//=== i386.h - Generic JITLink i386 edge kinds, utilities -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Generic utilities for graphs representing i386 objects.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/TableManager.h"
namespace llvm::jitlink::i386 {
/// Represets i386 fixups
enum EdgeKind_i386 : Edge::Kind {
/// None
None = Edge::FirstRelocation,
/// A plain 32-bit pointer value relocation.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target + Addend : uint32
/// Errors:
/// - The target must reside in the low 32-bits of the address space,
/// otherwise an out-of-range error will be returned.
/// A 32-bit PC-relative relocation.
/// Represents a data/control flow instruction using PC-relative addressing
/// to a target.
/// The fixup expression for this kind includes an implicit offset to account
/// for the PC (unlike the Delta edges) so that a PCRel32 with a target
/// T and addend zero is a call/branch to the start (offset zero) of T.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target - (Fixup + 4) + Addend : int32
/// Errors:
/// - The result of the fixup expression must fit into an int32, otherwise
/// an out-of-range error will be returned.
/// A plain 16-bit pointer value relocation.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target + Addend : uint16
/// Errors:
/// - The target must reside in the low 16-bits of the address space,
/// otherwise an out-of-range error will be returned.
/// A 16-bit PC-relative relocation.
/// Represents a data/control flow instruction using PC-relative addressing
/// to a target.
/// The fixup expression for this kind includes an implicit offset to account
/// for the PC (unlike the Delta edges) so that a PCRel16 with a target
/// T and addend zero is a call/branch to the start (offset zero) of T.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target - (Fixup + 4) + Addend : int16
/// Errors:
/// - The result of the fixup expression must fit into an int16, otherwise
/// an out-of-range error will be returned.
/// A 32-bit delta.
/// Delta from the fixup to the target.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target - Fixup + Addend : int64
/// Errors:
/// - The result of the fixup expression must fit into an int32, otherwise
/// an out-of-range error will be returned.
/// A 32-bit GOT delta.
/// Delta from the global offset table to the target.
/// Fixup expression:
/// Fixup <- Target - GOTSymbol + Addend : int32
/// Errors:
/// - *ASSERTION* Failure to a null pointer GOTSymbol, which the GOT section
/// symbol was not been defined.
/// A GOT entry offset within GOT getter/constructor, transformed to
/// Delta32FromGOT pointing at the GOT entry for the original target.
/// Indicates that this edge should be transformed into a Delta32FromGOT
/// targeting the GOT entry for the edge's current target, maintaining the
/// same addend.
/// A GOT entry for the target should be created if one does not already
/// exist.
/// Edges of this kind are usually handled by a GOT builder pass inserted by
/// default
/// Fixup expression:
/// NONE
/// Errors:
/// - *ASSERTION* Failure to handle edges of this kind prior to the fixup
/// phase will result in an assert/unreachable during the fixup phase
/// Returns a string name for the given i386 edge. For debugging purposes
/// only
const char *getEdgeKindName(Edge::Kind K);
/// Returns true if the given uint32_t value is in range for a uint16_t.
inline bool isInRangeForImmU16(uint32_t Value) {
return Value <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
/// Returns true if the given int32_t value is in range for an int16_t.
inline bool isInRangeForImmS16(int32_t Value) {
return (Value >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() &&
Value <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
/// Apply fixup expression for edge to block content.
inline Error applyFixup(LinkGraph &G, Block &B, const Edge &E,
const Symbol *GOTSymbol) {
using namespace i386;
using namespace llvm::support;
char *BlockWorkingMem = B.getAlreadyMutableContent().data();
char *FixupPtr = BlockWorkingMem + E.getOffset();
auto FixupAddress = B.getAddress() + E.getOffset();
switch (E.getKind()) {
case i386::None: {
case i386::Pointer32: {
uint32_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress().getValue() + E.getAddend();
*(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
case i386::PCRel32: {
int32_t Value =
E.getTarget().getAddress() - (FixupAddress + 4) + E.getAddend();
*(little32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
case i386::Pointer16: {
uint32_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress().getValue() + E.getAddend();
if (LLVM_LIKELY(isInRangeForImmU16(Value)))
*(ulittle16_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
return makeTargetOutOfRangeError(G, B, E);
case i386::PCRel16: {
int32_t Value =
E.getTarget().getAddress() - (FixupAddress + 4) + E.getAddend();
if (LLVM_LIKELY(isInRangeForImmS16(Value)))
*(little16_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
return makeTargetOutOfRangeError(G, B, E);
case i386::Delta32: {
int32_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() - FixupAddress + E.getAddend();
*(little32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
case i386::Delta32FromGOT: {
assert(GOTSymbol && "No GOT section symbol");
int32_t Value =
E.getTarget().getAddress() - GOTSymbol->getAddress() + E.getAddend();
*(little32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
return make_error<JITLinkError>(
"In graph " + G.getName() + ", section " + B.getSection().getName() +
"unsupported edge kind" + getEdgeKindName(E.getKind()));
return Error::success();
/// i386 pointer size.
constexpr uint32_t PointerSize = 4;
/// i386 null pointer content.
extern const char NullPointerContent[PointerSize];
/// Creates a new pointer block in the given section and returns an anonymous
/// symbol pointing to it.
/// If InitialTarget is given then an Pointer32 relocation will be added to the
/// block pointing at InitialTarget.
/// The pointer block will have the following default values:
/// alignment: 32-bit
/// alignment-offset: 0
/// address: highest allowable (~7U)
inline Symbol &createAnonymousPointer(LinkGraph &G, Section &PointerSection,
Symbol *InitialTarget = nullptr,
uint64_t InitialAddend = 0) {
auto &B = G.createContentBlock(PointerSection, NullPointerContent,
orc::ExecutorAddr(), 8, 0);
if (InitialTarget)
B.addEdge(Pointer32, 0, *InitialTarget, InitialAddend);
return G.addAnonymousSymbol(B, 0, PointerSize, false, false);
/// Global Offset Table Builder.
class GOTTableManager : public TableManager<GOTTableManager> {
static StringRef getSectionName() { return "$__GOT"; }
bool visitEdge(LinkGraph &G, Block *B, Edge &E) {
Edge::Kind KindToSet = Edge::Invalid;
switch (E.getKind()) {
case i386::Delta32FromGOT: {
// we need to make sure that the GOT section exists, but don't otherwise
// need to fix up this edge
return false;
case i386::RequestGOTAndTransformToDelta32FromGOT:
KindToSet = i386::Delta32FromGOT;
return false;
assert(KindToSet != Edge::Invalid &&
"Fell through switch, but no new kind to set");
DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("jitlink", {
dbgs() << " Fixing " << G.getEdgeKindName(E.getKind()) << " edge at "
<< B->getFixupAddress(E) << " (" << B->getAddress() << " + "
<< formatv("{0:x}", E.getOffset()) << ")\n";
E.setTarget(getEntryForTarget(G, E.getTarget()));
return true;
Symbol &createEntry(LinkGraph &G, Symbol &Target) {
return createAnonymousPointer(G, getGOTSection(G), &Target);
Section &getGOTSection(LinkGraph &G) {
if (!GOTSection)
GOTSection = &G.createSection(getSectionName(), orc::MemProt::Read);
return *GOTSection;
Section *GOTSection = nullptr;
} // namespace llvm::jitlink::i386