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Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
1 | pmbaty | 1 | // window_opponents.cpp |
2 | |||
3 | #include "../common.h" |
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | // window parameters |
7 | #define WINDOW_CLASSNAME PROGRAM_NAME L" Opponents WndClass" |
8 | #define WINDOW_DEFAULT_WIDTH 822 |
9 | #define WINDOW_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 600 |
10 | #define WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH 822 |
11 | #define WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT 200 |
12 | |||
13 | |||
14 | // local definitions |
18 | #define WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSIS 4 |
20 | #define WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELFROM 6 |
22 | #define WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELTO 8 |
24 | #define WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS 10 |
25 | #define WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR 11 |
26 | #define WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH 1 |
27 | #define TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH 41 |
28 | #define STRING_FIDEGM ((wchar_t *) "G\x00M\x00 \x00\x42\x26\x00") // "GM " + male sign |
29 | #define STRING_FIDEIM ((wchar_t *) "I\x00M\x00 \x00\x42\x26\x00") // "IM " + male sign |
30 | #define STRING_FIDEWGM ((wchar_t *) "G\x00M\x00 \x00\x40\x26\x00") // "GM " + female sign |
31 | #define STRING_FIDEWIM ((wchar_t *) "I\x00M\x00 \x00\x40\x26\x00") // "IM " + female sign |
32 | |||
33 | |||
34 | // list view column definition |
35 | typedef struct listviewcolumn_s |
36 | { |
37 | int width; |
38 | int alignment; |
39 | bool sort_descending; |
40 | wchar_t *text; |
41 | HWND hToolTipWnd; |
42 | } listviewcolumn_t; |
43 | |||
44 | |||
45 | // global variables used in this module only |
46 | static bool is_classregistered = false; |
47 | static int listviewicons[sizeof (handlestatus) / sizeof (handlestatus_t)]; // as big as the handlestatus global array |
48 | static listviewcolumn_t listviewcolumns[] = |
49 | { |
50 | { 140, LVCFMT_LEFT, true, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnNickname")*/, NULL }, // text address needs to be set at runtime, because it's mallocated |
51 | { 60, LVCFMT_LEFT, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnFIDERank")*/, NULL }, |
52 | { 120, LVCFMT_LEFT, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnStatus")*/, NULL }, |
53 | { 60, LVCFMT_LEFT, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnRating")*/, NULL }, |
54 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnComputer")*/, NULL }, |
55 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnAdministrator")*/, NULL }, |
56 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnBlindfold")*/, NULL }, |
57 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnTeam")*/, NULL }, |
58 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnChessAdvisor")*/, NULL }, |
59 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnServiceRepresentative")*/, NULL }, |
60 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnTournamentDirector")*/, NULL }, |
61 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnMamerManager")*/, NULL }, |
62 | { TICKED_COLUMN_WIDTH, LVCFMT_CENTER, false, NULL /*LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnUnregistered")*/, NULL }, |
63 | }; |
64 | static int current_sortcolumn = 0; |
65 | static wchar_t window_title[256]; |
66 | static wchar_t opponent_namecontains[64]; |
67 | static wchar_t rating_string[64]; |
68 | //static HWND hThisWnd = NULL; |
69 | #define hThisWnd hOpponentsWnd // shared variable |
70 | |||
71 | |||
72 | // prototypes of local functions |
73 | static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc_ThisWindow (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); |
74 | static int CALLBACK CompareProc_ListOpponents (LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM column); |
75 | static int WINAPI ListView_WndProc (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); |
76 | |||
77 | |||
78 | void Window_Opponents (void) |
79 | { |
80 | // helper function to fire up the child window |
81 | |||
82 | WNDCLASSEX wc; |
83 | player_t *network_player; |
84 | |||
85 | // is the window we want to display already displayed ? |
86 | if (IsWindow (hThisWnd)) |
87 | SetForegroundWindow (hThisWnd); // if so, just bring it to front |
88 | |||
89 | // else the way is clear |
90 | else |
91 | { |
92 | // find the network player and make him ask an update from the server |
93 | if ((network_player = Player_FindByType (PLAYER_INTERNET)) != NULL) |
94 | { |
95 | SAFE_free ((void **) &onlineplayers); // free the online players list we know |
96 | onlineplayer_count = -1; // and reset its count (-1 means "reply not arrived") |
97 | Player_SendBuffer_Add (network_player, 1000, L"who\n"); // send the players update request |
98 | } |
99 | |||
