Senpai 1.0 Copyright (C) 2014 Fabien Letouzey.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// macros
#ifndef DEBUG
# ifndef NDEBUG // Pierre-Marie Baty -- protect macro redefinition
# define NDEBUG
# endif // Pierre-Marie Baty -- protect macro redefinition
// C includes
#include <cassert> // needs NDEBUG
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <algorithm> // Pierre-Marie Baty -- for std::min and std::max
#include <windows.h> // Pierre-Marie Baty -- for ExitProcess()
#undef max // Pierre-Marie Baty -- for std::min and std::max
#undef min // Pierre-Marie Baty -- for std::min and std::max
#endif // _MSC_VER
// C++ includes
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// C++11 includes
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
// macros
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define I64(n) (n##i64)
# define U64(u) (u##ui64)
# define I64(n) (n##LL)
# define U64(u) (u##ULL)
#ifndef __builtin_popcountll // Pierre-Marie Baty -- __builtin_popcountll support for MSVC 32-bit
int __builtin_popcountll (unsigned long long x) {
static const unsigned long long m1 = 0x5555555555555555; //binary: 0101...
static const unsigned long long m2 = 0x3333333333333333; //binary: 00110011..
static const unsigned long long m4 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; //binary: 4 zeros, 4 ones ...
static const unsigned long long h01 = 0x0101010101010101; //the sum of 256 to the power of 0,1,2,3...
x -= (x >> 1) & m1; //put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits
x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2); //put count of each 4 bits into those 4 bits
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4; //put count of each 8 bits into those 8 bits
return (int)((x * h01) >> 56); //returns left 8 bits of x + (x<<8) + (x<<16) + (x<<24) + ...
#endif // Pierre-Marie Baty -- __builtin_popcountll support for MSVC 32-bit
#ifndef __builtin_ctzll // Pierre-Marie Baty -- __builtin_ctzll support for MSVC 32-bit
int __builtin_ctzll (unsigned long long x)
// Returns the number of trailing 0-bits in x, starting at the least significant bit position.
// If x is zero, the result is undefined.
// This uses a binary search algorithm from Hacker's Delight.
int n = 1;
if ((x & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) == 0) { n = n + 32; x = x >> 32; }
if ((x & 0x000000000000FFFF) == 0) { n = n + 16; x = x >> 16; }
if ((x & 0x00000000000000FF) == 0) { n = n + 8; x = x >> 8; }
if ((x & 0x000000000000000F) == 0) { n = n + 4; x = x >> 4; }
if ((x & 0x0000000000000003) == 0) { n = n + 2; x = x >> 2; }
return (n - (x & 1));
#endif // Pierre-Marie Baty -- __builtin_ctzll support for MSVC 32-bit
// types
typedef signed char int8;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef signed short int int16;
typedef unsigned short int uint16;
typedef signed int int32;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef signed long long int int64;
typedef unsigned long long int uint64;
typedef uint64 bit_t;
typedef uint64 hash_t; // key_t is used by Unix :(
// modules
namespace util {
class Timer {
typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> time_t;
typedef std::chrono::duration<int, std::ratio<1, 1000>> millisecond_t;
int p_elapsed;
bool p_running;
time_t p_start;
static time_t now() {
return std::chrono::system_clock::now();
int time() const {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<millisecond_t>(now() - p_start).count();
Timer() {
void reset() {
p_elapsed = 0;
p_running = false;
void start() {
p_start = now();
p_running = true;
void stop() {
p_elapsed += time();
p_running = false;
int elapsed() const {
int time = p_elapsed;
if (p_running) time += this->time();
return time;
class Lockable {
protected: // HACK for Waitable::wait()
mutable std::mutex p_mutex;
void lock () const { p_mutex.lock(); }
void unlock () const { p_mutex.unlock(); }
class Waitable : public Lockable {
std::condition_variable_any p_cond;
void wait () { p_cond.wait(p_mutex); } // HACK: direct access
void signal () { p_cond.notify_one(); }
int round(double x) {
return int(std::floor(x + 0.5));
int div(int a, int b) {
assert(b > 0);
int div = a / b;
if (a < 0 && a != b * div) div--; // fix buggy C semantics
return div;
int sqrt(int n) {
return int(std::sqrt(double(n)));
bool is_square(int n) {
int i = sqrt(n);
return i * i == n;
double rand_float() {
return double(std::rand()) / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1.0);
int rand_int(int n) {
assert(n > 0);
return int(rand_float() * double(n));
int string_find(const std::string & s, char c) {
return int(s.find(c));
bool string_case_equal(const std::string & s0, const std::string & s1) {
if (s0.size() != s1.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < int(s0.size()); i++) {
if (std::tolower(s0[i]) != std::tolower(s1[i])) return false;
return true;
bool to_bool(const std::string & s) {
if (string_case_equal(s, "true")) {
return true;
} else if (string_case_equal(s, "false")) {
return false;
} else {
std::cerr << "not a boolean: \"" << s << "\"" << std::endl;
int64 to_int(const std::string & s) {
std::stringstream ss(s);
int64 n;
ss >> n;
return n;
std::string to_string(int n) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << n;
return ss.str();
std::string to_string(double x) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << x;
return ss.str();
void log(const std::string & s) {
std::ofstream log_file("log.txt", std::ios_base::app);
log_file << s << std::endl;
namespace input {
class Input : public util::Waitable {
bool volatile p_has_input;
bool p_eof;
std::string p_line;
Input() {
p_has_input = false;
p_eof = false;
bool has_input() const {
return p_has_input;
bool get_line(std::string & line) {
while (!p_has_input) {
bool line_ok = !p_eof;
if (line_ok) line = p_line;
p_has_input = false;
return line_ok;
void set_eof() {
while (p_has_input) {
p_eof = true;
p_has_input = true;
void set_line(std::string & line) {
while (p_has_input) {
p_line = line;
p_has_input = true;
Input input;
std::thread thread;
void input_program(Input * input) {
std::string line;
while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
void init() {
thread = std::thread(input_program, &input);
namespace side {
const int SIZE = 2;
enum {
int opposit(int sd) {
return sd ^ 1;
namespace square {
const int FILE_SIZE = 8;
const int RANK_SIZE = 8;
enum {
enum {
enum {
NONE = -1,
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8,
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8,
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8,
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8,
E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8,
F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8,
G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8,
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8,
enum {
INC_LEFT = -8,
const int CASTLING_DELTA = 16;
const int DOUBLE_PAWN_DELTA = 2;
int make(int fl, int rk) {
assert(fl < 8);
assert(rk < 8);
return (fl << 3) | rk;
int make(int fl, int rk, int sd) {
assert(fl < 8);
assert(rk < 8);
return make(fl, (rk ^ -sd) & 7);
int file(int sq) {
return sq >> 3;
int rank(int sq) {
return sq & 7;
int rank(int sq, int sd) {
return (sq ^ -sd) & 7;
int opposit_file(int sq) {
return sq ^ 070;
int opposit_rank(int sq) {
return sq ^ 007;
bool is_promotion(int sq) {
int rk = rank(sq);
return rk == RANK_1 || rk == RANK_8;
int colour(int sq) {
return ((sq >> 3) ^ sq) & 1;
bool same_colour(int s0, int s1) {
int diff = s0 ^ s1;
return (((diff >> 3) ^ diff) & 1) == 0;
bool same_line(int s0, int s1) {
return file(s0) == file(s1) || rank(s0) == rank(s1);
int file_distance(int s0, int s1) {
return std::abs(file(s1) - file(s0));
int rank_distance(int s0, int s1) {
return std::abs(rank(s1) - rank(s0));
int distance(int s0, int s1) {
return std::max(file_distance(s0, s1), rank_distance(s0, s1));
int pawn_inc(int sd) {
return (sd == side::WHITE) ? +1 : -1;
int stop(int sq, int sd) {
return sq + pawn_inc(sd);
int promotion(int sq, int sd) {
return make(file(sq), RANK_8, sd);
bool is_valid_88(int s88) {
return (s88 & ~0x77) == 0;
int to_88(int sq) {
return sq + (sq & 070);
int from_88(int s88) {
return (s88 + (s88 & 7)) >> 1;
int from_fen(int sq) {
return make(sq & 7, (sq >> 3) ^ 7);
int from_string(const std::string & s) {
assert(s.length() == 2);
return make(s[0] - 'a', s[1] - '1');
std::string to_string(int sq) {
std::string s;
s += 'a' + file(sq);
s += '1' + rank(sq);
return s;
namespace wing {
const int SIZE = 2;
enum {
const int shelter_file[SIZE] = { square::FILE_G, square::FILE_B }; // for pawn-shelter eval
namespace piece {
const int SIZE = 7;
const int SIDE_SIZE = 12;
enum Piece {
enum Side_Piece {
const int PAWN_VALUE = 100;
const int KNIGHT_VALUE = 325;
const int BISHOP_VALUE = 325;
const int ROOK_VALUE = 500;
const int QUEEN_VALUE = 975;
const int KING_VALUE = 10000; // for SEE
const std::string Char = "PNBRQK?";
const std::string Fen_Char = "PpNnBbRrQqKk";
bool is_minor(int pc) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
return pc == KNIGHT || pc == BISHOP;
bool is_major(int pc) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
return pc == ROOK || pc == QUEEN;
bool is_slider(int pc) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
return pc >= BISHOP && pc <= QUEEN;
int score(int pc) { // for MVV/LVA
assert(pc < SIZE);
assert(pc != NONE);
return pc;
int value(int pc) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
return value[pc];
int make(int pc, int sd) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
assert(pc != NONE);
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
return (pc << 1) | sd;
int piece(int p12) {
assert(p12 < SIDE_SIZE);
return p12 >> 1;
int side(int p12) {
assert(p12 < SIDE_SIZE);
return p12 & 1;
int from_char(char c) {
return util::string_find(Char, c);
char to_char(int pc) {
assert(pc < SIZE);
return Char[pc];
int from_fen(char c) {
return util::string_find(Fen_Char, c);
char to_fen(int p12) {
assert(p12 < SIDE_SIZE);
return Fen_Char[p12];
namespace move {
const int FLAGS_BITS = 9;
const int FLAGS_SIZE = 1 << FLAGS_BITS;
const int FLAGS_MASK = FLAGS_SIZE - 1;
const int BITS = FLAGS_BITS + 12;
const int SIZE = 1 << BITS;
const int MASK = SIZE - 1;
const int SCORE_BITS = 32 - BITS;
const int SCORE_SIZE = 1 << SCORE_BITS;
const int SCORE_MASK = SCORE_SIZE - 1;
enum Move {
NONE = 0,
NULL_ = 1,
int make_flags(int pc, int cp, int pp = piece::NONE) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(cp < piece::SIZE);
assert(pp < piece::SIZE);
return (pc << 6) | (cp << 3) | pp;
int make(int f, int t, int pc, int cp, int pp = piece::NONE) {
assert(f < square::SIZE);
assert(t < square::SIZE);
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(cp < piece::SIZE);
assert(pp < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
assert(pp == piece::NONE || pc == piece::PAWN);
return (pc << 18) | (cp << 15) | (pp << 12) | (f << 6) | t;
int from(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return (mv >> 6) & 077;
int to(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return mv & 077;
int piece(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return (mv >> 18) & 7;
int cap(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return (mv >> 15) & 7;
int prom(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return (mv >> 12) & 7;
int flags(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
assert(mv != NULL_);
return (mv >> 12) & 0777;
std::string to_can(int mv) {
assert(mv != NONE);
if (mv == NONE) return "0000";
if (mv == NULL_) return "0000";
std::string s;
s += square::to_string(from(mv));
s += square::to_string(to(mv));
if (prom(mv) != piece::NONE) {
s += std::tolower(piece::to_char(prom(mv)));
return s;
namespace bit {
bit_t p_left[8];
bit_t p_right[8];
bit_t p_front[8];
bit_t p_rear[8];
bit_t p_side_front[side::SIZE][8];
bit_t p_side_rear[side::SIZE][8];
bit_t bit(int n) {
assert(n < 64);
return U64(1) << n;
void set(bit_t & b, int n) {
b |= bit(n);
void clear(bit_t & b, int n) {
b &= ~bit(n);
bool is_set(bit_t b, int n) {
return (b & bit(n)) != 0;
int first(bit_t b) {
assert(b != 0);
static const int index[64] = {
0, 1, 2, 7, 3, 13, 8, 19,
4, 25, 14, 28, 9, 34, 20, 40,
5, 17, 26, 38, 15, 46, 29, 48,
10, 31, 35, 54, 21, 50, 41, 57,
63, 6, 12, 18, 24, 27, 33, 39,
16, 37, 45, 47, 30, 53, 49, 56,
62, 11, 23, 32, 36, 44, 52, 55,
61, 22, 43, 51, 60, 42, 59, 58,
return index[((b & -b) * U64(0x218A392CD3D5DBF)) >> (64 - 6)];
return __builtin_ctzll(b); // GCC
bit_t rest(bit_t b) {
assert(b != 0);
return b & (b - 1);
int count(bit_t b) {
b = b - ((b >> 1) & U64(0x5555555555555555));
b = (b & U64(0x3333333333333333)) + ((b >> 2) & U64(0x3333333333333333));
b = (b + (b >> 4)) & U64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F);
return (b * U64(0x0101010101010101)) >> 56;
return __builtin_popcountll(b); // GCC
int count_loop(bit_t b) {
int n = 0;
for (; b != 0; b = rest(b)) {
return n;
return __builtin_popcountll(b); // GCC
bool single(bit_t b) {
assert(b != 0);
return rest(b) == 0;
bit_t file(int fl) {
assert(fl < 8);
return U64(0xFF) << (fl * 8);
bit_t rank(int rk) {
assert(rk < 8);
return U64(0x0101010101010101) << rk;
bit_t files(int fl) {
assert(fl < 8);
bit_t file = bit::file(fl);
return (file << 8) | file | (file >> 8);
bit_t left(int fl) {
assert(fl < 8);
return p_left[fl];
bit_t right(int fl) {
assert(fl < 8);
return p_right[fl];
bit_t front(int rk) {
assert(rk < 8);
return p_front[rk];
bit_t rear(int rk) {
assert(rk < 8);
return p_rear[rk];
bit_t front(int sq, int sd) {
int rk = square::rank(sq);
return p_side_front[sd][rk];
bit_t rear(int sq, int sd) {
int rk = square::rank(sq);
return p_side_rear[sd][rk];
void init() {
bit_t bf = 0;
bit_t br = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
p_left[i] = bf;
p_rear[i] = br;
bf |= file(i);
br |= rank(i);
bit_t bf = 0;
bit_t br = 0;
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
p_right[i] = bf;
p_front[i] = br;
bf |= file(i);
br |= rank(i);
for (int rk = 0; rk < 8; rk++) {
p_side_front[side::WHITE][rk] = front(rk);
p_side_front[side::BLACK][rk] = rear(rk);
p_side_rear [side::WHITE][rk] = rear(rk);
p_side_rear [side::BLACK][rk] = front(rk);
namespace hash {
const int TURN = piece::SIDE_SIZE * square::SIZE;
const int CASTLE = TURN + 1;
const int EN_PASSANT = CASTLE + 4;
const int SIZE = EN_PASSANT + 8;
hash_t p_rand[SIZE];
hash_t rand_64() {
hash_t rand = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
rand = (rand << 16) | util::rand_int(1 << 16);
return rand;
hash_t rand_key(int index) {
assert(index >= 0 && index < SIZE);
return p_rand[index];
hash_t piece_key(int p12, int sq) {
return rand_key(p12 * square::SIZE + sq);
hash_t turn_key(int turn) {
return (turn == side::WHITE) ? 0 : rand_key(TURN);
hash_t turn_flip() {
return rand_key(TURN);
hash_t flag_key(int flag) {
assert(flag < 4);
return rand_key(CASTLE + flag);
hash_t en_passant_key(int sq) {
return (sq == square::NONE) ? 0 : rand_key(EN_PASSANT + square::file(sq));
int64 index(hash_t key) {
return int64(key);
uint32 lock(hash_t key) {
return uint32(key >> 32);
void init() {
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
p_rand[i] = rand_64();
namespace castling {
struct Info {
int kf;
int kt;
int rf;
int rt;
const Info info[4] = {
{ square::E1, square::G1, square::H1, square::F1 },
{ square::E1, square::C1, square::A1, square::D1 },
{ square::E8, square::G8, square::H8, square::F8 },
{ square::E8, square::C8, square::A8, square::D8 },
int flags_mask[square::SIZE];
hash_t flags_key[1 << 4];
int index(int sd, int wg) {
return sd * 2 + wg;
int side(int index) {
return index / 2;
bool flag(int flags, int index) {
assert(index < 4);
return bool((flags >> index) & 1);
void set_flag(int & flags, int index) {
assert(index < 4);
flags |= 1 << index;
hash_t flags_key_debug(int flags) {
hash_t key = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
if (flag(flags, index)) {
key ^= hash::flag_key(index);
return key;
void init() {
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
