// dialog_registration.cpp
#include "../common.h"
// dialog template
// global variables used in this module only
static wchar_t candidate_email[128] = L"";
static unsigned __int32 candidate_code = 0; // 32 bits
static bool was_donatebutton_clicked = false;
// prototypes of local functions
static int CALLBACK DialogProc_ThisDialog (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
static unsigned __int32 RetrieveActivationCode (wchar_t *candidate_email, wchar_t **failure_reason);
void DialogBox_Registration (void)
// helper function to fire up the modal dialog box
// display the dialog box (set the parent to be the desktop)
DialogBox (hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (THIS_DIALOG), NULL, DialogProc_ThisDialog);
return; // finished processing this dialog
static int CALLBACK DialogProc_ThisDialog (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// message handler for the dialog box
static wchar_t temp_string[1024];
unsigned short wParam_hiword;
unsigned short wParam_loword;
wchar_t *failure_reason;
int write_index;
int read_index;
int length;
// filter out the commonly used message values
wParam_hiword = HIWORD (wParam);
wParam_loword = LOWORD (wParam);
// have we just fired up this window ?
if (message == WM_INITDIALOG)
// center the window
CenterWindow (hWnd, hMainWnd);
// set dialog icons (small one for title bar & big one for task manager)
SendMessage (hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) LoadIcon (hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (ICON_MAIN)));
// set window title and control texts
SetWindowText (hWnd, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_Title"));
// set the static texts
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_REGISTRATION_QUESTION), LOCALIZE (L"Registration_Question"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_REGISTRATION_INSTRUCTIONS), LOCALIZE (L"Registration_Instructions"));
// set email address font
if (options.registration.user_email[0] != 0)
SetDlgItemText (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS, options.registration.user_email);
SetDlgItemText (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_YourEmailHere"));
SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, BUTTON_VALIDATECODE), LOCALIZE (L"Registration_ValidateCode"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_REGISTRATION_STATUSBAR), LOCALIZE (L"Registration_StatusBar"));
// set focus to the first settable item
SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS), EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); // select all text
// convert the Paypal bitmap and the status bar message to hyperlinks
ConvertStaticToHyperlink (GetDlgItem (hWnd, BUTTON_DONATE));
ConvertStaticToHyperlink (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_REGISTRATION_STATUSBAR));
// else did we click the close button on the title bar ?
else if (message == WM_CLOSE)
if (was_donatebutton_clicked)
MessageBox (hWnd, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_DontForget"), PROGRAM_NAME, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK); // users need to be reminded that they MUST write their email in the activation form
SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS), EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); // select all text
SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS)); // focus on the email address field
was_donatebutton_clicked = false; // once is enough
return (true); // prevent window close this time
EndDialog (hWnd, 0); // close the dialog box
// else did we take action on one of the controls ?
else if (message == WM_COMMAND)
// did we cancel the dialog box ? (IDCANCEL is a system-wide dialog box handler value, that catches the ESC key)
if (wParam_loword == IDCANCEL)
EndDialog (hWnd, 0); // close the dialog box
// else did the user enter something in the edit boxes ?
else if (wParam_hiword == EN_CHANGE)
// enable the validation button only if the PayPal email field has data
GetDlgItemText (hWnd, EDITBOX_REGISTRATION_EMAILADDRESS, candidate_email, WCHAR_SIZEOF (candidate_email));
// strip spaces and unprintable characters from candidate email, and bring it lowercase
length = wcslen (candidate_email);
write_index = 0;
for (read_index = 0; read_index < length; read_index++)
if (!iswspace (candidate_email[read_index]))
candidate_email[write_index] = tolower (candidate_email[read_index]); // force lowercase
write_index++; // keep only valid signs and discard spaces
candidate_email[write_index] = 0; // ensure string is correctly terminated
EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (hWnd, BUTTON_VALIDATECODE), ((candidate_email[0] != 0) && (wcslen (candidate_email) > 5) && (wcscmp (candidate_email, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_YourEmailHere")) != 0)
&& (wcschr (candidate_email, L'@') != NULL) && (wcschr (candidate_email, L'.') != NULL)));
// else was it the validation button ?
else if (wParam_loword == BUTTON_VALIDATECODE)
// query the remote server for the code associated with this email. If it fails, ask why.
candidate_code = RetrieveActivationCode (candidate_email, &failure_reason);
// was there a problem retrieving the code ?
if ((failure_reason != NULL) && (failure_reason[0] != 0))
MessageBox (hWnd, failure_reason, PROGRAM_NAME, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); // registration failed. Display an error and DON'T make the dialog box disappear
// else is the retrieved data correct ?
