#import "DDTTYLogger.h"
#import <unistd.h>
#import <sys/uio.h>
* Welcome to Cocoa Lumberjack!
* The project page has a wealth of documentation
if you have
any questions.
* https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack
* If you're new to the project you may wish to read the "Getting Started" wiki.
* https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack/wiki/GettingStarted
#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
#warning This file must be compiled with ARC.
Use -fobjc-arc
flag (or convert project to ARC
// We probably shouldn't be using DDLog() statements within the DDLog implementation.
// But we still want to leave our
log statements
for any future debugging,
// and to allow other developers to
trace the implementation
(which is a great learning tool
// So we use primitive logging macros around NSLog.
// We maintain the NS prefix on the macros to be explicit about the fact that we're using NSLog.
#define LOG_LEVEL 2
#define NSLogError(frmt, ...) do{ if(LOG_LEVEL >= 1) NSLog((frmt), ##__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define NSLogWarn(frmt, ...) do{ if(LOG_LEVEL >= 2) NSLog((frmt), ##__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define NSLogInfo(frmt, ...) do{ if(LOG_LEVEL >= 3) NSLog((frmt), ##__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define NSLogDebug(frmt, ...) do{ if(LOG_LEVEL >= 4) NSLog((frmt), ##__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
#define NSLogVerbose(frmt, ...) do{ if(LOG_LEVEL >= 5) NSLog((frmt), ##__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
// Xcode does NOT natively support colors in the Xcode debugging console.
// You'll need to install the XcodeColors plugin to see colors in the Xcode console.
// https://github.com/robbiehanson/XcodeColors
// The following
is documentation from the XcodeColors project:
// How to apply color formatting to your
log statements:
// To
set the foreground color:
// Insert the ESCAPE_SEQ into your
string, followed by "fg124,
255;" where r=
124, g=
12, b=
// To
set the background color:
// Insert the ESCAPE_SEQ into your
string, followed by "bg12,
36;" where r=
12, g=
24, b=
// To
reset the foreground color
(to default value
// Insert the ESCAPE_SEQ into your
string, followed by "fg;"
// To
reset the background color
(to default value
// Insert the ESCAPE_SEQ into your
string, followed by "bg;"
// To
reset the foreground and background color
(to default values
) in one operation:
// Insert the ESCAPE_SEQ into your
string, followed by ";"
Clear any foreground color
Clear any background color
Clear any foreground or background color
// Some simple defines to make life easier on ourself
#define MakeColor(r, g, b) [UIColor colorWithRed:(r/255.0f) green:(g/255.0f) blue:(b/255.0f) alpha:1.0f]
#define MakeColor(r, g, b) [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:(r/255.0f) green:(g/255.0f) blue:(b/255.0f) alpha:1.0f]
#define OSColor UIColor
#define OSColor NSColor
If running in a shell, not
all RGB colors will be supported.
// In this case we automatically map to the closest available color.
// In order to provide this mapping, we have a hard-coded
set of the standard RGB values available in the shell.
// However, not every shell
is the same, and Apple likes to think different even when it comes to shell colors.
// Map to standard Terminal.app colors (1), or
// map to standard xterm colors (0).
@interface DDTTYLoggerColorProfile : NSObject {
int mask;
int context;
uint8_t fg_r;
uint8_t fg_g;
uint8_t fg_b;
uint8_t bg_r;
uint8_t bg_g;
uint8_t bg_b;
NSUInteger fgCodeIndex;
NSString *fgCodeRaw;
NSUInteger bgCodeIndex;
NSString *bgCodeRaw;
size_t fgCodeLen;
size_t bgCodeLen;
size_t resetCodeLen;
(OSColor *
)fgColor backgroundColor:
(OSColor *
)mask context:
#pragma mark -
@implementation DDTTYLogger
static BOOL isaColorTTY;
static BOOL isaColor256TTY;
static BOOL isaXcodeColorTTY;
static NSArray *codes_fg = nil;
static NSArray *codes_bg = nil;
static NSArray *colors = nil;
static DDTTYLogger *sharedInstance;
* Initializes the colors array, as well as the codes_fg and codes_bg arrays, for 16 color mode.
* This method
is used when the application
is running from within a shell that only supports
16 color mode.
* This method
is not invoked
if the application
is running within Xcode, or via normal UI app launch.
