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Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
33 | pmbaty | 1 | #if !defined(EPDH_INCLUDED) |
2 | /* *INDENT-OFF* */ |
3 | # define EPDH_INCLUDED |
4 | /*>>> epd.h: subprogram prototypes for epd.c */ |
5 | /* Revised: 1996.06.23 */ |
6 | /* |
7 | Copyright (C) 1996 by Steven J. Edwards (sje@mv.mv.com) |
8 | All rights reserved. This code may be freely redistibuted and used by |
9 | both research and commerical applications. No warranty exists. |
10 | */ |
11 | /* |
12 | Everything in this source file is independent of the host program. |
13 | Requests for changes and additions should be communicated to the author |
14 | via the e-mail address given above. |
15 | */ |
16 | /* |
17 | This file was originally prepared on an Apple Macintosh using the |
18 | Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6 ANSI C compiler. Tabs are set at every |
19 | four columns. Further testing and development was performed on a |
20 | generic PC running Linux 1.3.20 and using the gcc 2.7.0 compiler. |
21 | */ |
22 | void EPDFatal(charptrT s); |
23 | void EPDSwitchFault(charptrT s); |
24 | voidptrT EPDMemoryGrab(liT n); |
25 | void EPDMemoryFree(voidptrT ptr); |
26 | charptrT EPDStringGrab(charptrT s); |
27 | void EPDStringFree(charptrT s); |
28 | charptrT EPDStringAppendChar(charptrT s, char c); |
29 | charptrT EPDStringAppendStr(charptrT s0, charptrT s1); |
30 | liT EPDMapFromDuration(charptrT s); |
31 | charptrT EPDMapToDuration(liT seconds); |
32 | gamptrT EPDGameOpen(void); |
33 | void EPDGameClose(gamptrT gamptr); |
34 | void EPDGameAppendMove(gamptrT gamptr, mptrT mptr); |
35 | void EPDTokenize(charptrT s); |
36 | siT EPDTokenCount(void); |
37 | charptrT EPDTokenFetch(siT n); |
38 | siT EPDCICharEqual(char ch0, char ch1); |
39 | pT EPDPieceFromCP(cpT cp); |
40 | siT EPDCheckPiece(char ch); |
41 | pT EPDEvaluatePiece(char ch); |
42 | siT EPDCheckColor(char ch); |
43 | cT EPDEvaluateColor(char ch); |
44 | siT EPDCheckRank(char ch); |
45 | rankT EPDEvaluateRank(char ch); |
46 | siT EPDCheckFile(char ch); |
47 | fileT EPDEvaluateFile(char ch); |
48 | eovptrT EPDNewEOV(void); |
49 | void EPDReleaseEOV(eovptrT eovptr); |
50 | void EPDAppendEOV(eopptrT eopptr, eovptrT eovptr); |
51 | eovptrT EPDCreateEOVStr(charptrT str); |
52 | eovptrT EPDCreateEOVSym(charptrT sym); |
53 | eovptrT EPDCreateEOVInt(liT lval); |
54 | eovptrT EPDLocateEOV(eopptrT eopptr, charptrT strval); |
55 | siT EPDCountEOV(eopptrT eopptr); |
56 | void EPDReplaceEOVStr(eovptrT eovptr, charptrT str); |
57 | eopptrT EPDNewEOP(void); |
58 | void EPDReleaseEOP(eopptrT eopptr); |
59 | void EPDAppendEOP(epdptrT epdptr, eopptrT eopptr); |
60 | eopptrT EPDCreateEOP(charptrT opsym); |
61 | eopptrT EPDCreateEOPCode(epdsoT epdso); |
62 | eopptrT EPDLocateEOP(epdptrT epdptr, charptrT opsym); |
63 | eopptrT EPDLocateEOPCode(epdptrT epdptr, epdsoT epdso); |
64 | siT EPDCountEOP(epdptrT epdptr); |
65 | void EPDDropIfLocEOP(epdptrT epdptr, charptrT opsym); |
66 | void EPDDropIfLocEOPCode(epdptrT epdptr, epdsoT epdso); |
67 | void EPDAddOpInt(epdptrT epdptr, epdsoT epdso, liT val); |
68 | void EPDAddOpStr(epdptrT epdptr, epdsoT epdso, charptrT s); |
69 | void EPDAddOpSym(epdptrT epdptr, epdsoT epdso, charptrT s); |
70 | epdptrT EPDNewEPD(void); |
71 | void EPDReleaseOperations(epdptrT epdptr); |