flags_mask[sq] = 0;
set_flag(flags_mask[square::E1], 0);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::E1], 1);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::H1], 0);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::A1], 1);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::E8], 2);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::E8], 3);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::H8], 2);
set_flag(flags_mask[square::A8], 3);
for (int flags = 0; flags < (1 << 4); flags++) {
flags_key[flags] = flags_key_debug(flags);
namespace stage {
const int SIZE = 2;
enum {
namespace material {
const int PAWN_PHASE = 0;
const int KNIGHT_PHASE = 1;
const int BISHOP_PHASE = 1;
const int ROOK_PHASE = 2;
const int QUEEN_PHASE = 4;
int phase(int pc) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
return p_phase[pc];
namespace board {
struct Copy {
hash_t key;
hash_t pawn_key;
int flags;
int ep_sq;
int moves;
int recap;
int phase;
struct Undo {
Copy copy;
int move;
int cap_sq;
bool castling;
const std::string start_fen = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -";
class Board {
static const int SCORE_NONE = -10000; // HACK because "score::NONE" is defined later
bit_t p_piece[piece::SIZE];
bit_t p_side[side::SIZE];
bit_t p_all;
int p_king[side::SIZE];
int p_count[piece::SIDE_SIZE];
int p_square[square::SIZE];
int p_turn;
Copy p_copy;
int p_root;
int p_sp;
Undo p_stack[1024];
void operator=(const Board & bd) {
for (int pc = 0; pc < piece::SIZE; pc++) {
p_piece[pc] = bd.p_piece[pc];
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
p_side[sd] = bd.p_side[sd];
p_king[sd] = bd.p_king[sd];
p_all = bd.p_all;
for (int p12 = 0; p12 < piece::SIDE_SIZE; p12++) {
p_count[p12] = bd.p_count[p12];
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
p_square[sq] = bd.p_square[sq];
p_turn = bd.p_turn;
p_copy = bd.p_copy;
p_root = bd.p_root;
p_sp = bd.p_sp;
for (int sp = 0; sp < bd.p_sp; sp++) {
p_stack[sp] = bd.p_stack[sp];
assert(moves() == bd.moves());
bit_t piece(int pc) const {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
return p_piece[pc];
bit_t piece(int pc, int sd) const {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
return p_piece[pc] & p_side[sd];
int count(int pc, int sd) const {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
// return bit::count(piece(pc, sd));
return p_count[piece::make(pc, sd)];
bit_t side(int sd) const {
return p_side[sd];
bit_t pieces(int sd) const {
return p_side[sd] & ~piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
bit_t all() const {
return p_all;
bit_t empty() const {
return ~p_all;
int square(int sq) const {
return p_square[sq];
int square_side(int sq) const {
assert(p_square[sq] != piece::NONE);
return (p_side[side::BLACK] >> sq) & 1; // HACK: uses Side internals
bool square_is(int sq, int pc, int sd) const {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
return square(sq) == pc && square_side(sq) == sd;
int king(int sd) const {
int sq = p_king[sd];
assert(sq == bit::first(piece(piece::KING, sd)));
return sq;
int turn() const {
return p_turn;
hash_t key() const {
hash_t key = p_copy.key;
key ^= castling::flags_key[p_copy.flags];
key ^= hash::en_passant_key(p_copy.ep_sq);
return key;
hash_t pawn_key() const {
return p_copy.pawn_key;
hash_t eval_key() const {
hash_t key = p_copy.key;
key ^= hash::turn_key(p_turn); // remove incremental STM
key ^= castling::flags_key[p_copy.flags];
return key;
int flags() const {
return p_copy.flags;
int ep_sq() const {
return p_copy.ep_sq;
int moves() const {
return p_copy.moves;
int recap() const {
return p_copy.recap;
int phase() const {
return p_copy.phase;
int ply() const {
assert(p_sp >= p_root);
return p_sp - p_root;
int last_move() const {
return (p_sp == 0) ? move::NONE : p_stack[p_sp - 1].move;
bool is_draw() const {
if (p_copy.moves > 100) { // TODO: check for mate
return true;
hash_t key = p_copy.key; // HACK: ignores castling flags and e.p. square
assert(p_copy.moves <= p_sp);
for (int i = 4; i < p_copy.moves; i += 2) {
if (p_stack[p_sp - i].copy.key == key) {
return true;
return false;
void set_root() {
p_root = p_sp;
void clear() {
for (int pc = 0; pc < piece::SIZE; pc++) {
p_piece[pc] = 0;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
p_side[sd] = 0;
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
p_square[sq] = piece::NONE;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
p_king[sd] = square::NONE;
for (int p12 = 0; p12 < piece::SIDE_SIZE; p12++) {
p_count[p12] = 0;
p_turn = side::WHITE;
p_copy.key = 0;
p_copy.pawn_key = 0;
p_copy.flags = 0;
p_copy.ep_sq = square::NONE;
p_copy.moves = 0;
p_copy.recap = square::NONE;
p_copy.phase = 0;
p_root = 0;
p_sp = 0;
void clear_square(int pc, int sd, int sq, bool update_copy) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
assert(sq >= 0 && sq < square::SIZE);
assert(pc == p_square[sq]);
assert(bit::is_set(p_piece[pc], sq));
bit::clear(p_piece[pc], sq);
assert(bit::is_set(p_side[sd], sq));
bit::clear(p_side[sd], sq);
assert(p_square[sq] != piece::NONE);
p_square[sq] = piece::NONE;
int p12 = piece::make(pc, sd);
assert(p_count[p12] != 0);
if (update_copy) {
hash_t key = hash::piece_key(p12, sq);
p_copy.key ^= key;
if (pc == piece::PAWN) p_copy.pawn_key ^= key;
p_copy.phase -= material::phase(pc);
void set_square(int pc, int sd, int sq, bool update_copy) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(pc != piece::NONE);
assert(sq >= 0 && sq < square::SIZE);
assert(!bit::is_set(p_piece[pc], sq));
bit::set(p_piece[pc], sq);
assert(!bit::is_set(p_side[sd], sq));
bit::set(p_side[sd], sq);
assert(p_square[sq] == piece::NONE);
p_square[sq] = pc;
if (pc == piece::KING) {
p_king[sd] = sq;
int p12 = piece::make(pc, sd);
if (update_copy) {
hash_t key = hash::piece_key(p12, sq);
p_copy.key ^= key;
if (pc == piece::PAWN) p_copy.pawn_key ^= key;
p_copy.phase += material::phase(pc);
void move_square(int pc, int sd, int f, int t, bool update_copy) { // TODO
clear_square(pc, sd, f, update_copy);
set_square(pc, sd, t, update_copy);
void flip_turn() {
p_turn = side::opposit(p_turn);
p_copy.key ^= hash::turn_flip();
void update() {
p_all = p_side[side::WHITE] | p_side[side::BLACK];
#ifdef DEBUG
for (int p12 = 0; p12 < piece::SIDE_SIZE; p12++) {
assert(p_count[p12] == bit::count(piece(piece::piece(p12), piece::side(p12))));
assert(p_count[piece::WHITE_KING] == 1);
assert(p_count[piece::BLACK_KING] == 1);
assert((p_piece[piece::PAWN] & bit::rank(square::RANK_1)) == 0);
assert((p_piece[piece::PAWN] & bit::rank(square::RANK_8)) == 0);
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
for (int wg = 0; wg < side::SIZE; wg++) {
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
if (castling::flag(p_copy.flags, index)) {
assert(square_is(castling::info[index].kf, piece::KING, sd));
assert(square_is(castling::info[index].rf, piece::ROOK, sd));
bool can_castle(int index) const {
int sd = castling::side(index);
return square_is(castling::info[index].kf, piece::KING, sd)
&& square_is(castling::info[index].rf, piece::ROOK, sd);
bool pawn_is_attacked(int sq, int sd) const {
int fl = square::file(sq);
sq -= square::pawn_inc(sd);
return (fl != square::FILE_A && square_is(sq + square::INC_LEFT, piece::PAWN, sd))
|| (fl != square::FILE_H && square_is(sq + square::INC_RIGHT, piece::PAWN, sd));
void init_fen(const std::string & s) {
int pos = 0;
// piece placement
int sq = 0;
while (pos < int(s.size())) {
assert(sq <= square::SIZE);
char c = s[pos++];
if (false) {
} else if (c == ' ') {
} else if (c == '/') {
} else if (std::isdigit(c)) {
sq += c - '0';
} else { // assume piece
int p12 = piece::from_fen(c);
int pc = piece::piece(p12);
int sd = piece::side(p12);
set_square(pc, sd, square::from_fen(sq), true);
assert(sq == square::SIZE);
// turn
p_turn = side::WHITE;
if (pos < int(s.size())) {
p_turn = util::string_find("wb", s[pos++]);
if (pos < int(s.size())) {
assert(s[pos] == ' ');
p_copy.key ^= hash::turn_key(p_turn);
// castling flags
p_copy.flags = 0;
if (pos < int(s.size())) { // read from FEN
while (pos < int(s.size())) {
char c = s[pos++];
if (c == ' ') break;
if (c == '-') continue;
int index = util::string_find("KQkq", c);
if (can_castle(index)) {
castling::set_flag(p_copy.flags, index);
} else { // guess from position
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
if (can_castle(index)) {
castling::set_flag(p_copy.flags, index);
// en-passant square
p_copy.ep_sq = square::NONE;
if (pos < int(s.size())) { // read from FEN
std::string ep_string;
while (pos < int(s.size())) {
char c = s[pos++];
if (c == ' ') break;
ep_string += c;
if (ep_string != "-") {
int sq = square::from_string(ep_string);
if (pawn_is_attacked(sq, p_turn)) {
p_copy.ep_sq = sq;
void move(int mv) {
assert(mv != move::NONE);
assert(mv != move::NULL_);
int sd = p_turn;
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
int f = move::from(mv);
int t = move::to(mv);
int pc = move::piece(mv);
int cp = move::cap(mv);
int pp = move::prom(mv);
assert(p_square[f] == pc);
assert(square_side(f) == sd);
assert(p_sp < 1024);
Undo & undo = p_stack[p_sp++];
undo.copy = p_copy;
undo.move = mv;
undo.castling = false;
p_copy.recap = square::NONE;
// capture
assert(cp != piece::KING);
if (pc == piece::PAWN && t == p_copy.ep_sq) {
int cap_sq = t - square::pawn_inc(sd);
assert(p_square[cap_sq] == cp);
assert(cp == piece::PAWN);
undo.cap_sq = cap_sq;
clear_square(cp, xd, cap_sq, true);
} else if (cp != piece::NONE) {
assert(p_square[t] == cp);
assert(square_side(t) == xd);
undo.cap_sq = t;
clear_square(cp, xd, t, true);
} else {
assert(p_square[t] == cp);
// promotion
if (pp != piece::NONE) {
assert(pc == piece::PAWN);
clear_square(piece::PAWN, sd, f, true);
set_square(pp, sd, t, true);
} else {
move_square(pc, sd, f, t, true);
// castling rook
if (pc == piece::KING && std::abs(t - f) == square::CASTLING_DELTA) {
undo.castling = true;
int wg = (t > f) ? wing::KING : wing::QUEEN;
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
assert(castling::flag(p_copy.flags, index));
assert(f == castling::info[index].kf);
assert(t == castling::info[index].kt);
move_square(piece::ROOK, sd, castling::info[index].rf, castling::info[index].rt, true);
// turn
// castling flags
p_copy.flags &= ~castling::flags_mask[f];
p_copy.flags &= ~castling::flags_mask[t];
// en-passant square
p_copy.ep_sq = square::NONE;
if (pc == piece::PAWN && std::abs(t - f) == square::DOUBLE_PAWN_DELTA) {
int sq = (f + t) / 2;
if (pawn_is_attacked(sq, xd)) {
p_copy.ep_sq = sq;
// move counter
if (cp != piece::NONE || pc == piece::PAWN) {
p_copy.moves = 0; // conversion;
// recapture
if (cp != piece::NONE || pp != piece::NONE) {
p_copy.recap = t;
void undo() {
assert(p_sp > 0);
const Undo & undo = p_stack[--p_sp];
int mv = undo.move;
int f = move::from(mv);
int t = move::to(mv);
int pc = move::piece(mv);
int cp = move::cap(mv);
int pp = move::prom(mv);
int xd = p_turn;
int sd = side::opposit(xd);
assert(p_square[t] == pc || p_square[t] == pp);
assert(square_side(t) == sd);
// castling rook
if (undo.castling) {
int wg = (t > f) ? wing::KING : wing::QUEEN;
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
assert(f == castling::info[index].kf);
assert(t == castling::info[index].kt);
move_square(piece::ROOK, sd, castling::info[index].rt, castling::info[index].rf, false);
// promotion
if (pp != piece::NONE) {
assert(pc == piece::PAWN);
clear_square(pp, sd, t, false);
set_square(piece::PAWN, sd, f, false);
} else {
move_square(pc, sd, t, f, false);
// capture
if (cp != piece::NONE) {
set_square(cp, xd, undo.cap_sq, false);
p_copy = undo.copy;
void move_null() {
assert(p_sp < 1024);
Undo & undo = p_stack[p_sp++];
undo.move = move::NULL_;
undo.copy = p_copy;
p_copy.ep_sq = square::NONE;
p_copy.moves = 0; // HACK: conversion
p_copy.recap = square::NONE;
void undo_null() {
assert(p_sp > 0);
const Undo & undo = p_stack[--p_sp];
assert(undo.move == move::NULL_);
p_copy = undo.copy;
namespace attack {
struct Attacks {
int size;
int square[2];
bit_t avoid;
bit_t pinned;
const int Pawn_Move[side::SIZE] = { +1, -1 };
const int Pawn_Attack[side::SIZE][2] = { { -15, +17 }, { -17, +15 } };
const int Knight_Inc[] = { -33, -31, -18, -14, +14, +18, +31, +33, 0 };
const int Bishop_Inc[] = { -17, -15, +15, +17, 0 };
const int Rook_Inc[] = { -16, -1, +1, +16, 0 };
const int Queen_Inc[] = { -17, -16, -15, -1, +1, +15, +16, +17, 0 };
const int * Piece_Inc[piece::SIZE] = { NULL, Knight_Inc, Bishop_Inc, Rook_Inc, Queen_Inc, Queen_Inc, NULL };
bit_t Pawn_Moves[side::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bit_t Pawn_Attacks[side::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bit_t Piece_Attacks[piece::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bit_t Blockers[piece::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bit_t Between[square::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bit_t Behind[square::SIZE][square::SIZE];
bool line_is_empty(int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
return (bd.all() & Between[f][t]) == 0;
bit_t ray(int f, int t) {
return Between[f][t] | Behind[f][t]; // HACK: t should be included
bool pawn_move(int sd, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
return bit::is_set(Pawn_Moves[sd][f], t) && line_is_empty(f, t, bd);
bool pawn_attack(int sd, int f, int t) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
return bit::is_set(Pawn_Attacks[sd][f], t);
bool piece_attack(int pc, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(pc != piece::PAWN);
return bit::is_set(Piece_Attacks[pc][f], t) && line_is_empty(f, t, bd);
bool attack(int pc, int sd, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
return pawn_attack(sd, f, t);
} else {
return piece_attack(pc, f, t, bd);
bit_t pawn_moves_from(int sd, const board::Board & bd) { // for pawn mobility
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
bit_t fs = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
return fs << 1;
} else {
return fs >> 1;
bit_t pawn_moves_to(int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
assert((bd.all() & ts) == 0);
bit_t pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
bit_t empty = bd.empty();
bit_t fs = 0;
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
fs |= (ts >> 1);
fs |= (ts >> 2) & (empty >> 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_2);
} else {
fs |= (ts << 1);
fs |= (ts << 2) & (empty << 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_7);
return pawns & fs;
bit_t pawn_attacks_from(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
bit_t fs = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
return (fs >> 7) | (fs << 9);
} else {
return (fs >> 9) | (fs << 7);
bit_t pawn_attacks_tos(int sd, bit_t ts) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
return (ts >> 9) | (ts << 7);
} else {
return (ts >> 7) | (ts << 9);
bit_t pawn_attacks_from(int sd, int f) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
return Pawn_Attacks[sd][f];
bit_t pawn_attacks_to(int sd, int t) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
return pawn_attacks_from(side::opposit(sd), t);
bit_t piece_attacks_from(int pc, int f, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(pc != piece::PAWN);
bit_t ts = Piece_Attacks[pc][f];
for (bit_t b = bd.all() & Blockers[pc][f]; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int sq = bit::first(b);
ts &= ~Behind[f][sq];
return ts;
bit_t piece_attacks_to(int pc, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(pc != piece::PAWN);
return piece_attacks_from(pc, t, bd);
bit_t piece_moves_from(int pc, int sd, int f, const board::Board & bd) {
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
assert(false); // TODO: blockers
return Pawn_Moves[sd][f];
} else {
return piece_attacks_from(pc, f, bd);
bit_t attacks_from(int pc, int sd, int f, const board::Board & bd) {
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
return Pawn_Attacks[sd][f];
} else {
return piece_attacks_from(pc, f, bd);
bit_t attacks_to(int pc, int sd, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
