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Here is the list of the possible annotations on level maps saved with Ctrl+Shift+F12 or --screenshot-level-extras.

Items marked with [!] can't be found on the original levels.

* Floors:
        * white "~~~~": Regular loose floor.
        * purple "~~~~": Stable loose floor: It can't be broken by the prince, only by another loose floor or a door event. [!]
        * green "^^^^": Opener / raise button.
        * red "vvvv": Closer / drop button.
* Traps:
        * green "safe": Spikes that won't hurt the prince. [!]
        * green or red "stuck": Stuck chomper. [!]
* Potions:
        * grey "x": empty [!]
        * red "+1": heal
        * red "+++": life (extra HP)
        * green "slow fall": slow-fall / feather fall
        * green "flip": flips the screen upside-down
        * blue "-1": hurt / poison
        * blue "trig": trigger / open
                * A yellow "blue trig" shows which tile is triggered. (Only if there is such a potion in the reachable rooms.)
        * white number: Some other kind of potion. [!]
* Door events:
        Yellow numbers show:
                1. what events are triggered by a button,
                2. what events point to a tile.
        In both cases, the same tile can have multiple numbers.
        Case 2 shows only those events that can be triggered from the reachable rooms.
* Special events: (in yellow)
        You can find more information about them here:
        Note: SDLPoP does not yet recognize if an event was placed elsewhere by a mod.
        * level 0:
                * "exit": Complete the level by entering this room.
        * level 1:
                * "start trig": This tile is triggered (pressed) when the level starts.
        * level 3:
                * "<- chk point": The checkpoint is activated by leaving the room this way.
                * "check point": The prince restarts here if the checkpoint was activated.
                * "removed": This tile is removed when you restart at the checkpoint.
                * "loud": The closing sounds of this gate can be heard in all rooms.
                * "skel wake": This skeleton will wake if the exit is open.
                * "skel cont": If a skeleton falls into this room, it will be placed here.
        * level 4:
                * "mirror": The mirror appears here when the exit is open.
        * level 5:
                * "stolen": This potion will be stolen by the shadow.
        * level 6:
                * "exit down": Complete the level by leaving the room this way.
        * level 8:
                * "mouse": The mouse will appear here if the exit is open.
        * level 12:
                * "disapp": This sword will disappear.
                * "disapp ->": The sword will disappear when you leave the room this way.
                * "floor": Floors appear here.
                * "exit": Complete the level by entering this room.
        * level 13:
                * "fall": These loose floors fall if you're in the room below them.
                * "meet ->": Jaffar's music is played when you leave the room this way.
                * "Jffr trig": This tile is triggered when you enter any room from the right after Jaffar died.
        * level 14:
                * "end": You win the game by entering this room.
* Starting position: Yellow "start" with an arrow showing the starting direction.
        * This can be useful on level 7 or 13 where the prince starts off-screen
                and thus he is not visible on the map if you made it from the command line.
* Broken room links: White number on red background on the corresponding edge of the room. [!]
        Note that such levels usually appear incorrectly. Consider yourself lucky if they don't fall apart on the map. :)
        In the worst cases you get errors on the console: "Warning: room XX was mapped to the same place as room YY!"
        Sometimes you can get a better map if you make the map manually from some room other than the starting room.
* Room numbers: White number on grey background in the top-left corner.