+ (void)initialize_colors_16
if (codes_fg || codes_bg || colors) return;
NSMutableArray *m_codes_fg = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
NSMutableArray *m_codes_bg = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
NSMutableArray *m_colors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
// In a standard shell only 16 colors are supported.
More information about ansi escape codes can be found online.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"30m"]; // normal - black
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"31m"]; // normal - red
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"32m"]; // normal - green
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"33m"]; // normal - yellow
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"34m"]; // normal - blue
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"35m"]; // normal - magenta
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"36m"]; // normal - cyan
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"37m"
]; // normal -
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;30m"]; // bright - darkgray
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;31m"]; // bright - red
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;32m"]; // bright - green
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;33m"]; // bright - yellow
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;34m"]; // bright - blue
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;35m"]; // bright - magenta
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;36m"]; // bright - cyan
[m_codes_fg addObject:@"1;37m"]; // bright - white
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"40m"]; // normal - black
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"41m"]; // normal - red
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"42m"]; // normal - green
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"43m"]; // normal - yellow
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"44m"]; // normal - blue
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"45m"]; // normal - magenta
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"46m"]; // normal - cyan
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"47m"
]; // normal -
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;40m"]; // bright - darkgray
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;41m"]; // bright - red
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;42m"]; // bright - green
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;43m"]; // bright - yellow
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;44m"]; // bright - blue
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;45m"]; // bright - magenta
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;46m"]; // bright - cyan
[m_codes_bg addObject:@"1;47m"]; // bright - white
// Standard Terminal.app colors:
// These are the default colors used by Apple's Terminal.app.
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 0, 0)]; // normal - black
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(194, 54, 33)]; // normal - red
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 37, 188, 36)]; // normal - green
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(173, 173, 39)]; // normal - yellow
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 73, 46, 225)]; // normal - blue
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(211, 56, 211)]; // normal - magenta
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 51, 187, 200)]; // normal - cyan
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor
205)]; // normal -
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(129, 131, 131)]; // bright - darkgray
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(252, 57, 31)]; // bright - red
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 49, 231, 34)]; // bright - green
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(234, 236, 35)]; // bright - yellow
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 88, 51, 255)]; // bright - blue
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(249, 53, 248)]; // bright - magenta
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 20, 240, 240)]; // bright - cyan
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(233, 235, 235)]; // bright - white
// Standard xterm colors:
// These are the default colors used by most xterm shells.
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 0, 0)]; // normal - black
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(205, 0, 0)]; // normal - red
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 205, 0)]; // normal - green
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(205, 205, 0)]; // normal - yellow
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 0, 238)]; // normal - blue
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(205, 0, 205)]; // normal - magenta
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 205, 205)]; // normal - cyan
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor
229)]; // normal -
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(127, 127, 127)]; // bright - darkgray
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 0, 0)]; // bright - red
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 255, 0)]; // bright - green
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 255, 0)]; // bright - yellow
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 92, 92, 255)]; // bright - blue
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 0, 255)]; // bright - magenta
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 0, 255, 255)]; // bright - cyan
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 255, 255)]; // bright - white
codes_fg = [m_codes_fg copy];
codes_bg = [m_codes_bg copy];
colors = [m_colors copy];
NSAssert([codes_fg count] == [codes_bg count], @"Invalid colors/codes array(s)");
NSAssert([codes_fg count] == [colors count], @"Invalid colors/codes array(s)");
* Initializes the colors array, as well as the codes_fg and codes_bg arrays, for 256 color mode.
* This method
is used when the application
is running from within a shell that supports
256 color mode.
* This method
is not invoked
if the application
is running within Xcode, or via normal UI app launch.
+ (void)initialize_colors_256
if (codes_fg || codes_bg || colors) return;
NSMutableArray *m_codes_fg = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(256-16)];
NSMutableArray *m_codes_bg = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(256-16)];
NSMutableArray *m_colors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(256-16)];
// Standard Terminal.app colors:
// These are the colors the Terminal.app uses in xterm-256color mode.
// In this mode, the terminal supports 256 different colors, specified by 256 color codes.
// The first 16 color codes map to the original 16 color codes supported by the earlier xterm-color mode.
// These are actually configurable, and thus we ignore them for the purposes of mapping,
// as we can't rely on them being constant. They are largely duplicated anyway.
