* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <https://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
* Global variables for 3d
#include "3d.h"
#include "globvars.h"
namespace dcx {
vms_vector View_position;
fix View_zoom;
vms_matrix Unscaled_matrix; //before scaling
vms_matrix View_matrix;
vms_vector Window_scale; //scaling for window aspect
vms_vector Matrix_scale; //how the matrix is scaled, window_scale * zoom
fix Canv_w2; //fixed-point width/2
fix Canv_h2; //fixed-point height/2
#ifdef __powerc
double fCanv_w2;
double fCanv_h2;
//vertex buffers for polygon drawing and clipping
//list of 2d coords