// pgnfile.cpp
#include "common.h"
// handy definitions
#define COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK(dest,source) \
{ \
mbstowcs_s (&converted_count, (dest), WCHAR_SIZEOF (dest), (source), WCHAR_SIZEOF (dest)); \
for (char_index = wcslen (dest) - 1; char_index >= 0; char_index--) \
if ((dest)[char_index] == L'"') \
{ \
(dest)[char_index] = 0; \
break; \
} \
// global variables used in this module only
static char *pgnfile_data = NULL; // mallocated
static size_t pgnfile_size = 0;
// prototypes of local functions
static void PGNFile_GameList_Init (int entry_count);
static void PGNFile_GameList_Shutdown (void);
static wchar_t *PGNFile_NAGTextFromCode (int nag_code);
static char *sgets (char *destination_line, int max_length, char *source_buffer);
bool PGNFile_Load (const wchar_t *pgnfile_pathname)
// this function loads a PGN file and builds the game databases of the games described in this file
char line_buffer[256]; // PGN files have 256 chars max per line by design
char *buffer;
int file_index;
int char_index;
int entry_count;
FILE *fp;
size_t converted_count; // used by the STRING_TO_CHAR macro
// try to open file for reading in BINARY mode so as NOT to convert end of lines
_wfopen_s (&fp, pgnfile_pathname, L"rb");
if (fp == NULL)
return (false); // on error, cancel
// get file length
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
pgnfile_size = ftell (fp);
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
// mallocate space for it and read it all at once
pgnfile_data = (char *) SAFE_realloc (pgnfile_data, 0, pgnfile_size, sizeof (char), false);
fread (pgnfile_data, pgnfile_size, 1, fp);
fclose (fp); // we no longer need the file, so close it
// now the file is fully loaded in memory
// read line per line and count the number of games
buffer = pgnfile_data;
entry_count = 0;
while ((buffer = sgets (line_buffer, sizeof (line_buffer), buffer)) != NULL)
if (strncmp (line_buffer, "[Event \"", 8) == 0)
entry_count++; // we know now one game more
// now prepare the games database for "entry_count" games
PGNFile_GameList_Init (entry_count);
// read line per line
buffer = pgnfile_data;
entry_count = 0;
file_index = 0;
while ((buffer = sgets (line_buffer, sizeof (line_buffer), buffer)) != NULL)
// is it a new game ?
if (strncmp (line_buffer, "[Event \"", 8) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count].event_str, &line_buffer[8]); // copy event
// assume a default "standard chess" start position unless told otherwise later
wcscpy_s (games[entry_count].fen_str, WCHAR_SIZEOF (games[entry_count].fen_str), FENSTARTUP_STANDARDCHESS);
games[entry_count].gamedata_start = 0; // reset gamedata so far
entry_count++; // we know now one game more
// else have we found a game already ?
else if (entry_count > 0)
// is it one of the known tags ?
if (line_buffer[0] == '[')
if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "Site \"", 6) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].site_str, &line_buffer[7]) // copy site
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "Date \"", 6) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].date_str, &line_buffer[7]) // copy date
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "Round \"", 7) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].round_str, &line_buffer[8]) // copy round
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "White \"", 7) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].white_str, &line_buffer[8]) // copy white
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "Black \"", 7) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].black_str, &line_buffer[8]) // copy black
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "Result \"", 8) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].result_str, &line_buffer[9]) // copy results
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "ECO \"", 5) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].eco_str, &line_buffer[6]) // copy ECO code
else if (strncmp (&line_buffer[1], "FEN \"", 5) == 0)
COPY_TIL_LAST_QUOTEMARK (games[entry_count - 1].fen_str, &line_buffer[6]) // copy FEN string
// else is it the beginning of a game ?
else if (strncmp (line_buffer, "1.", 2) == 0)
games[entry_count - 1].gamedata_start = file_index; // remember where this game starts
file_index = buffer - pgnfile_data; // save current file pointer index
return (true); // finished, return TRUE
bool PGNFile_LoadGame (board_t *board, const wchar_t *pgnfile_pathname, pgngame_t *game)
// this function loads and parses a game data in a PGN file. If the selected game is NULL, it means that
// the user didn't want to chose any game at all, so just free the games list and return a success value.