// The next 216 color codes are designed to run the spectrum, with several shades of every color.
While the color codes are standardized, the actual RGB values
for each color code
is not.
// Apple's Terminal.app uses different RGB values from that of a standard xterm.
// Apple's choices in colors are designed to be a little nicer on the eyes.
// The last 24 color codes represent a grayscale.
// Unfortunately, unlike the standard xterm color chart,
// Apple's RGB values cannot be calculated using a simple formula
(at least not that
I know of
// Also,
I don't know of
any ways to programmatically query the shell
for the RGB values.
// So this big giant color chart had to be made by hand.
More information about ansi escape codes can be found online.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
// Colors
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 47, 49, 49)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 60, 42, 144)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 66, 44, 183)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 73, 46, 222)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 81, 50, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 88, 51, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 42, 128, 37)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 42, 127, 128)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 44, 126, 169)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 56, 125, 209)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 59, 124, 245)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 66, 123, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 51, 163, 41)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 39, 162, 121)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 42, 161, 162)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 53, 160, 202)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 45, 159, 240)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 58, 158, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 31, 196, 37)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 48, 196, 115)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 39, 195, 155)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 49, 195, 195)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 32, 194, 235)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 53, 193, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 50, 229, 35)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 40, 229, 109)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 27, 229, 149)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 49, 228, 189)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 33, 228, 228)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 53, 227, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 27, 254, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 30, 254, 103)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 45, 254, 143)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 38, 253, 182)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 38, 253, 222)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 42, 253, 252)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(140, 48, 40)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(136, 51, 136)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(135, 52, 177)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(134, 52, 217)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(135, 56, 248)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(134, 53, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(125, 125, 38)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(124, 125, 125)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(122, 124, 166)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(123, 124, 207)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(123, 122, 247)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(124, 121, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(119, 160, 35)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(117, 160, 120)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(117, 160, 160)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(115, 159, 201)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(116, 158, 240)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(117, 157, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(113, 195, 39)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(110, 194, 114)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(111, 194, 154)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(108, 194, 194)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(109, 193, 234)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(108, 192, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(105, 228, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(103, 228, 109)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(105, 228, 148)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(100, 227, 188)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 99, 227, 227)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 99, 226, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 92, 253, 34)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 96, 253, 103)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 97, 253, 142)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 88, 253, 182)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 93, 253, 221)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 88, 254, 251)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(177, 53, 34)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(174, 54, 131)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(172, 55, 172)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(171, 57, 213)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(170, 55, 249)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(170, 57, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(165, 123, 37)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(163, 123, 123)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(162, 123, 164)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(161, 122, 205)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(161, 121, 241)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(161, 121, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(158, 159, 33)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(157, 158, 118)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(157, 158, 159)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(155, 157, 199)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(155, 157, 239)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(154, 156, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(152, 193, 40)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(151, 193, 113)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(150, 193, 153)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(150, 192, 193)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(148, 192, 232)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(149, 191, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(146, 227, 28)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(144, 227, 108)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(144, 227, 147)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(144, 227, 187)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(142, 226, 227)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(142, 225, 252)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(138, 253, 36)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(137, 253, 102)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(136, 253, 141)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(138, 254, 181)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(135, 255, 220)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(133, 255, 250)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(214, 57, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(211, 59, 126)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(209, 57, 168)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(208, 55, 208)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(207, 58, 247)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(206, 61, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(204, 121, 32)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(202, 121, 121)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(201, 121, 161)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(200, 120, 202)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(200, 120, 241)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(198, 119, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(198, 157, 37)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(196, 157, 116)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(195, 156, 157)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(195, 156, 197)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(194, 155, 236)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(193, 155, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(191, 192, 36)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(190, 191, 112)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(189, 191, 152)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(189, 191, 191)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(188, 190, 230)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(187, 190, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(185, 226, 28)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(184, 226, 106)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(183, 