// dialog_endgame.cpp
#include "../common.h"
// dialog template
// prototypes of local functions
static void StartThread_ThisDialog (void *thread_parms);
static int CALLBACK DialogProc_ThisDialog (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void DialogBox_EndGame (void)
// helper function to fire up the modeless dialog box
_beginthread (StartThread_ThisDialog, 0, NULL); // fire up a new one
return; // return as soon as the thread is fired up
void DialogBox_EndGame_Validated (void)
// callback function called by the main game thread when the dialog box is validated
// remember this callback is no longer to be called
is_dialogbox_endgame_validated = false;
return; // finished
static void StartThread_ThisDialog (void *thread_parms)
// this function runs in a separate thread, for that's the only way (seemingly)
// to implement a non-modal message box using the Common Controls library.
// player_t *player;
// int column;
// int line;
// display the dialog box
if (DialogBox (hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (THIS_DIALOG), hMainWnd, DialogProc_ThisDialog) == 1)
is_dialogbox_endgame_validated = true;
/* player = Player_GetCurrent ();
player->view_distance = CLOSEUP_VIEW_DISTANCE; // zoom on the tragedy
for (line = 0; line < 8; line++)
for (column = 0; column < 8; column++)
if ((the_board.moves[the_board.viewed_move].slots[line][column].part == PART_KING)
&& (the_board.moves[the_board.viewed_move].slots[line][column].color == player->color))
lookatpoint_x = 17.5f - (7 - column) * 5.0f; // focus on the victim king
lookatpoint_y = 17.5f - line * 5.0f; // focus on the victim king
}*/ // This is a bad idea. People need to view the table normally to understand their fate.
//the_board.reevaluate = true; // refresh the GUI buttons if needed // DO NOT REEVALUATE else the endgame dialog box will keep popup repeatedly!
return; // _endthread() implied
static int CALLBACK DialogProc_ThisDialog (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// message handler for the dialog box
unsigned short wParam_hiword;
unsigned short wParam_loword;
// filter out the commonly used message values
wParam_hiword = HIWORD (wParam);
wParam_loword = LOWORD (wParam);
// have we just fired up this window ?
if (message == WM_INITDIALOG)
// center the window
CenterWindow (hWnd, hMainWnd);
// set dialog icons (small one for title bar & big one for task manager)
SendMessage (hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM) LoadIcon (hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (ICON_MAIN)));
// set window title and control texts
SetWindowText (hWnd, LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_Title"));
SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, BUTTON_OK), LOCALIZE (L"Button_OK"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_ENDGAME_STATUSBAR), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_StatusBar"));
// set the right message
if (the_board.game_state == STATE_WHITEWIN_CHECKMATE)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_CheckMate"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_WhiteWins"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_BLACKWIN_CHECKMATE)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_CheckMate"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_BlackWins"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_WHITEWIN_RESIGNORFORFEIT)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_Resign"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_WhiteWins"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_BLACKWIN_RESIGNORFORFEIT)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_Resign"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_BlackWins"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_DRAW_STALEMATE)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_StaleMate"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_DrawGame"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_DRAW_AGREEMENT)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_Agreement"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_DrawGame"));
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_DRAW_OTHER)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_DrawGame"));
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAWCOMMENT), L""); // TODO: display something better
else if (the_board.game_state == STATE_ADJOURNED)
Static_SetText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_WINLOSSORDRAW), LOCALIZE (L"EndGame_Adjourned"));
// convert the status bar message to a hyperlink
ConvertStaticToHyperlink (GetDlgItem (hWnd, STATICTEXT_ENDGAME_STATUSBAR));
// else did we click the close button on the title bar ?
else if (message == WM_CLOSE)
EndDialog (hWnd, 0); // close the dialog box
// else did we take action on one of the controls ?
else if (message == WM_COMMAND)
// was it the OK button ?
if (wParam_loword == BUTTON_OK)
EndDialog (hWnd, 1); // close the dialog box and return OK
// else did we cancel the dialog box ? (IDCANCEL is a system-wide dialog box handler value, that catches the ESC key)
else if (wParam_loword == IDCANCEL)
EndDialog (hWnd, 0); // close the dialog box
// else was it the status bar hyperlink ?
else if (wParam_loword == STATICTEXT_ENDGAME_STATUSBAR)
ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", PROGRAM_URL, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); // open the donation page in the default browser, maximized
// call the default dialog message processing function to keep things going
return (false);