//===--- DependenceFlags.h ------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Basic/BitmaskEnum.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace clang {
struct ExprDependenceScope {
enum ExprDependence : uint8_t {
UnexpandedPack = 1,
// This expr depends in any way on
// - a template parameter, it implies that the resolution of this expr may
// cause instantiation to fail
// - or an error (often in a non-template context)
// Note that C++ standard doesn't define the instantiation-dependent term,
// we follow the formal definition coming from the Itanium C++ ABI, and
// extend it to errors.
Instantiation = 2,
// The type of this expr depends on a template parameter, or an error.
Type = 4,
// The value of this expr depends on a template parameter, or an error.
Value = 8,
// clang extension: this expr contains or references an error, and is
// considered dependent on how that error is resolved.
Error = 16,
None = 0,
All = 31,
TypeValue = Type | Value,
TypeInstantiation = Type | Instantiation,
ValueInstantiation = Value | Instantiation,
TypeValueInstantiation = Type | Value | Instantiation,
ErrorDependent = Error | ValueInstantiation,
using ExprDependence = ExprDependenceScope::ExprDependence;
struct TypeDependenceScope {
enum TypeDependence : uint8_t {
/// Whether this type contains an unexpanded parameter pack
/// (for C++11 variadic templates)
UnexpandedPack = 1,
/// Whether this type somehow involves
/// - a template parameter, even if the resolution of the type does not
/// depend on a template parameter.
/// - or an error.
Instantiation = 2,
/// Whether this type
/// - is a dependent type (C++ [temp.dep.type])
/// - or it somehow involves an error, e.g. decltype(recovery-expr)
Dependent = 4,
/// Whether this type is a variably-modified type (C99 6.7.5).
VariablyModified = 8,
/// Whether this type references an error, e.g. decltype(err-expression)
/// yields an error type.
Error = 16,
None = 0,
All = 31,
DependentInstantiation = Dependent | Instantiation,
using TypeDependence = TypeDependenceScope::TypeDependence;
struct NAME##Scope { \
enum NAME : uint8_t { \
UnexpandedPack = 1, \
Instantiation = 2, \
Dependent = 4, \
Error = 8, \
None = 0, \
DependentInstantiation = Dependent | Instantiation, \
All = 15, \
LLVM_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/*LargestValue=*/Error) \
}; \
}; \
using NAME = NAME##Scope::NAME;
// A combined space of all dependence concepts for all node types.
// Used when aggregating dependence of nodes of different types.
class Dependence {
enum Bits : uint8_t {
None = 0,
// Contains a template parameter pack that wasn't expanded.
UnexpandedPack = 1,
// Depends on a template parameter or an error in some way.
// Validity depends on how the template is instantiated or the error is
// resolved.
Instantiation = 2,
// Expression type depends on template context, or an error.
// Value and Instantiation should also be set.
Type = 4,
// Expression value depends on template context, or an error.
// Instantiation should also be set.
Value = 8,
// Depends on template context, or an error.
// The type/value distinction is only meaningful for expressions.
Dependent = Type | Value,
// Includes an error, and depends on how it is resolved.
Error = 16,
// Type depends on a runtime value (variable-length array).
VariablyModified = 32,
// Dependence that is propagated syntactically, regardless of semantics.
Syntactic = UnexpandedPack | Instantiation | Error,
// Dependence that is propagated semantically, even in cases where the
// type doesn't syntactically appear. This currently excludes only
// UnexpandedPack. Even though Instantiation dependence is also notionally
// syntactic, we also want to propagate it semantically because anything
// that semantically depends on an instantiation-dependent entity should
// always be instantiated when that instantiation-dependent entity is.
Semantic =
Instantiation | Type | Value | Dependent | Error | VariablyModified,
Dependence() : V(None) {}
Dependence(TypeDependence D)
: V(translate(D, TypeDependence::UnexpandedPack, UnexpandedPack) |
translate(D, TypeDependence::Instantiation, Instantiation) |
translate(D, TypeDependence::Dependent, Dependent) |
translate(D, TypeDependence::Error, Error) |
translate(D, TypeDependence::VariablyModified, VariablyModified)) {}
Dependence(ExprDependence D)
: V(translate(D, ExprDependence::UnexpandedPack, UnexpandedPack) |
translate(D, ExprDependence::Instantiation, Instantiation) |
translate(D, ExprDependence::Type, Type) |
translate(D, ExprDependence::Value, Value) |
translate(D, ExprDependence::Error, Error)) {}
Dependence(NestedNameSpecifierDependence D) :
V ( translate(D, NNSDependence::UnexpandedPack, UnexpandedPack) |
translate(D, NNSDependence::Instantiation, Instantiation) |
translate(D, NNSDependence::Dependent, Dependent) |
translate(D, NNSDependence::Error, Error)) {}
Dependence(TemplateArgumentDependence D)
: V(translate(D, TADependence::UnexpandedPack, UnexpandedPack) |
translate(D, TADependence::Instantiation, Instantiation) |
translate(D, TADependence::Dependent, Dependent) |
translate(D, TADependence::Error, Error)) {}
Dependence(TemplateNameDependence D)
: V(translate(D, TNDependence::UnexpandedPack, UnexpandedPack) |
translate(D, TNDependence::Instantiation, Instantiation) |
translate(D, TNDependence::Dependent, Dependent) |
translate(D, TNDependence::Error, Error)) {}
/// Extract only the syntactic portions of this type's dependence.
