// config.cpp
#include "common.h"
// useful macros
#define READ_WIDESTRING(dest,inifile,section,key,default_value) wcscpy_s ((dest), sizeof (dest) / sizeof (wchar_t), INIFile_ReadEntryAsString ((inifile), (section), (key), (default_value)))
#define WRITE_WIDESTRING(section,key,value) INIFile_WriteEntryAsString (inifile, (section), (key), (value))
// global variables used in this module only
static wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH];
void Config_Load (void)
// this function opens and parses the INI configuration file for the program
// WARNING: it does also build the smilies list !
void *inifile;
smiley_t *smiley;
char *file_buffer;
wchar_t temp_string[MAX_PATH];
// wchar_t smiley_pathname[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t *smiley_name;
size_t smiley_namelen;
int candidate_index;
int language_index;
int program_index;
int smiley_index;
int file_length;
FILE *fp;
// open the INI file
swprintf_s (filename, WCHAR_SIZEOF (filename), L"%s/config.ini", app_path);
inifile = INIFile_LoadINIFile (filename);
// read the INI file (if it doesn't exist, default values will be fed)
// [gameplay]
options.want_lastmove = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight last move", true) > 0);
options.want_possiblemoves = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight possible moves", true) > 0);
options.want_threats = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight king's threats", true) > 0);
options.want_animations = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"display part animations", true) > 0);
options.want_slidinganimations = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"display part sliding animations", true) > 0);
options.want_takenparts = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show taken parts", true) > 0);
options.want_turn = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show turn", true) > 0);
options.want_clock = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show game clock", true) > 0);
options.clock_color = INIFile_ReadEntryAsUnsignedLong (inifile, L"options", L"game clock color", 0x00007f00); // dark blue, in RGBA
options.want_history = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show game history", true) > 0);
options.history_color = INIFile_ReadEntryAsUnsignedLong (inifile, L"options", L"game history color", 0xe7e7e700); // light grey, in RGBA
options.want_sepiafilter = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"use sepia filter for past moves", true) > 0);
options.want_autorotateon1vs1 = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"auto-rotate board",true) > 0);
options.rotate_speed = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"options", L"rotation speed", 10);
// [display]
READ_WIDESTRING (temp_string, inifile, L"display", L"language", L"auto"); // first, try to read the language from the config file
is_language_auto = (wcscmp (temp_string, L"auto") == 0); // remember is language is set to be automatically chosen
for (language_index = 0; language_index < language_count; language_index++)
if (_wcsicmp (languages[language_index].name, temp_string) == 0)
language_id = language_index; // identify the claimed language's ID among the list of known languages
break; // stop searching as soon as we find it
if (language_index == language_count)
GetLocaleInfo (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string)); // if unspecified, query the OS locale
for (language_index = 0; language_index < language_count; language_index++)
if (_wcsicmp (languages[language_index].name, temp_string) == 0)
language_id = language_index; // identify the claimed language's ID among the list of known languages
break; // stop searching as soon as we find it
if (language_index == language_count)
for (language_index = 0; language_index < language_count; language_index++)
if (_wcsicmp (languages[language_index].name, L"English") == 0)
language_id = language_index; // if still not found, fallback to the English language
break; // stop searching as soon as we find it
if (language_index == language_count)
language_id = 0; // if still not found, fallback to the first language known
options.want_fullscreen = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"fullscreen", false) > 0);
options.want_maximized = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"maximized", false) > 0);
options.window_width = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"display", L"window width", 1024);
options.window_height = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"display", L"window height", 768);
options.want_filtering = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable texture filtering", true) > 0);
options.want_hiquality = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable high quality filtering", true) > 0);
options.want_specularlighting = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable specular lighting", true) > 0);
options.want_reflections = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable board reflections", true) > 0);
// [sound]
options.want_sounds = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"sound", L"play sounds", true) > 0);
// [theme]
READ_WIDESTRING (wantedtheme_name, inifile, L"theme", L"theme name", L"Default");