100 | // is the window class NOT registered yet ? |
101 | if (!is_classregistered) |
102 | { |
103 | // if so, register the window class once and for all |
104 | memset (&wc, 0, sizeof (wc)); |
105 | wc.cbSize = sizeof (wc); |
107 | wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc_ThisWindow; |
108 | wc.hInstance = hAppInstance; |
109 | wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (hAppInstance, (wchar_t *) ICON_MAIN); |
110 | wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); |
111 | wc.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush (COLOR_3DFACE); |
112 | wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASSNAME; |
113 | RegisterClassEx (&wc); |
114 | |||
115 | is_classregistered = true; // remember this window class is registered |
116 | } |
117 | |||
118 | // create the child window |
119 | hThisWnd = CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, WINDOW_CLASSNAME, LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_TitleBuildingList"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, |
121 | hMainWnd, NULL, hAppInstance, NULL); |
122 | } |
123 | |||
124 | return; // return as soon as the thread is fired up |
125 | } |
126 | |||
127 | |||
128 | void Window_Opponents_Validated (void) |
129 | { |
130 | // callback function called by the main game thread when the window is validated |
131 | |||
132 | // remember this callback is no longer to be called |
133 | is_window_opponents_validated = false; |
134 | |||
135 | return; // finished |
136 | } |
137 | |||
138 | |||
139 | static LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc_ThisWindow (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
140 | { |
141 | // message handler for the child window |
142 | |||
143 | unsigned short wParam_hiword; |
144 | unsigned short wParam_loword; |
145 | int opponent_statusis; |
146 | int opponent_ratingfrom; |
147 | int opponent_ratingto; |
148 | int result; |
149 | HWND hListWnd; |
150 | LVCOLUMN lvc; |
151 | LVITEM lvi; |
152 | HDITEM hdi; |
153 | NMLISTVIEW *lv; |
154 | NMITEMACTIVATE *clickeditem; |
155 | HIMAGELIST imagelist; |
156 | MINMAXINFO *minmax; |
157 | RECT client_rect; |
158 | onlineplayer_t *onlineplayer; |
159 | player_t *local_player; |
160 | int onlineplayer_index; |
161 | int column_index; |
162 | int insert_index; |
163 | int displayed_count; |
164 | |||
165 | // filter out the commonly used message values |
166 | wParam_hiword = HIWORD (wParam); |
167 | wParam_loword = LOWORD (wParam); |
168 | |||
169 | // have we just fired up this window ? |
170 | if (message == WM_CREATE) |
171 | { |
172 | // center the window |
173 | CenterWindow (hWnd, hMainWnd); |
174 | |||
175 | // populate the window |
176 | CreateWindowEx (0, L"static", L"", |
178 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_DOUBLECLICKORNARROWDOWN, hAppInstance, NULL); |
179 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_RIGHT, L"static", L"", |
181 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_NAMECONTAINS, hAppInstance, NULL); |
182 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"edit", L"", |
184 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS, hAppInstance, NULL); |
185 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_RIGHT, L"static", L"", |
187 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSIS, hAppInstance, NULL); |
188 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"combobox", L"", |
190 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS, hAppInstance, NULL); |
191 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_RIGHT, L"static", L"", |
193 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELFROM, hAppInstance, NULL); |
194 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"edit", L"", |
196 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM, hAppInstance, NULL); |
197 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_RIGHT, L"static", L"", |
199 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELTO, hAppInstance, NULL); |
200 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, L"edit", L"", |
202 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO, hAppInstance, NULL); |
203 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_STATICEDGE, L"syslistview32", L"", |
205 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS, hAppInstance, NULL); |
206 | CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_RIGHT, L"static", L"", |
208 | 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, (HMENU) WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR, hAppInstance, NULL); |
209 | |||
210 | // prepare the list view : do it before anything that could trigger a fill |
211 | |||
212 | // get a quick access to the list control |
213 | hListWnd = GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS); |
214 | |||
215 | // add full row select and header columns rearranging to it |
216 | ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle (hListWnd, ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle (hListWnd) |
