Texel - A UCI chess engine.
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* textio.cpp
* Created on: Feb 25, 2012
* Author: petero
#include "textio.hpp"
#include "moveGen.hpp"
#include <cassert>
const std::string TextIO::startPosFEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
TextIO::readFEN(const std::string& fen) {
Position pos;
// Piece placement
int row = 7;
int col = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < fen.length(); i++) {
char c = fen[i];
if (c == ' ')
switch (c) {
case '1': col += 1; break;
case '2': col += 2; break;
case '3': col += 3; break;
case '4': col += 4; break;
case '5': col += 5; break;
case '6': col += 6; break;
case '7': col += 7; break;
case '8': col += 8; break;
case '/':
row--; col = 0;
if (row < 0) throw ChessParseError("Too many rows");
case 'P': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WPAWN); col++; break;
case 'N': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WKNIGHT); col++; break;
case 'B': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WBISHOP); col++; break;
case 'R': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WROOK); col++; break;
case 'Q': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WQUEEN); col++; break;
case 'K': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::WKING); col++; break;
case 'p': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BPAWN); col++; break;
case 'n': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BKNIGHT); col++; break;
case 'b': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BBISHOP); col++; break;
case 'r': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BROOK); col++; break;
case 'q': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BQUEEN); col++; break;
case 'k': safeSetPiece(pos, col, row, Piece::BKING); col++; break;
default: throw ChessParseError("Invalid piece");
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] == ' ')
if (i >= fen.length())
throw ChessParseError("Invalid side");
pos.setWhiteMove(fen[i++] == 'w');
// Castling rights
int castleMask = 0;
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] == ' ')
for ( ; i < fen.length(); i++) {
char c = fen[i];
if (c == ' ')
switch (c) {
case 'K': castleMask |= (1 << Position::H1_CASTLE); break;
case 'Q': castleMask |= (1 << Position::A1_CASTLE); break;
case 'k': castleMask |= (1 << Position::H8_CASTLE); break;
case 'q': castleMask |= (1 << Position::A8_CASTLE); break;
case '-': break;
default: throw ChessParseError("Invalid castling flags");
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] == ' ')
if (i < fen.length()) {
// En passant target square
if (fen[i] != '-') {
if (i >= fen.length() - 1)
throw ChessParseError("Invalid en passant square");
pos.setEpSquare(getSquare(fen.substr(i, 2)));
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] != ' ')
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] == ' ')
if (i < fen.length()) {
int i0 = i;
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] != ' ')
int halfMoveClock;
if (str2Num(fen.substr(i0, i - i0), halfMoveClock))
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] == ' ')
if (i < fen.length()) {
int i0 = i;
while (i < fen.length() && fen[i] != ' ')
int fullMoveCounter;
if (str2Num(fen.substr(i0, i - i0), fullMoveCounter))
// Each side must have exactly one king
int wKings = 0;
int bKings = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
int p = pos.getPiece(Position::getSquare(x, y));
if (p == Piece::WKING)
else if (p == Piece::BKING)