want_grid = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"show grid", true) > 0);
want_flaticons = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"flat icons instead", true) > 0);
want_custombackground = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"use custom background", false) > 0);
READ_WIDESTRING (custombackground_pathname, inifile, L"theme", L"custom background picture", L"");
// [engine]
Config_LoadEngines (); // discover all engine parameters from the engines folder
READ_WIDESTRING (temp_string, inifile, L"engine", L"program", L"Stockfish");
for (program_index = 0; program_index < options.engine.program_count; program_index++)
if (_wcsicmp (temp_string, options.engine.programs[program_index].folder) == 0)
break; // identify the preferred engine by its folder name, break as soon as we find it
if (program_index == options.engine.program_count)
program_index = 0; // if the preferred engine isn't available, fallback on the first one
if (kernel32_version < options.engine.programs[program_index].kernel32_minver)
// if we can't select this engine because we're running an outdated Windows version, fallback on the first suitable one
for (program_index = 0; program_index < options.engine.program_count; program_index++)
if (kernel32_version >= options.engine.programs[program_index].kernel32_minver)
break; // identify a suitable engine, break as soon as we find it
if (program_index == options.engine.program_count)
program_index = 0; // if NO engine is available, fallback on the first one
options.engine.selected_program = program_index;
options.engine.depth = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"allowed depth", 10);
options.engine.max_depth = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"maximum depth", 20);
options.engine.blunder_chances = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"blunder chances", 5);
options.engine.obstinacy_level = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"obstinacy", -1);
options.engine.is_expert_mode = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"engine", L"expert mode", false) > 0);
// [network]
READ_WIDESTRING (options.network.server_address, inifile, L"network", L"server address", L"freechess.org");
options.network.server_port = INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"network", L"server port", 5000);
READ_WIDESTRING (options.network.login, inifile, L"network", L"login", L"guest");
READ_WIDESTRING (options.network.password, inifile, L"network", L"password", L"");
options.network.want_servermessages = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show server messages", true) > 0);
options.network.want_publicchat = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show public chat", true) > 0);
options.network.want_motdonconnect = (INIFile_ReadEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show MOTD on connect", true) > 0);
// [registration]
READ_WIDESTRING (options.registration.user_email, inifile, L"registration", L"user email", L"");
options.registration.activation_code = (unsigned __int32) INIFile_ReadEntryAsLong (inifile, L"registration", L"activation code", 0);
// [smilies]
if (inifile == NULL)
// if the .ini file doesn't exist yet, re-create one with the default smilies set
inifile = INIFile_NewINIFile ();
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"o:)\"", L"angel.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"0:)\"", L"angel.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"o:-)\"", L"angel.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"0:-)\"", L"angel.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-@\"", L"angry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\">:(\"", L"angry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\">:-(\"", L"angry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":,(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":,-(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":,,,(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":'(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":'-(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":'''(\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"t_t\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"t.t\"", L"cry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"8d\"", L"dumb.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"8-d\"", L"dumb.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"oo\"", L"dumb.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":d\"", L"grin.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-d\"", L"grin.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":))\"", L"happy.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"xd\"", L"laugh.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"x-d\"", L"laugh.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":x\"", L"mute.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-x\"", L"mute.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"plz\"", L"please.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":(\"", L"sad.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-(\"", L"sad.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":)\"", L"smile.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-)\"", L"smile.