return attacks_from(pc, side::opposit(sd), t, bd); // HACK for pawns
bit_t pseudo_attacks_from(int pc, int sd, int f) {
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
return Pawn_Attacks[sd][f];
} else {
return Piece_Attacks[pc][f];
bit_t pseudo_attacks_to(int pc, int sd, int t) {
return pseudo_attacks_from(pc, side::opposit(sd), t); // HACK for pawns
bit_t slider_pseudo_attacks_to(int sd, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
bit_t b = 0;
b |= bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, sd) & Piece_Attacks[piece::BISHOP][t];
b |= bd.piece(piece::ROOK, sd) & Piece_Attacks[piece::ROOK][t];
b |= bd.piece(piece::QUEEN, sd) & Piece_Attacks[piece::QUEEN][t];
return b;
bool attack_behind(int f, int t, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(bd.square(t) != piece::NONE);
bit_t behind = Behind[f][t];
if (behind == 0) return false;
for (bit_t b = slider_pseudo_attacks_to(sd, t, bd) & behind; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int sq = bit::first(b);
if (bit::single(bd.all() & Between[sq][f])) {
return true;
return false;
bool is_attacked(int t, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
// non-sliders
if ((bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & Pawn_Attacks[side::opposit(sd)][t]) != 0) { // HACK
return true;
if ((bd.piece(piece::KNIGHT, sd) & Piece_Attacks[piece::KNIGHT][t]) != 0) {
return true;
if ((bd.piece(piece::KING, sd) & Piece_Attacks[piece::KING][t]) != 0) {
return true;
// sliders
for (bit_t b = slider_pseudo_attacks_to(sd, t, bd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
if ((bd.all() & Between[f][t]) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
bit_t pinned_by(int t, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t pinned = 0;
for (bit_t b = slider_pseudo_attacks_to(sd, t, bd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
bit_t bb = bd.all() & Between[f][t];
if (bb != 0 && bit::single(bb)) {
pinned |= bb;
return pinned;
void init_attacks(Attacks & attacks, int sd, const board::Board & bd) { // for strictly-legal moves
int atk = side::opposit(sd);
int def = sd;
int t = bd.king(def);
attacks.size = 0;
attacks.avoid = 0;
attacks.pinned = 0;
// non-sliders
bit_t b = 0;
b |= bd.piece(piece::PAWN, atk) & Pawn_Attacks[def][t]; // HACK
b |= bd.piece(piece::KNIGHT, atk) & Piece_Attacks[piece::KNIGHT][t];
if (b != 0) {
assert(attacks.size < 2);
attacks.square[attacks.size++] = bit::first(b);
// sliders
for (bit_t b = slider_pseudo_attacks_to(atk, t, bd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
bit_t bb = bd.all() & Between[f][t];
if (bb == 0) {
assert(attacks.size < 2);
attacks.square[attacks.size++] = f;
attacks.avoid |= ray(f, t);
} else if (bit::single(bb)) {
attacks.pinned |= bb;
void init_attacks(Attacks & attacks, const board::Board & bd) {
init_attacks(attacks, bd.turn(), bd);
bool is_legal(const board::Board & bd) {
int atk = bd.turn();
int def = side::opposit(atk);
return !is_attacked(bd.king(def), atk, bd);
bool is_in_check(const board::Board & bd) {
int atk = bd.turn();
int def = side::opposit(atk);
return is_attacked(bd.king(atk), def, bd);
bit_t pawn_moves_debug(int sd, int sq) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
bit_t b = 0;
int f = square::to_88(sq);
int inc = Pawn_Move[sd];
int t = f + inc;
if (square::is_valid_88(t)) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(t));
if (square::rank(sq, sd) == square::RANK_2) {
t += inc;
bit::set(b, square::from_88(t));
return b;
bit_t pawn_attacks_debug(int sd, int sq) {
assert(sd < side::SIZE);
bit_t b = 0;
int f = square::to_88(sq);
for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
int t = f + Pawn_Attack[sd][dir];
if (square::is_valid_88(t)) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(t));
return b;
bit_t piece_attacks_debug(int pc, int sq) {
assert(pc != piece::PAWN);
bit_t b = 0;
int f = square::to_88(sq);
for (int dir = 0; true; dir++) {
int inc = Piece_Inc[pc][dir];
if (inc == 0) break;
if (piece::is_slider(pc)) {
for (int t = f + inc; square::is_valid_88(t); t += inc) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(t));
} else {
int t = f + inc;
if (square::is_valid_88(t)) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(t));
return b;
int delta_inc(int f, int t) {
for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
int inc = Queen_Inc[dir];
for (int sq = f + inc; square::is_valid_88(sq); sq += inc) {
if (sq == t) {
return inc;
return 0;
bit_t between_debug(int f, int t) {
f = square::to_88(f);
t = square::to_88(t);
bit_t b = 0;
int inc = delta_inc(f, t);
if (inc != 0) {
for (int sq = f + inc; sq != t; sq += inc) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(sq));
return b;
bit_t behind_debug(int f, int t) {
f = square::to_88(f);
t = square::to_88(t);
bit_t b = 0;
int inc = delta_inc(f, t);
if (inc != 0) {
for (int sq = t + inc; square::is_valid_88(sq); sq += inc) {
bit::set(b, square::from_88(sq));
return b;
bit_t blockers_debug(int pc, int f) {
assert(pc != piece::PAWN);
bit_t b = 0;
bit_t attacks = piece_attacks_debug(pc, f);
for (bit_t bb = attacks; bb != 0; bb = bit::rest(bb)) {
int sq = bit::first(bb);
if ((attacks & behind_debug(f, sq)) != 0) {
bit::set(b, sq);
return b;
void init() {
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
Pawn_Moves[sd][sq] = pawn_moves_debug(sd, sq);
Pawn_Attacks[sd][sq] = pawn_attacks_debug(sd, sq);
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
Piece_Attacks[pc][sq] = piece_attacks_debug(pc, sq);
Blockers[pc][sq] = blockers_debug(pc, sq);
for (int f = 0; f < square::SIZE; f++) {
for (int t = 0; t < square::SIZE; t++) {
Between[f][t] = between_debug(f, t);
Behind[f][t] = behind_debug(f, t);
namespace gen {
class List {
static const int SIZE = 256;
int p_size;
uint32 p_pair[SIZE];
void move_to(int pf, int pt) {
assert(pt <= pf && pf < p_size);
uint32 p = p_pair[pf];
for (int i = pf; i > pt; i--) {
p_pair[i] = p_pair[i - 1];
p_pair[pt] = p;
void add_pair(uint32 p) {
assert(p_size < SIZE);
p_pair[p_size++] = p;
uint32 pair(int pos) const {
assert(pos < p_size);
return p_pair[pos];
List() {
void operator=(const List & ml) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
uint32 p = ml.pair(pos);
void clear() {
p_size = 0;
void add(int mv, int sc = 0) {
assert(mv >= 0 && mv < move::SIZE);
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < move::SCORE_SIZE);
add_pair((sc << move::BITS) | mv);
void set_score(int pos, int sc) {
assert(pos < p_size);
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < move::SCORE_SIZE);
p_pair[pos] = (sc << move::BITS) | move(pos);
assert(score(pos) == sc);
void move_to_front(int pos) {
move_to(pos, 0);
void sort() { // insertion sort
for (int i = 1; i < p_size; i++) {
uint32 p = p_pair[i];
int j;
for (j = i; j > 0 && p_pair[j - 1] < p; j--) {
p_pair[j] = p_pair[j - 1];
p_pair[j] = p;
for (int i = 0; i < p_size - 1; i++) {
assert(p_pair[i] >= p_pair[i + 1]);
int size() const {
return p_size;
int move(int pos) const {
return pair(pos) & move::MASK;
int score(int pos) const {
return pair(pos) >> move::BITS;
bool contain(int mv) const {
for (int pos = 0; pos < size(); pos++) {
if (move(pos) == mv) {
return true;
return false;
void add_pawn_move(List & ml, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(bd.square(f) == piece::PAWN);
int pc = bd.square(f);
int cp = bd.square(t);
if (square::is_promotion(t)) {
ml.add(move::make(f, t, pc, cp, piece::QUEEN));
ml.add(move::make(f, t, pc, cp, piece::KNIGHT));
ml.add(move::make(f, t, pc, cp, piece::ROOK));
ml.add(move::make(f, t, pc, cp, piece::BISHOP));
} else {
ml.add(move::make(f, t, pc, cp));
void add_piece_move(List & ml, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(bd.square(f) != piece::PAWN);
ml.add(move::make(f, t, bd.square(f), bd.square(t)));
void add_move(List & ml, int f, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
if (bd.square(f) == piece::PAWN) {
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
} else {
add_piece_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_piece_moves_from(List & ml, int f, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
int pc = bd.square(f);
for (bit_t b = attack::piece_attacks_from(pc, f, bd) & ts; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int t = bit::first(b);
add_piece_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_captures_to(List & ml, int sd, int t, const board::Board & bd) {
for (int pc = piece::PAWN; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd) & attack::attacks_to(pc, sd, t, bd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
add_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_captures_to_no_king(List & ml, int sd, int t, const board::Board & bd) { // for evasions
for (int pc = piece::PAWN; pc <= piece::QUEEN; pc++) { // skip king
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd) & attack::attacks_to(pc, sd, t, bd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
add_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_pawn_captures(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
ts &= bd.side(side::opposit(sd)); // not needed
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
for (bit_t b = (ts << 7) & pawns; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f - 7;
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
for (bit_t b = (ts >> 9) & pawns; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f + 9;
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
} else {
for (bit_t b = (ts << 9) & pawns; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f - 9;
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
for (bit_t b = (ts >> 7) & pawns; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f + 7;
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_promotions(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts >> 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_7); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f + 1;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
} else {
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts << 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_2); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f - 1;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_promotions(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
add_promotions(ml, sd, bd.empty(), bd);
void add_pawn_quiets(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
bit_t empty = bd.empty();
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts >> 1) & ~bit::rank(square::RANK_7); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) { // don't generate promotions
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f + 1;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts >> 2) & (empty >> 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_2); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f + 2;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
} else {
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts << 1) & ~bit::rank(square::RANK_2); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) { // don't generate promotions
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f - 1;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
for (bit_t b = pawns & (ts << 2) & (empty << 1) & bit::rank(square::RANK_7); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
int t = f - 2;
assert(bd.square(t) == piece::NONE);
add_pawn_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_pawn_pushes(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t ts = 0;
if (sd == side::WHITE) {
ts |= bit::rank(square::RANK_7);
ts |= bit::rank(square::RANK_6) & ~attack::pawn_attacks_from(side::BLACK, bd) & (~bd.piece(piece::PAWN) >> 1); // HACK: direct access
} else {
ts |= bit::rank(square::RANK_2);
ts |= bit::rank(square::RANK_3) & ~attack::pawn_attacks_from(side::WHITE, bd) & (~bd.piece(piece::PAWN) << 1); // HACK: direct access
add_pawn_quiets(ml, sd, ts & bd.empty(), bd);
void add_en_passant(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int t = bd.ep_sq();
if (t != square::NONE) {
bit_t fs = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & attack::Pawn_Attacks[side::opposit(sd)][t];
for (bit_t b = fs; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
ml.add(move::make(f, t, piece::PAWN, piece::PAWN));
bool can_castle(int sd, int wg, const board::Board & bd) {
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
if (castling::flag(bd.flags(), index)) {
int kf = castling::info[index].kf;
// int kt = castling::info[index].kt;
int rf = castling::info[index].rf;
int rt = castling::info[index].rt;
assert(bd.square_is(kf, piece::KING, sd));
assert(bd.square_is(rf, piece::ROOK, sd));
return attack::line_is_empty(kf, rf, bd) && !attack::is_attacked(rt, side::opposit(sd), bd);
return false;
void add_castling(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
for (int wg = 0; wg < wing::SIZE; wg++) {
if (can_castle(sd, wg, bd)) {
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
add_piece_move(ml, castling::info[index].kf, castling::info[index].kt, bd);
void add_piece_moves(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(ts != 0);
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
add_piece_moves_from(ml, f, ts, bd);
void add_piece_moves_no_king(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) { // for evasions
assert(ts != 0);
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::QUEEN; pc++) { // skip king
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
add_piece_moves_from(ml, f, ts, bd);
void add_piece_moves_rare(List & ml, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd) { // for captures
assert(ts != 0);
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
for (bit_t bb = attack::pseudo_attacks_from(pc, sd, f) & ts; bb != 0; bb = bit::rest(bb)) {
int t = bit::first(bb);
if (attack::line_is_empty(f, t, bd)) {
add_piece_move(ml, f, t, bd);
void add_captures(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t ts = bd.side(side::opposit(sd));
add_pawn_captures(ml, sd, ts, bd);
add_piece_moves_rare(ml, sd, ts, bd);
add_en_passant(ml, sd, bd);
void add_captures_mvv_lva(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) { // unused
for (int pc = piece::QUEEN; pc >= piece::PAWN; pc--) {
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, side::opposit(sd)); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int t = bit::first(b);
add_captures_to(ml, sd, t, bd);
add_en_passant(ml, sd, bd);
bool is_move(int mv, const board::Board & bd) { // for TT-move legality
int sd = bd.turn();
int f = move::from(mv);
int t = move::to(mv);
int pc = move::piece(mv);
int cp = move::cap(mv);
if (!(bd.square(f) == pc && bd.square_side(f) == sd)) {
return false;
if (bd.square(t) != piece::NONE && bd.square_side(t) == sd) {
return false;
if (pc == piece::PAWN && t == bd.ep_sq()) {
if (cp != piece::PAWN) {
return false;
} else if (bd.square(t) != cp) {
return false;
if (cp == piece::KING) {
return false;
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
return true;
} else {
// TODO: castling
// return attack::piece_attack(pc, f, t, bd);
return true;
bool is_quiet_move(int mv, const board::Board & bd) { // for killer legality
int sd = bd.turn();
int f = move::from(mv);
int t = move::to(mv);
int pc = move::piece(mv);
assert(move::cap(mv) == piece::NONE);
assert(move::prom(mv) == piece::NONE);
if (!(bd.square(f) == pc && bd.square_side(f) == sd)) {
return false;
if (bd.square(t) != piece::NONE) {
return false;
if (pc == piece::PAWN) {
int inc = square::pawn_inc(sd);
if (false) {
} else if (t - f == inc && !square::is_promotion(t)) {
return true;
} else if (t - f == inc * 2 && square::rank(f, sd) == square::RANK_2) {
return bd.square(f + inc) == piece::NONE;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// TODO: castling
return attack::piece_attack(pc, f, t, bd);
void add_quiets(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
add_castling(ml, sd, bd);
add_piece_moves(ml, sd, bd.empty(), bd);
add_pawn_quiets(ml, sd, bd.empty(), bd);