if (wKings != 1)
throw ChessParseError("White must have exactly one king");
if (bKings != 1)
throw ChessParseError("Black must have exactly one king");
// Make sure king can not be captured
Position pos2(pos);
if (MoveGen::inCheck(pos2))
throw ChessParseError("King capture possible");
return pos;
TextIO::fixupEPSquare(Position& pos) {
int epSquare = pos.getEpSquare();
if (epSquare >= 0) {
MoveList moves;
MoveGen::pseudoLegalMoves(pos, moves);
MoveGen::removeIllegal(pos, moves);
bool epValid = false;
for (int mi = 0; mi < moves.size; mi++) {
const Move& m = moves[mi];
if (m.to() == epSquare) {
if (pos.getPiece(m.from()) == (pos.isWhiteMove() ? Piece::WPAWN : Piece::BPAWN)) {
epValid = true;
if (!epValid)
TextIO::toFEN(const Position& pos) {
std::string ret;
// Piece placement
for (int r = 7; r >=0; r--) {
int numEmpty = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
int p = pos.getPiece(Position::getSquare(c, r));
if (p == Piece::EMPTY) {
} else {
if (numEmpty > 0) {
ret += (char)('0' + numEmpty);
numEmpty = 0;
switch (p) {
case Piece::WKING: ret += 'K'; break;
case Piece::WQUEEN: ret += 'Q'; break;
case Piece::WROOK: ret += 'R'; break;
case Piece::WBISHOP: ret += 'B'; break;
case Piece::WKNIGHT: ret += 'N'; break;
case Piece::WPAWN: ret += 'P'; break;
case Piece::BKING: ret += 'k'; break;
case Piece::BQUEEN: ret += 'q'; break;
case Piece::BROOK: ret += 'r'; break;
case Piece::BBISHOP: ret += 'b'; break;
case Piece::BKNIGHT: ret += 'n'; break;
case Piece::BPAWN: ret += 'p'; break;
default: assert(false); break;
if (numEmpty > 0)
ret += (char)('0' + numEmpty);
if (r > 0)
ret += '/';
ret += (pos.isWhiteMove() ? " w " : " b ");
// Castling rights
bool anyCastle = false;
if (pos.h1Castle()) {
ret += 'K';
anyCastle = true;
if (pos.a1Castle()) {
ret += 'Q';
anyCastle = true;
if (pos.h8Castle()) {
ret += 'k';
anyCastle = true;
if (pos.a8Castle()) {
ret += 'q';
anyCastle = true;
if (!anyCastle) {
ret += '-';
// En passant target square
ret += ' ';
if (pos.getEpSquare() >= 0) {
int x = Position::getX(pos.getEpSquare());
int y = Position::getY(pos.getEpSquare());
ret += ((char)(x + 'a'));
ret += ((char)(y + '1'));
} else {
ret += '-';
// Move counters
ret += ' ';
ret += num2Str(pos.getHalfMoveClock());
ret += ' ';
ret += num2Str(pos.getFullMoveCounter());
return ret;
TextIO::moveToUCIString(const Move& m) {
std::string ret = squareToString(m.from());
ret += squareToString(m.to());
switch (m.promoteTo()) {
case Piece::WQUEEN:
case Piece::BQUEEN:
ret += "q";
case Piece::WROOK:
case Piece::BROOK:
ret += "r";
case Piece::WBISHOP:
case Piece::BBISHOP:
ret += "b";
case Piece::WKNIGHT:
case Piece::BKNIGHT:
ret += "n";
return ret;
TextIO::uciStringToMove(const std::string& move) {
Move m;
if ((move.length() < 4) || (move.length() > 5))
return m;
int fromSq = TextIO::getSquare(move.substr(0, 2));
int toSq = TextIO::getSquare(move.substr(2, 2));
if ((fromSq < 0) || (toSq < 0)) {
return m;
char prom = ' ';
bool white = true;
if (move.length() == 5) {
prom = move[4];
if (Position::getY(toSq) == 7) {
white = true;
} else if (Position::getY(toSq) == 0) {
white = false;
} else {
return m;
int promoteTo;
switch (prom) {
case ' ':
promoteTo = Piece::EMPTY;
case 'q':
promoteTo = white ? Piece::WQUEEN : Piece::BQUEEN;
case 'r':
promoteTo = white ? Piece::WROOK : Piece::BROOK;
case 'b':
promoteTo = white ? Piece::WBISHOP : Piece::BBISHOP;
case 'n':
promoteTo = white ? Piece::WKNIGHT : Piece::BKNIGHT;
return m;
return Move(fromSq, toSq, promoteTo);