72 | void EPDReleaseEPD(epdptrT epdptr); |
73 | charptrT EPDFetchOpsym(epdsoT epdso); |
74 | epdptrT EPDCloneEPDBase(epdptrT epdptr); |
75 | eovptrT EPDCloneEOV(eovptrT eovptr); |
76 | eopptrT EPDCloneEOP(eopptrT eopptr); |
77 | epdptrT EPDCloneEPD(epdptrT epdptr); |
78 | epdptrT EPDSet(rbptrT rbptr, cT actc, castT cast, sqT epsq); |
79 | void EPDSetCurrentPosition(rbptrT rbptr, cT actc, castT cast, sqT epsq, |
80 | siT hmvc, siT fmvn); |
81 | epdptrT EPDGetCurrentPosition(void); |
82 | cT EPDFetchACTC(void); |
83 | castT EPDFetchCAST(void); |
84 | sqT EPDFetchEPSQ(void); |
85 | siT EPDFetchHMVC(void); |
86 | siT EPDFetchFMVN(void); |
87 | rbptrT EPDFetchBoard(void); |
88 | cpT EPDFetchCP(sqT sq); |
89 | charptrT EPDFetchBoardString(void); |
90 | gtimT EPDGetGTIM(gamptrT gamptr); |
91 | void EPDPutGTIM(gamptrT gamptr, gtimT gtim); |
92 | charptrT EPDGenBasic(rbptrT rbptr, cT actc, castT cast, sqT epsq); |
93 | charptrT EPDGenBasicCurrent(void); |
94 | epdptrT EPDDecodeFEN(charptrT s); |
95 | charptrT EPDEncodeFEN(epdptrT epdptr); |
96 | epdptrT EPDDecode(charptrT s); |
97 | charptrT EPDEncode(epdptrT epdptr); |
98 | void EPDRealize(epdptrT epdptr); |
99 | void EPDInitArray(void); |
100 | charptrT EPDPlayerString(cT c); |
101 | void EPDSANEncode(mptrT mptr, sanT san); |
102 | mptrT EPDSANDecodeAux(sanT san, siT strict); |
103 | siT EPDIsLegal(void); |
104 | siT EPDIsCheckmate(void); |
105 | siT EPDIsStalemate(void); |
106 | siT EPDIsInsufficientMaterial(void); |
107 | siT EPDIsFiftyMoveDraw(void); |
108 | siT EPDIsThirdRepeatIndex(gamptrT gamptr); |
109 | siT EPDIsDraw(gamptrT gamptr); |
110 | mptrT EPDMateInOne(void); |
111 | void EPDExecuteUpdate(mptrT mptr); |
112 | void EPDRetractUpdate(void); |
113 | void EPDRetractAll(void); |
114 | void EPDCollapse(void); |
115 | void EPDReset(void); |
116 | void EPDGenMoves(void); |
117 | siT EPDFetchMoveCount(void); |
118 | mptrT EPDFetchMove(siT index); |
119 | void EPDSetMoveFlags(mptrT mptr); |
120 | void EPDSortSAN(void); |
121 | siT EPDPurgeOpFile(charptrT opsym, charptrT fn0, charptrT fn1); |
122 | siT EPDRepairEPD(epdptrT epdptr); |
123 | siT EPDRepairFile(charptrT fn0, charptrT fn1); |
124 | siT EPDNormalizeFile(charptrT fn0, charptrT fn1); |
125 | siT EPDScoreFile(charptrT fn, bmsptrT bmsptr); |
126 | siT EPDEnumerateFile(siT depth, charptrT fn0, charptrT fn1, liptrT totalptr); |
127 | charptrT EPDMoveList(gamptrT gamptr); |
128 | pgnstrT EPDPGNFetchTagIndex(charptrT s); |
129 | charptrT EPDPGNFetchTagName(pgnstrT pgnstr); |
130 | charptrT EPDPGNGetSTR(gamptrT gamptr, pgnstrT pgnstr); |
131 | void EPDPGNPutSTR(gamptrT gamptr, pgnstrT pgnstr, charptrT s); |
132 | charptrT EPDPGNGenSTR(gamptrT gamptr); |
133 | charptrT EPDPGNHistory(gamptrT gamptr); |
134 | void EPDCopyInPTP(gamptrT gamptr, epdptrT epdptr); |
135 | void EPDCopyOutPTP(gamptrT gamptr, epdptrT epdptr); |
136 | charptrT EPDFetchRefcomStr(refcomT refcom); |
137 | charptrT EPDFetchRefreqStr(refreqT refreq); |
138 | refcomT EPDFetchRefcomIndex(charptrT s); |
139 | refreqT EPDFetchRefreqIndex(charptrT s); |
140 | refcomT EPDExtractRefcomIndex(epdptrT epdptr); |
141 | refreqT EPDExtractRefreqIndex(epdptrT epdptr); |
142 | siT EPDComm(refintptrT refintptr, charptrT pipebase); |
143 | void EPDInit(void); |
144 | void EPDTerm(void); |
145 | /* *INDENT-ON* */ |
146 | #endif |
147 | /*<<< epd.h: EOF */ |