libsmacker - A C library for decoding .smk Smacker Video files
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Greg Kennedy
See smacker.h for more information.
Implementation of Smacker Huffman coding trees.
#include "smk_hufftree.h"
/* malloc and friends */
#include "smk_malloc.h"
8-bit Tree node structure.
If b0 is non-null, this is a branch, and b1 from the union should be used.
If b0 is null, this is a leaf, and val / escape code from union should be used.
struct smk_huff8_t
struct smk_huff8_t* b0;
struct smk_huff8_t* b1;
unsigned short value;
unsigned char escapecode;
} leaf;
} u;
16-bit Tree root struct: holds a huff8_t structure,
as well as a cache of three 16-bit values.
struct smk_huff16_t
struct smk_huff8_t* t;
unsigned short cache[3];
/*********************** 8-BIT HUFF-TREE FUNCTIONS ***********************/
/** safe build with built-in error jump */
#define smk_huff8_build_rec(bs,p) \
{ \
if (!(p = _smk_huff8_build_rec(bs))) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, "libsmacker::smk_huff8_build_rec(" #bs ", " #p ") - ERROR (file: %s, line: %lu)\n", __FILE__, (unsigned long)__LINE__); \
goto error; \
} \
/** Recursive tree-building function. */
static struct smk_huff8_t* _smk_huff8_build_rec(struct smk_bit_t* bs)
struct smk_huff8_t* ret = NULL;
char bit;
/* sanity check - removed: bs cannot be null, because it was checked at smk_huff8_build below */
/* smk_assert(bs); */
/* Read the bit */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
/* Malloc a structure. */
smk_malloc(ret, sizeof(struct smk_huff8_t));
if (bit)
/* Bit set: this forms a Branch node. */
/* Recursively attempt to build the Left branch. */
smk_huff8_build_rec(bs, ret->b0);
/* Everything is still OK: attempt to build the Right branch. */
smk_huff8_build_rec(bs, ret->u.b1);
/* return branch pointer here */
return ret;
/* Bit unset signifies a Leaf node. */
/* Attempt to read value */
smk_bs_read_8(bs, ret->u.leaf.value);
/* smk_malloc sets entries to 0 by default */
/* ret->b0 = NULL; */
ret->u.leaf.escapecode = 0xFF;
return ret;
/* In case of error, undo the subtree we were building, and return NULL. */
return NULL;
/* Look up an 8-bit value from a basic huff tree.
Return -1 on error. */
short _smk_huff8_lookup(struct smk_bit_t* bs, const struct smk_huff8_t* t)
char bit;
/* sanity check */
if (!t->b0)
/* Reached a Leaf node. Return its value. */
return t->u.leaf.value;
/* Read the next bit from bitstream to determine path */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (bit)
/* get_bit returned Set, follow Right branch. */
return _smk_huff8_lookup(bs, t->u.b1);
/* follow Left branch */
return _smk_huff8_lookup(bs, t->b0);
return -1;
Entry point for huff8 build. Basically just checks the start/end tags
and calls smk_huff8_build_rec recursive function.
struct smk_huff8_t* _smk_huff8_build(struct smk_bit_t* bs)
struct smk_huff8_t* ret = NULL;
char bit;
/* sanity check */
/* Smacker huff trees begin with a set-bit. */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (!bit)
/* Got a bit, but it was not 1. In theory, there could be a smk file
without this particular tree. */
fputs("libsmacker::_smk_huff8_build(bs) - Warning: initial get_bit returned 0\n", stderr
goto error;
/* Begin parsing the tree data. */
smk_huff8_build_rec(bs, ret);
/* huff trees end with an unset-bit */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (bit)
fputs("libsmacker::_smk_huff8_build(bs) - ERROR: final get_bit returned 1\n", stderr
goto error;
return ret;
return NULL;
/* function to recursively delete a huffman tree */
void smk_huff8_free(struct smk_huff8_t* t)
/* Sanity check: do not double-free */
/* If this is not a leaf node, free child trees first */
if (t->b0)
/* Safe-delete tree node. */
error: ;
/*********************** 16-BIT HUFF-TREE FUNCTIONS ***********************/
/* safe bigtree build with built-in error jump */
#define smk_huff16_build_rec(bs,cache,low8,hi8,p) \
{ \
if (!(p = _smk_huff16_build_rec(bs, cache, low8, hi8))) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, "libsmacker::smk_huff16_build_rec(" #bs ", " #cache ", " #low8 ", " #hi8 ", " #p ") - ERROR (file: %s, line: %lu)\n", __FILE__, (unsigned long)__LINE__); \
goto error; \
} \
/* Recursively builds a Big tree. */
static struct smk_huff8_t* _smk_huff16_build_rec(struct smk_bit_t* bs, const unsigned short cache[3], const struct smk_huff8_t* low8, const struct smk_huff8_t* hi8)
struct smk_huff8_t* ret = NULL;
char bit;
short lowval;
/* sanity check - removed: these cannot be null, because they were checked at smk_huff16_build below */
/* smk_assert(bs);
smk_assert(hi8); */
/* Get the first bit */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
/* Malloc a structure. */
smk_malloc(ret, sizeof(struct smk_huff8_t));
if (bit)
/* Recursively attempt to build the Left branch. */
smk_huff16_build_rec(bs, cache, low8, hi8, ret->b0);
/* Recursively attempt to build the Left branch. */
smk_huff16_build_rec(bs, cache, low8, hi8, ret->u.b1);
/* return branch pointer here */
return ret;
/* Bit unset signifies a Leaf node. */
smk_huff8_lookup(bs, low8, lowval);
smk_huff8_lookup(bs, hi8, ret->u.leaf.value);
/* Looks OK: we got low and hi values. Return a new LEAF */
/* ret->b0 = NULL; */
ret->u.leaf.value = lowval | (ret->u.leaf.value << 8);
/* Last: when building the tree, some Values may correspond to cache positions.