static bool
isCapture(const Position& pos, const Move& move) {
if (pos.getPiece(move.to()) != Piece::EMPTY)
return true;
int p = pos.getPiece(move.from());
return (p == (pos.isWhiteMove() ? Piece::WPAWN : Piece::BPAWN)) &&
(move.to() == pos.getEpSquare());
static std::string
pieceToChar(int p) {
switch (p) {
case Piece::WQUEEN: case Piece::BQUEEN: return "Q";
case Piece::WROOK: case Piece::BROOK: return "R";
case Piece::WBISHOP: case Piece::BBISHOP: return "B";
case Piece::WKNIGHT: case Piece::BKNIGHT: return "N";
case Piece::WKING: case Piece::BKING: return "K";
return "";
static std::string
moveToString(Position& pos, const Move& move, bool longForm, const MoveList& moves) {
std::string ret;
int wKingOrigPos = Position::getSquare(4, 0);
int bKingOrigPos = Position::getSquare(4, 7);
if (move.from() == wKingOrigPos && pos.getPiece(wKingOrigPos) == Piece::WKING) {
// Check white castle
if (move.to() == Position::getSquare(6, 0))
ret += "O-O";
else if (move.to() == Position::getSquare(2, 0))
ret += "O-O-O";
} else if (move.from() == bKingOrigPos && pos.getPiece(bKingOrigPos) == Piece::BKING) {
// Check black castle
if (move.to() == Position::getSquare(6, 7))
ret += "O-O";
else if (move.to() == Position::getSquare(2, 7))
ret += "O-O-O";
if (ret.length() == 0) {
int p = pos.getPiece(move.from());
ret += pieceToChar(p);
int x1 = Position::getX(move.from());
int y1 = Position::getY(move.from());
int x2 = Position::getX(move.to());
int y2 = Position::getY(move.to());
if (longForm) {
ret += (char)(x1 + 'a');
ret += (char)(y1 + '1');
ret += isCapture(pos, move) ? 'x' : '-';
} else {
if (p == (pos.isWhiteMove() ? Piece::WPAWN : Piece::BPAWN)) {
if (isCapture(pos, move))
ret += (char)(x1 + 'a');
} else {
int numSameTarget = 0;
int numSameFile = 0;
int numSameRow = 0;
for (int mi = 0; mi < moves.size; mi++) {
const Move& m = moves[mi];
if (m.isEmpty())
if ((pos.getPiece(m.from()) == p) && (m.to() == move.to())) {
if (Position::getX(m.from()) == x1)
if (Position::getY(m.from()) == y1)
if (numSameTarget < 2) {
// No file/row info needed
} else if (numSameFile < 2) {
ret += (char)(x1 + 'a'); // Only file info needed
} else if (numSameRow < 2) {
ret += (char)(y1 + '1'); // Only row info needed
} else {
ret += (char) (x1 + 'a'); // File and row info needed
ret += (char) (y1 + '1');
if (isCapture(pos, move))
ret += 'x';
ret += (char)(x2 + 'a');
ret += (char)(y2 + '1');
if (move.promoteTo() != Piece::EMPTY)
ret += pieceToChar(move.promoteTo());
UndoInfo ui;
if (MoveGen::givesCheck(pos, move)) {
pos.makeMove(move, ui);
MoveList nextMoves;
MoveGen::pseudoLegalMoves(pos, nextMoves);
MoveGen::removeIllegal(pos, nextMoves);
if (nextMoves.size == 0)
ret += '#';
ret += '+';
pos.unMakeMove(move, ui);
return ret;
TextIO::moveToString(const Position& pos, const Move& move, bool longForm) {
MoveList moves;
MoveGen::pseudoLegalMoves(pos, moves);
Position tmpPos(pos);
MoveGen::removeIllegal(tmpPos, moves);
return ::moveToString(tmpPos, move, longForm, moves);
namespace {
struct MoveInfo {
int piece = -1; // -1 for unspecified
int fromX = -1, fromY = -1; // -1 for unspecified
int toX = -1, toY = -1; // -1 for unspecified
int promPiece = -1; // -1 for unspecified
TextIO::stringToMove(Position& pos, const std::string& strMoveIn) {
std::string strMove;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strMoveIn.length(); i++) {
switch (strMoveIn[i]) {
case '=':
case '+':
case '#':
strMove += strMoveIn[i];
Move move;
if (strMove == "--")
return move;