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"=)\"", L"smile.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":s\"", L"sorry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-s\"", L"sorry.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"b)\"", L"star.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\"b-)\"", L"star.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":p\"", L"tongue.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-p\"", L"tongue.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\";p\"", L"tongue.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\";-p\"", L"tongue.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":/\"", L"unsure.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-/\"", L"unsure.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":\\\"", L"unsure.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\":-\\\"", L"unsure.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\";)\"", L"wink.txt");
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", L"\";-)\"", L"wink.txt");
smilies = NULL;
smiley_count = 0;
candidate_index = 0;
while ((smiley_name = INIFile_GetEntryName (inifile, L"smilies", candidate_index)) != NULL)
candidate_index++; // advance in the smiley entries list
if ((smiley_name == NULL) || (smiley_name[0] == 0) || ((smiley_name[0] == L'"') && (smiley_name[1] == L'"')))
continue; // discard bogus smilies
// for each smiley we can read, reallocate smilies array to hold one smiley more
smilies = (smiley_t *) SAFE_realloc (smilies, smiley_count, smiley_count + 1, sizeof (smiley_t), false);
smiley = &smilies[smiley_count]; // quick access to smiley
// read the smiley's corresponding picture file *BEFORE* we clean the smiley name from its possible quotes (thus altering the key name)
READ_WIDESTRING (smiley->filename, inifile, L"smilies", smiley_name, L"smile.txt");
// now clean the smiley name and make sure it is enclosed between a leading and trailing space
wcscpy_s (smiley->name, WCHAR_SIZEOF (smiley->name), smiley_name); // save cleaned up smiley name
smiley_namelen = wcslen (smiley->name);
if ((smiley->name[0] == L'"') && (smiley->name[smiley_namelen - 1] == L'"'))
smiley->name[0] = L' '; // if it's enclosed by quotes, convert these to spaces
smiley->name[smiley_namelen - 1] = L' ';
if (smiley->name[0] != L' ')
memmove (&smiley->name[1], smiley->name, (smiley_namelen + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)); // if it doesn't begin with a space, insert one
smiley->name[0] = L' ';
if (smiley->name[smiley_namelen - 1] != L' ')
smiley->name[smiley_namelen] = L' '; // if it doesn't end with a space, append one
smiley->name[smiley_namelen + 1] = 0;
// is this filename the same as another smiley we know already ?
for (smiley_index = 0; smiley_index < smiley_count; smiley_index++)
if (wcscmp (smilies[smiley_index].filename, smiley->filename) == 0)
break; // break as soon as we find a match
// did we find a match ?
if (smiley_index < smiley_count)
// if so, just copy data and data length from the smiley we already know
smiley->rtf_data = smilies[smiley_index].rtf_data;
smiley->rtf_len = smilies[smiley_index].rtf_len;
// else we found no match, we have to read the file ourselves
// build the smiley picture's file pathname and read that smiley's data as a hex string
swprintf_s (temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string), L"%s/data/smilies/%s", app_path, smiley->filename);
_wfopen_s (&fp, temp_string, L"rb");
if (fp == NULL)
continue; // if this smiley picture file can't be opened, ignore this smiley
// get the file length
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
file_length = ftell (fp);
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
// mallocate space for file contents and read it
file_buffer = (char *) SAFE_malloc (1 + file_length + 1 + 1, sizeof (char), false); // include null terminator
file_buffer[0] = ' '; // first character is a whitespace
fread (&file_buffer[1], file_length, sizeof (char), fp);
file_buffer[1 + file_length] = ' '; // last character is a whitespace
file_buffer[1 + file_length + 1] = 0; // terminate the char string
fclose (fp); // finished with the smiley picture file
// convert it to wide char
smiley->rtf_len = 1 + file_length + 1;
smiley->rtf_data = (wchar_t *) SAFE_malloc (smiley->rtf_len + 1, sizeof (wchar_t), false); // include null terminator
ConvertToWideChar (smiley->rtf_data, smiley->rtf_len + 1, file_buffer);
SAFE_free ((void **) &file_buffer);
smiley_count++; // we know now one smiley more
// close the INI file
INIFile_FreeINIFile (inifile);
return; // finished loading config
void Config_LoadEngines (void)
// this function loads the engine-specific parameters. The best place to call it is at the beginning
// of a game versus the computer, just before the engine executable process is started.
wchar_t temp_string[MAX_PATH];
engineprogram_t *engineprogram;
int version_numbers[4];
void *engine_inifile;
wchar_t *ptr;
options.engine.programs = NULL;
options.engine.program_count = 0;
swprintf_s (temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string), L"%s\\engines\\*.*", app_path); // build the search pattern string out of the path
hFind = FindFirstFile (temp_string, &wfd); // initiate search from that point
return; // no engines available (FIXME: error message ?)