void add_evasions(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd, const attack::Attacks & attacks) {
assert(attacks.size > 0);
int king = bd.king(sd);
add_piece_moves_from(ml, king, ~bd.side(sd) & ~attacks.avoid, bd);
if (attacks.size == 1) {
int t = attacks.square[0];
add_captures_to_no_king(ml, sd, t, bd);
add_en_passant(ml, sd, bd);
bit_t ts = attack::Between[king][t];
assert(attack::line_is_empty(king, t, bd));
if (ts != 0) {
add_pawn_quiets(ml, sd, ts, bd);
add_promotions(ml, sd, ts, bd);
add_piece_moves_no_king(ml, sd, ts, bd);
void add_evasions(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
attack::Attacks attacks;
attack::init_attacks(attacks, sd, bd);
add_evasions(ml, sd, bd, attacks);
void add_checks(List & ml, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int atk = sd;
int def = side::opposit(sd);
int king = bd.king(def);
bit_t pinned = attack::pinned_by(king, atk, bd);
bit_t empty = bd.empty();
empty &= ~attack::pawn_attacks_from(side::opposit(sd), bd); // pawn-safe
// discovered checks
for (bit_t fs = bd.pieces(atk) & pinned; fs != 0; fs = bit::rest(fs)) { // TODO: pawns
int f = bit::first(fs);
bit_t ts = empty & ~attack::ray(king, f); // needed only for pawns
add_piece_moves_from(ml, f, ts, bd);
// direct checks, pawns
bit_t ts = attack::pseudo_attacks_to(piece::PAWN, sd, king) & empty;
add_pawn_quiets(ml, sd, ts, bd);
// direct checks, knights
int pc = piece::KNIGHT;
bit_t attacks = attack::pseudo_attacks_to(pc, sd, king) & empty;
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd) & ~pinned; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
bit_t moves = attack::pseudo_attacks_from(pc, sd, f);
for (bit_t bb = moves & attacks; bb != 0; bb = bit::rest(bb)) {
int t = bit::first(bb);
add_piece_move(ml, f, t, bd);
// direct checks, sliders
for (int pc = piece::BISHOP; pc <= piece::QUEEN; pc++) {
bit_t attacks = attack::pseudo_attacks_to(pc, sd, king) & empty;
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd) & ~pinned; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
bit_t moves = attack::pseudo_attacks_from(pc, sd, f);
for (bit_t bb = moves & attacks; bb != 0; bb = bit::rest(bb)) {
int t = bit::first(bb);
if (attack::line_is_empty(f, t, bd) && attack::line_is_empty(t, king, bd)) {
add_piece_move(ml, f, t, bd);
bool is_legal_debug(int mv, board::Board & bd) { // HACK: duplicate from Move_Type
bool b = attack::is_legal(bd);
return b;
void gen_moves_debug(List & ml, const board::Board & bd) {
int sd = bd.turn();
if (attack::is_in_check(bd)) {
add_evasions(ml, sd, bd);
} else {
add_captures(ml, sd, bd);
add_promotions(ml, sd, bd);
add_quiets(ml, sd, bd);
void filter_legals(List & dst, const List & src, board::Board & bd) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < src.size(); pos++) {
int mv = src.move(pos);
if (is_legal_debug(mv, bd)) {
void gen_legals(List & ml, board::Board & bd) {
List pseudos;
gen_moves_debug(pseudos, bd);
filter_legals(ml, pseudos, bd);
void gen_legal_evasions(List & ml, board::Board & bd) {
int sd = bd.turn();
attack::Attacks attacks;
attack::init_attacks(attacks, sd, bd);
if (attacks.size == 0) {
List pseudos;
add_evasions(pseudos, sd, bd, attacks);
filter_legals(ml, pseudos, bd);
namespace score {
enum {
NONE = -10000,
MIN = -9999,
EVAL_MIN = -8999,
EVAL_MAX = +8999,
MAX = +9999,
MATE = +10000,
enum {
FLAGS_LOWER = 1 << 0,
FLAGS_UPPER = 1 << 1,
bool is_mate(int sc) {
return sc < EVAL_MIN || sc > EVAL_MAX;
int signed_mate(int sc) {
if (sc < EVAL_MIN) { // -MATE
return -(MATE + sc) / 2;
} else if (sc > EVAL_MAX) { // +MATE
return (MATE - sc + 1) / 2;
} else {
return 0;
int side_score(int sc, int sd) {
return (sd == side::WHITE) ? +sc : -sc;
int from_trans(int sc, int ply) {
if (sc < EVAL_MIN) {
return sc + ply;
} else if (sc > EVAL_MAX) {
return sc - ply;
} else {
return sc;
int to_trans(int sc, int ply) {
if (sc < EVAL_MIN) {
return sc - ply;
} else if (sc > EVAL_MAX) {
return sc + ply;
} else {
return sc;
int flags(int sc, int alpha, int beta) {
int flags = FLAGS_NONE;
if (sc > alpha) flags |= FLAGS_LOWER;
if (sc < beta) flags |= FLAGS_UPPER;
return flags;
namespace trans {
struct Entry { // 16 bytes
uint32 lock;
uint32 move; // TODO: uint16 #
uint16 pad_1;
int16 score;
uint8 date;
int8 depth;
uint8 flags;
uint8 pad_2;
void clear_entry(Entry & entry) {
assert(sizeof(Entry) == 16);
entry.lock = 0;
entry.move = move::NONE;
entry.pad_1 = 0;
entry.score = 0;
entry.date = 0;
entry.depth = -1;
entry.flags = score::FLAGS_NONE;
entry.pad_2 = 0;
class Table {
Entry * p_table;
int p_bits;
uint64 p_size;
uint64 p_mask;
int p_date;
uint64 p_used;
int size_to_bits(int size) {
int bits = 0;
for (uint64 entries = (uint64(size) << 20) / sizeof(Entry); entries > 1; entries /= 2) {
return bits;
Table() {
p_table = NULL;
p_bits = 0;
p_size = 1;
p_mask = 0;
p_date = 0;
p_used = 0;
void set_size(int size) {
int bits = size_to_bits(size);
if (bits == p_bits) return;
p_bits = bits;
p_size = U64(1) << bits;
p_mask = p_size - 1;
if (p_table != NULL) {
void alloc() {
assert(p_table == NULL);
p_table = new Entry[(unsigned int) p_size]; // Pierre-Marie Baty -- added type cast
void free() {
assert(p_table != NULL);
delete [] p_table;
p_table = NULL;
void clear() {
Entry e;
for (uint64 i = 0; i < p_size; i++) {
p_table[i] = e;
p_date = 1;
p_used = 0;
void inc_date() {
p_date = (p_date + 1) % 256;
p_used = 0;
void store(hash_t key, int depth, int ply, int move, int score, int flags) {
assert(depth >= 0 && depth < 100);
assert(move != move::NULL_);
assert(score >= score::MIN && score <= score::MAX);
score = score::to_trans(score, ply);
uint64 index = hash::index(key) & p_mask;
uint32 lock = hash::lock(key);
Entry * be = NULL;
int bs = -1;
for (uint64 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint64 idx = (index + i) & p_mask;
assert(idx < p_size);
Entry & entry = p_table[idx];
if (entry.lock == lock) {
if (entry.date != p_date) {
entry.date = p_date;
if (depth >= entry.depth) {
if (move != move::NONE) entry.move = move;
entry.depth = depth;
entry.score = score;
entry.flags = flags;
} else if (entry.move == move::NONE) {
entry.move = move;
int sc = 99 - entry.depth; // NOTE: entry.depth can be -1
if (entry.date != p_date) sc += 101;
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < 202);
if (sc > bs) {
be = &entry;
bs = sc;
assert(be != NULL);
if (be->date != p_date) p_used++;
be->lock = lock;
be->date = p_date;
be->move = move;
be->depth = depth;
be->score = score;
be->flags = flags;
bool retrieve(hash_t key, int depth, int ply, int & move, int & score, int & flags) {
assert(depth >= 0 && depth < 100);
uint64 index = hash::index(key) & p_mask;
uint32 lock = hash::lock(key);
for (uint64 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint64 idx = (index + i) & p_mask;
assert(idx < p_size);
Entry & entry = p_table[idx];
if (entry.lock == lock) {
if (entry.date != p_date) {
entry.date = p_date; // touch entry
move = entry.move;
score = score::from_trans(entry.score, ply);
flags = entry.flags;
if (entry.depth >= depth) {
return true;
} else if (score::is_mate(score)) {
flags &= ~(score < 0 ? score::FLAGS_LOWER : score::FLAGS_UPPER);
return true;
return false;
return false;
int used() const {
return int((p_used * 1000 + p_size / 2) / p_size);
namespace engine {
struct Engine {
int hash;
bool ponder;
int threads;
bool log;
Engine engine;
void init() {
engine.hash = 64;
engine.ponder = false;
engine.threads = 1;
engine.log = false;
namespace pawn { // HACK: early declaration for pawn-pushes move type
bit_t passed_me[square::SIZE][side::SIZE];
bit_t passed_opp[square::SIZE][side::SIZE];
bool is_passed(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, side::opposit(sd)) & passed_opp[sq][sd]) == 0
&& (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & passed_me[sq][sd]) == 0;
int square_distance(int ks, int ps, int sd) {
int prom = square::promotion(ps, sd);
return square::distance(ks, prom) - square::distance(ps, prom);
namespace move {
bool is_win (int mv, const board::Board & bd);
class SEE {
const board::Board * p_board;
int p_to;
bit_t p_all;
int p_val;
int p_side;
void init(int t, int sd) {
p_to = t;
p_all = p_board->all();
int pc = p_board->square(t);
p_val = piece::value(pc);
p_side = sd;
int move(int f) {
assert(bit::is_set(p_all, f));
bit::clear(p_all, f);
int pc = p_board->square(f);
assert(pc != piece::NONE && p_board->square_side(f) == p_side);
int val = p_val;
p_val = piece::value(pc);
if (pc == piece::PAWN && square::is_promotion(p_to)) {
int delta = piece::QUEEN_VALUE - piece::PAWN_VALUE;
val += delta;
p_val += delta;
if (val == piece::KING_VALUE) { // stop at king capture
p_all = 0; // HACK: erase all attackers
p_side = side::opposit(p_side);
return val;
int see_rec(int alpha, int beta) {
assert(alpha < beta);
int s0 = 0;
if (s0 > alpha) {
alpha = s0;
if (s0 >= beta) return s0;
if (p_val <= alpha) { // FP, NOTE: fails for promotions
return p_val;
int f = pick_lva();
if (f == square::NONE) {
return s0;
int cap = move(f); // NOTE: has side effect
int s1 = cap - see_rec(cap - beta, cap - alpha);
return std::max(s0, s1);
int pick_lva() const {
int sd = p_side;
for (int pc = piece::PAWN; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
bit_t fs = p_board->piece(pc, sd) & attack::pseudo_attacks_to(pc, sd, p_to) & p_all;
for (bit_t b = fs; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
if ((p_all & attack::Between[f][p_to]) == 0) {
return f;
return square::NONE;
int see(int mv, int alpha, int beta, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(alpha < beta);
p_board = &bd;
int f = from(mv);
int t = to(mv);
int pc = p_board->square(f);
int sd = p_board->square_side(f);
init(t, sd);
int cap = move(f); // NOTE: assumes queen promotion
if (pc == piece::PAWN && square::is_promotion(t)) { // adjust for under-promotion
int delta = piece::QUEEN_VALUE - piece::value(prom(mv));
cap -= delta;
p_val -= delta;
return cap - see_rec(cap - beta, cap - alpha);
bool is_capture(int mv) {
return cap(mv) != piece::NONE;
bool is_en_passant(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
return piece(mv) == piece::PAWN && to(mv) == bd.ep_sq();
bool is_recapture(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
return to(mv) == bd.recap() && is_win(mv, bd);
bool is_promotion(int mv) {
return prom(mv) != piece::NONE;
bool is_queen_promotion(int mv) {
return prom(mv) == piece::QUEEN;
bool is_under_promotion(int mv) {
int pp = prom(mv);
return pp != piece::NONE && pp != piece::QUEEN;
bool is_tactical(int mv) {
return is_capture(mv) || is_promotion(mv);
bool is_pawn_push(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
if (is_tactical(mv)) {
return false;
int f = from(mv);
int t = to(mv);
int pc = bd.square(f);
int sd = bd.square_side(f);
return pc == piece::PAWN && square::rank(t, sd) >= square::RANK_6 && pawn::is_passed(t, sd, bd) && !is_capture(mv);
bool is_castling(int mv) {
return piece(mv) == piece::KING && std::abs(to(mv) - from(mv)) == square::CASTLING_DELTA;
bool is_conversion(int mv) {
return is_capture(mv) || piece(mv) == piece::PAWN || is_castling(mv);
int make(int f, int t, int pp, const board::Board & bd) {
int pc = bd.square(f);
int cp = bd.square(t);
if (pc == piece::PAWN && t == bd.ep_sq()) {
cp = piece::PAWN;
if (pc == piece::PAWN && square::is_promotion(t) && pp == piece::NONE) { // not needed
pp = piece::QUEEN;
return make(f, t, pc, cp, pp);
int from_string(const std::string & s, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(s.length() >= 4);
int f = square::from_string(s.substr(0, 2));
int t = square::from_string(s.substr(2, 2));
int pp = (s.length() > 4) ? piece::from_char(std::toupper(s[4])) : piece::NONE;
return make(f, t, pp, bd);
int see(int mv, int alpha, int beta, const board::Board & bd) {
SEE see;
return see.see(mv, alpha, beta, bd);
int see_max(int mv) {
int sc = piece::value(cap(mv));
int pp = prom(mv);
if (pp != piece::NONE) sc += piece::value(pp) - piece::PAWN_VALUE;
return sc;
bool is_safe(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
int pc = piece(mv);
int cp = cap(mv);
int pp = prom(mv);
if (false) {
} else if (pc == piece::KING) {
return true;
} else if (piece::value(cp) >= piece::value(pc)) {
return true;
} else if (pp != piece::NONE && pp != piece::QUEEN) { // under-promotion
return false;
} else {
return see(mv, -1, 0, bd) >= 0;
bool is_win(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
int pc = piece(mv);
int cp = cap(mv);
int pp = prom(mv);
if (false) {
} else if (pc == piece::KING) {
return true;
} else if (piece::value(cp) > piece::value(pc)) {
return true;
} else if (pp != piece::NONE && pp != piece::QUEEN) { // under-promotion
return false;
} else {
return see(mv, 0, +1, bd) > 0;
bool is_legal_debug(int mv, board::Board & bd) {
bool b = attack::is_legal(bd);
return b;
bool is_legal(int mv, board::Board & bd, const attack::Attacks & attacks) {
int sd = bd.turn();
int f = from(mv);
int t = to(mv);
if (is_en_passant(mv, bd)) {
return is_legal_debug(mv, bd);
if (piece(mv) == piece::KING) {
return !attack::is_attacked(t, side::opposit(sd), bd);
if (!bit::is_set(attacks.pinned, f)) {
return true;
if (bit::is_set(attack::ray(bd.king(sd), f), t)) {
return true;
return false;
bool is_check_debug(int mv, board::Board & bd) {
bool b = attack::is_in_check(bd);
return b;
bool is_check(int mv, board::Board & bd) {
if (is_promotion(mv) || is_en_passant(mv, bd) || is_castling(mv)) {
return is_check_debug(mv, bd);
int f = from(mv);
int t = to(mv);
int pc = (prom(mv) != piece::NONE) ? prom(mv) : piece(mv);
int sd = bd.square_side(f);
int king = bd.king(side::opposit(sd));
if (attack::attack(pc, sd, t, king, bd)) {
return true;
if (attack::attack_behind(king, f, sd, bd) && !bit::is_set(attack::ray(king, f), t)) {
return true;
return false;
namespace sort {
class Killer {
static const int PLY = 100;
struct List {
int k0;
int k1;
List p_killer[PLY];
void clear() {
for (int ply = 0; ply < PLY; ply++) {
p_killer[ply].k0 = move::NONE;
p_killer[ply].k1 = move::NONE;
void add(int mv, int ply) {
if (p_killer[ply].k0 != mv) {
p_killer[ply].k1 = p_killer[ply].k0;
p_killer[ply].k0 = mv;
int killer_0(int ply) const {
return p_killer[ply].k0;
int killer_1(int ply) const {
return p_killer[ply].k1;
class History {
static const int PROB_BIT = 11;
static const int PROB_ONE = 1 << PROB_BIT;
static const int PROB_HALF = 1 << (PROB_BIT - 1);
static const int PROB_SHIFT = 5;
int p_prob[piece::SIDE_SIZE * square::SIZE];
static int index(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
int sd = bd.square_side(move::from(mv));
int p12 = piece::make(move::piece(mv), sd);
int idx = p12 * square::SIZE + move::to(mv);
assert(idx < piece::SIDE_SIZE * square::SIZE);
return idx;
void update_good(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
if (!move::is_tactical(mv)) {
int idx = index(mv, bd);
p_prob[idx] += (PROB_ONE - p_prob[idx]) >> PROB_SHIFT;
void update_bad(int mv, const board::Board & bd) {
if (!move::is_tactical(mv)) {
int idx = index(mv, bd);
p_prob[idx] -= p_prob[idx] >> PROB_SHIFT;
void clear() {
for (int idx = 0; idx < piece::SIDE_SIZE * square::SIZE; idx++) {
p_prob[idx] = PROB_HALF;
void add(int bm, const gen::List & searched, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(bm != move::NONE);
update_good(bm, bd);
for (int pos = 0; pos < searched.size(); pos++) {
int mv = searched.move(pos);
if (mv != bm) update_bad(mv, bd);
int score(int mv, const board::Board & bd) const {
int idx = index(mv, bd);
return p_prob[idx];
int capture_score_debug(int pc, int cp) {
int sc = piece::score(cp) * 6 + (5 - piece::score(pc));
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < 36);
return sc;
int promotion_score_debug(int pp) {
switch (pp) {
case piece::QUEEN:
return 3;
case piece::KNIGHT:
return 2;
case piece::ROOK:
return 1;
case piece::BISHOP:
return 0;
return 0;
int tactical_score_debug(int pc, int cp, int pp) {
int sc;
if (cp != piece::NONE) {
sc = capture_score_debug(pc, cp) + 4;
} else {
sc = promotion_score_debug(pp);
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < 40);
return sc;