static wchar_t pgn_comment[65536]; // declared static so as not to reallocate it
boardmove_t new_move;
int nag_code;
int length;
int char_index;
int fieldstart;
int fieldstop;
int variation_depth;
char movenumber_string[8];
// did we chose NO game ?
if (game == NULL)
PGNFile_GameList_Shutdown (); // free the games list
SAFE_free ((void **) &pgnfile_data); // free the file data space
return (true); // return success as there's nothing to load
// reset the board (but NOT the players, just their view angles)
Board_Reset (board, game->fen_str);
animation_endtime = current_time + 2.0f; // HACK: this sorta prevents the "load file" dialog box trailing clicks to be misinterpreted
// while we've not parsed til the end of game...
char_index = game->gamedata_start;
new_move.source[0] = -1;
new_move.source[1] = -1;
new_move.target[0] = -1;
new_move.target[1] = -1;
new_move.promotion_type = 0;
pgn_comment[0] = 0;
for (;;)
// build the move number string
sprintf_s (movenumber_string, sizeof (movenumber_string), "%d.", 1 + board->move_count / 2);
// is it a space ?
if (isspace (pgnfile_data[char_index]))
char_index++; // if so, skip it
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is what we're reading a move number ?
else if (strncmp (&pgnfile_data[char_index], movenumber_string, strlen (movenumber_string)) == 0)
char_index += strlen (movenumber_string); // if so, skip it
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it a dot ?
else if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '.')
char_index++; // if so, skip it
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it an en passant notification ?
else if (strncmp (&pgnfile_data[char_index], "e.p.", 4) == 0)
char_index += 4; // this notification is superfluous, skip it
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it a comment ?
else if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '{')
fieldstart = char_index + 1; // skip the leading brace
while ((fieldstart < (int) pgnfile_size) && isspace (pgnfile_data[fieldstart]))
fieldstart++; // skip any leading spaces
// move through all the other characters...
for (fieldstop = fieldstart; fieldstop < (int) pgnfile_size; fieldstop++)
if (pgnfile_data[fieldstop] == '}')
break; // and stop at the first closing brace we find
char_index = fieldstop + 1; // remember where to continue reading (that is, after the closing brace)
while ((fieldstop > 0) && isspace (pgnfile_data[fieldstop]))
fieldstop--; // chop off any trailing spaces
pgnfile_data[fieldstop] = 0; // break the string at this location
// now copy out the commentary by appending it to the one we know already
if (pgn_comment[0] != 0)
wcscat_s (pgn_comment, WCHAR_SIZEOF (pgn_comment), L" ");
length = wcslen (pgn_comment);
ConvertToWideChar (&pgn_comment[length], WCHAR_SIZEOF (pgn_comment) - length, &pgnfile_data[fieldstart]);
ConvertCRLFsToSingleSpaces (pgn_comment); // linearize string
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it a numeric annotation glyph ?
else if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '$')
nag_code = atoi (&pgnfile_data[char_index + 1]); // read it
// now copy out as a comment
if (pgn_comment[0] != 0)
wcscat_s (pgn_comment, WCHAR_SIZEOF (pgn_comment), L" ");
length = wcslen (pgn_comment);
swprintf_s (&pgn_comment[length], WCHAR_SIZEOF (pgn_comment) - length, L"[NAG: %s]", PGNFile_NAGTextFromCode (nag_code));
while ((char_index < (int) pgnfile_size) && !isspace (pgnfile_data[char_index]))
char_index++; // figure out where it stops
while ((char_index < (int) pgnfile_size) && isspace (pgnfile_data[char_index]))
char_index++; // figure out where the next word starts
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it a variation ? if so, just ignore it (FIXME: better support this)
else if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '(')
variation_depth = 1;
while ((char_index < (int) pgnfile_size) && (variation_depth != 0))
char_index++; // move through file data and cope with nested variations
if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '(') variation_depth++;
else if (pgnfile_data[char_index] == ')') variation_depth--;
char_index++; // skip the closing parenthese
while ((char_index < (int) pgnfile_size) && isspace (pgnfile_data[char_index]))
char_index++; // figure out where the next word starts
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// else is it a game result ?
