// interlocutor.cpp
#include "common.h"
// global variables used in this module only
static const wchar_t rtf_header[] = L"{\\rtf1\\ansi"
L"{\\fonttbl\\f0\\f{Comic Sans MS};}"
static wchar_t text_buffer[1024 * 1024];
void Interlocutors_Init (void)
// this function resets the interlocutors array, preparing it for a new use
interlocutors = NULL; // reset the array pointer
interlocutor_count = 0; // and set the element count to zero
return; // that's all there is
void Interlocutors_Shutdown (void)
// this function empties the interlocutors array, closing windows and freeing allocated resources
int interlocutor_index;
// for each player card we know...
for (interlocutor_index = 0; interlocutor_index < interlocutor_count; interlocutor_index++)
if (IsWindow (interlocutors[interlocutor_index].hWnd))
DestroyWindow (interlocutors[interlocutor_index].hWnd); // destroy any eventual opened chat window
SAFE_free ((void **) &interlocutors[interlocutor_index].dialogtext); // free the interlocutor's dialog text buffer
interlocutors[interlocutor_index].dialogtext_size = 0; // and reset this buffer's size
SAFE_free ((void **) &interlocutors); // free the chat interlocutors array
interlocutor_count = 0; // and reset the interlocutors count
return; // finished
interlocutor_t *Interlocutor_FindOrCreate (const wchar_t *nickname)
// this function returns a pointer to the interlocutor whose nickname is specified,
// creating a new slot for him in the interlocutors array if he can't be found.
interlocutor_t *interlocutor;
int interlocutor_index;
// see if we already know this interlocutor, loop through all of them...
for (interlocutor_index = 0; interlocutor_index < interlocutor_count; interlocutor_index++)
if (_wcsicmp (nickname, interlocutors[interlocutor_index].nickname) == 0)
break; // break as soon as we find it
// have we found it ?
if (interlocutor_index < interlocutor_count)
// get a quick access to interlocutor
interlocutor = &interlocutors[interlocutor_index];
// is this interlocutor NO LONGER active ?
if (!interlocutor->is_active)
interlocutor->hWnd = NULL; // reset some values for this interlocutor
interlocutor->current_displaypicture = 0;
interlocutor->is_active = true; // remember it's becoming active again
Window_Chat (interlocutor_index); // his chat window has been closen, so fire it up again
// does the chat window exist AND is it currently NOT the foreground window ?
if (IsWindow (interlocutor->hWnd) && (GetForegroundWindow () != interlocutor->hWnd))
interlocutor->update_dialog = true; // update this interlocutor's window
ShowWindow (interlocutor->hWnd, SW_RESTORE); // restore it from the taskbar
SetForegroundWindow (interlocutor->hWnd); // bring the window to front if necessary
// else we haven't found it
// so resize our interlocutors array and add this interlocutor to it
interlocutors = (interlocutor_t *) SAFE_realloc (interlocutors, interlocutor_count, interlocutor_count + 1, sizeof (interlocutor_t), false);
interlocutor_count++; // we know now one interlocutor more
// get a quick access to interlocutor. Only do it after the realloc, as the array may have moved.
interlocutor = &interlocutors[interlocutor_index];
// reset some values for this new interlocutor
wcscpy_s (interlocutor->nickname, WCHAR_SIZEOF (interlocutor->nickname), nickname); // save nickname
interlocutor->hWnd = NULL;
interlocutor->dialogtext = NULL; // no dialog text yet
interlocutor->dialogtext_size = 0;
interlocutor->current_displaypicture = 0;
interlocutor->is_active = true;
// and fire up the new chat window
Window_Chat (interlocutor_index);
return (interlocutor); // return pointer to interlocutor
interlocutor_t *Interlocutor_FindByWindowHandle (HWND window_handle)
// this function returns a pointer to the interlocutor whose chat window handle
// matches the one specified. If no such chat window exists, NULL is returned.
int interlocutor_index;
// cycle through all interlocutors and find the one we want...
