Texel - A UCI chess engine.
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Peter Österlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* transpositionTable.hpp
* Created on: Feb 25, 2012
* Author: petero
#include "util/util.hpp"
#include "move.hpp"
#include "constants.hpp"
#include "util/alignedAlloc.hpp"
#include <vector>
class Position;
* Implements the main transposition table using Cuckoo hashing.
class TranspositionTable {
/** In-memory representation of TT entry. Uses std::atomic for thread safety,
* but accessed using memory_order_relaxed for maximum performance. */
struct TTEntryStorage {
std::atomic<U64> key;
std::atomic<U64> data;
TTEntryStorage(const TTEntryStorage& a);
static_assert(sizeof(TTEntryStorage) == 16, "TTEntryStorage size wrong");
/** A local copy of a transposition table entry. */
class TTEntry {
/** Set type to T_EMPTY. */
void clear();
/** Store in transposition table, encoded for thread safety. */
void store(TTEntryStorage& ent);
/** Load from transposition table, decode the thread safety encoding. */
void load(const TTEntryStorage& ent);
/** Return true if this object is more valuable than the other, false otherwise. */
bool betterThan(const TTEntry& other, int currGen) const;
U64 getKey() const;
void setKey(U64 k);
void getMove(Move& m) const;
void setMove(const Move& m);
/** Get the score from the hash entry and convert from "mate in x" to "mate at ply". */
int getScore(int ply) const;
/** Convert score from "mate at ply" to "mate in x" and store in hash entry. */
void setScore(int score, int ply);
/** Return true if entry is good enough to cut off this branch in the search tree. */
bool isCutOff(int alpha, int beta, int ply, int depth) const;
int getDepth() const;
void setDepth(int d);
int getGeneration() const;
void setGeneration(int g);
int getType() const;
void setType(int t);
int getEvalScore() const;
void setEvalScore(int s);
U64 key; // 0 64 key Zobrist hash key
U64 data; // 0 16 move from + (to<<6) + (promote<<12)
// 16 16 score Score from search
// 32 10 depth Search depth
// 42 4 generation Increase when OTB position changes
// 46 2 type exact score, lower bound, upper bound
// 48 16 evalScore Score from static evaluation
void setBits(int first, int size, unsigned int value);
unsigned int getBits(int first, int size) const;
/** Constructor. Creates an empty transposition table with numEntries slots. */
TranspositionTable(int log2Size);
void reSize(int log2Size);
/** Insert an entry in the hash table. */
void insert(U64 key, const Move& sm, int type, int ply, int depth, int evalScore);
/** Retrieve an entry from the hash table corresponding to position with zobrist key "key". */
void probe(U64 key, TTEntry& result);
/** Prefetch cache line. */
void prefetch(U64 key);
* Increase hash table generation. This means that subsequent inserts will be considered
* more valuable than the entries currently present in the hash table.