225, 146)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(183, 225, 186)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(182, 225, 225)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(181, 224, 252)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(178, 255, 35)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(178, 255, 101)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(177, 254, 141)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(176, 254, 180)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(176, 254, 220)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(175, 253, 249)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(247, 56, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(245, 57, 122)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(243, 59, 163)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(244, 60, 204)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(242, 59, 241)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(240, 55, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(241, 119, 36)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(240, 120, 118)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(238, 119, 158)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(237, 119, 199)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(237, 118, 238)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(236, 118, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(235, 154, 36)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(235, 154, 114)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(234, 154, 154)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(232, 154, 194)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(232, 153, 234)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(232, 153, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(230, 190, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(229, 189, 110)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(228, 189, 150)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(227, 189, 190)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(227, 189, 229)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(226, 188, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(224, 224, 35)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(223, 224, 105)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(222, 224, 144)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(222, 223, 184)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(222, 223, 224)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(220, 223, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(217, 253, 28)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(217, 253, 99)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(216, 252, 139)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(216, 252, 179)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(215, 252, 218)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(215, 251, 250)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 61, 30)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 60, 118)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 58, 159)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 56, 199)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 55, 238)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 59, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 117, 29)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 117, 115)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 117, 155)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 117, 195)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 116, 235)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(254, 116, 255)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 152, 27)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 152, 111)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(254, 152, 152)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 152, 192)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(254, 151, 231)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(253, 151, 253)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(255, 187, 33)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(253, 187, 107)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(252, 187, 148)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(253, 187, 187)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(254, 187, 227)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(252, 186, 252)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(252, 222, 34)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(251, 222, 103)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(251, 222, 143)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(250, 222, 182)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(251, 221, 222)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(252, 221, 252)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(251, 252, 15)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(251, 252, 97)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(249, 252, 137)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(247, 252, 177)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(247, 253, 217)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(254, 255, 255)];
// Grayscale
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 52, 53, 53)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 57, 58, 59)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 66, 67, 67)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 75, 76, 76)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 83, 85, 85)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor( 92, 93, 94)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(101, 102, 102)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(109, 111, 111)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(118, 119, 119)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(126, 127, 128)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(134, 136, 136)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(143, 144, 145)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(151, 152, 153)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(159, 161, 161)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(167, 169, 169)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(176, 177, 177)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(184, 185, 186)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(192, 193, 194)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(200, 201, 202)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(208, 209, 210)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(216, 218, 218)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(224, 226, 226)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(232, 234, 234)];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(240, 242, 242)];
// Color codes
int index = 16;
while (index < 256)
[m_codes_fg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"38;5;%dm", index]];
[m_codes_bg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"48;5;%dm", index]];
// Standard xterm colors:
// These are the colors xterm shells use in xterm-256color mode.
// In this mode, the shell supports 256 different colors, specified by 256 color codes.
// The first 16 color codes map to the original 16 color codes supported by the earlier xterm-color mode.
// These are generally configurable, and thus we ignore them for the purposes of mapping,
// as we can't rely on them being constant. They are largely duplicated anyway.
// The next 216 color codes are designed to run the spectrum, with several shades of every color.
// The last 24 color codes represent a grayscale.
While the color codes are standardized, the actual RGB values
for each color code
is not.
// However most standard xterms follow a well known color chart,
which can easily be calculated using the simple formula below.
More information about ansi escape codes can be found online.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
int index = 16;
int r; // red
int g; // green
int b; // blue
int ri; // r increment
int gi; // g increment
int bi; // b increment
// Calculate xterm colors (using standard algorithm)
int r = 0;
int g = 0;
int b = 0;
for (ri = 0; ri < 6; ri++)
r = (ri == 0) ? 0 : 95 + (40 * (ri - 1));
for (gi = 0; gi < 6; gi++)
g = (gi == 0) ? 0 : 95 + (40 * (gi - 1));
for (bi = 0; bi < 6; bi++)
b = (bi == 0) ? 0 : 95 + (40 * (bi - 1));
[m_codes_fg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"38;5;%dm", index]];
[m_codes_bg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"48;5;%dm", index]];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(r, g, b)];
// Calculate xterm grayscale (using standard algorithm)
r = 8;
g = 8;
b = 8;
while (index < 256)
[m_codes_fg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"38;5;%dm", index]];
[m_codes_bg addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"48;5;%dm", index]];
[m_colors addObject:MakeColor(r, g, b)];
r += 10;
g += 10;
b += 10;
codes_fg = [m_codes_fg copy];
codes_bg = [m_codes_bg copy];
colors = [m_colors copy];
NSAssert([codes_fg count] == [codes_bg count], @"Invalid colors/codes array(s)");
NSAssert([codes_fg count] == [colors count], @"Invalid colors/codes array(s)");
+ (void)getRed:(CGFloat *)rPtr green:(CGFloat *)gPtr blue:(CGFloat *)bPtr fromColor:(OSColor *)color
// iOS
BOOL done = NO;
if ([color respondsToSelector:@selector(getRed:green:blue:alpha:)])
done =
[color getRed:rPtr green:gPtr blue:bPtr alpha:
if (!done)
// The method getRed:green:blue:alpha: was only available starting iOS 5.