for (interlocutor_index = 0; interlocutor_index < interlocutor_count; interlocutor_index++)
if (interlocutors[interlocutor_index].hWnd == window_handle)
return (&interlocutors[interlocutor_index]); // found it, return its pointer
return (NULL); // we couldn't find that interlocutor, return FALSE
void Interlocutor_Chat (interlocutor_t *interlocutor, const wchar_t *sender, bool is_localsender, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
// helper function to quickly add an entry to an interlocutor's RTF chat window
// {\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard
// This is some {\b bold} text.\par
// }
// NOTE: color table indices are 1-based
static const wchar_t rtf_template[] = L"{\\cf%d\\b %s}\\par\n"
L" %s\\par\n"
static const int template_length = WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_template) - 6 - 2; // don't take in account closing brace, it's counted in the header
va_list argptr;
int sender_length;
int text_length;
int smiley_index;
smiley_t *smiley;
wchar_t *smiley_text;
wchar_t *after_smiley;
// if dialog is just starting, we need to insert a RTF header
if (interlocutor->dialogtext == NULL)
interlocutor->dialogtext = (wchar_t *) SAFE_malloc (WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header), sizeof (wchar_t), false); // allocate space for it
wcscpy_s (interlocutor->dialogtext, WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header), rtf_header); // copy RTF header
interlocutor->dialogtext_size = WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header); // save RTF header length
// concatenate all the arguments in one string, but have a space before and after it
wcscpy_s (text_buffer, WCHAR_SIZEOF (text_buffer), L" ");
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vswprintf_s (&text_buffer[1], WCHAR_SIZEOF (text_buffer), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
wcscat_s (text_buffer, WCHAR_SIZEOF (text_buffer), L" ");
// as long as there are smilies in this text, replace them with their equivalent data
for (smiley_index = 0; smiley_index < smiley_count; smiley_index++)
smiley = &smilies[smiley_index]; // quick access to smiley
while ((smiley_text = wcsistr (text_buffer, smiley->name)) != NULL)
after_smiley = smiley_text + wcslen (smiley->name);
memmove (smiley_text + smiley->rtf_len, after_smiley, (wcslen (after_smiley) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
memcpy (smiley_text, smiley->rtf_data, smiley->rtf_len * sizeof (wchar_t));
// get sender and text lengths
sender_length = wcslen (sender);
text_length = wcslen (text_buffer);
// resize the chat text buffer
interlocutor->dialogtext = (wchar_t *) SAFE_realloc (interlocutor->dialogtext,
interlocutor->dialogtext_size + template_length + 1 + sender_length + text_length,
sizeof (wchar_t), false);
// append the message to the chat text and save the new text length (overwrite the closing brace)
swprintf_s (&interlocutor->dialogtext[wcslen (interlocutor->dialogtext) - 2],
template_length + 1 + sender_length + text_length + 2 + 1, // +1 for null terminator
rtf_template, (is_localsender ? 2 : 1), sender, text_buffer);
interlocutor->dialogtext_size += template_length + 1 + sender_length + text_length; // save new string length
// and tell our chat window there's a new message to display
interlocutor->update_dialog = true;
return; // finished
void Interlocutor_Notify (interlocutor_t *interlocutor, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
// helper function to quickly add an entry to an interlocutor's RTF chat window
// {\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard
// This is some {\b bold} text.\par
// }
// NOTE: color table indices are 1-based
static const wchar_t rtf_template[] = L"{\\cf4\\fs16\\i %s}\\par\n"
static const int template_length = WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_template) - 2 - 2; // don't take in account closing brace, it's counted in the header
va_list argptr;
int text_length;
// if dialog is just starting, we need to insert a RTF header
if (interlocutor->dialogtext == NULL)
interlocutor->dialogtext = (wchar_t *) SAFE_malloc (WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header), sizeof (wchar_t), false); // allocate space for it
wcscpy_s (interlocutor->dialogtext, WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header), rtf_header); // copy RTF header
interlocutor->dialogtext_size = WCHAR_SIZEOF (rtf_header); // save RTF header length
// concatenate all the arguments in one string
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vswprintf_s (text_buffer, WCHAR_SIZEOF (text_buffer), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
// get text length
text_length = wcslen (text_buffer);
// resize the chat text buffer
interlocutor->dialogtext = (wchar_t *) SAFE_realloc (interlocutor->dialogtext,
interlocutor->dialogtext_size + template_length + text_length,
sizeof (wchar_t), false);
// append the message to the chat text and save the new text length (overwrite the closing brace)
swprintf_s (&interlocutor->dialogtext[wcslen (interlocutor->dialogtext) - 2],
template_length + text_length + 2 + 1, // +1 for null terminator
rtf_template, text_buffer);
interlocutor->dialogtext_size += template_length + text_length; // save new string length
// and tell our chat window there's a new message to display
interlocutor->update_dialog = true;
return; // finished