y+60-3, x+32};
show_text_with_color(&buttonmod_rect, 0, 1, events, color_14_brightyellow);
// TODO: Add an option to merge events pointing to the same tile?
// door events that point here
char events[256*4] = "";
int events_pos = 0;
for (int event=0; event<256 && events_pos<sizeof(events); event++) {
if (event_used[event] && get_doorlink_room(event) == drawn_room && get_doorlink_tile(event) == tilepos) {
int len
= snprintf(events
, sizeof(events
, "%d ", event
if (len < 0) break;
events_pos += len;
if (events_pos>0 && events_pos<sizeof(events)) events[events_pos]='\0'; // trim trailing space
if (*events) {
//printf("room %d, tile %d, events: %s\n", drawn_room, tilepos, events); // debug
rect_type events_rect = {y,x,y+63-3,x+32-7};
show_text_with_color(&events_rect, 0, 1, events, color_14_brightyellow);
// special events
char* special_event = NULL;
if (current_level == 0 && drawn_room == 24) {
special_event = "exit"; // exit by entering this room
// not marked: level 1 falling entry
if (current_level == 1 && drawn_room == 5 && tilepos == 2) {
special_event = "start\ntrig"; // triggered at start
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 7 && col == 0) {
special_event = "<-\nchk point"; // checkpoint activation
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 7 && tilepos == 4) {
special_event = "removed"; // loose floor is removed
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 2 && tile_type == tiles_4_gate) {
special_event = "loud"; // closing can be heard everywhere
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 2 && tilepos == 6) {
special_event = "check point"; // restart at checkpoint
// TODO: Show this room even if it is unreachable from the start via room links?
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 1 && tilepos == 15 && tile_type == tiles_21_skeleton) {
special_event = "skel wake"; // skeleton wakes
if (current_level == 3 && drawn_room == 3 && tilepos == 14) {
special_event = "skel cont"; // skeleton continue
if (current_level == 4 && drawn_room == 4 && tilepos == 4) {
special_event = "mirror"; // mirror appears
// not marked: level 4 mirror clip
// not marked: level 5 shadow, required opening gate
if (current_level == 5 && drawn_room == 24 && tilepos == 3 && tile_type == tiles_10_potion) {
special_event = "stolen"; // stolen potion
// not marked: level 6 shadow (it's already visible)
if (current_level == 6 && drawn_room == 1 && row == 2) {
special_event = "exit\ndown"; // exit by falling
// not marked: level 7 falling entry
if (current_level == 8 && drawn_room == 16 && tilepos == 9) {
special_event = "mouse"; // mouse comes
if (current_level == 12 && drawn_room == 15 && tilepos == 1 && tile_type == tiles_22_sword) {
special_event = "disapp"; // sword disappears
if (current_level == 12 && drawn_room == 18 && col == 9) {
special_event = "disapp\n->"; // sword disappears
// not marked: level 12 shadow
if (current_level == 12 && row == 0 && (drawn_room == 2 || (drawn_room == 13 && col >= 6))) {
special_event = "floor"; // floors appear
if (current_level == 12 && drawn_room == 23) {
special_event = "exit"; // exit by entering this room
if (current_level == 13 && (drawn_room == level.roomlinks[23-1].up || drawn_room == level.roomlinks[16-1].up) && (tilepos >= 22 && tilepos <= 27)) {
special_event = "fall"; // falling loose floors
if (current_level == 13 && drawn_room == 3 && col == 9) {
special_event = "meet\n->"; // meet Jaffar
// not marked: flash
if (current_level == 13 && drawn_room == 24 && tilepos == 0) {
special_event = "Jffr\ntrig"; // triggered when player enters any room from the right after Jaffar died
if (current_level == 14 && drawn_room == 5) {
special_event = "end"; // end of game
if (has_trigger_potion && drawn_room == 8 && tilepos == 0) {
special_event = "blue\ntrig"; // triggered when player drinks an open potion
if (special_event) {
rect_type event_rect = {y,x-10,y+63,x+32+10};
show_text_with_color(&event_rect, 0, 0, special_event, color_14_brightyellow);
// Attempt to show broken room links:
byte* roomlinks = (byte*)(&level.roomlinks[drawn_room-1]);
for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
int other_room = roomlinks[direction];
if (other_room >= 1 && other_room <= NUMBER_OF_ROOMS) {
int other_x = xpos[drawn_room] + dx[direction];
int other_y = ypos[drawn_room] + dy[direction];
// If the linked room was placed elsewhere: Write the number of the linked room to the corresponding edge of the room.
