// dialog_save.cpp
#include "../common.h"
// global variables used in this module only
static wchar_t ofn_customfilter[256] = L"";
static wchar_t saveposition_pathname[MAX_PATH];
// local prototypes
static void StartThread_ThisDialog (void *thread_parms);
void DialogBox_SavePosition (void)
// helper function to fire up the modeless Save dialog box
_beginthread (StartThread_ThisDialog, 0, NULL); // fire up a new one
return; // return as soon as the thread is fired up
void DialogBox_SavePosition_Validated (void)
// callback function called by the main game thread when the dialog box is validated
// remember this callback is no longer to be called
is_dialogbox_saveposition_validated = false;
// save the requested FEN file
if (!FENFile_Save (saveposition_pathname, the_board.moves[the_board.viewed_move].fen_string))
messagebox.hWndParent = hMainWnd;
wcscpy_s (messagebox.title, WCHAR_SIZEOF (messagebox.title), LOCALIZE (L"ImportantMessage"));
wcscpy_s (messagebox.text, WCHAR_SIZEOF (messagebox.text), LOCALIZE (L"Error_SaveFailed"));
messagebox.flags = MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK;
DialogBox_Message (&messagebox); // on error, display a modeless error message box
return; // finished, FEN position has been saved
static void StartThread_ThisDialog (void *thread_parms)
// this function runs in a separate thread, for that's the only way (seemingly)
// to implement a non-modal Save dialog box using the Common Controls library.
// reset and prepare the open file name structure
memset (&ofn, 0, sizeof (ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof (ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hMainWnd;
ofn.lpstrFilter = LOCALIZE (L"PositionFileFilter");
ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"fen"; // default extension will be .fen
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; // first filter (list is 1-based)
ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = ofn_customfilter;
ofn.nMaxCustFilter = WCHAR_SIZEOF (ofn_customfilter);
ofn.lpstrFile = saveposition_pathname;
ofn.nMaxFile = WCHAR_SIZEOF (saveposition_pathname);
// display the dialog box and get the file name
if (GetSaveFileName (&ofn) != 0)
is_dialogbox_saveposition_validated = true;
return; // _endthread() implied