// So in iOS 4 and earlier, we have to jump through hoops.
CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(&pixel, 1, 1, 8, 4, rgbColorSpace, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask & kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [color CGColor]);
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1));
if (rPtr) { *rPtr = pixel[0] / 255.0f; }
if (gPtr) { *gPtr = pixel[1] / 255.0f; }
if (bPtr) { *bPtr = pixel[2] / 255.0f; }
// Mac OS X
NSColor *safeColor = [color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace];
[safeColor getRed:rPtr green:gPtr blue:bPtr alpha:
* Maps the given color to the closest available color supported by the shell.
* The shell may support 256 colors, or only 16.
* This method loops through the known supported color
set, and calculates the closest color.
* The array index of that color, within the colors array,
is then returned.
* This array index may also be used as the index within the codes_fg and codes_bg arrays.
+ (NSUInteger)codeIndexForColor:(OSColor *)inColor
CGFloat inR, inG, inB;
[self getRed:&inR green:&inG blue:&inB fromColor:inColor];
NSUInteger bestIndex = 0;
CGFloat lowestDistance = 100.0f;
for (OSColor *color in colors)
// Calculate Euclidean distance
(lower value means closer to given color
CGFloat r, g, b;
[self getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b fromColor:color];
CGFloat distance =
2.0) + pow
2.0) + pow
CGFloat distance = sqrtf(powf(r-inR, 2.0f) + powf(g-inG, 2.0f) + powf(b-inB, 2.0f));
NSLogVerbose(@"DDTTYLogger: %3lu : %.3f,%.3f,%.3f & %.3f,%.3f,%.3f = %.6f",
(unsigned long
)i, inR, inG, inB, r, g, b, distance
if (distance < lowestDistance)
lowestDistance = distance;
NSLogVerbose(@"DDTTYLogger: New best index = %lu", (unsigned long)bestIndex);
return bestIndex;
* The runtime sends initialize to each
class in a program exactly one time just before the
* or
any class that inherits from it,
is sent its first message from within the program.
(Thus the
* method may never be invoked
if the
class is not used.
) The runtime sends the initialize message to
* classes in a thread-safe manner. Superclasses receive this message before their subclasses.
* This method may also be called directly (assumably by accident), hence the safety mechanism.
+ (void)initialize
static BOOL initialized = NO;
if (!initialized)
initialized = YES;
char *term = getenv
if (term)
if (strcasestr
(term, "color"
) !=
isaColorTTY = YES;
isaColor256TTY =
(term, "
) !=
if (isaColor256TTY)
[self initialize_colors_256];
[self initialize_colors_16];
// Xcode does NOT natively support colors in the Xcode debugging console.
// You'll need to install the XcodeColors plugin to see colors in the Xcode console.
// PS - Please read the header file before diving into the source code.
char *xcode_colors = getenv
if (xcode_colors &&
(strcmp(xcode_colors, "YES"
) ==
isaXcodeColorTTY = YES;
NSLogInfo(@"DDTTYLogger: isaColorTTY = %@", (isaColorTTY ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
NSLogInfo(@"DDTTYLogger: isaColor256TTY: %@", (isaColor256TTY ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
NSLogInfo(@"DDTTYLogger: isaXcodeColorTTY: %@", (isaXcodeColorTTY ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
sharedInstance =
class] alloc
] init
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
return sharedInstance;
- (id)init
if (sharedInstance != nil)
return nil;
if ((self = [super init]))
calendar =
[NSCalendar autoupdatingCurrentCalendar
calendarUnitFlags = 0;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSYearCalendarUnit;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSMonthCalendarUnit;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSDayCalendarUnit;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSHourCalendarUnit;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSMinuteCalendarUnit;
calendarUnitFlags |= NSSecondCalendarUnit;
// Initialze
'app' variable
(char *
appName = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
appLen = [appName lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
app =
(char *
(appLen +
if (app ==
NULL) return nil;
[appName getCString:app maxLength:(appLen+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Initialize
'pid' variable
(char *
processID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", (int)getpid()];
pidLen = [processID lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
pid =
(char *
(pidLen +
if (pid ==
NULL) return nil;
BOOL processedID = [processID getCString:pid maxLength:(pidLen+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (NO == processedID) return nil;
// Initialize color stuff
colorsEnabled = NO;
colorProfilesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
colorProfilesDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
return self;
- (void)loadDefaultColorProfiles
[self setForegroundColor:MakeColor(214, 57, 30) backgroundColor:nil forFlag:LOG_FLAG_ERROR];
[self setForegroundColor:MakeColor(204, 121, 32) backgroundColor:nil forFlag:LOG_FLAG_WARN];
- (BOOL)colorsEnabled
// The design of this method
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
// This method
is designed explicitly
for external access.
// Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
// This
is the intended result.
Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
// Great strides have been take to ensure this
is safe to do.
Plus it's MUCH faster.
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
__block BOOL result;
dispatch_sync(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_sync(loggerQueue, ^{
result = colorsEnabled;
return result;
- (void)setColorsEnabled:(BOOL)newColorsEnabled
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
colorsEnabled = newColorsEnabled;
if ([colorProfilesArray count] == 0) {
[self loadDefaultColorProfiles];
// The design of this method
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For extensive documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// Note: The internal implementation MUST access the colorsEnabled variable directly,
// This method
is designed explicitly
for external access.
// Using "self." syntax to go through this method will cause immediate deadlock.
// This
is the intended result.
Fix it by accessing the ivar directly.
// Great strides have been take to ensure this
is safe to do.
Plus it's MUCH faster.
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
NSAssert(![self isOnInternalLoggerQueue], @"MUST access ivar directly, NOT via self.* syntax.");
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)setForegroundColor:(OSColor *)txtColor backgroundColor:(OSColor *)bgColor forFlag:(int)mask
[self setForegroundColor:txtColor backgroundColor:bgColor forFlag:mask context:LOG_CONTEXT_ALL];
- (void)setForegroundColor:(OSColor *)txtColor backgroundColor:(OSColor *)bgColor forFlag:(int)mask context:(int)ctxt
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *newColorProfile =
[[DDTTYLoggerColorProfile alloc] initWithForegroundColor:txtColor
NSLogInfo(@"DDTTYLogger: newColorProfile: %@", newColorProfile);
for (DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *colorProfile in colorProfilesArray)
if ((colorProfile->mask == mask) && (colorProfile->context == ctxt))
if (i <
[colorProfilesArray count
[colorProfilesArray replaceObjectAtIndex:
i withObject:newColorProfile
[colorProfilesArray addObject:newColorProfile];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)setForegroundColor:(OSColor *)txtColor backgroundColor:(OSColor *)bgColor forTag:(id <NSCopying>)tag
NSAssert([(id <NSObject>)tag conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)], @"Invalid tag");
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *newColorProfile =
[[DDTTYLoggerColorProfile alloc] initWithForegroundColor:txtColor
NSLogInfo(@"DDTTYLogger: newColorProfile: %@", newColorProfile);
[colorProfilesDict setObject:newColorProfile forKey:tag];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)clearColorsForFlag:(int)mask
[self clearColorsForFlag:mask context:0];
- (void)clearColorsForFlag:(int)mask context:(int)context
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
for (DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *colorProfile in colorProfilesArray)
if ((colorProfile->mask == mask) && (colorProfile->context == context))
if (i <
[colorProfilesArray count
[colorProfilesArray removeObjectAtIndex:
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)clearColorsForTag:(id <NSCopying>)tag
NSAssert([(id <NSObject>)tag conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSCopying)], @"Invalid tag");
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[colorProfilesDict removeObjectForKey:tag];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)clearColorsForAllFlags
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[colorProfilesArray removeAllObjects];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)clearColorsForAllTags
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[colorProfilesDict removeAllObjects];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)clearAllColors
dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
[colorProfilesArray removeAllObjects];
[colorProfilesDict removeAllObjects];
// The design of the setter logic below
is taken from the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
// For documentation please refer to the DDAbstractLogger implementation.
