// player.cpp
#include "common.h"
void Player_Init (player_t *player, int color, int type)
// helper function to initialize a player structure
unsigned long buffer_size;
// first reset the whole structure
memset (player, 0, sizeof (player_t));
// allocate space for send and receive buffers and reset them
player->sendbuffer_locked = false;
player->sendbuffer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 Mb should be enough, right ?
player->sendbuffer = (wchar_t *) SAFE_malloc (player->sendbuffer_size, sizeof (wchar_t), false);
player->sendbuffer[0] = 0;
player->recvbuffer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 Mb should be enough, right ?
player->ascii_recvbuffer = (char *) SAFE_malloc (player->recvbuffer_size, sizeof (char), false);
player->ascii_recvbuffer[0] = 0;
player->recvbuffer = (wchar_t *) SAFE_malloc (player->recvbuffer_size, sizeof (wchar_t), false);
player->recvbuffer[0] = 0;
// save player type and color
player->type = type;
player->color = color;
// if internet or computer play, initialize the right interface
if (player->type == PLAYER_INTERNET)
// if we want online gaming, initialize the network
if (!PlayerNetwork_Init (player))
player->type = PLAYER_HUMAN; // if it fails, fallback to human opponent
if (player->type == PLAYER_COMPUTER)
// if we want the chess engine, initialize it
if (!PlayerEngine_Init (player))
player->type = PLAYER_HUMAN; // if it fails, fallback to human opponent
if (player->type == PLAYER_HUMAN)
// player is human, assume his name to be his Windows session name (until told otherwise)
buffer_size = WCHAR_SIZEOF (player->name);
GetUserName (player->name, &buffer_size);
// reset its view
Player_ResetView (player);
return; // finished
void Player_Shutdown (player_t *player)
// helper function to release a player structure
// if the chess engine was started, shut it down
if (player->type == PLAYER_COMPUTER)
PlayerEngine_Shutdown (player);
// else if we were online, shutdown the network
else if (player->type == PLAYER_INTERNET)
PlayerNetwork_Shutdown (player);
// free the send and receive buffers
SAFE_free ((void **) &player->recvbuffer);
SAFE_free ((void **) &player->ascii_recvbuffer);
SAFE_free ((void **) &player->sendbuffer);
// and finally reset the whole structure
memset (player, 0, sizeof (player_t));
return; // finished
void Player_ResetView (player_t *player)
// helper function to reset a player's current and custom view
// reset current view
player->view_pitch = 55.0f;
player->view_yaw = (player->color == COLOR_BLACK ? 90.0f : -90.0f);
player->view_distance = 70.0f;
// reset custom view too
player->custom_pitch = player->view_pitch;
player->custom_yaw = player->view_yaw;
player->custom_distance = player->view_distance;
return; // finished
bool Player_RotateTable (player_t *player, float frame_time)
// this function is called every frame to rotate the chess table. There is some kind of
// filtering for the view. The function returns TRUE if the scene needs to be updated
// (that is, the table turned significantly).
float deviation_yaw;
float deviation_pitch;
float deviation_distance;
float turnspeed_yaw;
float turnspeed_pitch;
float turnspeed_distance;
// (do we NOT want autorotation AND has the game started) OR are we NOT playing yet OR are we still in animation ?