const bool wtm = pos.isWhiteMove();
MoveInfo info;
bool capture = false;
if ((strMove == "O-O") || (strMove =="0-0") || (strMove == "o-o")) {
info.piece = wtm ? Piece::WKING : Piece::BKING;
info.fromX = 4;
info.toX = 6;
info.fromY = info.toY = wtm ? 0 : 7;
info.promPiece = Piece::EMPTY;
} else if ((strMove == "O-O-O") || (strMove == "0-0-0") || (strMove == "o-o-o")) {
info.piece = wtm ? Piece::WKING : Piece::BKING;
info.fromX = 4;
info.toX = 2;
info.fromY = info.toY = wtm ? 0 : 7;
info.promPiece = Piece::EMPTY;
} else {
bool atToSq = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strMove.length(); i++) {
char c = strMove[i];
if (i == 0) {
int piece = charToPiece(wtm, c);
if (piece >= 0) {
info.piece = piece;
int tmpX = c - 'a';
if ((tmpX >= 0) && (tmpX < 8)) {
if (atToSq || (info.fromX >= 0))
info.toX = tmpX;
info.fromX = tmpX;
int tmpY = c - '1';
if ((tmpY >= 0) && (tmpY < 8)) {
if (atToSq || (info.fromY >= 0))
info.toY = tmpY;
info.fromY = tmpY;
if ((c == 'x') || (c == '-')) {
atToSq = true;
if (c == 'x')
capture = true;
if (i == strMove.length() - 1) {
int promPiece = charToPiece(wtm, c);
if (promPiece >= 0) {
info.promPiece = promPiece;
if ((info.fromX >= 0) && (info.toX < 0)) {
info.toX = info.fromX;
info.fromX = -1;
if ((info.fromY >= 0) && (info.toY < 0)) {
info.toY = info.fromY;
info.fromY = -1;
if (info.piece < 0) {
bool haveAll = (info.fromX >= 0) && (info.fromY >= 0) &&
(info.toX >= 0) && (info.toY >= 0);
if (!haveAll)
info.piece = wtm ? Piece::WPAWN : Piece::BPAWN;
if (info.promPiece < 0)
info.promPiece = Piece::EMPTY;
MoveList moves;
MoveGen::pseudoLegalMoves(pos, moves);
MoveGen::removeIllegal(pos, moves);
std::vector<Move> matches;
for (int i = 0; i < moves.size; i++) {
const Move& m = moves[i];
int p = pos.getPiece(m.from());
bool match = true;
if ((info.piece >= 0) && (info.piece != p))
match = false;
if ((info.fromX >= 0) && (info.fromX != Position::getX(m.from())))
match = false;
if ((info.fromY >= 0) && (info.fromY != Position::getY(m.from())))
match = false;
if ((info.toX >= 0) && (info.toX != Position::getX(m.to())))
match = false;
if ((info.toY >= 0) && (info.toY != Position::getY(m.to())))
match = false;
if ((info.promPiece >= 0) && (info.promPiece != m.promoteTo()))
match = false;
if (match)
int nMatches = matches.size();
if (nMatches == 0)
return move;
else if (nMatches == 1)
return matches[0];
if (!capture)
return move;
for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
const Move& m = matches[i];
int capt = pos.getPiece(m.to());
if (capt != Piece::EMPTY) {
if (move.isEmpty()) {
move = m;
} else {
move = Move();
return move;
return move;
TextIO::asciiBoard(const Position& pos) {
std::string ret;
ret += " +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n";
for (int y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
ret += " |";
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
ret += ' ';
int p = pos.getPiece(Position::getSquare(x, y));
if (p == Piece::EMPTY) {
bool dark = Position::darkSquare(x, y);
ret.append(dark ? ".. |" : " |");
} else {
ret += Piece::isWhite(p) ? ' ' : '*';
std::string pieceName = pieceToChar(p);
if (pieceName.length() == 0)
pieceName = "P";
ret += pieceName;
ret += " |";
ret += ("\n +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+\n");
return ret;
TextIO::asciiBoard(U64 mask) {
std::string ret;
for (int y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
int sq = Position::getSquare(x, y);
ret += (mask & (1ULL << sq)) ? '1' : '0';
ret += '\n';
return ret;