else if ((strncmp (&pgnfile_data[char_index], "1/2-1/2", 7) == 0)
|| (strncmp (&pgnfile_data[char_index], "1-0", 3) == 0)
|| (strncmp (&pgnfile_data[char_index], "0-1", 3) == 0)
|| (pgnfile_data[char_index] == '*'))
// if there's a move pending, validate it
if ((new_move.source[0] != -1) && (new_move.source[1] != -1) && (new_move.target[0] != -1) && (new_move.target[1] != -1))
Board_AppendMove (board, new_move.source[0], new_move.source[1], new_move.target[0], new_move.target[1], new_move.promotion_type, pgn_comment); // save move
board->has_playerchanged = true; // switch players
new_move.part = PART_NONE;
new_move.source[0] = -1;
new_move.source[1] = -1;
new_move.target[0] = -1;
new_move.target[1] = -1;
new_move.promotion_type = 0;
pgn_comment[0] = 0; // reset comment
break; // we've finished reading the game
// else it must be a move data
// if there's a move pending, validate it
if ((new_move.source[0] != -1) && (new_move.source[1] != -1) && (new_move.target[0] != -1) && (new_move.target[1] != -1))
Board_AppendMove (board, new_move.source[0], new_move.source[1], new_move.target[0], new_move.target[1], new_move.promotion_type, pgn_comment); // save move
board->has_playerchanged = true; // switch players
new_move.part = PART_NONE;
new_move.source[0] = -1;
new_move.source[1] = -1;
new_move.target[0] = -1;
new_move.target[1] = -1;
new_move.promotion_type = 0;
pgn_comment[0] = 0; // reset comment
// convert the move string data to wide char
ConvertToWideChar (new_move.pgntext, WCHAR_SIZEOF (new_move.pgntext), &pgnfile_data[char_index]);
// evaluate the string in Standard Algebraic Notation and find the source, destination, part type and promotion
if (!Move_SetupFromSAN (&board->moves[board->move_count - 1], &new_move, Board_ColorToMove (board)))
PGNFile_GameList_Shutdown (); // free the games list
SAFE_free ((void **) &pgnfile_data); // free the file data space
return (false); // on error, cancel
// find where it stops
while ((char_index < (int) pgnfile_size) && !isspace (pgnfile_data[char_index]))
char_index++; // reach the next space
char_index++; // remember where to continue reading (that is, after the next space)
continue; // and proceed to the next data
// save the players' names
wcscpy_s (board->players[COLOR_WHITE].name, WCHAR_SIZEOF (board->players[COLOR_WHITE].name), game->white_str);
wcscpy_s (board->players[COLOR_BLACK].name, WCHAR_SIZEOF (board->players[COLOR_BLACK].name), game->black_str);
// we loaded the game we want, we no longer need the games array
PGNFile_GameList_Shutdown ();
// we no longer need the file data space, so free it
SAFE_free ((void **) &pgnfile_data);
return (true); // game loaded successfully, return TRUE
bool PGNFile_Save (board_t *board, const wchar_t *pgnfile_pathname)
// this function writes a PGN file in the standard, international Chess format
FILE *fp;
wchar_t machine_name[256];
unsigned long buffer_size;
wchar_t result_string[16];
time_t rawtime;
struct tm timeinfo;
boardmove_t *move;
int move_index;
int char_index;
int length;
int count;
int consecutive_count;
bool needs_newline;
// try to open file for writing
_wfopen_s (&fp, pgnfile_pathname, L"w");
if (fp == NULL)
return (false); // on error, cancel
// get the machine name as an ASCII string
buffer_size = WCHAR_SIZEOF (machine_name);
GetComputerName (machine_name, &buffer_size);
// get the current date and time
time (&rawtime);
localtime_s (&timeinfo, &rawtime);
// build the result string
if ((board->game_state == STATE_WHITEWIN_CHECKMATE) || (board->game_state == STATE_WHITEWIN_RESIGNORFORFEIT))
wcscpy_s (result_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (result_string), L"1-0"); // white won
else if ((board->game_state == STATE_BLACKWIN_CHECKMATE) || (board->game_state == STATE_BLACKWIN_RESIGNORFORFEIT))
wcscpy_s (result_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (result_string), L"0-1"); // black won
else if ((board->game_state == STATE_DRAW_STALEMATE) || (board->game_state == STATE_DRAW_AGREEMENT) || (board->game_state == STATE_DRAW_OTHER))