Identify these values and set the Escape code byte accordingly. */
if (ret->u.leaf.value == cache[0])
ret->u.leaf.escapecode = 0;
else if (ret->u.leaf.value == cache[1])
ret->u.leaf.escapecode = 1;
else if (ret->u.leaf.value == cache[2])
ret->u.leaf.escapecode = 2;
ret->u.leaf.escapecode = 0xFF;
return ret;
return NULL;
/* Entry point for building a big 16-bit tree. */
struct smk_huff16_t* _smk_huff16_build(struct smk_bit_t* bs)
struct smk_huff16_t* big = NULL;
struct smk_huff8_t* low8 = NULL;
struct smk_huff8_t* hi8 = NULL;
short lowval;
char bit;
unsigned char i;
/* sanity check */
/* Smacker huff trees begin with a set-bit. */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (!bit)
fputs("libsmacker::smk_huff16_build(bs) - ERROR: initial get_bit returned 0\n", stderr
goto error;
/* build low-8-bits tree */
smk_huff8_build(bs, low8);
/* build hi-8-bits tree */
smk_huff8_build(bs, hi8);
/* Everything looks OK so far. Time to malloc structure. */
smk_malloc(big, sizeof(struct smk_huff16_t));
/* Init the escape code cache. */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
smk_bs_read_8(bs, lowval);
smk_bs_read_8(bs, big->cache[i]);
big->cache[i] = lowval | (big->cache[i] << 8);
/* Finally, call recursive function to retrieve the Bigtree. */
smk_huff16_build_rec(bs, big->cache, low8, hi8, big->t);
/* Done with 8-bit hufftrees, free them. */
/* Check final end tag. */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (bit)
fputs("libsmacker::smk_huff16_build(bs) - ERROR: final get_bit returned 1\n", stderr
goto error;
return big;
return NULL;
static int _smk_huff16_lookup_rec(struct smk_bit_t* bs, unsigned short cache[3], const struct smk_huff8_t* t)
unsigned short val;
char bit;
/* sanity check */
/* smk_assert(bs);
smk_assert(t); */
/* Reached a Leaf node */
if (!t->b0)
if (t->u.leaf.escapecode != 0xFF)
/* Found escape code. Retrieve value from Cache. */
val = cache[t->u.leaf.escapecode];
/* Use value directly. */
val = t->u.leaf.value;
if (cache[0] != val)
/* Update the cache, by moving val to the front of the queue,
if it isn't already there. */
cache[2] = cache[1];
cache[1] = cache[0];
cache[0] = val;
return val;
/* Read the next bit from bitstream to determine path */
smk_bs_read_1(bs, bit);
if (bit)
/* get_bit returned Set, follow Right branch. */
return _smk_huff16_lookup_rec(bs, cache, t->u.b1);
return _smk_huff16_lookup_rec(bs, cache, t->b0);
return -1;
/* Convenience call-out for recursive bigtree lookup function */
long _smk_huff16_lookup(struct smk_bit_t* bs, struct smk_huff16_t* big)
/* sanity check */
return _smk_huff16_lookup_rec(bs, big->cache, big->t);
return -1;
/* Resets a Big hufftree cache */
void smk_huff16_reset(struct smk_huff16_t* big)
/* sanity check */
big->cache[0] = 0;
big->cache[1] = 0;
big->cache[2] = 0;
error: ;
/* delete a (big) huffman tree */
void smk_huff16_free(struct smk_huff16_t* big)
/* Sanity check: do not double-free */
/* free the subtree */
if (big->t)
/* free the bigtree */
error: ;