void nextGeneration();
/** Clear the transposition table. */
void clear();
/** Extract a list of PV moves, starting from "rootPos" and first move "mFirst". */
void extractPVMoves(const Position& rootPos, const Move& mFirst, std::vector<Move>& pv);
/** Extract the PV starting from posIn, using hash entries, both exact scores and bounds. */
std::string extractPV(const Position& posIn);
/** Print hash table statistics. */
void printStats() const;
/** Get position in hash table given zobrist key. */
size_t getIndex(U64 key) const;
/** Get part of zobrist key to store in hash table. */
static U64 getStoredKey(U64 key);
vector_aligned<TTEntryStorage> table;
U8 generation;
TranspositionTable::TTEntryStorage::TTEntryStorage() {
key.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
data.store(0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
TranspositionTable::TTEntryStorage::TTEntryStorage(const TTEntryStorage& a) {
key.store(a.key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_relaxed);
data.store(a.data.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::clear() {
key = 0;
data = 0;
static_assert(TType::T_EMPTY == 0, "type not set to T_EMPTY");
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::store(TTEntryStorage& ent) {
ent.key.store(key ^ data, std::memory_order_relaxed);
ent.data.store(data, std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::load(const TTEntryStorage& ent) {
key = ent.key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
data = ent.data.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
key ^= data;
inline bool
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::betterThan(const TTEntry& other, int currGen) const {
if ((getGeneration() == currGen) != (other.getGeneration() == currGen))
return getGeneration() == currGen; // Old entries are less valuable
if ((getType() == TType::T_EXACT) != (other.getType() == TType::T_EXACT))
return getType() == TType::T_EXACT; // Exact score more valuable than lower/upper bound
if (getDepth() != other.getDepth())
return getDepth() > other.getDepth(); // Larger depth is more valuable
return false; // Otherwise, pretty much equally valuable
inline U64
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getKey() const {
return key;
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setKey(U64 k) {
key = k;
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getMove(Move& m) const {
int move = getBits(0, 16);
m.setMove(move & 63, (move >> 6) & 63, (move >> 12) & 15, m.score());
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setMove(const Move& m) {
int move = (short)(m.from() + (m.to() << 6) + (m.promoteTo() << 12));
setBits(0, 16, move);
inline int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getScore(int ply) const {
int sc = (S16)getBits(16, 16);
if (SearchConst::isWinScore(sc))
sc -= ply;
else if (SearchConst::isLoseScore(sc))
sc += ply;
return sc;
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setScore(int score, int ply) {
if (SearchConst::isWinScore(score))
score += ply;
else if (SearchConst::isLoseScore(score))
score -= ply;
setBits(16, 16, score);
inline bool
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::isCutOff(int alpha, int beta, int ply, int depth) const {
using namespace SearchConst;
const int score = getScore(ply);
const int plyToMate = MATE0 - std::abs(getScore(0));
const int eDepth = getDepth();
const int eType = getType();
if ((eDepth >= depth) || (eDepth >= plyToMate*plyScale)) {
if ( (eType == TType::T_EXACT) ||
((eType == TType::T_GE) && (score >= beta)) ||
((eType == TType::T_LE) && (score <= alpha)))
return true;
return false;
inline int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getDepth() const {
return getBits(32, 10);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setDepth(int d) {
setBits(32, 10, d);
inline int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getGeneration() const {
return getBits(42, 4);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setGeneration(int g) {
setBits(42, 4, g);
inline int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getType() const {
return getBits(46, 2);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setType(int t) {
setBits(46, 2, t);
inline int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getEvalScore() const {
return (S16)getBits(48, 16);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setEvalScore(int s) {
setBits(48, 16, s);
inline void
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::setBits(int first, int size, unsigned int value) {
U64 mask = ((1ULL << size) - 1) << first;
data = (data & ~mask) | (((U64)value << first) & mask);
inline unsigned int
TranspositionTable::TTEntry::getBits(int first, int size) const {
U64 sizeMask = ((1ULL << size) - 1);
return (unsigned int)((data >> first) & sizeMask);
inline size_t
TranspositionTable::getIndex(U64 key) const {
return (size_t)(key & (table.size() - 1));
inline U64
TranspositionTable::getStoredKey(U64 key) {
return key;
inline TranspositionTable::TranspositionTable(int log2Size) {
inline void
TranspositionTable::probe(U64 key, TTEntry& result) {
size_t idx0 = getIndex(key);
U64 key2 = getStoredKey(key);
TTEntry ent;
if (ent.getKey() == key2) {
if (ent.getGeneration() != generation) {
result = ent;
size_t idx1 = idx0 ^ 1;
if (ent.getKey() == key2) {
if (ent.getGeneration() != generation) {
result = ent;
inline void
TranspositionTable::prefetch(U64 key) {
size_t idx0 = getIndex(key);
inline void
TranspositionTable::nextGeneration() {
generation = (generation + 1) & 15;
inline void
TranspositionTable::clear() {
TTEntry ent;
for (size_t i = 0; i < table.size(); i++)