int capture_score(int mv) {
return capture_score_debug(move::piece(mv), move::cap(mv));
int promotion_score(int mv) {
assert(move::is_promotion(mv) && !move::is_capture(mv));
return promotion_score_debug(move::prom(mv));
int tactical_score(int mv) {
return tactical_score_debug(move::piece(mv), move::cap(mv), move::prom(mv));
int evasion_score(int mv, int trans_move) {
int sc;
if (false) {
} else if (mv == trans_move) {
sc = move::SCORE_MASK;
} else if (move::is_tactical(mv)) {
sc = tactical_score(mv) + 1;
assert (sc >= 1 && sc < 41);
} else {
sc = 0;
return sc;
void sort_tacticals(gen::List & ml) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
int mv = ml.move(pos);
int sc = tactical_score(mv);
ml.set_score(pos, sc);
void sort_history(gen::List & ml, const board::Board & bd, const History & history) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
int mv = ml.move(pos);
int sc = history.score(mv, bd);
ml.set_score(pos, sc);
void sort_evasions(gen::List & ml, int trans_move) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
int mv = ml.move(pos);
int sc = evasion_score(mv, trans_move);
ml.set_score(pos, sc);
namespace gen_sort {
// HACK: outside of List class because of C++ "static const" limitations :(
enum Inst {
const Inst Prog_Evasion[] = { GEN_EVASION, POST_MOVE_SEE, GEN_BAD, POST_BAD, GEN_END };
class List {
board::Board * p_board;
const attack::Attacks * p_attacks;
const sort::Killer * p_killer;
const sort::History * p_hist;
int p_trans_move;
const Inst * p_ip;
Inst p_gen;
Inst p_post;
gen::List p_todo;
gen::List p_done;
gen::List p_bad;
int p_pos;
bool p_candidate;
bool gen() {
p_pos = 0;
switch (p_gen) { {
} case GEN_EVASION: {
gen::add_evasions(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board, *p_attacks);
sort::sort_evasions(p_todo, p_trans_move);
} case GEN_TRANS: {
int mv = p_trans_move;
if (mv != move::NONE && gen::is_move(mv, *p_board)) {
p_candidate = true;
} case GEN_TACTICAL: {
gen::add_captures(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
gen::add_promotions(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
p_candidate = true;
} case GEN_KILLER: {
int k0 = p_killer->killer_0(p_board->ply());
if (k0 != move::NONE && gen::is_quiet_move(k0, *p_board)) {
int k1 = p_killer->killer_1(p_board->ply());
if (k1 != move::NONE && gen::is_quiet_move(k1, *p_board)) {
p_candidate = true;
} case GEN_CHECK: {
gen::add_checks(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
p_candidate = true; // not needed yet
} case GEN_PAWN: {
gen::add_castling(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
gen::add_pawn_pushes(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
p_candidate = true; // not needed yet
} case GEN_QUIET: {
gen::add_quiets(p_todo, p_board->turn(), *p_board);
sort::sort_history(p_todo, *p_board, *p_hist);
p_candidate = false;
} case GEN_BAD: {
p_todo = p_bad;
p_candidate = false;
} case GEN_END: {
return false;
} default: {
} }
return true;
bool post(int mv) {
assert(mv != move::NONE);
switch (p_post) { {
} case POST_MOVE: {
if (p_done.contain(mv)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_legal(mv, *p_board, *p_attacks)) {
return false;
} case POST_MOVE_SEE: {
if (p_done.contain(mv)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_legal(mv, *p_board, *p_attacks)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_safe(mv, *p_board)) {
return false;
} case POST_KILLER: {
if (p_done.contain(mv)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_legal(mv, *p_board, *p_attacks)) {
return false;
if (p_done.contain(mv)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_legal(mv, *p_board, *p_attacks)) {
return false;
if (!move::is_safe(mv, *p_board)) {
return false;
} case POST_BAD: {
assert(move::is_legal(mv, *p_board, *p_attacks));
} default: {
} }
return true;
void init(int depth, board::Board & bd, const attack::Attacks & attacks, int trans_move, const sort::Killer & killer, const sort::History & history, bool use_fp = false) {
p_board = &bd;
p_attacks = &attacks;
p_killer = &killer;
p_hist = &history;
p_trans_move = trans_move;
if (false) {
} else if (attacks.size != 0) { // in check
p_ip = Prog_Evasion;
} else if (depth < 0) {
p_ip = Prog_QS;
} else if (depth == 0) {
p_ip = Prog_QS_Root;
} else if (use_fp) {
p_ip = Prog_QS_Root;
} else {
p_ip = Prog_Main;
p_pos = 0;
p_candidate = false;
int next() {
while (true) {
while (p_pos >= p_todo.size()) {
p_gen = *p_ip++;
p_post = *p_ip++;
if (!gen()) return move::NONE;
int mv = p_todo.move(p_pos++);
if (post(mv)) return mv;
bool is_candidate() const {
return p_candidate;
namespace material {
const int p_power[piece::SIZE] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 0, 0 };
const int p_score[piece::SIZE][stage::SIZE] = { { 85, 95 }, { 325, 325 }, { 325, 325 }, { 460, 540 }, { 975, 975 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
int phase_weight[TOTAL_PHASE + 1];
int power(int pc) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
return p_power[pc];
int score(int pc, int stage) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
assert(stage < stage::SIZE);
return p_score[pc][stage];
int force(int sd, const board::Board & bd) { // for draw eval
int force = 0;
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::QUEEN; pc++) {
force += bd.count(pc, sd) * power(pc);
return force;
bool lone_king(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::ROOK, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::QUEEN, sd) == 0;
bool lone_bishop(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) == 1
&& bd.count(piece::ROOK, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::QUEEN, sd) == 0;
bool lone_king_or_bishop(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) <= 1
&& bd.count(piece::ROOK, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::QUEEN, sd) == 0;
bool lone_king_or_minor(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) + bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) <= 1
&& bd.count(piece::ROOK, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::QUEEN, sd) == 0;
bool two_knights(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) == 2
&& bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::ROOK, sd) == 0
&& bd.count(piece::QUEEN, sd) == 0;
int interpolation(int mg, int eg, const board::Board & bd) {
int phase = std::min(bd.phase(), TOTAL_PHASE);
assert(phase >= 0 && phase <= TOTAL_PHASE);
int weight = phase_weight[phase];
return (mg * weight + eg * (256 - weight) + 128) >> 8;
void init() {
for (int i = 0; i <= TOTAL_PHASE; i++) {
double x = double(i) / double(TOTAL_PHASE / 2) - 1.0;
double y = 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp(-x * 5.0));
phase_weight[i] = util::round(y * 256.0);
namespace pst {
const int Knight_Line[8] = { -4, -2, 0, +1, +1, 0, -2, -4 };
const int King_Line[8] = { -3, -1, 0, +1, +1, 0, -1, -3 };
const int King_File[8] = { +1, +2, 0, -2, -2, 0, +2, +1 };
const int King_Rank[8] = { +1, 0, -2, -4, -6, -8,-10,-12 };
const int Advance_Rank[8] = { -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +1, 0 };
int p_score[piece::SIDE_SIZE][square::SIZE][stage::SIZE];
int score(int p12, int sq, int stage) {
return p_score[p12][sq][stage];
void init() {
for (int p12 = 0; p12 < piece::SIDE_SIZE; p12++) {
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
p_score[p12][sq][stage::MG] = 0;
p_score[p12][sq][stage::EG] = 0;
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq);
p_score[piece::WHITE_PAWN][sq][stage::MG] = 0;
p_score[piece::WHITE_PAWN][sq][stage::EG] = 0;
p_score[piece::WHITE_KNIGHT][sq][stage::MG] = (Knight_Line[fl] + Knight_Line[rk] + Advance_Rank[rk]) * 4;
p_score[piece::WHITE_KNIGHT][sq][stage::EG] = (Knight_Line[fl] + Knight_Line[rk] + Advance_Rank[rk]) * 4;
p_score[piece::WHITE_BISHOP][sq][stage::MG] = (King_Line[fl] + King_Line[rk]) * 2;
p_score[piece::WHITE_BISHOP][sq][stage::EG] = (King_Line[fl] + King_Line[rk]) * 2;
p_score[piece::WHITE_ROOK][sq][stage::MG] = King_Line[fl] * 5;
p_score[piece::WHITE_ROOK][sq][stage::EG] = 0;
p_score[piece::WHITE_QUEEN][sq][stage::MG] = (King_Line[fl] + King_Line[rk]) * 1;
p_score[piece::WHITE_QUEEN][sq][stage::EG] = (King_Line[fl] + King_Line[rk]) * 1;
p_score[piece::WHITE_KING][sq][stage::MG] = (King_File[fl] + King_Rank[rk]) * 8;
p_score[piece::WHITE_KING][sq][stage::EG] = (King_Line[fl] + King_Line[rk] + Advance_Rank[rk]) * 8;
for (int pc = piece::PAWN; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
int wp = piece::make(pc, side::WHITE);
int bp = piece::make(pc, side::BLACK);
for (int bs = 0; bs < square::SIZE; bs++) {
int ws = square::opposit_rank(bs);
p_score[bp][bs][stage::MG] = p_score[wp][ws][stage::MG];
p_score[bp][bs][stage::EG] = p_score[wp][ws][stage::EG];
namespace pawn {
struct Info { // 80 bytes; TODO: merge some bitboards and/or file info?
int8 open[square::FILE_SIZE][side::SIZE];
uint8 shelter[square::FILE_SIZE][side::SIZE];
bit_t passed;
bit_t target[side::SIZE];
bit_t safe;
uint32 lock;
int16 mg;
int16 eg;
int8 left_file;
int8 right_file;
void clear_info (Info & info);
void comp_info (Info & info, const board::Board & bd);
class Table {
static const int BITS = 12;
static const int SIZE = 1 << BITS;
static const int MASK = SIZE - 1;
Info p_table[SIZE];
void clear() {
Info info;
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++) {
p_table[index] = info;
void clear_fast() {
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++) {
p_table[index].lock = 1; // board w/o pawns has key 0!
const Info & info(const board::Board & bd) {
hash_t key = bd.pawn_key();
int index = hash::index(key) & MASK;
uint32 lock = hash::lock(key);
Info & entry = p_table[index];
if (entry.lock != lock) {
entry.lock = lock;
comp_info(entry, bd);
return entry;
bit_t duo[square::SIZE];
void clear_info(Info & info) {
info.passed = 0;
info.safe = 0;
info.lock = 1; // board w/o pawns has key 0!
info.mg = 0;
info.eg = 0;
info.left_file = square::FILE_A;
info.right_file = square::FILE_H;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
info.target[sd] = 0;
for (int fl = 0; fl < square::FILE_SIZE; fl++) {
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
info.open[fl][sd] = 0;
info.shelter[fl][sd] = 0;
bool is_empty(int sq, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.square(sq) != piece::PAWN;
bool is_attacked(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & attack::pawn_attacks_to(sd, sq)) != 0;
bool is_controlled(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
bit_t attackers = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & attack::pawn_attacks_to(sd, sq);
bit_t defenders = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, side::opposit(sd)) & attack::pawn_attacks_to(side::opposit(sd), sq);
return bit::count_loop(attackers) > bit::count_loop(defenders);
bool is_safe(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return is_empty(sq, bd) && !is_controlled(sq, side::opposit(sd), bd);
bit_t potential_attacks(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int inc = square::pawn_inc(sd);
bit_t attacks = attack::pawn_attacks_from(sd, sq);
for (sq += inc; !square::is_promotion(sq) && is_safe(sq, sd, bd); sq += inc) {
attacks |= attack::pawn_attacks_from(sd, sq);
return attacks;
bool is_duo(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & duo[sq]) != 0;
bool is_isolated(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
bit_t files = bit::files(fl) & ~bit::file(fl);
return (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & files) == 0;
bool is_weak(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq, sd);
uint64 pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
int inc = square::pawn_inc(sd);
// already fine?
if ((pawns & duo[sq]) != 0) {
return false;
if (is_attacked(sq, sd, bd)) {
return false;
// can advance next to other pawn in one move?
int s1 = sq + inc;
int s2 = s1 + inc;
if ((pawns & duo[s1]) != 0 && is_safe(s1, sd, bd)) {
return false;
if (rk == square::RANK_2 && (pawns & duo[s2]) != 0 && is_safe(s1, sd, bd) && is_safe(s2, sd, bd)) {
return false;
// can be defended in one move?
if (fl != square::FILE_A) {
int s0 = sq + square::INC_LEFT;
int s1 = s0 - inc;
int s2 = s1 - inc;
int s3 = s2 - inc;
if (bd.square_is(s2, piece::PAWN, sd) && is_safe(s1, sd, bd)) {
return false;
if (rk == square::RANK_5 && bd.square_is(s3, piece::PAWN, sd) && is_safe(s2, sd, bd) && is_safe(s1, sd, bd)) {
return false;
if (fl != square::FILE_H) {
int s0 = sq + square::INC_RIGHT;
int s1 = s0 - inc;
int s2 = s1 - inc;
int s3 = s2 - inc;
if (bd.square_is(s2, piece::PAWN, sd) && is_safe(s1, sd, bd)) {
return false;
if (rk == square::RANK_5 && bd.square_is(s3, piece::PAWN, sd) && is_safe(s2, sd, bd) && is_safe(s1, sd, bd)) {
return false;
return true;
bool is_doubled(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
return (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & bit::file(fl) & bit::rear(sq, sd)) != 0;
bool is_blocked(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return !is_safe(square::stop(sq, sd), sd, bd) && !is_attacked(sq, side::opposit(sd), bd);
int shelter_file(int fl, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(fl >= 0 && fl < 8);
if (false) {
} else if (bd.square_is(square::make(fl, square::RANK_2, sd), piece::PAWN, sd)) {
return 2;
} else if (bd.square_is(square::make(fl, square::RANK_3, sd), piece::PAWN, sd)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int shelter_files(int fl, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
int fl_left = (fl == square::FILE_A) ? fl + 1 : fl - 1;
int fl_right = (fl == square::FILE_H) ? fl - 1 : fl + 1;
int sc = shelter_file(fl, sd, bd) * 2 + shelter_file(fl_left, sd, bd) + shelter_file(fl_right, sd, bd);
assert(sc >= 0 && sc <= 8);
return sc;
void comp_info(Info & info, const board::Board & bd) {
info.passed = 0;
info.safe = 0;
info.mg = 0;
info.eg = 0;
info.left_file = square::FILE_H + 1;
info.right_file = square::FILE_A - 1;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
info.target[sd] = 0;
bit_t weak = 0;
bit_t strong = 0;
bit_t safe[side::SIZE] = { bit_t(~0), bit_t(~0) };
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
int p12 = piece::make(piece::PAWN, sd);
strong |= bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & attack::pawn_attacks_from(sd, bd); // defended pawns
int n = bd.count(piece::PAWN, sd);
info.mg += n * material::score(piece::PAWN, stage::MG);
info.eg += n * material::score(piece::PAWN, stage::EG);
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int sq = bit::first(b);
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq, sd);
if (fl < info.left_file) info.left_file = fl;
if (fl > info.right_file) info.right_file = fl;
info.mg += pst::score(p12, sq, stage::MG);
info.eg += pst::score(p12, sq, stage::EG);
if (is_isolated(sq, sd, bd)) {
bit::set(weak, sq);
info.mg -= 10;
info.eg -= 20;
} else if (is_weak(sq, sd, bd)) {
bit::set(weak, sq);
info.mg -= 5;
info.eg -= 10;
if (is_doubled(sq, sd, bd)) {
info.mg -= 5;
info.eg -= 10;
if (is_passed(sq, sd, bd)) {
bit::set(info.passed, sq);
info.mg += 10;
info.eg += 20;
if (rk >= square::RANK_5) {
int stop = square::stop(sq, sd);
if (is_duo(sq, sd, bd) && rk <= square::RANK_6) stop += square::pawn_inc(sd); // stop one line "later" for duos
bit::set(info.target[side::opposit(sd)], stop);
safe[side::opposit(sd)] &= ~potential_attacks(sq, sd, bd);
for (int fl = 0; fl < square::FILE_SIZE; fl++) {
info.shelter[fl][sd] = shelter_files(fl, sd, bd) * 4;
info.mg = -info.mg;
info.eg = -info.eg;
weak &= ~strong; // defended doubled pawns are not weak
assert((weak & strong) == 0);
info.target[side::WHITE] |= bd.piece(piece::PAWN, side::BLACK) & weak;
info.target[side::BLACK] |= bd.piece(piece::PAWN, side::WHITE) & weak;
info.safe = (safe[side::WHITE] & bit::front(square::RANK_4))
| (safe[side::BLACK] & bit::rear (square::RANK_5));
if (info.left_file > info.right_file) { // no pawns
info.left_file = square::FILE_A;
info.right_file = square::FILE_H;
assert(info.left_file <= info.right_file);
// file "openness"
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