219 | |||
220 | // subclass the list view procedure to handle header tooltips and save the old procedure as one of the window's property |
221 | SetProp (hListWnd, L"BaseWndProc", (HANDLE) SetWindowLongPtr (hListWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (long) ListView_WndProc)); |
222 | |||
223 | // tell Windows which members of the LVCOLUMN structure we're filling |
224 | memset (&lvc, 0, sizeof (lvc)); |
226 | for (column_index = 0; column_index < sizeof (listviewcolumns) / sizeof (listviewcolumn_t); column_index++) |
227 | { |
228 | lvc.iSubItem = column_index; |
229 | if (column_index == 0) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnNickname"); |
230 | else if (column_index == 1) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnFIDERank"); |
231 | else if (column_index == 2) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnStatus"); |
232 | else if (column_index == 3) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnRating"); |
233 | else if (column_index == 4) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnComputer"); |
234 | else if (column_index == 5) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnAdministrator"); |
235 | else if (column_index == 6) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnBlindfold"); |
236 | else if (column_index == 7) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnTeam"); |
237 | else if (column_index == 8) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnChessAdvisor"); |
238 | else if (column_index == 9) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnServiceRepresentative"); |
239 | else if (column_index == 10) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnTournamentDirector"); |
240 | else if (column_index == 11) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnMamerManager"); |
241 | else if (column_index == 12) lvc.pszText = LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_ColumnUnregistered"); |
242 | = listviewcolumns[column_index].width; |
243 | lvc.fmt = listviewcolumns[column_index].alignment; |
244 | ListView_InsertColumn (hListWnd, column_index, &lvc); // add each column to list view |
245 | } |
246 | |||
247 | // create the listview image list |
248 | imagelist = ImageList_Create (16, 16, ILC_COLOR32, sizeof (handlestatus) / sizeof (handlestatus_t), 1); // create an imagelist holding N 32-bit images |
249 | for (insert_index = 1; insert_index < sizeof (handlestatus) / sizeof (handlestatus_t); insert_index++) |
250 | listviewicons[insert_index] = ImageList_AddIcon (imagelist, handlestatus[insert_index].icon); // add our icons in the image list |
251 | ListView_SetImageList (hListWnd, imagelist, LVSIL_SMALL); // associate it with the listview |
252 | |||
253 | // associate the default GUI font with the "double-click or narrow down" message and set its text |
255 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_DOUBLECLICKORNARROWDOWN), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_DoubleClickOrNarrowDown")); |
256 | |||
257 | // associate the default GUI font with the "name contains" message and set its text |
258 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_NAMECONTAINS), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
259 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_NAMECONTAINS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_NameContains")); |
260 | |||
261 | // associate the default GUI font with the "name contains" edit box and reset it |
262 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
263 | SetDlgItemText (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS, L""); |
264 | |||
265 | // associate the default GUI font with the "status is" message and set its text |
266 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSIS), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
267 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusIs")); |
268 | |||
269 | // associate the default GUI font with the "status is" combo box and populate the combo box |
270 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
271 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), L""); |
272 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusInGame")); |
273 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusInSimulation")); |
274 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusInTournament")); |
275 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusExaminingAGame")); |
276 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusNotOpenForAMatch")); |
277 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusInactiveOrBusy")); |
278 | ComboBox_AddString (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusAvailable")); |
279 | |||
280 | // associate the default GUI font with the "level from" message and set its text |
281 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELFROM), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