else if (IsRegistrationCorrect (candidate_email, candidate_code))
// if so, save activation email and activation code
wcscpy_s (options.registration.user_email, WCHAR_SIZEOF (options.registration.user_email), candidate_email);
options.registration.activation_code = candidate_code;
MessageBox (hWnd, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_ThankYou"), PROGRAM_NAME, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK);
EndDialog (hWnd, 0); // then display a thank you dialog box and make the dialog box disappear
// else the supplied data is wrong
swprintf_s (temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string), LOCALIZE (L"Registration_Error"), AUTHOR_EMAIL);
MessageBox (hWnd, temp_string, PROGRAM_NAME, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); // wrong activation. Display an error and DON'T make the dialog box disappear
// else was it the PayPal button ?
else if (wParam_loword == BUTTON_DONATE)
MessageBox (hWnd, LOCALIZE (L"Registration_DontForget"), PROGRAM_NAME, MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK); // users need to be reminded that they MUST write their email in the activation form
if (wcscmp (languages[language_id].name, L"French") == 0)
ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", PAYPAL_URL_FR, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); // open PayPal in French in the default browser, maximized
ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", PAYPAL_URL_XX, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); // open PayPal in English (default) the default browser, maximized
was_donatebutton_clicked = true; // remember the user clicked the Donate button
// else was it the status bar hyperlink ?
ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", PROGRAM_URL, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); // open the main page in the default browser, maximized
// call the default dialog message processing function to keep things going
return (false);
static unsigned __int32 RetrieveActivationCode (wchar_t *candidate_email, wchar_t **failure_reason)
// this function queries the remote server for registration status. If OK, the received code is returned.
// On error, 0 is returned and error_string points to the cause of the error (as reported by the server)
// which is stored in a static buffer in this very function.
static char http_buffer[1024]; // used both for request and reply
static char ascii_email[128];
struct sockaddr_in service;
struct hostent *hostinfo;
char *data_start;
int write_index;
int read_index;
int length;
// get our distribution server's IP address from the host name
hostinfo = gethostbyname ("pmbaty.com");
if (hostinfo == NULL)
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure");
return (0); // couldn't resolve hostname, return an error condition
// fill in the sockaddr server structure with the server hostinfo data
service.sin_family = AF_INET;
service.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *) hostinfo->h_addr_list[0]));
service.sin_port = htons (80); // connect to webserver there (port 80)
// create our socket
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure");
return (0); // couldn't create socket, return an error condition
// connect to the distributor's webserver using that socket
if (connect (s, (struct sockaddr *) &service, sizeof (service)) == -1)
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure");
return (0); // unable to connect to webserver, return an error condition
// build the HTTP query and send it
ConvertTo7BitASCII (ascii_email, sizeof (ascii_email), candidate_email);
sprintf_s (http_buffer, sizeof (http_buffer),
"GET /chess/whatsmycode.php?email=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"Host: pmbaty.com\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n"
"\r\n", ascii_email);
length = strlen (http_buffer);
write_index = send (s, http_buffer, length, 0); // send the HTTP query
if (write_index != length)
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure");
return (0); // unable to send HTTP query, return an error condition
// read the reply (10 seconds timeout)
http_buffer[0] = 0;
read_index = RecvWithTimeout (s, 10.0f, http_buffer, sizeof (http_buffer), 0);
if (read_index < 1)
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure");
return (0); // empty or erroneous HTTP reply, return an error condition
closesocket (s); // finished communicating, close TCP socket
// terminate recv buffer and see where the useful data starts
http_buffer[read_index] = 0;
//MessageBoxA (NULL, http_buffer, "HTTP response", MB_OK);
if ((data_start = strstr (http_buffer, "Success=")) != NULL)
*failure_reason = L""; // no error, set an empty string as the failure reason
return ((unsigned __int32) _atoi64 (&data_start[strlen ("Success=")])); // and return the candidate code we got
else if ((data_start = strstr (http_buffer, "Error=")) != NULL)
data_start += strlen ("Error=");
if (strchr (data_start, '\r') != NULL) *strchr (data_start, '\r') = 0;
if (strchr (data_start, '\n') != NULL) *strchr (data_start, '\n') = 0;
if (_stricmp (data_start, "WrongEmail") == 0) *failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_WrongEmail");
else if (_stricmp (data_start, "UnknownEmail") == 0) *failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_UnknownEmail");
else if (_stricmp (data_start, "TooManyActivations") == 0) *failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_TooManyActivations");;
return (0); // server returned an error, return an error condition
*failure_reason = LOCALIZE (L"Registration_NetworkFailure"); // this should never happen
return (0); // server returned an error, return an error condition