if ([self isOnInternalLoggerQueue])
dispatch_queue_t globalLoggingQueue = [DDLog loggingQueue];
NSAssert(![self isOnGlobalLoggingQueue], @"Core architecture requirement failure");
dispatch_async(globalLoggingQueue, ^{
dispatch_async(loggerQueue, block);
- (void)logMessage:(DDLogMessage *)logMessage
NSString *logMsg = logMessage->logMsg;
BOOL isFormatted = NO;
if (formatter)
logMsg = [formatter formatLogMessage:logMessage];
isFormatted = logMsg != logMessage->logMsg;
if (logMsg)
// Search
for a color
profile associated with the
log message
DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *colorProfile = nil;
if (colorsEnabled)
if (logMessage->tag)
colorProfile = [colorProfilesDict objectForKey:logMessage->tag];
if (colorProfile == nil)
for (DDTTYLoggerColorProfile *cp in colorProfilesArray)
if (logMessage->logFlag & cp->mask)
if (logMessage->logContext == cp->context)
colorProfile = cp;
// Stop searching
// Check
if LOG_CONTEXT_ALL was specified as a default color
for this
if (cp->context == LOG_CONTEXT_ALL)
colorProfile = cp;
// We don't
break to keep searching
for more specific color profiles
for the context
// We use the stack instead of the heap for speed if possible.
// But we're extra cautious to avoid a stack overflow.
NSUInteger msgLen = [logMsg lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const BOOL useStack = msgLen < (1024 * 4);
char msgStack
[useStack ?
(msgLen +
1) :
1]; // Analyzer doesn't like zero-
size array, hence the
char *msg = useStack ? msgStack :
(char *
(msgLen +
BOOL logMsgEnc = [logMsg getCString:msg maxLength:(msgLen + 1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (!logMsgEnc)
if (!useStack && msg !=
NULL) free
// Write the
log message to STDERR
if (isFormatted)
// The
log message has already been formatted.
if (colorProfile)
v[0].iov_base = colorProfile->fgCode;
v[0].iov_len = colorProfile->fgCodeLen;
v[1].iov_base = colorProfile->bgCode;
v[1].iov_len = colorProfile->bgCodeLen;
v[4].iov_base = colorProfile->resetCode;
v[4].iov_len = colorProfile->resetCodeLen;
v[0].iov_base = "";
v[0].iov_len = 0;
v[1].iov_base = "";
v[1].iov_len = 0;
v[4].iov_base = "";
v[4].iov_len = 0;
iov_base =
(char *
v[2].iov_len = msgLen;
v[3].iov_base = "\n";
v[3].iov_len = (msg[msgLen] == '\n') ? 0 : 1;
writev(STDERR_FILENO, v, 5);
// The
log message
is unformatted, so apply standard NSLog style formatting.
int len;
// Calculate timestamp.
// The technique below
is faster than using NSDateFormatter.
NSDateComponents *components =
[calendar components:calendarUnitFlags fromDate:logMessage->timestamp
NSTimeInterval epoch = [logMessage->timestamp timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
int milliseconds =
)((epoch -
)) *
len = snprintf(ts, 24, "%04ld-%02ld-%02ld %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%03d", // yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS
(long)components.second, milliseconds);
size_t tsLen =
1, len
// Calculate thread ID
// How many characters do we need for the thread id?
// logMessage->machThreadID
is of
type mach_port_t,
which is an unsigned int.