282 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELFROM), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_LevelFrom")); |
283 | |||
284 | // associate the default GUI font with the "level from" edit box and reset it |
285 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
286 | SetDlgItemText (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM, L""); |
287 | |||
288 | // associate the default GUI font with the "level to" message and set its text |
289 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELTO), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
290 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELTO), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_LevelTo")); |
291 | |||
292 | // associate the default GUI font with the "level to" edit box and reset it |
293 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
294 | SetDlgItemText (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO, L""); |
295 | |||
296 | // associate the default GUI font with the status bar and set its text |
297 | SendMessage (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), false); |
298 | SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_StatusBar")); |
299 | |||
300 | // refresh the window every second |
301 | SetTimer (hWnd, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH, 1000, NULL); |
302 | |||
303 | // convert the status bar message to a hyperlink |
304 | ConvertStaticToHyperlink (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR)); |
305 | |||
306 | // now show the window |
307 | ShowWindow (hWnd, SW_SHOW); |
308 | |||
309 | // and send focus to the player name filter field (note: GetDlgItem works ALSO with windows! MSDN certified :)) |
310 | if (GetForegroundWindow () == hWnd) |
311 | SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS)); |
312 | } |
313 | |||
314 | // else did we click the close button on the title bar ? |
315 | else if (message == WM_CLOSE) |
21 | pmbaty | 316 | DestroyWindow (hWnd); // close the window |
1 | pmbaty | 317 | |
318 | // else are we destroying this window ? |
319 | else if (message == WM_DESTROY) |
320 | { |
321 | KillTimer (hWnd, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH); // destroy the timer we used to refresh the window |
322 | hThisWnd = NULL; // window is closed |
323 | SetForegroundWindow (hMainWnd); // restore focus on the main window |
324 | is_window_opponents_validated = true; // remember we closed this window |
325 | } |
326 | |||
327 | // else are we resizing the window ? |
328 | else if (message == WM_SIZE) |
329 | { |
330 | // get the new window size |
331 | GetClientRect (hWnd, &client_rect); |
332 | |||
333 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_DOUBLECLICKORNARROWDOWN), NULL, 16, 16, client_rect.right - 32, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
334 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_NAMECONTAINS), NULL, 16, 40, 136, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
335 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS), NULL, 160, 38, 128, 20, SWP_NOZORDER); |
336 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSIS), NULL, 288, 40, 88, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
337 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS), NULL, 384, 38, 128, 20, SWP_NOZORDER); |
338 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELFROM), NULL, 512, 40, 120, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
339 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM), NULL, 640, 38, 48, 20, SWP_NOZORDER); |
340 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_LEVELTO), NULL, 688, 40, 40, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
341 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO), NULL, 736, 38, 48, 20, SWP_NOZORDER); |
342 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS), NULL, 16, 64, client_rect.right - 32, client_rect.bottom - 80, SWP_NOZORDER); |
343 | SetWindowPos (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR), NULL, 0, client_rect.bottom - 16, client_rect.right, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); |
344 | } |
345 | |||
346 | // else are we asking how big/small we can resize ? |
347 | else if (message == WM_GETMINMAXINFO) |
348 | { |
349 | minmax = (MINMAXINFO *) lParam; // get a pointer to the min/max info structure |
350 | |||
351 | minmax->ptMinTrackSize.x = WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH; |
352 | minmax->ptMinTrackSize.y = WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT; |
353 | } |
354 | |||
355 | // else is it a timer event AND is it our refresh timer ? |
356 | else if ((message == WM_TIMER) && (wParam == WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH)) |
357 | { |
358 | // do we need to update the opponents list ? |
359 | if (onlineplayers_updated) |
360 | { |
361 | hListWnd = GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS); // get a quick access to the list control |