wcscpy_s (result_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (result_string), L"1/2-1/2"); // game is a draw
wcscpy_s (result_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (result_string), L"*"); // game still in progress
// write the mandatory header parts
fwprintf (fp, L"[Event \"Chess Giants game\"]\n");
fwprintf (fp, L"[Site \"%s\"]\n", machine_name);
fwprintf (fp, L"[Date \"%d.%02d.%02d\"]\n", 1900 + timeinfo.tm_year, 1 + timeinfo.tm_mon, timeinfo.tm_mday);
fwprintf (fp, L"[Round \"1\"]\n");
fwprintf (fp, L"[White \"%s\"]\n", board->players[COLOR_WHITE].name);
fwprintf (fp, L"[Black \"%s\"]\n", board->players[COLOR_BLACK].name);
fwprintf (fp, L"[Result \"%s\"]\n", result_string);
fwprintf (fp, L"[FEN \"%s\"]\n", board->moves[0].fen_string);
fwprintf (fp, L"\n");
// now write the game
consecutive_count = 0;
for (move_index = 1; move_index < board->move_count; move_index++)
// every seven move pairs, drop a carriage return
if (consecutive_count == 14)
fwprintf (fp, L"\n"); // one blank line
consecutive_count = 0;
move = &board->moves[move_index]; // quick access to move
// white to move ?
if (move->color == COLOR_WHITE)
fwprintf (fp, L"%d.", (move_index + 1) / 2); // if so, display double-move number
// dump move data
fwprintf (fp, L"%s ", move->pgntext);
// is there a comment for this move ?
if ((move->comment != NULL) && (move->comment[0] != 0))
fwprintf (fp, L"\n{\n"); // dump an open brace
length = wcslen (move->comment); // get comment length
// for each character in comment text...
needs_newline = false;
count = 0;
for (char_index = 0; char_index < length; char_index++)
// is it a space and do we need a newline ?
if (iswspace (move->comment[char_index]) && needs_newline)
fputwc (L'\n', fp); // dump a newline
needs_newline = false; // we no longer need a newline
count = 0; // reset the number of characters written
// else it's a character
fputwc (move->comment[char_index], fp); // dump it
count++; // we dumped one character more on this line
if (count > 80)
needs_newline = true; // if we need a newline, remember it
fwprintf (fp, L"\n}\n"); // dump an open brace
consecutive_count = 0;
// if it's the last move, dump the game results
if (move_index == board->move_count - 1)
fwprintf (fp, result_string);
fclose (fp); // finished, close the file
return (true); // file saved successfully, return TRUE
static void PGNFile_GameList_Init (int entry_count)
// helper function to initialize the game lists array pointer and the games count
// allocate space for all the games in a row (it's faster than reallocating)
games = (pgngame_t *) SAFE_malloc (entry_count, sizeof (pgngame_t), true);
game_count = entry_count;
return; // finished
static void PGNFile_GameList_Shutdown (void)
// helper function to free the game lists array and reset the games count
SAFE_free ((void **) &games); // free the PGN games array
game_count = 0;
return; // finished
static wchar_t *PGNFile_NAGTextFromCode (int nag_code)
// helper function that returns the NAG (numeric annotation glyph) text that corresponds to a particular code
typedef struct nag_s
int code;
wchar_t *text;
} nag_t;
nag_t nag_codes[] =
{ 1, L"good move" },
{ 2, L"poor move or mistake" },
{ 3, L"very good or brilliant move" },
{ 4, L"very poor move or blunder" },
{ 5, L"speculative or interesting move" },
{ 6, L"questionable or dubious move" },
{ 7, L"forced move (all others lose quickly) or only move" },
{ 8, L"singular move (no reasonable alternatives)" },
{ 9, L"worst move" },
{ 10, L"drawish position or even" },
{ 11, L"equal chances, quiet position" },
{ 12, L"equal chances, active position" },
{ 13, L"unclear position" },
{ 14, L"White has a slight advantage" },
{ 15, L"Black has a slight advantage" },
{ 16, L"White has a moderate advantage" },
{ 17, L"Black has a moderate advantage" },
{ 18, L"White has a decisive advantage" },
{ 19, L"Black has a decisive advantage" },