Dependence syntactic() {
Dependence Result = *this;
Result.V &= Syntactic;
return Result;
/// Extract the semantic portions of this type's dependence that apply even
/// to uses where the type does not appear syntactically.
Dependence semantic() {
Dependence Result = *this;
Result.V &= Semantic;
return Result;
TypeDependence type() const {
return translate(V, UnexpandedPack, TypeDependence::UnexpandedPack) |
translate(V, Instantiation, TypeDependence::Instantiation) |
translate(V, Dependent, TypeDependence::Dependent) |
translate(V, Error, TypeDependence::Error) |
translate(V, VariablyModified, TypeDependence::VariablyModified);
ExprDependence expr() const {
return translate(V, UnexpandedPack, ExprDependence::UnexpandedPack) |
translate(V, Instantiation, ExprDependence::Instantiation) |
translate(V, Type, ExprDependence::Type) |
translate(V, Value, ExprDependence::Value) |
translate(V, Error, ExprDependence::Error);
NestedNameSpecifierDependence nestedNameSpecifier() const {
return translate(V, UnexpandedPack, NNSDependence::UnexpandedPack) |
translate(V, Instantiation, NNSDependence::Instantiation) |
translate(V, Dependent, NNSDependence::Dependent) |
translate(V, Error, NNSDependence::Error);
TemplateArgumentDependence templateArgument() const {
return translate(V, UnexpandedPack, TADependence::UnexpandedPack) |
translate(V, Instantiation, TADependence::Instantiation) |
translate(V, Dependent, TADependence::Dependent) |
translate(V, Error, TADependence::Error);
TemplateNameDependence templateName() const {
return translate(V, UnexpandedPack, TNDependence::UnexpandedPack) |
translate(V, Instantiation, TNDependence::Instantiation) |
translate(V, Dependent, TNDependence::Dependent) |
translate(V, Error, TNDependence::Error);
Bits V;
template <typename T, typename U>
static U translate(T Bits, T FromBit, U ToBit) {
return (Bits & FromBit) ? ToBit : static_cast<U>(0);
// Abbreviations to make conversions more readable.
using NNSDependence = NestedNameSpecifierDependence;
using TADependence = TemplateArgumentDependence;
using TNDependence = TemplateNameDependence;
/// Computes dependencies of a reference with the name having template arguments
/// with \p TA dependencies.
inline ExprDependence toExprDependence(TemplateArgumentDependence TA) {
return Dependence(TA).expr();
inline ExprDependence toExprDependenceForImpliedType(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).semantic().expr();
inline ExprDependence toExprDependenceAsWritten(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).expr();
// Note: it's often necessary to strip `Dependent` from qualifiers.
// If V<T>:: refers to the current instantiation, NNS is considered dependent
// but the containing V<T>::foo likely isn't.
inline ExprDependence toExprDependence(NestedNameSpecifierDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).expr();
inline ExprDependence turnTypeToValueDependence(ExprDependence D) {
// Type-dependent expressions are always be value-dependent, so we simply drop
// type dependency.
return D & ~ExprDependence::Type;
inline ExprDependence turnValueToTypeDependence(ExprDependence D) {
// Type-dependent expressions are always be value-dependent.
if (D & ExprDependence::Value)
D |= ExprDependence::Type;
return D;
// Returned type-dependence will never have VariablyModified set.
inline TypeDependence toTypeDependence(ExprDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).type();
inline TypeDependence toTypeDependence(NestedNameSpecifierDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).type();
inline TypeDependence toTypeDependence(TemplateNameDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).type();
inline TypeDependence toTypeDependence(TemplateArgumentDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).type();
inline TypeDependence toSyntacticDependence(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).syntactic().type();
inline TypeDependence toSemanticDependence(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).semantic().type();
inline NestedNameSpecifierDependence
toNestedNameSpecifierDependendence(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).nestedNameSpecifier();
inline TemplateArgumentDependence
toTemplateArgumentDependence(TypeDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).templateArgument();
inline TemplateArgumentDependence
toTemplateArgumentDependence(TemplateNameDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).templateArgument();
inline TemplateArgumentDependence
toTemplateArgumentDependence(ExprDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).templateArgument();
inline TemplateNameDependence
toTemplateNameDependence(NestedNameSpecifierDependence D) {
return Dependence(D).templateName();
} // namespace clang