for (int fl = 0; fl < square::FILE_SIZE; fl++) {
bit_t file = bit::file(fl);
int open;
if (false) {
} else if ((bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & file) != 0) {
open = 0;
} else if ((bd.piece(piece::PAWN, side::opposit(sd)) & file) == 0) {
open = 4;
} else if ((strong & file) != 0) {
open = 1;
} else if ((weak & file) != 0) {
open = 3;
} else {
open = 2;
info.open[fl][sd] = open * 5;
void init() {
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq);
passed_me[sq][side::WHITE] = bit::file(fl) & bit::front(rk);
passed_me[sq][side::BLACK] = bit::file(fl) & bit::rear(rk);
passed_opp[sq][side::WHITE] = bit::files(fl) & bit::front(rk);
passed_opp[sq][side::BLACK] = bit::files(fl) & bit::rear(rk);
bit_t b = 0;
if (fl != square::FILE_A) bit::set(b, sq + square::INC_LEFT);
if (fl != square::FILE_H) bit::set(b, sq + square::INC_RIGHT);
duo[sq] = b;
namespace eval {
int comp_eval (const board::Board & bd, pawn::Table & pawn_table);
struct Entry {
uint32 lock;
int eval;
class Table {
static const int BITS = 16;
static const int SIZE = 1 << BITS;
static const int MASK = SIZE - 1;
Entry p_table[SIZE];
void clear() {
for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++) {
p_table[index].lock = 0;
p_table[index].eval = 0;
int eval(const board::Board & bd, pawn::Table & pawn_table) { // NOTE: score for white
hash_t key = bd.eval_key();
int index = hash::index(key) & MASK;
uint32 lock = hash::lock(key);
Entry & entry = p_table[index];
if (entry.lock == lock) {
return entry.eval;
int eval = comp_eval(bd, pawn_table);
entry.lock = lock;
entry.eval = eval;
return eval;
struct Attack_Info {
bit_t piece_attacks[square::SIZE];
bit_t all_attacks[side::SIZE];
bit_t multiple_attacks[side::SIZE];
bit_t ge_pieces[side::SIZE][piece::SIZE];
bit_t lt_attacks[side::SIZE][piece::SIZE];
bit_t le_attacks[side::SIZE][piece::SIZE];
bit_t king_evasions[side::SIZE];
bit_t pinned;
const int attack_weight[piece::SIZE] = { 0, 4, 4, 2, 1, 4, 0 };
const int attacked_weight[piece::SIZE] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 0 };
int mob_weight[32];
int dist_weight[8]; // for king-passer distance
bit_t small_centre, medium_centre, large_centre;
bit_t centre_0, centre_1;
bit_t side_area[side::SIZE];
bit_t king_area[side::SIZE][square::SIZE];
void comp_attacks(Attack_Info & ai, const board::Board & bd) {
// prepare for adding defended opponent pieces
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
bit_t b = 0;
for (int pc = piece::KING; pc >= piece::KNIGHT; pc--) {
b |= bd.piece(pc, sd);
ai.ge_pieces[sd][pc] = b;
ai.ge_pieces[sd][piece::BISHOP] = ai.ge_pieces[sd][piece::KNIGHT]; // minors are equal
// pawn attacks
int pc = piece::PAWN;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
bit_t b = attack::pawn_attacks_from(sd, bd);
ai.lt_attacks[sd][pc] = 0; // not needed
ai.le_attacks[sd][pc] = b;
ai.all_attacks[sd] = b;
// piece attacks
ai.multiple_attacks[side::WHITE] = 0;
ai.multiple_attacks[side::BLACK] = 0;
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
int lower_piece = (pc == piece::BISHOP) ? piece::PAWN : pc - 1; // HACK: direct access
assert(lower_piece >= piece::PAWN && lower_piece < pc);
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
ai.lt_attacks[sd][pc] = ai.le_attacks[sd][lower_piece];
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
for (bit_t fs = bd.piece(pc, sd); fs != 0; fs = bit::rest(fs)) {
int sq = bit::first(fs);
bit_t ts = attack::piece_attacks_from(pc, sq, bd);
ai.piece_attacks[sq] = ts;
ai.multiple_attacks[sd] |= ts & ai.all_attacks[sd];
ai.all_attacks[sd] |= ts;
ai.le_attacks[sd][pc] = ai.all_attacks[sd];
assert((ai.le_attacks[sd][pc] & ai.lt_attacks[sd][pc]) == ai.lt_attacks[sd][pc]);
if (pc == piece::BISHOP) { // minors are equal
ai.le_attacks[sd][piece::KNIGHT] = ai.le_attacks[sd][piece::BISHOP];
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
int king = bd.king(sd);
bit_t ts = attack::pseudo_attacks_from(piece::KING, sd, king);
ai.king_evasions[sd] = ts & ~bd.side(sd) & ~ai.all_attacks[side::opposit(sd)];
// pinned pieces
ai.pinned = 0;
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
int sq = bd.king(sd);
ai.pinned |= bd.side(sd) & attack::pinned_by(sq, side::opposit(sd), bd);
int mul_shift(int a, int b, int c) {
int bias = 1 << (c - 1);
return (a * b + bias) >> c;
int passed_score(int sc, int rk) {
static const int passed_weight[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 0 };
return mul_shift(sc, passed_weight[rk], 4);
int mobility_score(int /* pc */, bit_t ts) {
// assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
int mob = bit::count(ts);
return mul_shift(20, mob_weight[mob], 8);
int attack_mg_score(int pc, int sd, bit_t ts) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
int c0 = bit::count(ts & centre_0);
int c1 = bit::count(ts & centre_1);
int sc = c1 * 2 + c0;
sc += bit::count(ts & side_area[side::opposit(sd)]);
return (sc - 4) * attack_weight[pc] / 2;
int attack_eg_score(int pc, int sd, bit_t ts, const pawn::Info & pi) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
return bit::count(ts & pi.target[sd]) * attack_weight[pc] * 4;
int capture_score(int pc, int sd, bit_t ts, const board::Board & bd, const Attack_Info & ai) {
assert(pc < piece::SIZE);
int sc = 0;
for (bit_t b = ts & bd.pieces(side::opposit(sd)); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int t = bit::first(b);
int cp = bd.square(t);
sc += attacked_weight[cp];
if (bit::is_set(ai.pinned, t)) sc += attacked_weight[cp] * 2;
return attack_weight[pc] * sc * 4;
int shelter_score(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd, const pawn::Info & pi) {
if (square::rank(sq, sd) > square::RANK_2) {
return 0;
int s0 = pi.shelter[square::file(sq)][sd];
int s1 = 0;
for (int wg = 0; wg < wing::SIZE; wg++) {
int index = castling::index(sd, wg);
if (castling::flag(bd.flags(), index)) {
int fl = wing::shelter_file[wg];
s1 = std::max(s1, int(pi.shelter[fl][sd]));
if (s1 > s0) {
return (s0 + s1) / 2;
} else {
return s0;
int king_score(int sc, int n) {
int weight = 256 - (256 >> n);
return mul_shift(sc, weight, 8);
int eval_outpost(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd, const pawn::Info & pi) {
assert(square::rank(sq, sd) >= square::RANK_5);
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
int weight = 0;
if (bit::is_set(pi.safe, sq)) { // safe square
weight += 2;
if (bd.square_is(square::stop(sq, sd), piece::PAWN, xd)) { // shielded
if (pawn::is_attacked(sq, sd, bd)) { // defended
return weight - 2;
bool passer_is_unstoppable(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
if (!material::lone_king(side::opposit(sd), bd)) return false;
int fl = square::file(sq);
bit_t front = bit::file(fl) & bit::front(sq, sd);
if ((bd.all() & front) != 0) { // path not free
return false;
if (pawn::square_distance(bd.king(side::opposit(sd)), sq, sd) >= 2) { // opponent king outside square
return true;
if ((front & ~attack::pseudo_attacks_from(piece::KING, sd, bd.king(sd))) == 0) { // king controls promotion path
return true;
return false;
int eval_passed(int sq, int sd, const board::Board & bd, const Attack_Info & ai) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
int weight = 4;
// blocker
if (bd.square(square::stop(sq, sd)) != piece::NONE) {
// free path
bit_t front = bit::file(fl) & bit::front(sq, sd);
bit_t rear = bit::file(fl) & bit::rear (sq, sd);
if ((bd.all() & front) == 0) {
bool major_behind = false;
bit_t majors = bd.piece(piece::ROOK, xd) | bd.piece(piece::QUEEN, xd);
for (bit_t b = majors & rear; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
if (attack::line_is_empty(f, sq, bd)) {
major_behind = true;
if (!major_behind && (ai.all_attacks[xd] & front) == 0) {
weight += 2;
return weight;
int eval_pawn_cap(int sd, const board::Board & bd, const Attack_Info & ai) {
bit_t ts = attack::pawn_attacks_from(sd, bd);
int sc = 0;
for (bit_t b = ts & bd.pieces(side::opposit(sd)); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int t = bit::first(b);
int cp = bd.square(t);
if (cp == piece::KING) continue;
sc += piece::value(cp) - 50;
if (bit::is_set(ai.pinned, t)) sc += (piece::value(cp) - 50) * 2;
return sc / 10;
int eval_pattern(const board::Board & bd) {
int eval = 0;
// fianchetto
if (bd.square_is(square::B2, piece::BISHOP, side::WHITE)
&& bd.square_is(square::B3, piece::PAWN, side::WHITE)
&& bd.square_is(square::C2, piece::PAWN, side::WHITE)) {
eval += 20;
if (bd.square_is(square::G2, piece::BISHOP, side::WHITE)
&& bd.square_is(square::G3, piece::PAWN, side::WHITE)
&& bd.square_is(square::F2, piece::PAWN, side::WHITE)) {
eval += 20;
if (bd.square_is(square::B7, piece::BISHOP, side::BLACK)
&& bd.square_is(square::B6, piece::PAWN, side::BLACK)
&& bd.square_is(square::C7, piece::PAWN, side::BLACK)) {
eval -= 20;
if (bd.square_is(square::G7, piece::BISHOP, side::BLACK)
&& bd.square_is(square::G6, piece::PAWN, side::BLACK)
&& bd.square_is(square::F7, piece::PAWN, side::BLACK)) {
eval -= 20;
return eval;
bool has_minor(int sd, const board::Board & bd) {
return bd.count(piece::KNIGHT, sd) + bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) != 0;
int draw_mul(int sd, const board::Board & bd, const pawn::Info & pi) {
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
int pawn[side::SIZE];
pawn[side::WHITE] = bd.count(piece::PAWN, side::WHITE);
pawn[side::BLACK] = bd.count(piece::PAWN, side::BLACK);
int force = material::force(sd, bd) - material::force(xd, bd);
// rook-file pawns
if (material::lone_king_or_bishop(sd, bd) && pawn[sd] != 0) {
bit_t b = bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, sd);
if ((bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & ~bit::file(square::FILE_A)) == 0
&& (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, xd) & bit::file(square::FILE_B)) == 0) {
int prom = (sd == side::WHITE) ? square::A8 : square::A1;
if (square::distance(bd.king(xd), prom) <= 1) {
if (b == 0 || !square::same_colour(bit::first(b), prom)) {
return 1;
if ((bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & ~bit::file(square::FILE_H)) == 0
&& (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, xd) & bit::file(square::FILE_G)) == 0) {
int prom = (sd == side::WHITE) ? square::H8 : square::H1;
if (square::distance(bd.king(xd), prom) <= 1) {
if (b == 0 || !square::same_colour(bit::first(b), prom)) {
return 1;
if (pawn[sd] == 0 && material::lone_king_or_minor(sd, bd)) {
return 1;
if (pawn[sd] == 0 && material::two_knights(sd, bd)) {
return 2;
if (pawn[sd] == 0 && force <= 1) {
return 2;
if (pawn[sd] == 1 && force == 0 && has_minor(xd, bd)) {
return 4;
if (pawn[sd] == 1 && force == 0) {
int king = bd.king(xd);
int pawn = bit::first(bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd));
int stop = square::stop(pawn, sd);
if (king == stop || (square::rank(pawn, sd) <= square::RANK_6 && king == square::stop(stop, sd))) {
return 4;
if (pawn[sd] == 2 && pawn[xd] >= 1 && force == 0 && has_minor(xd, bd) && (bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) & pi.passed) == 0) {
return 8;
if (material::lone_bishop(side::WHITE, bd) && material::lone_bishop(side::BLACK, bd) && std::abs(pawn[side::WHITE] - pawn[side::BLACK]) <= 2) { // opposit-colour bishops
int wb = bit::first(bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, side::WHITE));
int bb = bit::first(bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, side::BLACK));
if (!square::same_colour(wb, bb)) {
return 8;
return 16;
int my_distance(int f, int t, int weight) {
int dist = square::distance(f, t);
return mul_shift(dist_weight[dist], weight, 8);
int check_number(int pc, int sd, bit_t ts, int king, const board::Board & bd) {
assert(pc != piece::KING);
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
bit_t checks = ts & ~bd.side(sd) & attack::pseudo_attacks_to(pc, sd, king);
if (!piece::is_slider(pc)) {
return bit::count_loop(checks);
int n = 0;
bit_t b = checks & attack::pseudo_attacks_to(piece::KING, xd, king); // contact checks
n += bit::count_loop(b) * 2;
checks &= ~b;
for (bit_t b = checks; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int t = bit::first(b);
if (attack::line_is_empty(t, king, bd)) {
return n;
int comp_eval(const board::Board & bd, pawn::Table & pawn_table) { // NOTE: score for white
Attack_Info ai;
comp_attacks(ai, bd);
const pawn::Info & pi = pawn_table.info(bd);
int eval = 0;
int mg = 0;
int eg = 0;
int shelter[side::SIZE];
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
shelter[sd] = shelter_score(bd.king(sd), sd, bd, pi);
for (int sd = 0; sd < side::SIZE; sd++) {
int xd = side::opposit(sd);
int my_king = bd.king(sd);
int op_king = bd.king(xd);
bit_t target = ~(bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd) | attack::pawn_attacks_from(xd, bd));
int king_n = 0;
int king_power = 0;
// pawns
bit_t fs = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, sd);
bit_t front = (sd == side::WHITE) ? bit::front(square::RANK_3) : bit::rear(square::RANK_6);
for (bit_t b = fs & pi.passed & front; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int sq = bit::first(b);
int rk = square::rank(sq, sd);
if (passer_is_unstoppable(sq, sd, bd)) {
int weight = std::max(rk - square::RANK_3, 0);
assert(weight >= 0 and weight < 5);
eg += (piece::QUEEN_VALUE - piece::PAWN_VALUE) * weight / 5;
} else {
int sc = eval_passed(sq, sd, bd, ai);
int sc_mg = sc * 20;
int sc_eg = sc * 25;
int stop = square::stop(sq, sd);
sc_eg -= my_distance(my_king, stop, 10);
sc_eg += my_distance(op_king, stop, 20);
mg += passed_score(sc_mg, rk);
eg += passed_score(sc_eg, rk);
eval += bit::count(attack::pawn_moves_from(sd, bd) & bd.empty()) * 4 - bd.count(piece::PAWN, sd) * 2;
eval += eval_pawn_cap(sd, bd, ai);
// pieces
for (int pc = piece::KNIGHT; pc <= piece::KING; pc++) {
int p12 = piece::make(pc, sd); // for PST
int n = bd.count(pc, sd);
mg += n * material::score(pc, stage::MG);
eg += n * material::score(pc, stage::EG);
for (bit_t b = bd.piece(pc, sd); b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int sq = bit::first(b);
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq, sd);
// compute safe attacks
bit_t ts_all = ai.piece_attacks[sq];
bit_t ts_pawn_safe = ts_all & target;
bit_t safe = ~ai.all_attacks[xd] | ai.multiple_attacks[sd];
if (true && piece::is_slider(pc)) { // battery support
bit_t bishops = bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, sd) | bd.piece(piece::QUEEN, sd);
bit_t rooks = bd.piece(piece::ROOK, sd) | bd.piece(piece::QUEEN, sd);
bit_t support = 0;
support |= bishops & attack::pseudo_attacks_to(piece::BISHOP, sd, sq);
support |= rooks & attack::pseudo_attacks_to(piece::ROOK, sd, sq);
for (bit_t b = ts_all & support; b != 0; b = bit::rest(b)) {
int f = bit::first(b);
assert(attack::line_is_empty(f, sq, bd));
safe |= attack::Behind[f][sq];
bit_t ts_safe = ts_pawn_safe & ~ai.lt_attacks[xd][pc] & safe;
mg += pst::score(p12, sq, stage::MG);
eg += pst::score(p12, sq, stage::EG);
if (pc == piece::KING) {
eg += mobility_score(pc, ts_safe);
} else {
eval += mobility_score(pc, ts_safe);
if (pc != piece::KING) {
mg += attack_mg_score(pc, sd, ts_pawn_safe);
eg += attack_eg_score(pc, sd, ts_pawn_safe, pi);
eval += capture_score(pc, sd, ts_all & (ai.ge_pieces[xd][pc] | target), bd, ai);
if (pc != piece::KING) {
eval += check_number(pc, sd, ts_safe, op_king, bd) * material::power(pc) * 6;
if (pc != piece::KING && (ts_safe & king_area[xd][op_king]) != 0) { // king attack
king_power += material::power(pc);
if (piece::is_minor(pc) && rk >= square::RANK_5 && rk <= square::RANK_6 && fl >= square::FILE_C && fl <= square::FILE_F) { // outpost
eval += eval_outpost(sq, sd, bd, pi) * 5;
if (piece::is_minor(pc) && rk >= square::RANK_5 && !bit::is_set(ai.all_attacks[sd], sq)) { // loose minor
mg -= 10;
if (piece::is_minor(pc) && rk >= square::RANK_3 && rk <= square::RANK_4 && bd.square_is(square::stop(sq, sd), piece::PAWN, sd)) { // shielded minor
mg += 10;
if (pc == piece::ROOK) { // open file
int sc = pi.open[fl][sd];
bit_t minors = bd.piece(piece::KNIGHT, xd) | bd.piece(piece::BISHOP, xd);