{ 20, L"White has a crushing advantage (Black should resign)" },
{ 21, L"Black has a crushing advantage (White should resign)" },
{ 22, L"White is in zugzwang" },
{ 23, L"Black is in zugzwang" },
{ 24, L"White has a slight space advantage" },
{ 25, L"Black has a slight space advantage" },
{ 26, L"White has a moderate space advantage" },
{ 27, L"Black has a moderate space advantage" },
{ 28, L"White has a decisive space advantage" },
{ 29, L"Black has a decisive space advantage" },
{ 30, L"White has a slight time (development) advantage" },
{ 31, L"Black has a slight time (development) advantage" },
{ 32, L"White has a moderate time (development) advantage" },
{ 33, L"Black has a moderate time (development) advantage" },
{ 34, L"White has a decisive time (development) advantage" },
{ 35, L"Black has a decisive time (development) advantage" },
{ 36, L"White has the initiative" },
{ 37, L"Black has the initiative" },
{ 38, L"White has a lasting initiative" },
{ 39, L"Black has a lasting initiative" },
{ 40, L"White has the attack" },
{ 41, L"Black has the attack" },
{ 42, L"White has insufficient compensation for material deficit" },
{ 43, L"Black has insufficient compensation for material deficit" },
{ 44, L"White has sufficient compensation for material deficit" },
{ 45, L"Black has sufficient compensation for material deficit" },
{ 46, L"White has more than adequate compensation for material deficit" },
{ 47, L"Black has more than adequate compensation for material deficit" },
{ 48, L"White has a slight center control advantage" },
{ 49, L"Black has a slight center control advantage" },
{ 50, L"White has a moderate center control advantage" },
{ 51, L"Black has a moderate center control advantage" },
{ 52, L"White has a decisive center control advantage" },
{ 53, L"Black has a decisive center control advantage" },
{ 54, L"White has a slight kingside control advantage" },
{ 55, L"Black has a slight kingside control advantage" },
{ 56, L"White has a moderate kingside control advantage" },
{ 57, L"Black has a moderate kingside control advantage" },
{ 58, L"White has a decisive kingside control advantage" },
{ 59, L"Black has a decisive kingside control advantage" },
{ 60, L"White has a slight queenside control advantage" },
{ 61, L"Black has a slight queenside control advantage" },
{ 62, L"White has a moderate queenside control advantage" },
{ 63, L"Black has a moderate queenside control advantage" },
{ 64, L"White has a decisive queenside control advantage" },
{ 65, L"Black has a decisive queenside control advantage" },
{ 66, L"White has a vulnerable first rank" },
{ 67, L"Black has a vulnerable first rank" },
{ 68, L"White has a well protected first rank" },
{ 69, L"Black has a well protected first rank" },
{ 70, L"White has a poorly protected king" },
{ 71, L"Black has a poorly protected king" },
{ 72, L"White has a well protected king" },
{ 73, L"Black has a well protected king" },
{ 74, L"White has a poorly placed king" },
{ 75, L"Black has a poorly placed king" },
{ 76, L"White has a well placed king" },
{ 77, L"Black has a well placed king" },
{ 78, L"White has a very weak pawn structure" },
{ 79, L"Black has a very weak pawn structure" },
{ 80, L"White has a moderately weak pawn structure" },
{ 81, L"Black has a moderately weak pawn structure" },
{ 82, L"White has a moderately strong pawn structure" },
{ 83, L"Black has a moderately strong pawn structure" },
{ 84, L"White has a very strong pawn structure" },
{ 85, L"Black has a very strong pawn structure" },
{ 86, L"White has poor knight placement" },
{ 87, L"Black has poor knight placement" },
{ 88, L"White has good knight placement" },
{ 89, L"Black has good knight placement" },
{ 90, L"White has poor bishop placement" },
{ 91, L"Black has poor bishop placement" },
{ 92, L"White has good bishop placement" },
{ 93, L"Black has good bishop placement" },
{ 94, L"White has poor rook placement" },
{ 95, L"Black has poor rook placement" },