362 | |||
363 | // grab the different filters |
364 | GetDlgItemText (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS, opponent_namecontains, WCHAR_SIZEOF (opponent_namecontains)); |
365 | opponent_statusis = ComboBox_GetCurSel (GetDlgItem (hWnd, WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS)); |
366 | opponent_ratingfrom = GetDlgItemInt (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM, &result, false); |
367 | opponent_ratingto = GetDlgItemInt (hWnd, WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO, &result, false); |
368 | if (result == 0) |
369 | opponent_ratingto = 9999; // if we couldn't read a number, set the default value |
370 | |||
371 | // populate the list control |
372 | ListView_DeleteAllItems (hListWnd); // start by emptying it first |
373 | displayed_count = 0; |
374 | |||
375 | // tell Windows which members of the LVCOLUMN structure we're filling |
376 | memset (&lvi, 0, sizeof (lvi)); |
377 | lvi.mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; // we want to set the image and the item's pointer |
378 | for (onlineplayer_index = 0; onlineplayer_index < onlineplayer_count; onlineplayer_index++) |
379 | { |
380 | onlineplayer = &onlineplayers[onlineplayer_index]; // quick access to online player |
381 | |||
382 | // should item be skipped because of its name ? |
383 | if ((opponent_namecontains[0] != 0) && (wcsistr (onlineplayer->nickname, opponent_namecontains) == NULL)) |
384 | continue; // if so, skip it |
385 | |||
386 | // should item be skipped because of its status ? |
387 | if ((opponent_statusis == 1) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_INGAME)) |
388 | continue; // if so, skip it |
389 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 2) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_INSIMULATION)) |
390 | continue; // if so, skip it |
391 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 3) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_INTOURNAMENT)) |
392 | continue; // if so, skip it |
393 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 4) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_EXAMININGAGAME)) |
394 | continue; // if so, skip it |
395 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 5) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_NOTOPENFORAMATCH)) |
396 | continue; // if so, skip it |
397 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 6) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_INACTIVEORBUSY)) |
398 | continue; // if so, skip it |
399 | else if ((opponent_statusis == 7) && (onlineplayer->handlestatus != HANDLESTATUS_AVAILABLE)) |
400 | continue; // if so, skip it |
401 | |||
402 | // should it be skipped because of its rating (low value) ? |
403 | if (onlineplayer->rating < opponent_ratingfrom) |
404 | continue; // if so, skip it |
405 | else if (onlineplayer->rating > opponent_ratingto) |
406 | continue; // if so, skip it |
407 | |||
408 | // first, attach the right structure to this item |
409 | lvi.lParam = (LPARAM) onlineplayer; |
410 | |||
411 | // set item's image and name |
412 | lvi.iItem = onlineplayer_index; |
413 | lvi.iImage = listviewicons[onlineplayer->handlestatus]; |
414 | insert_index = ListView_InsertItem (hListWnd, &lvi); // add each item to list view |
415 | |||
416 | // set item's substrings |
417 | |||
418 | // nickname |
419 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 0, onlineplayer->nickname); |
420 | |||
421 | // FIDE rank |
422 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEGREATMASTER) |
423 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 1, STRING_FIDEGM) |
424 | else if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
425 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 1, STRING_FIDEIM) |
426 | else if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEMASTER) |
427 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 1, L"M") |
428 | else if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSGREATMASTER) |
429 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 1, STRING_FIDEWGM) |
430 | else if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
431 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 1, STRING_FIDEWIM) |
432 | |||
433 | // status |
434 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 2, handlestatus[onlineplayer->handlestatus].text) |
435 | |||
436 | // rating |
437 | if (onlineplayer->ratingtype == OPPONENTRATINGTYPE_ESTIMATED) |
438 | swprintf_s (rating_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (rating_string), L"%d (est.)", onlineplayer->rating); |
439 | else if (onlineplayer->ratingtype == OPPONENTRATINGTYPE_PROVISIONAL) |
440 | swprintf_s (rating_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (rating_string), L"%d (prov.)", onlineplayer->rating); |
441 | else |
442 | swprintf_s (rating_string, WCHAR_SIZEOF (rating_string), L"%d", onlineplayer->rating); |
443 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 3, rating_string); |