if (true && sc >= 10 && (minors & bit::file(fl) & ~target) != 0) { // blocked by minor
sc = 5;
eval += sc - 10;
if (sc >= 10 && std::abs(square::file(op_king) - fl) <= 1) { // open file on king
int weight = (square::file(op_king) == fl) ? 2 : 1;
mg += sc * weight / 2;
if (pc == piece::ROOK && rk == square::RANK_7) { // 7th rank
bit_t pawns = bd.piece(piece::PAWN, xd) & bit::rank(square::rank(sq));
if (square::rank(op_king, sd) >= square::RANK_7 || pawns != 0) {
mg += 10;
eg += 20;
if (pc == piece::KING) { // king out
int dl = (pi.left_file - 1) - fl;
if (dl > 0) eg -= dl * 20;
int dr = fl - (pi.right_file + 1);
if (dr > 0) eg -= dr * 20;
if (bd.count(piece::BISHOP, sd) >= 2) {
mg += 30;
eg += 50;
mg += shelter[sd];
mg += mul_shift(king_score(king_power * 30, king_n), 32 - shelter[xd], 5);
eval = -eval;
mg = -mg;
eg = -eg;
mg += pi.mg;
eg += pi.eg;
eval += eval_pattern(bd);
eval += material::interpolation(mg, eg, bd);
if (eval != 0) { // draw multiplier
int winner = (eval > 0) ? side::WHITE : side::BLACK;
eval = mul_shift(eval, draw_mul(winner, bd, pi), 4);
assert(eval >= score::EVAL_MIN && eval <= score::EVAL_MAX);
return eval;
int eval(board::Board & bd, Table & table, pawn::Table & pawn_table) {
return score::side_score(table.eval(bd, pawn_table), bd.turn());
void init() {
small_centre = 0;
medium_centre = 0;
large_centre = 0;
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
int fl = square::file(sq);
int rk = square::rank(sq);
if (fl >= square::FILE_D && fl <= square::FILE_E && rk >= square::RANK_4 && rk <= square::RANK_5) {
bit::set(small_centre, sq);
if (fl >= square::FILE_C && fl <= square::FILE_F && rk >= square::RANK_3 && rk <= square::RANK_6) {
bit::set(medium_centre, sq);
if (fl >= square::FILE_B && fl <= square::FILE_G && rk >= square::RANK_2 && rk <= square::RANK_7) {
bit::set(large_centre, sq);
large_centre &= ~medium_centre;
medium_centre &= ~small_centre;
centre_0 = small_centre | large_centre;
centre_1 = small_centre | medium_centre;
side_area[side::WHITE] = 0;
side_area[side::BLACK] = 0;
for (int sq = 0; sq < square::SIZE; sq++) {
if (square::rank(sq) <= square::RANK_4) {
bit::set(side_area[side::WHITE], sq);
} else {
bit::set(side_area[side::BLACK], sq);
for (int ks = 0; ks < square::SIZE; ks++) {
king_area[side::WHITE][ks] = 0;
king_area[side::BLACK][ks] = 0;
for (int as = 0; as < square::SIZE; as++) {
int df = square::file(as) - square::file(ks);
int dr = square::rank(as) - square::rank(ks);
if (std::abs(df) <= 1 && dr >= -1 && dr <= +2) {
bit::set(king_area[side::WHITE][ks], as);
if (std::abs(df) <= 1 && dr >= -2 && dr <= +1) {
bit::set(king_area[side::BLACK][ks], as);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
double x = double(i) * 0.5;
double y = 1.0 - std::exp(-x);
mob_weight[i] = util::round(y * 512.0) - 256;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
double x = double(i) - 3.0;
double y = 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp(-x));
dist_weight[i] = util::round(y * 7.0 * 256.0);
namespace uci {
bool infinite; // for UCI-design mistake :(
namespace search {
const int MAX_DEPTH = 100;
const int MAX_PLY = 100;
const int NODE_PERIOD = 1024;
const int MAX_THREADS = 16;
class Abort : public std::exception { // SP fail-high exception
void update_current ();
class PV {
static const int SIZE = MAX_PLY;
int p_size;
int p_move[SIZE];
PV() {
void operator=(const PV & pv) {
void clear() {
p_size = 0;
void add(int mv) {
if (p_size < SIZE) {
p_move[p_size++] = mv;
void add(const PV & pv) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < pv.size(); pos++) {
int mv = pv.move(pos);
void cat(int mv, const PV & pv) {
int size() const {
return p_size;
int move(int pos) const {
return p_move[pos];
std::string to_can() const {
std::string s;
for (int pos = 0; pos < size(); pos++) {
int mv = move(pos);
if (pos != 0) s += " ";
s += move::to_can(mv);
return s;
struct Time {
bool depth_limited;
bool node_limited;
bool time_limited;
int depth_limit;
int64 node_limit;
int64 time_limit;
bool smart;
bool ponder;
bool flag;
int64 limit_0;
int64 limit_1;
int64 limit_2;
int last_score;
bool drop;
util::Timer timer;
struct Current {
int depth;
int max_ply;
int64 node;
int time;
int speed;
int move;
int pos;
int size;
bool fail_high;
int last_time;
struct Best {
int depth;
int move;
int score;
int flags;
PV pv;
Time p_time;
Current current;
Best best;
class Search_Global : public util::Lockable {
trans::Table trans;
sort::History history;
Search_Global sg;
class SMP : public util::Lockable {
SMP smp;
class Search_Local;
class Split_Point;
//void clear_iteration(Search_Local & sl); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- function not found
void search_root(Search_Local & sl, gen::List & ml, int depth, int alpha, int beta);
int search(Search_Local & sl, int depth, int alpha, int beta, PV & pv);
int split(Search_Local & sl, int depth, int old_alpha, int alpha, int beta, PV & pv, gen_sort::List & todo, const gen::List & done, int bs, int bm);
void master_split_point(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp);
void search_split_point(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp);
int qs_static(Search_Local & sl, int beta, int gain);
void inc_node(Search_Local & sl);
bool poll();
void move(Search_Local & sl, int mv);
void undo(Search_Local & sl);
int eval(Search_Local & sl);
int extension(Search_Local & sl, int mv, int depth, bool pv_node);
static int reduction(Search_Local & sl, int mv, int depth, bool pv_node, bool in_check, int searched_size, bool dangerous);
void gen_sort(Search_Local & sl, gen::List & ml);
void sg_abort ();
void sl_init_early (Search_Local & sl, int id);
void sl_init_late (Search_Local & sl);
void sl_set_root (Search_Local & sl, const board::Board & bd);
void sl_signal (Search_Local & sl);
bool sl_stop (const Search_Local & sl);
bool sl_idle (const Search_Local & sl, Split_Point * sp);
void sl_push (Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp);
void sl_pop (Search_Local & sl);
Split_Point & sl_top (const Search_Local & sl);
class Split_Point : public util::Lockable {
Search_Local * p_master;
Split_Point * p_parent;
board::Board p_board;
int p_depth;
int p_old_alpha;
int volatile p_alpha;
int p_beta;
gen::List p_todo;
gen::List p_done;
int volatile p_workers;
int volatile p_sent;
int volatile p_received;
int volatile p_bs;
int volatile p_bm;
PV p_pv;
void init_root(Search_Local & master) {
p_master = &master;
p_parent = NULL;
p_bs = score::NONE;
p_beta = score::MAX;
p_workers = 1;
p_received = -1; // HACK
void init(Search_Local & master, Split_Point & parent, const board::Board & bd, int depth, int old_alpha, int alpha, int beta, gen_sort::List & todo, const gen::List & done, int bs, int bm, const PV & pv) {
assert(depth > 4);
assert(old_alpha <= alpha);
assert(alpha < beta);
assert(done.size() != 0);
assert(bs != score::NONE);
p_master = &master;
p_parent = &parent;
p_board = bd;
p_depth = depth;
p_old_alpha = old_alpha;
p_alpha = alpha;
p_beta = beta;
for (int mv = todo.next(); mv != move::NONE; mv = todo.next()) {
p_done = done;
p_workers = 0;
p_sent = 0;
p_received = 0;
p_bs = bs;
p_bm = bm;
p_pv = pv;
void enter() {
void leave() {
assert(p_workers > 0);
if (p_workers == 0) sl_signal(*p_master);
int next_move() {
// lock();
int mv = move::NONE;
if (p_bs < p_beta && p_sent < p_todo.size()) {
mv = p_todo.move(p_sent++);
// unlock();
return mv;
void update_root() {
p_received = 0;
p_workers = 0;
void update(int mv, int sc, const PV & pv) {
assert(p_received < p_todo.size());
if (sc > p_bs) {
p_bs = sc;
p_pv.cat(mv, pv);
if (sc > p_alpha) {
p_bm = mv;
p_alpha = sc;
const board::Board & board() const { return p_board; }
Split_Point * parent() const { return p_parent; }
int depth() const { return p_depth; }
int alpha() const { return p_alpha; }
int beta() const { return p_beta; }
int old_alpha() const { return p_old_alpha; }
int bs() const { return p_bs; }
int bm() const { return p_bm; }
bool solved() const { return p_bs >= p_beta || p_received == p_todo.size(); }
bool free() const { return p_workers == 0; }
const gen::List & searched() const { return p_done; }
int searched_size() const { return p_done.size(); }
int result(PV & pv) const {
pv = p_pv;
return p_bs;
Split_Point root_sp;
class Search_Local : public util::Waitable {
int id;
std::thread thread;
bool volatile todo;
Split_Point * volatile todo_sp;
board::Board board;
sort::Killer killer;
pawn::Table pawn_table;
eval::Table eval_table;
int64 volatile node;
int volatile max_ply;
Split_Point msp_stack[16];
int msp_stack_size;
Split_Point * ssp_stack[64];
int ssp_stack_size;
Search_Local p_sl[MAX_THREADS];
void new_search() {
p_time.depth_limited = true;
p_time.node_limited = false;
p_time.time_limited = false;
p_time.depth_limit = MAX_DEPTH - 1;
p_time.smart = false;
p_time.ponder = false;
void set_depth_limit(int depth) {
p_time.depth_limited = true;
p_time.depth_limit = depth;
void set_node_limit(int64 node) {
p_time.node_limited = true;
p_time.node_limit = node;
void set_time_limit(int64 time) {
p_time.time_limited = true;
p_time.time_limit = time;
void set_ponder() {
p_time.ponder = true;
void clear() {
p_time.flag = false;
current.depth = 0;
current.max_ply = 0;
current.node = 0;
current.time = 0;
current.speed = 0;
current.move = move::NONE;
current.pos = 0;
current.size = 0;
current.fail_high = false;
current.last_time = 0;
best.depth = 0;
best.move = move::NONE;
best.score = score::NONE;
best.flags = score::FLAGS_NONE;
void update_current() {
int64 node = 0;
int max_ply = 0;
for (int id = 0; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) {
Search_Local & sl = p_sl[id];
node += sl.node;
if (sl.max_ply > max_ply) max_ply = sl.max_ply;
current.node = node;
current.max_ply = max_ply;
current.time = p_time.timer.elapsed();
current.speed = (current.time < 10) ? 0 : int(current.node * 1000 / current.time);
void write_pv(Best & best) {
std::cout << "info";
std::cout << " depth " << best.depth;
std::cout << " seldepth " << current.max_ply;
std::cout << " nodes " << current.node;
std::cout << " time " << current.time;
if (score::is_mate(best.score)) {
std::cout << " score mate " << score::signed_mate(best.score);
} else {
std::cout << " score cp " << best.score;
if (best.flags == score::FLAGS_LOWER) std::cout << " lowerbound";
if (best.flags == score::FLAGS_UPPER) std::cout << " upperbound";
std::cout << " pv " << best.pv.to_can();
std::cout << std::endl;
void write_info() {
std::cout << "info";
std::cout << " depth " << current.depth;
std::cout << " seldepth " << current.max_ply;
std::cout << " currmove " << move::to_can(current.move);
std::cout << " currmovenumber " << current.pos + 1;
std::cout << " nodes " << current.node;
std::cout << " time " << current.time;
if (current.speed != 0) std::cout << " nps " << current.speed;
std::cout << " hashfull " << sg.trans.used();
std::cout << std::endl;
void write_info_opt() {
int time = current.time;
if (time >= current.last_time + 1000) {
current.last_time = time - time % 1000;
void depth_start(int depth) {
current.depth = depth;
void depth_end() {
void move_start(int mv, int pos, int size) {
assert(size > 0);
assert(pos < size);
current.move = mv;
current.pos = pos;
current.size = size;
current.fail_high = false;
void move_fail_high() {
current.fail_high = true;
p_time.flag = false;
void move_end() {
current.fail_high = false;
void update_best(Best & best, int sc, int flags, const PV & pv) {
assert(sc != score::NONE);
assert(pv.size() != 0);
p_time.drop = flags == score::FLAGS_UPPER || (sc <= p_time.last_score - 30 && current.size > 1);
if (pv.move(0) != best.move || p_time.drop) {
p_time.flag = false;
best.depth = current.depth;
best.move = pv.move(0);
best.score = sc;
best.flags = flags;
best.pv = pv;
void search_end() {
void idle_loop(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & wait_sp) {
sl_push(sl, wait_sp);
while (true) {
assert(sl.todo_sp == NULL);
sl.todo = false;
sl.todo_sp = NULL;
while (!wait_sp.free() && sl.todo_sp == NULL) {
Split_Point & sp = *sl.todo_sp;
sl.todo = true;
sl.todo_sp = NULL;
if (&sp == NULL) {
// sp.enter();
sl_push(sl, sp);
try {
search_split_point(sl, sp);
} catch (const Abort & /* abort */) {
// no-op
void helper_program(Search_Local * sl) {
idle_loop(*sl, root_sp);
bool can_split(Search_Local & master, Split_Point & parent) {
if (engine::engine.threads == 1) return false;
if (master.msp_stack_size >= 16) return false;
if (sl_stop(master)) return false;
for (int id = 0; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) {
Search_Local & worker = p_sl[id];
if (&worker != &master && sl_idle(worker, &parent)) return true;
return false;
void send_work(Search_Local & worker, Split_Point & sp) {
if (sl_idle(worker, sp.parent())) {
worker.todo = true;
worker.todo_sp = &sp;
void init_sg() {
void search_root(Search_Local & sl, gen::List & ml, int depth, int alpha, int beta) {
assert(depth > 0 && depth < MAX_DEPTH);
assert(alpha < beta);
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
bool pv_node = true;
int bs = score::NONE;
int bm = move::NONE;
int old_alpha = alpha;
// transposition table
hash_t key = 0;
if (depth >= 0) {
key = bd.key();
// move loop
bool in_check = attack::is_in_check(bd);
int searched_size = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
int mv = ml.move(pos);
bool dangerous = in_check || move::is_tactical(mv) || move::is_check(mv, bd) || move::is_castling(mv) || move::is_pawn_push(mv, bd);
int ext = extension(sl, mv, depth, pv_node);
int red = reduction(sl, mv, depth, pv_node, in_check, searched_size, dangerous); // LMR
if (ext != 0) red = 0;
assert(ext == 0 || red == 0);
int sc;
PV npv;
move_start(mv, pos, ml.size());
move(sl, mv);
if ((pv_node && searched_size != 0) || red != 0) {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - red - 1, -alpha - 1, -alpha, npv);
if (sc > alpha) { // PVS/LMR re-search
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
} else {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
if (sc > bs) {
bs = sc;
PV pv;
pv.cat(mv, npv);
update_best(best, sc, score::flags(sc, alpha, beta), pv);
if (sc > alpha) {
bm = mv;
alpha = sc;
// ml.set_score(pos, sc); // not needed
if (depth >= 0) {
sg.trans.store(key, depth, bd.ply(), mv, sc, score::FLAGS_LOWER);
if (sc >= beta) return;
assert(bs != score::NONE);
assert(bs < beta);
if (depth >= 0) {
int flags = score::flags(bs, old_alpha, beta);
sg.trans.store(key, depth, bd.ply(), bm, bs, flags);
int search(Search_Local & sl, int depth, int alpha, int beta, PV & pv) {
assert(depth < MAX_DEPTH);
assert(alpha < beta);
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
bool pv_node = depth > 0 && beta != alpha + 1;
// mate-distance pruning
int sc = score::from_trans(score::MATE - 1, bd.ply());
if (sc < beta) {
beta = sc;
if (sc <= alpha) {
return sc;
// transposition table
if (bd.is_draw()) return 0;
attack::Attacks attacks;
attack::init_attacks(attacks, bd);
bool in_check = attacks.size != 0;
bool use_trans = depth >= 0;
int trans_depth = depth;
if (depth < 0 && in_check) {
use_trans = true;
trans_depth = 0;
hash_t key = 0;
int trans_move = move::NONE;
if (use_trans) {
key = bd.key();
int score;
int flags;
if (sg.trans.retrieve(key, trans_depth, bd.ply(), trans_move, score, flags) && !pv_node) { // assigns trans_move #
if (flags == score::FLAGS_LOWER && score >= beta) return score;
if (flags == score::FLAGS_UPPER && score <= alpha) return score;
if (flags == score::FLAGS_EXACT) return score;
// ply limit
if (bd.ply() >= MAX_PLY) return eval(sl);
// beta pruning
if (!pv_node && depth > 0 && depth <= 3 && !score::is_mate(beta) && !in_check) {
int sc = eval(sl) - depth * 50;
if (sc >= beta) {
return sc;
// null-move pruning
if (!pv_node && depth > 0 && !score::is_mate(beta) && !in_check && !material::lone_king(bd.turn(), bd) && eval(sl) >= beta) {
bd.move_null(); // TODO: use sl?
int sc = score::MIN;
if (depth <= 3) { // static
sc = -qs_static(sl, -beta + 1, 100);
} else { // dynamic
PV npv;
sc = -search(sl, depth - 3 - 1, -beta, -beta + 1, npv);
bd.undo_null(); // TODO: use sl?
