// audio.cpp
#include "common.h"
// global variables used in this module only
static int queued_sound = 0;
void Audio_Think (void)
// this function plays the queued sounds on the right time
static wchar_t soundfile_path[MAX_PATH];
int sound_index;
// do we have a sound to play ? if so, play it
if (queued_sound != 0)
// given the type of sound we want, enqueue the right one
if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_CLICK)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/click.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_ILLEGALMOVE)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/illegal.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_VICTORY)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/win.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_DEFEAT)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/lose.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_CHECK)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/check.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_PIECETAKEN)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/take.wav", app_path);
else if (queued_sound == SOUNDTYPE_MOVE)
sound_index = rand () % 6; // there are several movement sounds, pick one at random
if (sound_index == 0)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move1.wav", app_path);
else if (sound_index == 1)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move2.wav", app_path);
else if (sound_index == 2)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move3.wav", app_path);
else if (sound_index == 3)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move4.wav", app_path);
else if (sound_index == 4)
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move5.wav", app_path);
swprintf_s (soundfile_path, WCHAR_SIZEOF (soundfile_path), L"%s/data/sounds/move6.wav", app_path);
PlaySound (soundfile_path, NULL, SND_ASYNC | SND_FILENAME | SND_NODEFAULT);
queued_sound = 0; // play this sound then forget it
return; // finished, audio has been handled
void Audio_PlaySound (int sound_type)
// helper function to play a sound
if (!options.want_sounds)
return; // if we want no sound, don't play anything
queued_sound = sound_type; // enqueue the desired sound for playing
return; // finished