444 | |||
445 | // characteristics coulumns |
446 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_COMPUTER) |
447 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 4, L"×"); |
448 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_ADMINISTRATOR) |
449 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 5, L"×"); |
450 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_BLINDFOLD) |
451 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 6, L"×"); |
452 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_TEAM) |
453 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 7, L"×"); |
454 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_CHESSADVISOR) |
455 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 8, L"×"); |
456 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_SERVICEREPRESENTATIVE) |
457 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 9, L"×"); |
458 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_TOURNAMENTDIRECTOR) |
459 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 10, L"×"); |
460 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_MAMERMANAGER) |
461 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 11, L"×"); |
462 | if (onlineplayer->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_UNREGISTERED) |
463 | ListView_SetItemText (hListWnd, insert_index, 12, L"×"); |
464 | |||
465 | displayed_count++; // we displayed now one player more |
466 | } |
467 | |||
468 | // now sort the list view according to the column we selected and its current sort order |
469 | ListView_SortItems (hListWnd, CompareProc_ListOpponents, current_sortcolumn); |
470 | |||
471 | // cycle through all columns and reset their sort order |
472 | for (column_index = 0; column_index < sizeof (listviewcolumns) / sizeof (listviewcolumn_t); column_index++) |
473 | { |
474 | memset (&hdi, 0, sizeof (hdi)); |
475 | hdi.mask = HDI_FORMAT; |
476 | Header_GetItem (ListView_GetHeader (hListWnd), column_index, &hdi); // get the column's sort arrow state |
477 | hdi.fmt &= ~(HDF_SORTDOWN | HDF_SORTUP); |
478 | if (column_index == current_sortcolumn) |
479 | hdi.fmt |= (listviewcolumns[column_index].sort_descending ? HDF_SORTDOWN : HDF_SORTUP); |
480 | Header_SetItem (ListView_GetHeader (hListWnd), column_index, &hdi); // update the column's sort arrow state |
481 | } |
482 | |||
483 | // now that the display is finished, IF the reply is arrived, set the totals in the window title |
484 | if (onlineplayer_count >= 0) |
485 | { |
486 | swprintf_s (window_title, WCHAR_SIZEOF (window_title), LOCALIZE (L"Opponents_Title"), onlineplayer_count, displayed_count); |
487 | SetWindowText (hWnd, window_title); |
488 | } |
489 | |||
490 | onlineplayers_updated = false; // remember we updated the list (don't do it twice) |
491 | } |
492 | } |
493 | |||
494 | // is it a list view message ? |
495 | else if ((message == WM_NOTIFY) && (wParam == WINDOW_LIST_OPPONENTS)) |
496 | { |
497 | lv = (NMLISTVIEW *) lParam; // quick access to list view |
498 | |||
499 | // is it a click on one of the headers' columns ? |
500 | if (lv->hdr.code == LVN_COLUMNCLICK) |
501 | { |
502 | // cycle through all columns and reset their sort order |
503 | for (column_index = 0; column_index < sizeof (listviewcolumns) / sizeof (listviewcolumn_t); column_index++) |
504 | { |
505 | memset (&hdi, 0, sizeof (hdi)); |
506 | hdi.mask = HDI_FORMAT; |
507 | Header_GetItem (ListView_GetHeader (lv->hdr.hwndFrom), column_index, &hdi); // get the column's sort arrow state |
508 | hdi.fmt &= ~(HDF_SORTDOWN | HDF_SORTUP); |
509 | if (column_index == lv->iSubItem) |
510 | { |
511 | listviewcolumns[column_index].sort_descending ^= true; // revert the sort order for the clicked column |
512 | hdi.fmt |= (listviewcolumns[column_index].sort_descending ? HDF_SORTDOWN : HDF_SORTUP); |
513 | current_sortcolumn = column_index; // save the current sort column |
514 | } |
515 | else |
516 | listviewcolumns[column_index].sort_descending = false; // reset the sort order for all the other ones |
517 | Header_SetItem (ListView_GetHeader (lv->hdr.hwndFrom), column_index, &hdi); // update the column's sort arrow state |
518 | } |
519 | |||
520 | // now sort the list view according to the column we selected and its current sort order |
521 | ListView_SortItems (lv->hdr.hwndFrom, CompareProc_ListOpponents, lv->iSubItem); |
522 | } |
523 | |||
524 | // else is it a double-click on one of the elements ? |
525 | else if (lv->hdr.code == NM_DBLCLK) |
526 | { |
527 | clickeditem = (NMITEMACTIVATE *) lParam; // get the item it is |
528 | |||
529 | // is it valid ? |
530 | if (clickeditem->iItem != -1) |
531 | { |
532 | // get which item it is in the listview data |
533 | memset (&lvi, 0, sizeof (lvi)); |
534 | lvi.iItem = clickeditem->iItem; |
535 | lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; |
536 | ListView_GetItem (lv->hdr.hwndFrom, &lvi); |
537 | |||