if (sc >= beta) {
if (use_trans) {
sg.trans.store(key, trans_depth, bd.ply(), move::NONE, sc, score::FLAGS_LOWER);
return sc;
// stand pat
int bs = score::NONE;
int bm = move::NONE;
int old_alpha = alpha;
int val = score::NONE; // for delta pruning
if (depth <= 0 && !in_check) {
bs = eval(sl);
val = bs + 100; // QS-DP margin
if (bs > alpha) {
alpha = bs;
if (bs >= beta) {
return bs;
// futility-pruning condition
bool use_fp = false;
if (depth > 0 && depth <= 8 && !score::is_mate(alpha) && !in_check) {
int sc = eval(sl) + depth * 40;
val = sc + 50; // FP-DP margin, extra 50 for captures
if (sc <= alpha) {
bs = sc;
use_fp = true;
if (depth <= 0 && !in_check) { // unify FP and QS
use_fp = true;
// IID
if (pv_node && depth >= 3 && trans_move == move::NONE) {
PV npv;
int sc = search(sl, depth - 2, alpha, beta, npv); // to keep PV-node property
if (sc > alpha && npv.size() != 0) {
trans_move = npv.move(0);
// move loop
gen_sort::List ml;
ml.init(depth, bd, attacks, trans_move, sl.killer, sg.history, use_fp);
gen::List searched;
for (int mv = ml.next(); mv != move::NONE; mv = ml.next()) {
bool dangerous = in_check || move::is_tactical(mv) || move::is_check(mv, bd) || move::is_castling(mv) || move::is_pawn_push(mv, bd) || ml.is_candidate();
if (use_fp && move::is_tactical(mv) && !move::is_check(mv, bd) && val + move::see_max(mv) <= alpha) { // delta pruning
if (use_fp && !move::is_safe(mv, bd)) { // SEE pruning
if (!pv_node && depth > 0 && depth <= 3 && !score::is_mate(bs) && searched.size() >= depth * 4 && !dangerous) { // late-move pruning
int ext = extension(sl, mv, depth, pv_node);
int red = reduction(sl, mv, depth, pv_node, in_check, searched.size(), dangerous); // LMR
if (ext != 0) red = 0;
assert(ext == 0 || red == 0);
int sc;
PV npv;
move(sl, mv);
if ((pv_node && searched.size() != 0) || red != 0) {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - red - 1, -alpha - 1, -alpha, npv);
if (sc > alpha) { // PVS/LMR re-search
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
} else {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
if (sc > bs) {
bs = sc;
pv.cat(mv, npv);
if (sc > alpha) {
bm = mv;
alpha = sc;
if (use_trans) {
sg.trans.store(key, trans_depth, bd.ply(), mv, sc, score::FLAGS_LOWER);
if (sc >= beta) {
if (depth > 0 && !in_check && !move::is_tactical(mv)) {
sl.killer.add(mv, bd.ply());
sg.history.add(mv, searched, bd);
return sc;
if (depth >= 6 && !in_check && !use_fp && can_split(sl, sl_top(sl))) {
return split(sl, depth, old_alpha, alpha, beta, pv, ml, searched, bs, bm);
if (bs == score::NONE) {
assert(depth > 0 || in_check);
return in_check ? -score::MATE + bd.ply() : 0;
assert(bs < beta);
if (use_trans) {
int flags = score::flags(bs, old_alpha, beta);
sg.trans.store(key, trans_depth, bd.ply(), bm, bs, flags);
return bs;
int split(Search_Local & master, int depth, int old_alpha, int alpha, int beta, PV & pv, gen_sort::List & todo, const gen::List & done, int bs, int bm) {
assert(master.msp_stack_size < 16);
Split_Point & sp = master.msp_stack[master.msp_stack_size++];
Split_Point & parent = sl_top(master);
sp.init(master, parent, master.board, depth, old_alpha, alpha, beta, todo, done, bs, bm, pv);
for (int id = 0; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) {
Search_Local & worker = p_sl[id];
if (&worker != &master && sl_idle(worker, &parent)) {
send_work(worker, sp);
try {
master_split_point(master, sp);
} catch (const Abort & /* abort */) {
// no-op
assert(master.msp_stack_size > 0);
assert(&master.msp_stack[master.msp_stack_size - 1] == &sp);
return sp.result(pv);
void master_split_point(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp) {
sl_push(sl, sp);
try {
search_split_point(sl, sp);
} catch (const Abort & /* abort */) {
// no-op
idle_loop(sl, sp);
sl.board = sp.board();
// update move-ordering tables
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
int depth = sp.depth();
int ply = bd.ply();
int bs = sp.bs();
int bm = sp.bm();
assert(bs != score::NONE);
if (bs >= sp.beta() && depth > 0 && !attack::is_in_check(bd) && !move::is_tactical(bm)) {
sl.killer.add(bm, ply);
sg.history.add(bm, sp.searched(), bd);
if (depth >= 0) {
int flags = score::flags(bs, sp.old_alpha(), sp.beta());
sg.trans.store(bd.key(), depth, ply, bm, bs, flags);
void search_split_point(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
bd = sp.board();
int depth = sp.depth();
int old_alpha = sp.old_alpha();
int beta = sp.beta();
bool pv_node = depth > 0 && beta != old_alpha + 1;
bool in_check = attack::is_in_check(bd);
while (true) {
int mv = sp.next_move();
int alpha = sp.alpha();
int searched_size = sp.searched_size();
if (mv == move::NONE) {
assert(alpha < beta);
bool dangerous = in_check || move::is_tactical(mv) || move::is_check(mv, bd) || move::is_castling(mv) || move::is_pawn_push(mv, bd);
int ext = extension(sl, mv, depth, pv_node);
int red = reduction(sl, mv, depth, pv_node, in_check, searched_size, dangerous); // LMR
if (ext != 0) red = 0;
assert(ext == 0 || red == 0);
int sc;
PV npv;
move(sl, mv);
if ((pv_node && searched_size != 0) || red != 0) {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - red - 1, -alpha - 1, -alpha, npv);
if (sc > alpha) { // PVS/LMR re-search
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
} else {
sc = -search(sl, depth + ext - 1, -beta, -alpha, npv);
sp.update(mv, sc, npv);
int qs_static(Search_Local & sl, int beta, int gain) { // for static NMP
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
// assert(!attack::is_in_check()); // triggers for root move ordering
// stand pat
int bs = eval(sl);
int val = bs + gain;
if (bs >= beta) {
return bs;
// move loop
attack::Attacks attacks;
attack::init_attacks(attacks, bd);
gen_sort::List ml;
ml.init(-1, bd, attacks, move::NONE, sl.killer, sg.history, false); // QS move generator
bit_t done = 0;
for (int mv = ml.next(); mv != move::NONE; mv = ml.next()) {
if (bit::is_set(done, move::to(mv))) { // process only LVA capture for each opponent piece
bit::set(done, move::to(mv));
int see = move::see(mv, 0, score::EVAL_MAX, bd); // TODO: beta - val?
if (see <= 0) continue; // don't consider equal captures as "threats"
int sc = val + see;
if (sc > bs) {
bs = sc;
if (sc >= beta) {
return sc;
assert(bs < beta);
return bs;
void inc_node(Search_Local & sl) {
if (sl.node % NODE_PERIOD == 0) {
bool abort = false;
if (poll()) abort = true;
if (p_time.node_limited && current.node >= p_time.node_limit) {
abort = true;
if (p_time.time_limited && current.time >= p_time.time_limit) {
abort = true;
if (p_time.smart && current.depth > 1 && current.time >= p_time.limit_0) {
if (current.pos == 0 || current.time >= p_time.limit_1) {
if (!(p_time.drop || current.fail_high) || current.time >= p_time.limit_2) {
if (p_time.ponder) {
p_time.flag = true;
} else {
abort = true;
if (p_time.smart && current.depth > 1 && current.size == 1 && current.time >= p_time.limit_0 / 8) {
if (p_time.ponder) {
p_time.flag = true;
} else {
abort = true;
if (abort) sg_abort();
if (sl_stop(sl)) throw Abort();
bool poll() {
if (!input::input.has_input()) {
return false;
std::string line;
bool eof = !input::input.get_line(line);
if (engine::engine.log) util::log(line);
if (false) {
} else if (eof) {
} else if (line == "isready") {
std::cout << "readyok" << std::endl;
return false;
} else if (line == "stop") {
uci::infinite = false;
return true;
} else if (line == "ponderhit") {
uci::infinite = false;
p_time.ponder = false;
return p_time.flag;
} else if (line == "quit") {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
ExitProcess (0); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- use ExitProcess() instead of std::exit() on Win32 apps
#else // !_MSC_VER
std::exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
#endif // _MSC_VER
return false;
void move(Search_Local & sl, int mv) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
int ply = bd.ply();
if (ply > sl.max_ply) {
assert(ply <= MAX_PLY);
sl.max_ply = ply;
void undo(Search_Local & sl) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
int eval(Search_Local & sl) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
return eval::eval(bd, sl.eval_table, sl.pawn_table);
int extension(Search_Local & sl, int mv, int depth, bool pv_node) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
if ((depth <= 4 && move::is_check(mv, bd))
|| (depth <= 4 && move::is_recapture(mv, bd))
|| (pv_node && move::is_check(mv, bd))
|| (pv_node && move::is_tactical(mv) && move::is_win(mv, bd))
|| (pv_node && move::is_pawn_push(mv, bd))) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int reduction(Search_Local & /* sl */, int /* mv */, int depth, bool /* pv_node */, bool /* in_check */, int searched_size, bool dangerous) {
int red = 0;
if (depth >= 3 && searched_size >= 3 && !dangerous) {
red = (searched_size >= 6) ? depth / 3 : 1;
return red;
void gen_sort(Search_Local & sl, gen::List & ml) {
board::Board & bd = sl.board;
gen::gen_legals(ml, bd);
int v = eval(sl);
for (int pos = 0; pos < ml.size(); pos++) {
int mv = ml.move(pos);
move(sl, mv);
int sc = -qs_static(sl, score::MAX, 0);
sc = ((sc - v) / 4) + 1024; // HACK for unsigned 11-bit move-list scores
assert(sc >= 0 && sc < move::SCORE_SIZE);
ml.set_score(pos, sc);
void sl_init_early(Search_Local & sl, int id) {
sl.id = id;
sl.todo = true;
sl.todo_sp = NULL;
sl.node = 0;
sl.max_ply = 0;
sl.msp_stack_size = 0;
sl.ssp_stack_size = 0;
void sl_init_late(Search_Local & sl) {
sl.pawn_table.clear(); // pawn-eval cache
sl.eval_table.clear(); // eval cache
void sl_set_root(Search_Local & sl, const board::Board & bd) {
sl.board = bd;
void sl_signal(Search_Local & sl) {
bool sl_stop(const Search_Local & sl) {
for (Split_Point * sp = &sl_top(sl); sp != NULL; sp = sp->parent()) {
if (sp->solved()) return true;
return false;
bool sl_idle(const Search_Local & worker, Split_Point * sp) {
assert(sp != NULL);
if (worker.todo) return false;
if (worker.todo_sp != NULL) return false;
Split_Point & wait_sp = sl_top(worker);
for (; sp != NULL; sp = sp->parent()) {
if (sp == &wait_sp) return true;
return false;
void sl_push(Search_Local & sl, Split_Point & sp) {
assert(sl.ssp_stack_size < 16);
sl.ssp_stack[sl.ssp_stack_size++] = &sp;
void sl_pop(Search_Local & sl) {
assert(sl.ssp_stack_size > 0);
Split_Point & sl_top(const Search_Local & sl) {
assert(sl.ssp_stack_size > 0);
return *sl.ssp_stack[sl.ssp_stack_size - 1];
void sg_abort() {
for (int id = 0; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) {
void search_asp(gen::List & ml, int depth) {
Search_Local & sl = p_sl[0];
assert(depth <= 1 || p_time.last_score == best.score);
if (depth >= 6 && !score::is_mate(p_time.last_score)) {
for (int margin = 10; margin < 500; margin *= 2) {
int a = p_time.last_score - margin;
int b = p_time.last_score + margin;
assert(score::EVAL_MIN <= a && a < b && b <= score::EVAL_MAX);
search_root(sl, ml, depth, a, b);
if (best.score > a && best.score < b) {
} else if (score::is_mate(best.score)) {
search_root(sl, ml, depth, score::MIN, score::MAX);
void search_id(const board::Board & bd) {
Search_Local & sl = p_sl[0];
sl_set_root(sl, bd);
sl_push(sl, root_sp);
// move generation
gen::List ml;
gen_sort(sl, ml);
assert(ml.size() != 0);
best.move = ml.move(0);
best.score = 0;
bool easy = (ml.size() == 1 || (ml.size() > 1 && ml.score(0) - ml.score(1) >= 50 / 4)); // HACK: uses gen_sort() internals
int easy_move = ml.move(0);
p_time.last_score = score::NONE;
// iterative deepening
for (int depth = 1; depth <= p_time.depth_limit; depth++) {
search_asp(ml, depth);
// p_time.drop = (best.score <= p_time.last_score - 50); // moved to update_best()
p_time.last_score = best.score;
if (best.move != easy_move || p_time.drop) {
easy = false;
if (p_time.smart && !p_time.drop) {
bool abort = false;
if (ml.size() == 1 && current.time >= p_time.limit_0 / 16) {
abort = true;
if (easy && current.time >= p_time.limit_0 / 4) {
abort = true;
if (current.time >= p_time.limit_0 / 2) {
abort = true;
if (abort) {
if (p_time.ponder) {
p_time.flag = true;
} else {
void search_go(const board::Board & bd) {
for (int id = 0; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) {
sl_init_early(p_sl[id], id);
for (int id = 1; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) { // skip 0
p_sl[id].thread = std::thread(helper_program, &p_sl[id]);
try {
} catch (const Abort & /* abort */) {
// no-op
for (int id = 1; id < engine::engine.threads; id++) { // skip 0
void search_dumb(const board::Board & bd) {
p_time.smart = false;
p_time.last_score = score::NONE;
p_time.drop = false;
void search_smart(const board::Board & bd, int moves, int64 time, int64 inc) {
if (moves == 0) moves = 40;
moves = std::min(moves, material::interpolation(35, 15, bd));
assert(moves > 0);
int64 total = time + inc * (moves - 1);
int factor = engine::engine.ponder ? 140 : 120;
int64 alloc = total / moves * factor / 100;
int64 reserve = total * (moves - 1) / 40;
int64 max = std::min(time, total - reserve);
max = std::min(max - 60, max * 95 / 100); // 60ms for lag
alloc = std::max(alloc, I64(0));
max = std::max(max, I64(0));
p_time.smart = true;
p_time.limit_0 = std::min(alloc, max);
p_time.limit_1 = std::min(alloc * 4, max);
p_time.limit_2 = max;
p_time.last_score = score::NONE;
p_time.drop = false;
assert(0 <= p_time.limit_0 && p_time.limit_0 <= p_time.limit_1 && p_time.limit_1 <= p_time.limit_2);
void init() {
namespace uci {
board::Board bd;
bool delay;
class Scanner {
std::stringstream * p_ss;
std::vector<std::string> p_keywords;
bool p_undo;
std::string p_word;
bool is_keyword(const std::string & word) const {
for (int i = 0; i < int(p_keywords.size()); i++) {
if (p_keywords[i] == word) return true;
return false;
Scanner(std::stringstream & ss) {
p_ss = &ss;
p_undo = false;
void add_keyword(const std::string & keyword) {
std::string get_keyword() {
std::string word = get_word();
return word;
std::string get_args() {
std::string args;
std::string word;
while (true) {
std::string word = get_word();
if (is_keyword(word)) {
if (args != "") args += " ";
args += word;
return args;
std::string get_word() {
if (p_undo) {
p_undo = false;
} else if (!(*p_ss >> p_word)) { // NOTE: reads as a side effect
p_word = "";
return p_word;
void unget_word() {
p_undo = true;
void fen(const std::string & fen) {
void move(const std::string & move) {
int mv = move::from_string(move, bd);
void send_bestmove() {
std::cout << "bestmove " << move::to_can(search::best.move);
if (search::best.pv.size() > 1) std::cout << " ponder " << move::to_can(search::best.pv.move(1));
std::cout << std::endl;
delay = false;
void command(Scanner & scan) {
std::string command = scan.get_word();
if (false) {
} else if (command == "uci") {
std::cout << "id name Senpai 1.0" << std::endl;
std::cout << "id author Fabien Letouzey" << std::endl;
std::cout << "option name Hash type spin default " << engine::engine.hash << " min 16 max 16384" << std::endl;
std::cout << "option name Ponder type check default " << engine::engine.ponder << std::endl;
std::cout << "option name Threads type spin default " << engine::engine.threads << " min 1 max 16" << std::endl;
std::cout << "option name Log File type check default " << engine::engine.log << std::endl;
std::cout << "uciok" << std::endl;
} else if (command == "isready") {
std::cout << "readyok" << std::endl;
} else if (command == "setoption") {
std::string name;
std::string value;
std::string part;
while ((part = scan.get_keyword()) != "") {
if (false) {
} else if (part == "name") {
name = scan.get_args();
} else if (part == "value") {
value = scan.get_args();
if (false) {
} else if (util::string_case_equal(name, "Hash")) {
engine::engine.hash = int(util::to_int(value));
} else if (util::string_case_equal(name, "Ponder")) {
engine::engine.ponder = util::to_bool(value);
} else if (util::string_case_equal(name, "Threads") || util::string_case_equal(name, "Cores")) {
engine::engine.threads = int(util::to_int(value));
} else if (util::string_case_equal(name, "Log File")) {
engine::engine.log = util::to_bool(value);
} else if (command == "ucinewgame") {
} else if (command == "position") {
std::string part;
while ((part = scan.get_keyword()) != "") {
if (false) {
} else if (part == "fen") {
} else if (part == "startpos") {
} else if (part == "moves") {
std::string arg;
while ((arg = scan.get_word()) != "") {
} else if (command == "go") {
infinite = false;
delay = false;
bool smart = false;
int time = 60000;
int inc = 0;
int movestogo = 0;
std::string part;
while ((part = scan.get_keyword()) != "") {
std::string args = scan.get_args();
if (false) {
} else if (part == "ponder") {
infinite = true;
} else if (part == "wtime") {
if (bd.turn() == side::WHITE) {
smart = true;
time = int(util::to_int(args));
} else if (part == "btime") {
if (bd.turn() == side::BLACK) {
smart = true;
time = int(util::to_int(args));
} else if (part == "winc") {
if (bd.turn() == side::WHITE) {
smart = true;
inc = int(util::to_int(args));
} else if (part == "binc") {
if (bd.turn() == side::BLACK) {
smart = true;
inc = int(util::to_int(args));
} else if (part == "movestogo") {
smart = true;
movestogo = int(util::to_int(args));
} else if (part == "depth") {
} else if (part == "nodes") {
} else if (part == "movetime") {
} else if (part == "infinite") {
infinite = true;
if (smart) {
search::search_smart(bd, movestogo, time, inc);
} else {
if (infinite) { // let's implement the UCI-design mistake :(
delay = true;
} else {
} else if (command == "stop") {
if (delay) send_bestmove();
} else if (command == "ponderhit") {
if (delay) send_bestmove();
} else if (command == "quit") {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
ExitProcess(0); // Pierre-Marie Baty -- use ExitProcess() instead of exit() on Win32 apps
#else // !_MSC_VER
#endif // _MSC_VER
void line(const std::string & line) {
if (engine::engine.log) util::log(line);
std::stringstream args(line);
Scanner scan(args);
void loop() {
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
infinite = false;
delay = false;
std::string line;
while (input::input.get_line(line)) {
int main(int /* argc */, char * /* argv */ []) {
assert(sizeof(uint8) == 1);
assert(sizeof(uint16) == 2);
assert(sizeof(uint32) == 4);
assert(sizeof(uint64) == 8);