// start examining search results...
if (!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || (wfd.cFileName[0] == L'.'))
continue; // skip everything that is NOT a directory, and every directories that begin with a dot
// given the selected engine program, load and interpret the right engine config file
swprintf_s (filename, WCHAR_SIZEOF (filename), L"%s/engines/%s/engine.ini", app_path, wfd.cFileName);
engine_inifile = INIFile_LoadINIFile (filename); // see if an ini file exists for this engine
if (engine_inifile == NULL)
continue; // engine .ini file not found, skip this one
// reallocate space for one more engine program, and clean up the allocated slot
options.engine.programs = (engineprogram_t *) SAFE_realloc (options.engine.programs, options.engine.program_count, options.engine.program_count + 1, sizeof (engineprogram_t), true);
engineprogram = &options.engine.programs[options.engine.program_count]; // quick access to engine
// basic program information
wcscpy_s (engineprogram->folder, sizeof (engineprogram->folder), wfd.cFileName); // save engine program's folder name
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->friendly_name, engine_inifile, L"program", L"name", L"Crafty v24.0");
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->executable_name, engine_inifile, L"program", L"executable", L"crafty.exe");
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->executable_arguments, engine_inifile, L"program", L"arguments", L"");
READ_WIDESTRING (temp_string, engine_inifile, L"program", L"winver", L"5.1");
if (iswdigit (temp_string[0])) wcscat_s (temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string), L"."); // make sure version string has enough numbers
wcscat_s (temp_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (temp_string), L""); // make sure version string has enough numbers
swscanf_s (temp_string, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", &version_numbers[0], &version_numbers[1], &version_numbers[2], &version_numbers[3]);
engineprogram->kernel32_minver = (((uint64_t) version_numbers[0]) << 48) | (((uint64_t) version_numbers[1]) << 32) | (((uint64_t) version_numbers[2]) << 16) | (((uint64_t) version_numbers[3]) << 0);
// reply string patterns
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->replystring_move, engine_inifile, L"reply strings", L"move", L"): ");
// engine commands
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_new, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"new game", L"new");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_new; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_setboard, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"setup table from FEN", L"setboard %s");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_setboard; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_go, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"play", L"go");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_go; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_move, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"move", L"%s");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_move; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_force, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"force move", L"force %s");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_force; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
READ_WIDESTRING (engineprogram->command_quit, engine_inifile, L"commands", L"quit", L"quit");
for (ptr = engineprogram->command_quit; *ptr != 0; ptr++) if (*ptr == L';') *ptr = L'\n';
INIFile_FreeINIFile (engine_inifile); // close the engine config file
options.engine.program_count++; // we've identified one engine more
} while (FindNextFile (hFind, &wfd)); // ...and don't stop as long as there are directory entries to go
FindClose (hFind); // close the search handle
return; // engine parameters loaded successfully
void Config_Save (void)
// this function saves the software configuration into an INI file.
// WARNING: it does also free the smilies list !