if (xpos[other_room] != other_x || ypos[other_room] != other_y) {
int center_x = 160+dx[direction]*150;
int center_y = 96+dy[direction]*85;
rect_type text_rect = {center_y-6, center_x-10, center_y+6, center_x+10};
char room_num[4];
, sizeof(room_num
), "%d", other_room
method_5_rect(&text_rect, 0, color_4_red);
show_text_with_color(&text_rect, 0, 0, room_num, color_15_brightwhite);
// start pos
if (level.start_room == drawn_room && level.start_pos == tilepos) {
byte start_dir = level.start_dir;
if (current_level == 1 || current_level == 13) start_dir ^= 0xFF; // falling/running entry
char* start_text = (start_dir == dir_0_right) ? "start\n->" : "start\n<-";
rect_type start_rect = {y,x-10,y+63,x+32+10};
show_text_with_color(&start_rect, 0, 0, start_text, color_14_brightyellow);
// room number
char room_num[4];
, sizeof(room_num
), "%d", drawn_room
rect_type text_rect = {10, 10, 21, 30};
method_5_rect(&text_rect, 0, color_8_darkgray);
show_text_with_color(&text_rect, 0, 0, room_num, color_15_brightwhite);
// grid lines
rect_type vline = {0,0,192,1};
method_5_rect(&vline, 0, color_12_brightred);
rect_type hline = {3,0,4,320};
method_5_rect(&hline, 0, color_12_brightred);
// Save a "screenshot" of the whole level.
void save_level_screenshot(bool want_extras) {
// TODO: Disable in the intro or if a cutscene is active?
// Restrict this to cheat mode. After all, it's like using H/J/U/N or opening the level in an editor.
if (!cheats_enabled) return;
upside_down = 0;
//printf("random_seed = 0x%08X\n", random_seed);
// First, figure out where to put each room.
// We don't stop on broken room links, because the resulting map might still be usable.
bool processed[NUMBER_OF_ROOMS+1] = {false};
for (int room=1;room<=NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;room++) {
xpos[drawn_room] = -999;
ypos[drawn_room] = -999;
xpos[drawn_room] = 0;
ypos[drawn_room] = 0;
int queue[NUMBER_OF_ROOMS] = {drawn_room}; // We start mapping from the current room.
int queue_start = 0;
int queue_end = 1;
while (queue_start < queue_end) {
int room = queue[queue_start++];
byte* roomlinks = (byte*)(&level.roomlinks[room-1]);
for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
int other_room = roomlinks[direction];
if (other_room >= 1 && other_room <= NUMBER_OF_ROOMS && !processed[other_room]) {
int other_x = xpos[room] + dx[direction];
int other_y = ypos[room] + dy[direction];
xpos[other_room] = other_x;
ypos[other_room] = other_y;
processed[other_room] = true;
queue[queue_end++] = other_room;
int min_x=0, max_x=0, min_y=0, max_y=0;
for (int room=1;room<=NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;room++) {
if (xpos[room] < min_x) min_x = xpos[room];
if (xpos[room] > max_x) max_x = xpos[room];
if (ypos[room] < min_y) min_y = ypos[room];
if (ypos[room] > max_y) max_y = ypos[room];
int map_width = max_x-min_x+1;
int map_height = max_y-min_y+1;
int map[MAX_MAP_SIZE][MAX_MAP_SIZE] = {{0}};
for (int room=1;room<=NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;room++) {
if (processed[room]) {
int y = ypos[room] - min_y;
int x = xpos[room] - min_x;
if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x<MAX_MAP_SIZE && y<MAX_MAP_SIZE) {
if (map[y][x]) {
printf("Warning: room %d was mapped to the same place as room %d!\n", room
, map
// Force broken link display for room links pointing into this room:
// TODO: Try to find some other place for this room?