// 8 hex chars for 32 bit, plus ending '\0' = 9
len = snprintf(tid, 9, "%x", logMessage->machThreadID);
size_t tidLen =
1, len
// Here
is our
format: "
%s %s[%i:%s] %s", timestamp, appName, processID, threadID, logMsg
if (colorProfile)
v[0].iov_base = colorProfile->fgCode;
v[0].iov_len = colorProfile->fgCodeLen;
v[1].iov_base = colorProfile->bgCode;
v[1].iov_len = colorProfile->bgCodeLen;
v[12].iov_base = colorProfile->resetCode;
v[12].iov_len = colorProfile->resetCodeLen;
v[0].iov_base = "";
v[0].iov_len = 0;
v[1].iov_base = "";
v[1].iov_len = 0;
v[12].iov_base = "";
v[12].iov_len = 0;
v[2].iov_base = ts;
v[2].iov_len = tsLen;
v[3].iov_base = " ";
v[3].iov_len = 1;
v[4].iov_base = app;
v[4].iov_len = appLen;
v[5].iov_base = "[";
v[5].iov_len = 1;
v[6].iov_base = pid;
v[6].iov_len = pidLen;
v[7].iov_base = ":";
v[7].iov_len = 1;
v[8].iov_base = tid;
iov_len =
)8, tidLen
); // snprintf doesn't
return what you might think
v[9].iov_base = "] ";
v[9].iov_len = 2;
iov_base =
(char *
v[10].iov_len = msgLen;
v[11].iov_base = "\n";
v[11].iov_len = (msg[msgLen] == '\n') ? 0 : 1;
writev(STDERR_FILENO, v, 13);
if (!useStack) {
- (NSString *)loggerName
return @"cocoa.lumberjack.ttyLogger";
@implementation DDTTYLoggerColorProfile
(OSColor *
)fgColor backgroundColor:
(OSColor *
)aMask context:
if ((self = [super init]))
mask = aMask;
context = ctxt;
CGFloat r, g, b;
if (fgColor)
[DDTTYLogger getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b fromColor:fgColor];
fg_r = (uint8_t)(r * 255.0f);
fg_g = (uint8_t)(g * 255.0f);
fg_b = (uint8_t)(b * 255.0f);
if (bgColor)
[DDTTYLogger getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b fromColor:bgColor];
bg_r = (uint8_t)(r * 255.0f);
bg_g = (uint8_t)(g * 255.0f);
bg_b = (uint8_t)(b * 255.0f);
if (fgColor && isaColorTTY)
// Map foreground color to closest available shell color
fgCodeIndex = [DDTTYLogger codeIndexForColor:fgColor];
fgCodeRaw = [codes_fg objectAtIndex:fgCodeIndex];
NSString *escapeSeq = @"\033[";
NSUInteger len1 = [escapeSeq lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSUInteger len2 = [fgCodeRaw lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
BOOL escapeSeqEnc = [escapeSeq getCString:(fgCode) maxLength:(len1+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
BOOL fgCodeRawEsc = [fgCodeRaw getCString:(fgCode+len1) maxLength:(len2+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (!escapeSeqEnc || !fgCodeRawEsc) return nil;
fgCodeLen = len1+len2;
else if (fgColor && isaXcodeColorTTY)
// Convert foreground color to color code sequence
char *escapeSeq = XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE_SEQ;
int result = snprintf(fgCode, 24, "%sfg%u,%u,%u;", escapeSeq, fg_r, fg_g, fg_b);
fgCodeLen =
// No foreground color or no color support
fgCode[0] = '\0';
fgCodeLen = 0;
if (bgColor && isaColorTTY)
// Map background color to closest available shell color
bgCodeIndex = [DDTTYLogger codeIndexForColor:bgColor];
bgCodeRaw = [codes_bg objectAtIndex:bgCodeIndex];
NSString *escapeSeq = @"\033[";
NSUInteger len1 = [escapeSeq lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSUInteger len2 = [bgCodeRaw lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
BOOL escapeSeqEnc = [escapeSeq getCString:(bgCode) maxLength:(len1+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
BOOL bgCodeRawEsc = [bgCodeRaw getCString:(bgCode+len1) maxLength:(len2+1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (!escapeSeqEnc || !bgCodeRawEsc) return nil;
bgCodeLen = len1+len2;
else if (bgColor && isaXcodeColorTTY)
// Convert background color to color code sequence
char *escapeSeq = XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE_SEQ;
int result = snprintf(bgCode, 24, "%sbg%u,%u,%u;", escapeSeq, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b);
bgCodeLen =
// No background color or no color support
bgCode[0] = '\0';
bgCodeLen = 0;
if (isaColorTTY)
resetCodeLen = snprintf(resetCode, 8, "\033[0m");
else if (isaXcodeColorTTY)
resetCodeLen = snprintf(resetCode, 8, XCODE_COLORS_RESET);
resetCode[0] = '\0';
resetCodeLen = 0;
return self;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"<DDTTYLoggerColorProfile: %p mask:%i ctxt:%i fg:%u,%u,%u bg:%u,%u,%u fgCode:%@ bgCode:%@>",
self, mask, context, fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, fgCodeRaw, bgCodeRaw];