wchar_t smiley_name[32];
smiley_t *smiley;
void *inifile;
int smiley_index;
int smiley_index2;
HKEY hRegistryKey;
// create a config file with the default values
inifile = INIFile_NewINIFile ();
// [gameplay]
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight last move", options.want_lastmove);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight possible moves", options.want_possiblemoves);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"highlight king's threats", options.want_threats);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"display part animations", options.want_animations);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"display part sliding animations", options.want_slidinganimations);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show taken parts", options.want_takenparts);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show turn", options.want_turn);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show game clock", options.want_clock);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsUnsignedLong (inifile, L"options", L"game clock color", options.clock_color);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"show game history", options.want_history);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsUnsignedLong (inifile, L"options", L"game history color", options.history_color);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"use sepia filter for past moves", options.want_sepiafilter);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"options", L"auto-rotate board", options.want_autorotateon1vs1);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"options", L"rotation speed", options.rotate_speed);
// [display]
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"display", L"language", (is_language_auto ? L"auto" : languages[language_id].name));
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"fullscreen", options.want_fullscreen);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"maximized", options.want_maximized);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"display", L"window width", options.window_width);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"display", L"window height", options.window_height);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable texture filtering", options.want_filtering);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable high quality filtering", options.want_hiquality);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable specular lighting", options.want_specularlighting);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"display", L"enable board reflections", options.want_reflections);
// [sound]
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"sound", L"play sounds", options.want_sounds);
// [theme]
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"theme", L"theme name", (wantedtheme_name[0] != 0 ? wantedtheme_name : L"Marble"));
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"show grid", want_grid);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"flat icons instead", want_flaticons);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"theme", L"use custom background", want_custombackground);
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"theme", L"custom background picture", custombackground_pathname);
// [engine]
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"engine", L"program", options.engine.programs[options.engine.selected_program].folder);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"allowed depth", options.engine.depth);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"maximum depth", options.engine.max_depth);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"blunder chances", options.engine.blunder_chances);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"engine", L"obstinacy", options.engine.obstinacy_level);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"engine", L"expert mode", options.engine.is_expert_mode);
// [network]
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"network", L"server address", options.network.server_address);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"network", L"server port", options.network.server_port);
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"network", L"login", options.network.login);
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"network", L"password", options.network.password);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show server messages", options.network.want_servermessages);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show public chat", options.network.want_publicchat);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsBool (inifile, L"network", L"show MOTD on connect", options.network.want_motdonconnect);
// [registration]
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"registration", L"user email", options.registration.user_email);
INIFile_WriteEntryAsLong (inifile, L"registration", L"activation code", (long) options.registration.activation_code);
// [smilies]
for (smiley_index = 0; smiley_index < smiley_count; smiley_index++)
smiley = &smilies[smiley_index]; // quick access to smiley
// have a copy of the smiley's name and convert spaces back to quotes before saving them
wcscpy_s (smiley_name, WCHAR_SIZEOF (smiley_name), smiley->name);
smiley_name[0] = L'"'; // convert leading space to a quote
smiley_name[wcslen (smiley_name) - 1] = L'"'; // convert ending space to a quote
WRITE_WIDESTRING (L"smilies", smiley_name, smiley->filename);
// cycle through all the other smileys to see if another one uses the same data...
for (smiley_index2 = smiley_index; smiley_index2 < smiley_count; smiley_index2++)
if (smilies[smiley_index2].rtf_data == smiley->rtf_data)
break; // break as soon as we find one that uses the same data
if (smiley_index2 == smiley_count)
SAFE_free ((void **) &smiley->rtf_data); // only free data when we find none
SAFE_free ((void **) &smilies);
smiley_count = 0;
// now save the INI file
swprintf_s (filename, WCHAR_SIZEOF (filename), L"%s/config.ini", app_path);
INIFile_SaveINIFile (filename, inifile);
// SAFETY: if the current registration data is good, back it up in the registry if we can
if (IsRegistrationCorrect (options.registration.user_email, options.registration.activation_code)
&& (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Chess Giants", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hRegistryKey) == 0))
RegSetValueEx (hRegistryKey, L"UserEmail", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) options.registration.user_email, wcslen (options.registration.user_email) * sizeof (wchar_t));
RegSetValueEx (hRegistryKey, L"ActivationCode", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &options.registration.activation_code, sizeof (options.registration.activation_code));
RegCloseKey (hRegistryKey); // once we've written the data we were interested in, close the registry key
return; // finished