if ((!options.want_autorotateon1vs1 && (the_board.move_count > 1))
|| (the_board.game_state < STATE_PLAYING)
|| (current_time < animation_endtime + 1.0f))
return (false); // if so, don't rotate anything
// compute what's left to turn yet
deviation_yaw = WrapAngle (player->view_yaw - current_yaw);
deviation_pitch = WrapAngle (player->view_pitch - current_pitch);
deviation_distance = player->view_distance - current_distance;
// compute the new turn speed
turnspeed_yaw = ((float) options.rotate_speed * deviation_yaw) * min (frame_time, 0.01f);
turnspeed_pitch = ((float) options.rotate_speed * deviation_pitch) * min (frame_time, 0.01f);
turnspeed_distance = ((float) options.rotate_speed * deviation_distance) * min (frame_time, 0.01f);
// HACK: FIXME: if we're leaving closeup mode, reevaluate the board
if ((current_distance == CLOSEUP_VIEW_DISTANCE) && (turnspeed_distance != 0))
the_board.reevaluate = true; // FIXME FIXME ugly yuk
// move the aim cursor
current_yaw = WrapAngle (current_yaw + turnspeed_yaw);
current_pitch = WrapAngle (current_pitch + turnspeed_pitch);
current_distance = current_distance + turnspeed_distance;
// return whether the table moved significantly or not
return ((fabsf (turnspeed_yaw) > 0.01f) || (fabsf (turnspeed_pitch) > 0.01f) || (fabsf (turnspeed_distance) > 0.1f));
bool Player_Think (player_t *player)
// this function makes the players think (in case they are not human)
player_t *current_player;
player_t *opposite_player;
bool do_update;
do_update = false; // don't update scene until told otherwise
// get current and opposite players
current_player = Player_GetCurrent ();
opposite_player = Player_GetOpposite ();
// if we're in online gaming mode, listen to the network
if (player->type == PLAYER_INTERNET)
do_update |= PlayerNetwork_Think (player); // and see if we need to update the scene
// else if we're running a chess engine, listen to it
else if (player->type == PLAYER_COMPUTER)
do_update |= PlayerEngine_Think (player); // and see if we need to update the scene
// else player is human
// is it NOT our turn AND does our opponent want to cancel a move ?
if ((player != current_player) && current_player->wants_cancel)
current_player->wants_cancel = false; // don't ask twice (remember now before we switch players)
// rewind game 1 move back
the_board.moves = (boardmove_t *) SAFE_realloc (the_board.moves, the_board.move_count, max (1, the_board.move_count - 1), sizeof (boardmove_t), false);
the_board.move_count = max (1, the_board.move_count - 1); // figure out how many moves we have now
the_board.viewed_move = the_board.move_count - 1; // take us back to the last move
the_board.game_state = STATE_PLAYING; // remember the game is now playing (in case we wanted to cancel the closing move of a finished game, this opens the game again)
do_update = true; // update the 3D scene
return (do_update); // finished, return whether we update the scene or not
bool Player_SendBuffer_Add (player_t *player, int milliseconds_max, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
// helper function to append a data string to the send buffer. Returns FALSE in case buffer is inaccessible.
va_list argptr;
int length;
int count;
// as long as the buffer is locked...
count = 0;
while (player->sendbuffer_locked && (count < milliseconds_max))
Sleep (10); // wait 10 milliseconds
count += 10; // remember we've waited 10 milliseconds more
// is send buffer STILL locked ?
if (player->sendbuffer_locked)
return (false); // buffer is inaccessible, return FALSE
player->sendbuffer_locked = true; // lock the buffer
length = wcslen (player->sendbuffer); // get current buffer length
// concatenate all the arguments in one string at the end of the buffer
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vswprintf_s (&player->sendbuffer[length], player->sendbuffer_size - length, fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
player->sendbuffer_locked = false; // unlock it
return (true); // done
player_t *Player_FindByType (int player_type)
// wrapper that returns a pointer to the first player representing the wanted type on a board
// figure out which player is of the type we want and return it
if (the_board.players[COLOR_WHITE].type == player_type)
return (&the_board.players[COLOR_WHITE]); // it's the white player
else if (the_board.players[COLOR_BLACK].type == player_type)
return (&the_board.players[COLOR_BLACK]); // it's the black player
return (NULL); // can't find any player of the given type on this board
player_t *Player_GetCurrent (void)
// helper function that returns the current player
// return the current player
return (&the_board.players[Board_ColorToMove (&the_board)]);
player_t *Player_GetOpposite (void)
// helper function that returns the opposite player
// return the opposite player
return (&the_board.players[1 - Board_ColorToMove (&the_board)]);