#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "DDLog.h"
* Welcome to Cocoa Lumberjack!
* The project page has a wealth of documentation if you have any questions.
* https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack
* If you're new to the project you may wish to read the "Getting Started" wiki.
* https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack/wiki/GettingStarted
* This class provides an abstract implementation of a database logger.
* That is, it provides the base implementation for a database logger to build atop of.
* All that is needed for a concrete database logger is to extend this class
* and override the methods in the implementation file that are prefixed with "db_".
@interface DDAbstractDatabaseLogger : DDAbstractLogger {
NSUInteger saveThreshold;
NSTimeInterval saveInterval;
NSTimeInterval maxAge;
NSTimeInterval deleteInterval;
BOOL deleteOnEverySave;
BOOL saveTimerSuspended;
NSUInteger unsavedCount;
dispatch_time_t unsavedTime;
dispatch_source_t saveTimer;
dispatch_time_t lastDeleteTime;
dispatch_source_t deleteTimer;
* Specifies how often to save the data to disk.
* Since saving is an expensive operation (disk io) it is not done after every log statement.
* These properties allow you to configure how/when the logger saves to disk.
* A save is done when either (whichever happens first):
* - The number of unsaved log entries reaches saveThreshold
* - The amount of time since the oldest unsaved log entry was created reaches saveInterval
* You can optionally disable the saveThreshold by setting it to zero.
* If you disable the saveThreshold you are entirely dependent on the saveInterval.
* You can optionally disable the saveInterval by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
* If you disable the saveInterval you are entirely dependent on the saveThreshold.
* It's not wise to disable both saveThreshold and saveInterval.
* The default saveThreshold is 500.
* The default saveInterval is 60 seconds.
@property (assign, readwrite) NSUInteger saveThreshold;
@property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval saveInterval;
* It is likely you don't want the log entries to persist forever.
* Doing so would allow the database to grow infinitely large over time.
* The maxAge property provides a way to specify how old a log statement can get
* before it should get deleted from the database.
* The deleteInterval specifies how often to sweep for old log entries.
* Since deleting is an expensive operation (disk io) is is done on a fixed interval.
* An alternative to the deleteInterval is the deleteOnEverySave option.
* This specifies that old log entries should be deleted during every save operation.
* You can optionally disable the maxAge by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
* If you disable the maxAge then old log statements are not deleted.
* You can optionally disable the deleteInterval by setting it to zero (or a negative value).
* If you disable both deleteInterval and deleteOnEverySave then old log statements are not deleted.
* It's not wise to enable both deleteInterval and deleteOnEverySave.
* The default maxAge is 7 days.
* The default deleteInterval is 5 minutes.
* The default deleteOnEverySave is NO.
@property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval maxAge;
@property (assign, readwrite) NSTimeInterval deleteInterval;
@property (assign, readwrite) BOOL deleteOnEverySave;
* Forces a save of any pending log entries (flushes log entries to disk).
- (void)savePendingLogEntries;
* Removes any log entries that are older than maxAge.
- (void)deleteOldLogEntries;