# Chess engine configuration file for Chess Giants.
# Chess Giants is engine-agnostic, which means it can handle any CECP-compliant
# engine, and virtually any state-based engine that communicates using newline-
# terminated ASCII strings over standard IO (stdin/stdout). All it needs is to
# read this configuration file to learn how to talk to the engine, and how to
# interpret the engine's replies.
# IMPORTANT: UCI engines are "stateless" engines. These engines work in a very
# different way and therefore an adapter program such as Polyglot must be used.
# Here is an example of how a UCI engine can be used with Chess Giants thanks
# to the Polyglot protocol converter (see also the polyglot.ini file).
# Basic program information #
; program display name
name = "Stockfish 5"
; program executable
executable = "polyglot.exe"
# Reply string patterns #
[reply strings]
; the following pattern immediately precedes a SAN-encoded move reply
move = "move "
# Engine commands #
; command(s) to send to prepare the engine for a new game
new game = "new"
; command(s) to send to setup a board (%s replaced by a raw FEN string)
setup table from fen = "setboard %s"
; command(s) to send to set the max search depth (%d replaced by an integer value)
search depth set = "sd %d"
; command(s) to send to order the engine to start playing (when switching sides)
play = "go"
; command(s) to send to instruct the engine that its opponent played a specific
; move (followed by a 'b1c3'-style encoded move string)
move = "%s"
; command(s) to send to order the engine to discard its preferred move and play
; a specific move instead (%s replaced by a 'b1c3'-style encoded move string)
force move = "force;undo;%s;playother"
; command(s) to send to tell the chess engine to cleanup and quit. if unset,
; its process will be killed, but at the risk of not saving important data.
quit = "quit"