538 | onlineplayer = (onlineplayer_t *) lvi.lParam; // get the online player it is |
539 | |||
540 | local_player = Player_FindByType (PLAYER_HUMAN); // find the local player |
541 | |||
542 | // is it NOT ourselves ? if so, find or create an interlocutor structure for this cc member |
543 | if ((local_player != NULL) && (wcscmp (onlineplayer->nickname, local_player->name) != 0)) |
544 | Interlocutor_FindOrCreate (onlineplayer->nickname); |
545 | else |
546 | PlayerCard_FindOrCreate (onlineplayer->nickname); // else just display his player card |
547 | } |
548 | } |
549 | } |
550 | |||
551 | // else did we take action on one of the controls ? |
552 | else if (message == WM_COMMAND) |
553 | { |
554 | // was the name edit box changed ? |
555 | if ((wParam_loword == WINDOW_EDITBOX_NAMECONTAINS) && (wParam_hiword == EN_CHANGE)) |
556 | { |
557 | onlineplayers_updated = true; // remember online player list is to be updated |
558 | SendMessage (hWnd, WM_TIMER, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH, NULL); // refresh window now |
559 | } |
560 | |||
561 | // else was the filter combo box changed ? |
562 | else if ((wParam_loword == WINDOW_COMBOBOX_STATUSIS) && (wParam_hiword == CBN_SELCHANGE)) |
563 | { |
564 | onlineplayers_updated = true; // remember online player list is to be updated |
565 | SendMessage (hWnd, WM_TIMER, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH, NULL); // refresh window now |
566 | } |
567 | |||
568 | // else was either of the rating edit box changed ? |
569 | else if ((wParam_loword == WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELFROM) && (wParam_hiword == EN_CHANGE)) |
570 | { |
571 | onlineplayers_updated = true; // remember online player list is to be updated |
572 | SendMessage (hWnd, WM_TIMER, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH, NULL); // refresh window now |
573 | } |
574 | else if ((wParam_loword == WINDOW_EDITBOX_LEVELTO) && (wParam_hiword == EN_CHANGE)) |
575 | { |
576 | onlineplayers_updated = true; // remember online player list is to be updated |
577 | SendMessage (hWnd, WM_TIMER, WINDOW_TIMER_REFRESH, NULL); // refresh window now |
578 | } |
579 | |||
580 | // else was it the status bar hyperlink ? |
581 | else if (wParam_loword == WINDOW_TEXT_STATUSBAR) |
582 | ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", PROGRAM_URL, NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); // open the donation page in the default browser, maximized |
583 | } |
584 | |||
585 | // call the default window message processing function to keep things going |
586 | return (DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); |
587 | } |
588 | |||
589 | |||
590 | static int CALLBACK CompareProc_ListOpponents (LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM column) |
591 | { |
592 | // callback function that tells whether the lParam1 listview element comes before lParam2 in the |
593 | // sort order of the specified column |
594 | |||
595 | wchar_t *string_to_compare1; |
596 | wchar_t *string_to_compare2; |
597 | |||
598 | // nickname |
599 | if (column == 0) |
600 | { |
601 | string_to_compare1 = ((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->nickname; |
602 | string_to_compare2 = ((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->nickname; |
603 | } |
604 | |||
605 | // FIDE rank |
606 | else if (column == 1) |
607 | { |
608 | if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEGREATMASTER) |
609 | string_to_compare1 = STRING_FIDEGM; |
610 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
611 | string_to_compare1 = STRING_FIDEIM; |
612 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEMASTER) |
613 | string_to_compare1 = L"M"; |
614 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSGREATMASTER) |
615 | string_to_compare1 = STRING_FIDEWGM; |
616 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
617 | string_to_compare1 = STRING_FIDEWIM; |
618 | else |
619 | string_to_compare1 = L""; |
620 | |||
621 | if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEGREATMASTER) |
622 | string_to_compare2 = STRING_FIDEGM; |
623 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
624 | string_to_compare2 = STRING_FIDEIM; |
625 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEMASTER) |
626 | string_to_compare2 = L"M"; |
627 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSGREATMASTER) |
628 | string_to_compare2 = STRING_FIDEWGM; |
629 | else if (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & HANDLECODE_FIDEWOMENSINTERNATIONALMASTER) |
630 | string_to_compare2 = STRING_FIDEWIM; |
631 | else |
632 | string_to_compare2 = L""; |
633 | } |
634 | |||
635 | // status |
636 | else if (column == 2) |
637 | { |
638 | string_to_compare1 = handlestatus[((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlestatus].text; |
639 | string_to_compare2 = handlestatus[((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlestatus].text; |
640 | } |
641 | |||
642 | // FIDE rating |