{ 96, L"White has good rook placement" },
{ 97, L"Black has good rook placement" },
{ 98, L"White has poor queen placement" },
{ 99, L"Black has poor queen placement" },
{ 100, L"White has good queen placement" },
{ 101, L"Black has good queen placement" },
{ 102, L"White has poor piece coordination" },
{ 103, L"Black has poor piece coordination" },
{ 104, L"White has good piece coordination" },
{ 105, L"Black has good piece coordination" },
{ 106, L"White has played the opening very poorly" },
{ 107, L"Black has played the opening very poorly" },
{ 108, L"White has played the opening poorly" },
{ 109, L"Black has played the opening poorly" },
{ 110, L"White has played the opening well" },
{ 111, L"Black has played the opening well" },
{ 112, L"White has played the opening very well" },
{ 113, L"Black has played the opening very well" },
{ 114, L"White has played the middlegame very poorly" },
{ 115, L"Black has played the middlegame very poorly" },
{ 116, L"White has played the middlegame poorly" },
{ 117, L"Black has played the middlegame poorly" },
{ 118, L"White has played the middlegame well" },
{ 119, L"Black has played the middlegame well" },
{ 120, L"White has played the middlegame very well" },
{ 121, L"Black has played the middlegame very well" },
{ 122, L"White has played the ending very poorly" },
{ 123, L"Black has played the ending very poorly" },
{ 124, L"White has played the ending poorly" },
{ 125, L"Black has played the ending poorly" },
{ 126, L"White has played the ending well" },
{ 127, L"Black has played the ending well" },
{ 128, L"White has played the ending very well" },
{ 129, L"Black has played the ending very well" },
{ 130, L"White has slight counterplay" },
{ 131, L"Black has slight counterplay" },
{ 132, L"White has moderate counterplay" },
{ 133, L"Black has moderate counterplay" },
{ 134, L"White has decisive counterplay" },
{ 135, L"Black has decisive counterplay" },
{ 136, L"White has moderate time control pressure" },
{ 137, L"Black has moderate time control pressure" },
{ 138, L"White has severe time control pressure" },
{ 139, L"Black has severe time control pressure" }
int nag_index;
// cycle through all known NAGs and return the text that corresponds to the requested code
for (nag_index = 0; nag_index < sizeof (nag_codes) / sizeof (nag_t); nag_index++)
if (nag_codes[nag_index].code == nag_code)
return (nag_codes[nag_index].text); // return the text as soon as we find it
return (L"undocumented code"); // not found, return a placeholder string
static char *sgets (char *destination_line, int max_length, char *source_buffer)
// copy a line from a given string. Kinda like fgets() when you're reading from a string.
// use it like:
// while (blah = sgets (dest, sizeof (dest), blah)) != NULL)
char *pointer;
int char_index;
if (source_buffer[0] == 0)
destination_line[0] = 0;
return (NULL); // if EOS return a NULL pointer
pointer = strchr (source_buffer, '\n'); // get to the first carriage return we can find
// found none ?
if (pointer == NULL)
// if so, copy the line we found
for (char_index = 0; char_index < max_length; char_index++)
destination_line[char_index] = source_buffer[char_index]; // copy the line we found
if (source_buffer[char_index] == 0)
break; // don't copy beyond the end of source
if (char_index == max_length)
destination_line[max_length - 1] = 0; // ensure string is terminated
return (&source_buffer[strlen (source_buffer)]); // and return a pointer to the end of the string
*pointer = 0; // temporarily turn the carriage return to an end of string
for (char_index = 0; char_index < max_length; char_index++)
destination_line[char_index] = source_buffer[char_index]; // copy the line we found
if (source_buffer[char_index] == 0)
break; // don't copy beyond the end of source
destination_line[max_length - 1] = 0; // terminate string
*pointer = '\n'; // put the carriage return back
return (&pointer[1]); // and return next line's source buffer pointer