xpos[room] = -999;
ypos[room] = -999;
} else {
map[y][x] = room;
// Debug printout of arrangement.
printf("LEVEL %d\n", current_level);
for (int y=0;y<map_height;y++) {
for (int x=0;x<map_width;x++) {
int room = map[y][x];
if (room) {
printf(" %2d", room);
} else {
printf(" ");
// Now we have the arrangement, let's make the picture!
int image_width = map_width*320;
int image_height = map_height*189+3+8;
SDL_Surface* map_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, image_width, image_height, 32, 0xFF, 0xFF<<8, 0xFF<<16, 0xFF<<24);
if (map_surface == NULL) {
sdlperror("SDL_CreateRGBSurface (map_surface)");
// TODO: Background color for places where there is no room?
// TODO: Add an option for displaying all unreachable rooms?
has_trigger_potion = false;
// Is there a trigger potion on the level?
for (int room=1;room<=NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;room++) {
if (processed[room]) {
for (int tilepos=0;tilepos<30;tilepos++) {
int tile_type = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
if (tile_type == tiles_10_potion && curr_room_modif[tilepos] >> 3 == 6) {
has_trigger_potion = true;
, 0, sizeof(event_used
// Find out which door events are used:
for (int room=1;room<=NUMBER_OF_ROOMS;room++) {
if (processed[room]) {
for (int tilepos=0;tilepos<30;tilepos++) {
int tile_type = curr_room_tiles[tilepos] & 0x1F;
if (tile_type == tiles_6_closer || tile_type == tiles_15_opener
// These tiles are triggered even if they are not buttons!
// TODO: Force displaying of special trigger rooms even if they are unreachable via room links?
|| (current_level == 1 && room == 5 && tilepos == 2) // triggered at start
|| (current_level == 13 && room == 24 && tilepos == 0) // triggered when player enters any room from the right after Jaffar died
|| (has_trigger_potion && room == 8 && tilepos == 0) // triggered when player drinks an open potion
) {
int modifier = curr_room_modif[tilepos];
for (int index = modifier; index < 256; index++) {
event_used[index] = true;
if (!get_doorlink_next(index)) break;
// debug
printf("Used events:");
for (int event=0;event<256;event++) {
if (event_used[event]) {
printf(" %d", event+EVENT_OFFSET);
for (int event=0;event<256;event++) {
if (event_used[event]) {
printf("event %d: room %d tile %d %s\n",
event+EVENT_OFFSET, get_doorlink_room(event), get_doorlink_tile(event),
get_doorlink_next(event) ? "+next" : "");
screen_updates_suspended = true;
int old_room = drawn_room;
for (int y=0;y<map_height;y++) {
for (int x=0;x<map_width;x++) {
int room = map[y][x];
if (room) {
SDL_Rect dest_rect;
dest_rect.x = x*320;
dest_rect.y = y*189;
if (want_extras) draw_extras();
// TODO: Hide the status bar, or maybe show some custom text on it?
SDL_BlitSurface(onscreen_surface_, NULL, map_surface, &dest_rect);
screen_updates_suspended = false;
IMG_SavePNG(map_surface, screenshot_filename);
printf("Saved level screenshot to \"%s\".\n", screenshot_filename
//printf("random_seed = 0x%08X\n", random_seed);
bool want_auto = false;
bool want_auto_whole_level = false;
bool want_auto_extras = false;
void init_screenshot() {
// Command-line options to automatically save a screenshot at startup.
const char* screenshot_param = check_param("--screenshot");
if (screenshot_param != NULL) {
// We require megahit+levelnumber.
if (start_level < 0) {
printf("You must supply a level number if you want to make an automatic screenshot!\n");
} else {
want_auto = true;
want_auto_whole_level = (check_param("--screenshot-level") != NULL);
want_auto_extras = (check_param("--screenshot-level-extras") != NULL);
// TODO: Don't open a window if the user wants an auto screenshot.
// To skip cutscenes, etc.
bool want_auto_screenshot() {
return want_auto;
// Called when the level is drawn for the first time.
void auto_screenshot() {
if (!want_auto) return;
if (want_auto_whole_level) {
} else {