643 | else if (column == 3) |
644 | { |
645 | if (listviewcolumns[column].sort_descending) |
646 | return (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->rating <= ((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->rating); |
647 | else |
648 | return (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->rating >= ((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->rating); |
649 | } |
650 | |||
651 | #define ELSE_IF_COLUMN_SORT_BY_FLAG(col,flag) \ |
652 | else if (column == (col)) \ |
653 | { \ |
654 | string_to_compare1 = (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam1)->handlecodes & (flag) ? L"×" : L" "); \ |
655 | string_to_compare2 = (((onlineplayer_t *) lParam2)->handlecodes & (flag) ? L"×" : L" "); \ |
656 | } |
657 | |||
667 | |||
669 | |||
670 | // which order do we want this column to be sorted ? |
671 | if (listviewcolumns[column].sort_descending) |
672 | return (_wcsicmp (string_to_compare1, string_to_compare2)); // normal order |
673 | else |
674 | return (-_wcsicmp (string_to_compare1, string_to_compare2)); // reverse order |
675 | } |
676 | |||
677 | |||
678 | static int WINAPI ListView_WndProc (HWND hWnd, unsigned int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
679 | { |
680 | // callback that subclasses the original ListView window procedure, so that we can hook |
681 | // some of its messages |
682 | |||
683 | static bool tooltips_initialized = false; |
684 | static bool update_tooltips = false; |
685 | WNDPROC BaseWndProc; |
686 | TOOLINFO toolinfo; |
687 | HWND hHeaderWnd; |
688 | int column_index; |
689 | |||
690 | // get a pointer to the base window procedure (it was stored as a window property) |
691 | BaseWndProc = (WNDPROC) GetProp (hWnd, L"BaseWndProc"); |
692 | if (BaseWndProc == NULL) |
693 | return (DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); // consistency check |
694 | |||
695 | // is the mouse moving around ? |
696 | if (message == WM_MOUSEMOVE) |
697 | { |
698 | // do the tooltips need to be created ? |
699 | if (!tooltips_initialized) |
700 | { |
701 | hHeaderWnd = (HWND) SendMessage (hWnd, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0); // get listview header |
702 | |||
703 | // add a tooltip for each column |
704 | for (column_index = 0; column_index < sizeof (listviewcolumns) / sizeof (listviewcolumn_t); column_index++) |
705 | { |
706 | // create the tooltip and set its window topmost |
707 | listviewcolumns[column_index].hToolTipWnd = CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_TOPMOST, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP, |
709 | hHeaderWnd, NULL, hAppInstance, NULL); |
710 | |||
711 | // associate the tooltip with the tool |
712 | memset (&toolinfo, 0, sizeof (toolinfo)); |
713 | toolinfo.cbSize = sizeof (toolinfo); |
714 | toolinfo.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS; |
715 | toolinfo.hwnd = hHeaderWnd; // this tooltip works on the list header window handle |
716 | toolinfo.uId = column_index; // tooltip ID will be column ID |
717 | toolinfo.hinst = hAppInstance; |
718 | toolinfo.lpszText = listviewcolumns[column_index].text; // tooltip text |
719 | Header_GetItemRect (hHeaderWnd, column_index, &toolinfo.rect); // get header's item rectangle |
720 | SendMessage (listviewcolumns[column_index].hToolTipWnd, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) &toolinfo); |
721 | } |
722 | |||
723 | tooltips_initialized = true; // do this only once |
724 | } |
725 | |||
726 | // else do the tooltips need to be updated ? |
727 | else if (update_tooltips) |
728 | { |
729 | hHeaderWnd = (HWND) SendMessage (hWnd, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0); // get listview header |
730 | |||
731 | // cycle through all columns |
732 | for (column_index = 0; column_index < sizeof (listviewcolumns) / sizeof (listviewcolumn_t); column_index++) |
733 | { |
734 | // update the tooltip rectangle |
735 | memset (&toolinfo, 0, sizeof (toolinfo)); |
736 | toolinfo.cbSize = sizeof (toolinfo); |
737 | toolinfo.hwnd = hHeaderWnd; // this tooltip works on the list header window handle |
738 | toolinfo.uId = column_index; // tooltip ID is column ID |
739 | Header_GetItemRect (hHeaderWnd, column_index, &toolinfo.rect); // get header's item rectangle |
740 | SendMessage (listviewcolumns[column_index].hToolTipWnd, TTM_NEWTOOLRECT, 0, (LPARAM) &toolinfo); |
741 | } |
742 | |||
743 | update_tooltips = false; // do this only once |
744 | } |
745 | } |
746 | |||
747 | // else has the user finished dragging/resizing a column header ? |
748 | else if ((message == WM_NOTIFY) && ((((NMHDR *) lParam)->code == HDN_ENDTRACK) || (((NMHDR *) lParam)->code == HDN_ENDDRAG))) |
749 | update_tooltips = true; // if so, remember to update tooltips on the next mouse move |
750 | |||
751 | // in any case, forward all messages to the original ListView hook procedure |
752 | return (CallWindowProc (BaseWndProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); |
753 | } |